DayZ - Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance.

Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:00 PM PST

Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance from 07:00 GMT.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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After the developers added presents, I have finally found an FN FAL, they're still out there!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:53 PM PST

Winds noise and animal sounds need to be reduced by 80%

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:48 AM PST

What is too much is too much. Birds are annoying, wind noise is too strong, especially when you are running on a plain hill with no trees around.

submitted by /u/Clipssy
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Storytime! (Chipotle Bandits)

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:42 AM PST

Hey all, This story is about an experience that a friend and I had on Chipotle Bandits yesterday in Severograd (the server's PVP zone). We had recently done a Tisy run and gone to our base to pick up some gear, so we decided to go PVP. I had a fully-kitted M4 and my friend also had an M4 with an SVD.

Almost immediately after getting to Severograd we spotted a player and decided to flank. We ended up getting about 75M behind him while he was in a tree looking for us, not knowing we were behind him. Two suppressed shots with the M4 and he was dead.

Minutes later, still trigger-happy and adrenaline-filled, we heard gunshots coming from apartments that we decided to investigate. We posted up in a house and minutes later we hear players running outside. We quickly discover there is 4 of them that are fully geared. After trash talking to them for a few minutes we decide to surrender, knowing death is probably imminent. I tell my friend that I'll go first, Incase I get lit-up.

After I get done there safely, my friend and I are stripped of everything and our gear is sifted through. The main guy tells us that we will live but they took a lot of gear. They run off and we look at what we have. Not much. The only gun is a CR75 pistol. We book it back to base where, on our way, we find a working truck. We take it to base, get some guns, and drive to Tisy where we end up killing two players. All in all not bad: we survived, found a truck (which we need to haul gear to our base), and we had a great interaction.

Thanks for reading this far!

submitted by /u/WeWantEazy
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new Ghilie pvp vid. °L°

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:18 AM PST

Friendship through DayZ (a little story)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:14 PM PST

2 years ago on this day, me and my friend decided to play some DayZ SA as we used to back then, we usually played as bad guys and would often trick people into joining us, then backstabbing them for their loot (not something I do anymore in the game).

My friend was in Elektro, and I was in Kamyshovo, and my friend heard someone in the police station and tried to talk to him, he got a response,
They talked and my friend got the guy to follow him and meet my up in Kamyshovo, the guy was pretty certain we'd betray him, and so were we, but he still went along,
After meeting up with me we talked a bit and me and my friend try to come up with a plan on how to backstab him later, but we wanted to try something new this time, so we had him around for a while, then we decided to head back to Elektro.

On the way to Elektro again he told us his friend were joining him in a bit, so my friend and I decided to wait even longer, so when got in to Elektro we directly went up north instead by the power plant, meanwhile we added eachother on steam.

Whilst at Topolka Dam we saw 2 busses stand awfully close to eachother so that the doors of both of them were facing the other bus, we decided to try to get in and see what would happen,
First my friend and the guy who tagged along tried, they got out of the bus to find themselves stuck between the both busses, so we started panicking, they tried everything, then I got in one of them and tried to get out,
Same thing happened to me, I got stuck, but one of them got pushed out, so we tried to figure out how to get eachother out, but nothing seemed to work, there was always 2 people stuck.
Later on it was my friend and that other guy stuck together again, and I ran to a nearby village to try and find what was needed to get one of the busses working properly, but I found nothing.
So there we were, stuck, we had no idea what to do.

One hour pass, I got silent and almost facepalmed and calmly said; "guys, why don't we just leave this server, join a new one, then re-join this one?"
Both of them got silent, then we all just burst out laughing at our stupidity, we forgot we were on a public server.
So we left the server, joined another one, walked a few metres away from the busses, then re-joined, and we were free.

After that, my friend had to go get some food, so I was alone with this new guy, so we headed for the hills, east of Topolka dam, and just sat there, waiting and talking.
Eventually his friend got on, we all added eachother on skype and got into a group call, kept playing for a few more hours.
Then we kept in touch with this new guy and his friend, we started gaming daily together, not just DayZ, we bought games to play together, and just got to be really good friends.

And as said, that was 2 years ago, we still keep in touch and play games, not as much due to life getting in the way, but me and my friend went to Denmark (my friend and I are from Sweden) earlier this December for a concert and after we met one of the guys, the one we first met in DayZ, and hung out all night and had a great time.

And to think that one bullet in a game that me and my friend just played for fun and these 2 years could have been so different.
Never thought I'd get friends through DayZ.

(Sorry if this was too long and is told badly, just wanted to share it)

submitted by /u/CookiiMr
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Active RP servers

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:29 AM PST

Are there any decent UK/EU (happy to speak English) servers out there with PvP (but not KOS) /PvE?

submitted by /u/ZabuzaB
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Hello :) I got a new YouTube Video for you :D in wich i fight a 4 man squad. I hope you enjoy it :)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:09 PM PST

Why do we somethimes die when we are on our client behind a corner?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:55 PM PST Today i had a bit of an anyoing death and im wondering if this is something that can be fixed or if its just the way the game is. I would assume that on the other guys screen i was still in his vision so its a client and server desync? This was on the village server so if my killer sees this feel free to share your pov :) Edit:Another intresting thing is that there was 3 guys standing around the offroad but when 2 entered the car they both went invisible is this some redering error same as when doors and wheels are invisible?

submitted by /u/fredde99122
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Vorpx and DayZ

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:25 AM PST

Has anyone on this sub had any luck getting Dayz and Vorpx to work on an HTC Vive? I did some searching and haven't found a success story.

submitted by /u/RoadKill5517
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DayZ on my flatscreen

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:01 PM PST

WastedGG Streamer?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:29 PM PST

What ever happened to this guy. He was pretty good to watch and it was a pretty chill stream. He was doing it every day then suddenly nothing.

submitted by /u/Teknoxyn
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What Community Servers are the best now?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:00 PM PST

Got thousands of hours on mod but only 100 or so on standalone. Last time I played standalone was in the spring. I got whitelisted on dayz underground awhile back but it seems really low pop these days. What are the good community servers now? We prefer pretty much no meta rules because it ruins the organic dayz experience. I'm thinking about anarchy of novo (the old gents of novo) or chipotle bandits possibly but it seems like 0 people are friendly on there which leads to little variation. Any suggestions? We are us east but don't mind playing with higher ping since I would rather have a better experience then a little higher ping.

submitted by /u/MySojuBottle
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Is the Game CPU or GPU based?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:44 AM PST

Hello Survivors,

Is the Game more CPU or GPU based? And will they change it with the new Enfusion Engine in 0.63?

submitted by /u/DMNCOFFICIAL
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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (5:40)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:10 AM PST

Help with FPS Arma 2 Dayz

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:27 AM PST

I recently purchased arma 2 with OA so I can play Dayz but even when I play on a vanilla server with only 2 people in it and with 10 ping I still dip low to 20-10 fps. I don't have that great of specs but I'm soon getting an upgrade (I'm using an i3 processer with 8gb of ram).

submitted by /u/TurtleD4
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Does anyone know how to get Dayz overpoch for Arma 2 Dayz?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:15 AM PST

I was told I need to download Dayz overwatch and Dayz epoch in order to play Dayz overpoch but I cant find a download for overwatch, can anyone help me out I'm brand new to this game.

submitted by /u/TurtleD4
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