Avorion Patch 0.15.6 Patchnotes - Salvaging

Patch 0.15.6 Patchnotes - Salvaging

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:01 AM PST

Alright, so let's talk about salvaging.

What's the Problem?
It has been brought to our attention by many different users that salvaging right now is simply too strong compared to mining. This has multiple reasons, one of them simply being a bug/exploit that drops way too many resources when a wreckage is split in half.

Another reason is that, with the addition of new blocks, wrecks got a kind of value-creep, meaning they received a lot more resources than they should through the addition of more valuable blocks, like for example gyros. This has led to scrapyards and wreckage fields just being massive fields of resources with hundreds of wreckages having hundreds of thousands of resources each. This was never intended to be in the game like that.

One more reason why it's just so much more profitable than mining, is that in addition to lots of resources, wreckages drop upgrades, turrets and cargo as well.

Our Intentions
We want salvaging to be less like mining and more like its own thing, more like actual salvaging or scavenging. We want to emphasize going for the valueable parts in wreckages, using combat weapons to blast away armor and expose generators and others and then salvage them with your salvaging lasers.

Finding a salvageable wreckage should be something special, it's weird when you can just go to a wreckage field and AFK beam through everything (if it's that easy, why wouldn't the NPCs have done that already?). It should also still be rewarding, meaning the resources that you get from a valuable wreckage should still be high in comparison to a normal asteroid.

The Solution
From now on, salvaging lasers will do less damage to blocks that won't give you a high resource yield, giving you immediate feedback on what blocks you should scavenge.

We've also reduced the yield for blocks that are extremely common on wreckages, so that a single wreckage in the naonite belt won't contain 200.000 naonite or more any more (which is just an insane amount, to be honest). In addition to that, you won't be the only one who goes salvaging any more, so you're now less likely to find wreckages that still have valuable parts in them. When you do find one though, it will be pretty much just as rewarding as before, minus the extreme split-the-wreckage-into-half resource drop.

We realize that some of you will be unhappy about this change, but we think the new behavior is healthier for the game in the long run.

So now, keep your eyes open for unsalvaged wreckages, and then salvage their techy (glowy) blocks and expose their valuable parts wherever necessary.

  • You're not the only scavenger: Salvageable wreckages with extremely high resource values are less common
"In order to make up for the potential income deficiency from the salvaging fix and to make mining more profitable, we've adjusted the efficiencies of mining lasers in this patch, too."
  • Salvaging lasers deal less damage to blocks with low yield
  • Reduced harvesting yield for the most common blocks
  • Harvesting yield for blocks like shield/energy generators, batteries, inertia dampeners, etc. remains at 100%
  • Increased Mining Laser base efficiency from 12% to 15%
  • Increased Mining Laser efficiency randomized variety from 0% - 5% to 0% - 10%
  • Increased Mining Laser efficiency scaling from rarity from 5% to 10%
  • Mining laser base efficiency ranges from 10% (worst case + worst rarity) to 75% (best case + best rarity), up from 7% and 42%
  • [UBR] Fixed an issue that led to wreckages dropping lots of resources when split in half
  • [UBR] Fixed an issue where energy required by hyperspace engine would be infinitely large
  • [UBR] Fixed tesla turrets not showing up in turret factory

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