Smite - A Brief history of /r/Smite, and a farewell

A Brief history of /r/Smite, and a farewell

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:52 AM PST

Hey people of /r/Smite,

I wanted to reconstruct a bit of history of the subreddit and Smite, from its earliest stages up until recent. All recollection is done by memory, so it may be possible that information is incorrect – please don't hesitate to reach out so we can rectify it. Included are links to old threads that I feel are worth reading for a good kick of nostalgia. Also, feel free to click on linked user accounts for an occasiona trip down memory lane.

This is a long post, so take care!

Closed and Open Beta (2012-2014)

Smite's closed Beta release on May 31st, 2012 lead to the creation of this subreddit by /u/dmightx, who quickly handed it over to /u/_SOKK_ (later /u/_sockless_), the person in charge. Sockless was well-acquainted in real life with HiRezDuke, the first(?) Community Manager for Smite.

Guan Yu got released as first god after the Alpha, and was considered the most broken thing in the entire history of Smite. Not even one-shot Fenrir, Release Nemesis, or Bellona could match. He was a magical tank with the damage output of a whole team, and was able to easily 1v5 after a few items. Usually, the team that didn't pick a Guan lost. Interestingly, this also shows how the map looked back in beta. Ugly but nostalgic broccoli trees, a fog in the jungle that caused older systems to drop framerates like crazy, and even jungles at the outer edges of the map that contained a health, protections, and cooldown buff.

Guan guide from 2012

LOWPOLYGOD was assigned as new head moderator not too long after, with Sockless staying as secondary mods together with /u/Alecyte. It might be worth nothing that the subreddit had around 6000 subscribers at that point, and HiRez staff was very active – mostly HirezBart hung around every day to comment and post. You can see this by looking at how many times these old posts had HiRez comments in them.

LPG's introduction post

This part is unclear, but at some point, I believe LPG got into an argument with Duke, leading him to kick all mods and leaving the subreddit, to never return. Sockless got hold of /r/Smite again, and re-invited Alecyte to continue. This is when I got accepted into the mod team, along with a few others. From that point on, I basically moderated the subreddit by myself up until /u/NyxAtNight and /u/SkyBlu10 joined the team.

Shortly thereafter, /r/Smite hit 10k subscribers. Pretty crazy at that point in time. HiRez decided to shut down their own forums due to inactivity. Since there was no other centralized Smite discussion place, this subreddit became the most visited community platform, and remains that till this day. A small, dedicated group of players got upset for this decision.

10k subs giveway post

We gave away 10 artemis convention skins. Imagine what they would be worth today if they had never been put in chests… Anyway. User /u/_Ekoz_ Made a series of nice, random infographics related to theorycrafting of certain gods. For example, how much wine Bacchus had to drink. Or why He Bo's hands are spiky. Why humans are faster than Mercury. And so on.

Ekoz' Release the Science: Bacchus

Only a week later, Duke resigned from his CM position. Sockless changed all the up- and downvote buttons into little Duke heads to honour his friend. Additionally, I made a special HiRezDuke flair that persisted for years (and still exists, but is very rare). Duke's goodbye


Duke's position was given to /u/DryBear, who was Community Manager until early 2015.

Launch (2014)

Smite's release followed not too much later, in March 2014. /u/Xioden was a frequent contributor to the subreddit, and eventually got hired by HiRez.

Xioden's Launch Tournament Overview

The launch tourney prize pool was more than $200,000 USD, and a bunch of it came from a share of people purchasing in-game skins, which was a really nice way of crowdfunding. In combination with the official launch and its tournament, the forums were brought back to life, this time with an interface that no longer looked like it came from the previous century.

HiRezStew announces forums

Even though this announcement was pretty hyped, the forums never got as much traction as this subreddit (lol). After a few years however, it appears to be more commonly used. A bit after the launch tournament, out of nowhere, this video was uploaded, which started a meme train of dank Smite montages. Unfortunately, he has unlisted his videos, but they can still be found if you have the link.

Pennsylvania's Joustfather

I'm also sure many of you are well familiar with Schileru, whose videos had gotten really popular around this time, and still are today.

Schileru's Ymir is Here

Season 1-3 (2014-2016)

At some point, the way Patch Notes were presented changed to something similar to what it is now: a serious desk with fairly smooth transitions between in-game and the announcers. Before that time, Bart would go sit in a tiny closet room in the office, and stream the new content with a face camera in the corner. Occasionally other employees (or employers) would come in and talk with him about the changes. It was overall very silly, but it did feel very familiar and was a blast to watch.

/u/HiRezArchov became known as 'the MOTD guy', as he pushed for new, interesting mechanics such as extra cooldown or decreased abilities. Archov being hyped for max cooldown MOTDs

Additionally – and I am sorry for writing this – but Hirez' CEO got shadowbanned from Reddit by asking for upvotes on a spoiler thread for Global Agenda 2, a game that was announced by the company, but never released. A couple of salty people from Tribes: Ascend reported him and he was banned.

In January, /u/HiRezBart and /u/HiRezKelly left the smite team. Throughout the years, this iconic duo had become HiRez' figureheads, and many people were sad to see them go. Not too much later, /u/HiRezAPC also left the team, who had been doing the eSports management from the very beginning. A big core part of the old public face was gone after this.

Farewell from Kelly and Bart

APC's goodbye

I'd like to give a small shoutout to /u/Probably_psycho for probably being the most persistent user for years. You go! Other long-time users I came to know over the years, you know who you are.

Since I've been absent for most of the time at the end of 2015, I can't really say I know much more. There are many interesting stories from then, and I'd like to tell them sometime. Back in the day, I dreamed of working at HiRez, but never gotten around to properly applying. Big thanks to all the previous mods that have volunteered to help in the past.

Because of my absence, it is well overdue for me to leave my position, and hand it over to /u/TripleCharged, who has been taking the lead for a year already. I'm entirely confident it is in the right hands with the current mod team and wish them the best of luck in the future.

If you have any questions for me about /r/Smite or any particular story of the past, don't hesitate to Ask Me Anything about it. I'll gladly discuss and talk you up.

submitted by /u/CtrlAltDefeated
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Made Chaac into his own Flat Ride \o/

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:05 PM PST

2 bombs instead of 4 for the Nightmare patch in adventures.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:49 AM PST

I think we most of us can agree that that part (the frozen door) is too slow and cuts the pace of the game. By the point the nightmare patch is deploy most people will already have most of the necesary items, so i dont think that making that section shorter is gonna make people exploit it or something. At that point people will only try to win the final boss as quick as possible

submitted by /u/FrancoSmiteArg
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Can HirezTv ban the word Loot in chat already? It makes twitch chat even more unbearable than usual

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:26 AM PST

I swear 90% of the messages are complaining about not getting loot, or just saying 'loot' as if that makes any difference. Just makes the chat utterly pointless

submitted by /u/GottaSnatchEmAll
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Totally calculated. Kappa!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:37 AM PST

[Recolour] Sly One (Fenrir)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:50 AM PST

Conquest Starts Explained feat. DayToRemeber

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:52 PM PST

Please stop re rolling healers

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:29 PM PST

As the title says, it is so frustrating to play assault and get a healer on your team to have it re rolled into bakasura. Now you're facing an enemy team that has a healer so they have a huge advantage. I understand healers might be boring to you, that's fine, don't re roll it trade it to somebody. It's not fair for the rest of your team to make the matchups uneven. I'm well aware you can win without heals facing heals. That's not my point and the factors in that include the enemy team being potatoes. You know the enemy team has a healer when you get one, so stop being selfish and re rolling it.

submitted by /u/Liteboyy
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SCL LAN final game will go down in history

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:34 PM PST

I can't even, if you haven't seen it, go watch the game 2 between SoaR and CAZ, what an ending and what a game.

In my mind goes down as the most hyped non worlds game ever

submitted by /u/AlphaJackal
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Warning: Don’t buy green items in the adventure.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:50 AM PST

In Trials, buying green items was the way to go because then the first boss chest would give you blue items. In Shadows' continuing theme of anti-fun, that is no longer the case. Once you have all green items, completing the frozen gate gives you a steaming pile of nothing. A surprising design choice, since defeating draugr on "easy mode" requires a number of blue items.

So save your gold for blues or purples, as only green items will come from that chest each time you sit through "AFK for four minutes."

I had to learn this the hard way and am hoping to prevent others from feeling my pain. I definitely won't be playing the adventure anymore until some serious changes are made.

submitted by /u/ItsJustNigel
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How To Speedrun Adventures

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:46 AM PST

Matty for HiRez President 2017

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:32 PM PST

Fun Montage I made, check it out!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:12 PM PST

Romulus and Reemus SMITE God Concept The Wolf-Raised Twins

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:26 PM PST

DISCLAIMER: I literally got a Reddit account for the purpose of making this concept, i have no idea how to use Reddit. But i'm just going to list everything that I would like to see if Romulus & Remus were in SMITE.

LORE: Many have heard the tale of the Romulus & Remus, The Wolf-Raised Twins. There were thrown into the Tiber River, ordered by Amulius. Who was so thirsty for the power he overthrew the King of Alba Longa, Numitor.

 But, somehow, they were saved by a she-wolf, who took care of them by raising them after they'd been released into the wild, being part of Amulius' plan for power. After their nourishment from the she-wolf, Romulus and Remus venture into the cities, giving back the power to the former King of Alba Longa, Numitor. After they enter to be Young adults, they encounter Amulius' reign, and also, Remus had been captured and was brung into Alba Longa, so obviously he had to free him. In the end, Amulius is killed and Numitor continues to reign Alba. Romulus and Remus then venture of to create the city of Rome. 

PLAYSTYLE: Romulus and Remus are stance switchers, but the instead of switching stances they switch people as a whole (Sort of like Castor & Pollux). Romulus is an Assassin using the power of wolves, and Remus uses iron Roman weapons such as a pilum, a gladius, etc (like Bellona.)

 **ABILITIES**: Romulus & Remus' Passive: Passive: Wolf Taught * When Romulus and Remus are together, both alive, they'll gain bonus MVMT Speed and Power. When one of the twins are low on health, they seek the aid of the other brother. Giving the one with most health double the bonuses. Also each person gets a buff when in stance (EX: Romulus gets +10% Attack Speed, Remus gets +10 Protections every 5 levels.) Romulus 1: Lupercal Den * Romulus huddles into a Den, being unable to move . When in the den he is invisible and can leap out and stun an enemy, if he he hits more than one, Remus instantly comes out and does his 1 after the stun. IF THIS IS DONE BOTH COOL DOWNS WILL BE LOWERED BY 3 SECONDS. Damage: 85-120-155-190-225 Stun Duration: 1.25 sec Romulus 2: Wolf Spirit Cool down: 19-17-15-13-12sec Romulus howls to the wolves, pleading for help, and recieves a heal and 2 small buffs, they give bonus MVMT Speed and bonus Attack speed MVMT Speed: +10-12-14-16-20. Heal: +75 - 125 - 175 - 225- 275. Attack Speed: +15% at all ranks. Cooldown: 14-13-12-12 Romulus 3: Claw Bombardment Romulus throws Iron claws in front of him that can affect a bleed onto the receivers. Can be used on GODS AND MINIONS. If this attack hits 2 or more gods, Remus instantly does his 1 after all the hits. IF THIS IS DONE, BOTH COOL DOWNS ARE REDUCED BY 4 SECONDS. Remus 1: Blood Rampage Remus allies with Romulus to charge into enemies , when hitting minions during this attack, Romulus will instantly use his 1. Damage: 80-125-150-175-200 Cool down: 15-14-13-11-9 Remus 2: Defender of Numitor 

Remus shields up, creating an Aura that reduces all damage taken for allies that are within range, when close to Remus, enemies caught in Remus casting the ability will be rooted for .75 seconds. DMG Reduction: 20-25-30-40-50% Root Duration: .75 seconds Cool down: 13 seconds at all ranks Romulus & Remus 4: Substition When needed, Romulus or Remus substitutes themselves out of the battle to let the other in, when used , if ready, the brothers can use their 1's to enter the fight. This will make the ability on cool down when entering the battle

PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD ADJUST This is bound to have a few problems so feel free to let me now what to change and what needs explaining.

Whelp, Later.

submitted by /u/Frizz-_
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Rama Gold Fury snipe +1

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:22 AM PST

Strife Duet (MS Paint)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST

Hindu Loading Screen Skin (Odyssey)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:24 AM PST

We need more anti crit items for tanks. Getting hit by 3 basics should not kill me with how much health and defense I have.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:39 PM PST

300 physical protections. Nearly 3k health. Namien lion, mitigation from spirit robe and a shield from bulwark plus thorns and I'm still getting hit for 500. What is the point of protections in this game if they don't really seem to matter?

submitted by /u/xTopperBottoms
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Adventure Gold

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:43 AM PST

Why didn't Hi-Rez give us like 5 gold per elite monster or 1 gold per tiny monster? It shouldn't take as 7/8 runs up to the Surtr just to get 1 epic when there are 89 of them and 49 of them are useless. Adding those tiny gold wouldn't break the adventure and make it too easy. It would still promote grinding while giving a reasonable time sink for the whole thing.

submitted by /u/EpicRez1
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[God Concept Update] Echidna, Mother of Monsters

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:47 PM PST


Somehow after like 3 years I finally found the formula on how I want this god to work?

Primary List of Concepts
Secondary List of Concepts

Pantheon: Greek
Class: Guardian
Subclass: Caster
Type: Melee, Magical
Pros: Map vision, global aid.
Cons: Movement, damage.


Echidna is the mother of many Greek monsters and demons, usually by the monstrous Typhon. She is the child of Phorcys and Ceto and typically the mother of Cerberus, the Lernaean Hydra, the Chimera, Orthrus, and many others. She is also thought to personify the gross swamps and poisons of the Earth.


Echidna is an unusual Guardian who uses her monster-spawning powers to aid allies and herself from large distances. Echidna herself is slow, but her monsters are what make up for it. Her bird allows her to protect allies directly while also being able to follow them, and her serpents allow her to be a living ward. Her tunnels allow her to travel across the map in great distances since she is so slow. Echidna has no attack progression. She has the lowest movement speed in the game at 300.


Echidna is a gross heavyset monster with traits from almost all of her children. Her hair drapes down her body wet with murky water, and her face is horrifying to behold. Her body has mouths opening in random places as well as scales and other odd patterns sprinkled across it. In total she looks like a nasty mermaid. Her voice is groggy and watery which adds to her already nasty demeanor.

Passive - Born of the Bog

  • Echidna will spawn a fish-like minion from her body every 10s, which travels to the nearest lane and attacks as a normal minion. This fish minion has 15% of Echidna's max health added on to it's own basic minion health and will last until killed. The enemy who killed it will be revealed by the Bog debuff for 3s. Echidna may only have 3 of these active at a time.

Ability I - Murky Depths

Ability Type: Leap
Range: 250ft
Radius: 15ft

  • Echidna slithers into a pool of muddy water, reappearing anywhere she pleases within an enormous radius. In her previous location she will spawn a small dog-like minion which attacks the nearest enemy, dealing damage to them until it is killed or despawned. The dog has melee minion HP.

Dog Damage: 25/35/45/55/65
Cost: 80
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16s

Ability II - Winged Evil

Ability Type: Pet
Range: 55ft
Radius: 10ft

  • Echidna spawns a metal bird on an ally which instantly shifts her camera view toward it. While your view is on this bird she will retreat underground, becoming untargetable until the bird dies. While your view is on the bird you will gain a new set of abilities to aid your allies with, however the ally is in control of movement. The ally also gains 10/15/20/25/30 protections while the bird is active.
    Echidna's basic attacks become regular ranged basic attacks, dealing the same amount of damage.
    Murky Depths becomes Metal Volley, which shoots metal feathers in a 25ft fan and deals damage to enemies, as well as slows them by 10/15/20/25/30% for 3s.
    Winged Evil despawns the bird and returns you back to your position.
    Draconian Spawn becomes Corrosion, which emits a poisonous 20ft AoE from the ally that stuns enemies for 1s. This also reduces their healing for the next 3s by 10/15/20/25/30%.

    If the ally dies while the bird is attached to them the bird will also die and you will return to Echidna's view.

Metal Volley Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+40% of your magical power)
Draconian Spawn Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% of your magical power)
Cost: 75
Metal Volley/Draconian Spawn Cost: 50
Metal Volley/Draconian Spawn Cooldown: 12s
Cooldown: 14s

Ability III - Draconian Spawn

Ability Type: Pet
Range: 40ft
AoE: 10ft

  • Echidna spawns a serpent from the ground which remains stationary and acts as a living ward, being able to see enemies within 30/35/40/45/50ft of itself. If an enemy comes within 20ft of it the serpent will attack, spewing venom at the enemy which applies a protections debuff for 3/3.25/3.5/3.75/4s. After applying the debuff the serpent will continue to attack every 1s until killed, and will not reapply the debuff at any point. Echidna may have up to 1/1/2/2/3 of these on the map at a time.

Serpent Damage: 30/40/50/60/70
Serpent Health: 20/25/30/35/40 (+15% of Echidna's max health)
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
Cooldown: 17s

Ultimate - Metamorphosis

Ability Type: Buff
Range: 0ft
Radius: 0ft

  • Echidna grants herself a hyperbuff that mutates any of the spawns she creates for 5/5.5/6/6.5/7s. Her passive minions now have brute minion damage and health, and all of her other spawns deal an increased 5/10/15/20/25% damage. Her bird provides 15% of Echidna's protections as additional protections for the ally, Metal Volley reaches to 35ft, Corrosion reaches 30ft, and her Draconian Spawn has an increased 20% vision. The mutated spawn will remain until killed or replaced.

Cost: 90
Cooldown: 70s

Please note that all my concepts are a WIP and will be updated constantly. Any constructive criticism, questions, and feedback is appreciated. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Kaios-0
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Nike's best buff would be more visual clarity.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:07 AM PST

Remember the phrase seeing is believing? Well....


Well, i could end it there but lets think about this for a moment....

  • Nike's 1 reduces protects by 4/8/12/16/20, which is good but mostly felt midgame when her 1 is maxed and most people still have lower prots/hp pools because it will do good damage.

  • Nike's 2 gives her 30 mp/5 and makes another ability better...

  • Nike's 3 actually requires input

  • Nike's 4 is an instant 20% slow and 40% when used with her 2 and a crazy hp shield...

  • Nike's passive also just kind of... happens. Kill 10 gods? Usually happens on every mode... kill 250 minions? usually siege/conq only... at least two allies are 20? Well the only map you're going to be in 20 for an extended amount of time is conquest.

Way too much of nike's kit is invested into free stats and passives that most players aren't going to notice. Free movement is huge on conq (not so much on other maps), protection shred is really nice but rarely ever noticed (look at guan's 3 for a barely felt effect) and her 30 hp/5 is amazing on conquest when combined with a chalice it pretty much gives her infinite hp sustain when roaming...

But in an actual fight the nike player will generally leap in, knock up the enemies follow up with her 1 and then basic but most of her team won't see what she has don. as an example;

Most people without looking at stats will say that hel's 1 obviously heals for even though it is the exact same base and scaling (hel's 3 ticks for 30 every 1s for 6s with a 5% ratio. Hel's 1 is 180 + 30%.) But you feel the instant heal more because you see it happening, for nike her abilities do things, you just don't see them.

  • Is Nike strong? Yes, she has some of the best passive bonuses in the game that she doesn't even really need to think about.

  • Does she feel strong? No, because most of her abilities give off buffs/debuffs that most people simply can't see

Give nike's 1 a small but noticable aura around debuffed targets and let the green on her staff glow a bit brighter when she levels up her 2 to tell people she has the hp/5 going.

While this wouldn't make everyone say 'omg nike so stronk' it would at least make a good portion of people know she isn't anywhere near as bad as most claim.

submitted by /u/Godman873
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Nerf/qol idea for cu chuliann.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:13 PM PST

When cu goes berserk, the fury bar over his character goes from whatever percentage it's at to 25% instantly. What if it jumped to 100% when he goes berserk and then over the next 20s goes down to 0%, then jumps to 25%.
Simply put, allow his fury bar to be used as a timer by the enemy team that way they have a better idea of when to re engage.

submitted by /u/villanoinker
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Jumping saves lives!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:27 AM PST

Assault should have a list of unrollable gods

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:00 PM PST

Title Going against Zeus 5 matches in a row is just outright unfair

AT LEAST let teams surrender earlier (maybe 5 mins) incase a matchup is unwinnable from the get go. No one has fun dealing with a VEL spamming Zeus + odin + scylla.

And before someone says "just poke them out" I was given sylvanus, geb, khepri, ymir, and tyr. full defense did nothing vs his kit.

submitted by /u/Sorivius
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Thoughts on the best Ultimates in the game?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:53 PM PST

Research and stuff, some additional opinions besides my own would be great to have.

Batz, Ama, Terra, Odin, Morrigan, Cupid, Janus, Nem would be some of my picks.

submitted by /u/WillJackman
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Black Knigjt Osiris

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:06 PM PST

Whoever wants it for PC, pm me I know this isn't smite trades but I'm giving it away tbh

Edit: I have another one, ps4 and xbox message for it

submitted by /u/PullinShades
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