Pokémon GO - Complaint Threads and moving forward

Complaint Threads and moving forward

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:40 AM PST

Hello Trainers!

We come to you with some rule changes that we hope
will promote a more positive environment here on r/pokemongo. As always, these changes will undergo a trial period, and we welcome feedback and comments!

This subreddit has become a place for people to vent their frustrations and concerns, and a lot of the time it is done in an uncivilized manner that does not promote discussion, it is simply the user lashing out. We'd like to move away from that, and try and promote more discussion based threads.

Going forward:

  • We will be removing uncivil complaint threads and comments. We welcome any submissions that politely criticize the game and build discussion(e.g. I really dislike X, so I propose we change that X to a Y, as this will improve Z. How do you guys feel about this?).

  • We will be opening a weekly RAGE thread, simply used for all your general complaints.

We aren't looking to silence your opinions, we're just hoping to lean the sub towards a more civilized constructive discussion, and away from rudeness. We're hoping this changed approach will make a difference to the environment here.

If you'd like to help, please report rude threads, and we will take action on them. We are also currently looking for any volunteers that want to help make this sub a better place, click here if you're interested in joining the mod team (We'll be closing the applications Monday).

Feel free to use this thread to discuss these changes, or send us a modmail any time.

Edit: to the first bullet point

submitted by /u/PokemonGOmods
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[Discussion] Who else is feeling very discouraged to play?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 03:58 PM PST

It seems there's no benefit to contuing to play anymore because there's nothing new to do in the game. Lots of people I know who play are feeling very depressed; we have meet ups every week and each time they seem more and more disinterested. Does anyone else feel like the 'adventure' aspect of the game really has no substance to it anymore? It's just not worth it... Only the spoofers are getting Mewtwo while many people are stuck here with no ex Raids :(

submitted by /u/PokeMasterSeif
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Dear Niantic, can you please stop robbing us from our victories?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:52 AM PST

As one of few challenges left in the game, many players enjoy solo raiding.

However, anyone who's even the least passionate about solo raiding can tell you about a raid where they really did deserve a victory but were robbed of the last few seconds, resulting in a Time's Up screen where there should have been a You Win! Now, there are many problems with raiding – pretty much no one starts with a full timer, the game is much better optimized for iOS than Android, there are various glitches and bugs causing problems – but, in my opinion, the most infuriating issue is that many of us time out with several seconds remaining on the clock.

I've had this happen to me way too many times now.

All of these end with a Time's Up screen – unfairly, if you ask me.

Niantic, I don't know the technical details of how to solve this (perhaps this subreddit does?), and I am sure you already have a ton of other work to do, but can you please stop robbing us of our victories?

submitted by /u/TheHazelime
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For a game less than than one and half year old, no field test is supposed to take absurdly 3month. Not to mention it involves one of the most valuable beasts.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:00 PM PST

For a game that makes million dollars, it would have been much better if 10% of the money has been reinvested.

And yet, 2month, no communication at all?

Are they testing how angry we can be!!!

submitted by /u/chosepassword
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[Idea] Daily Outbreaks of Pokemon

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 08:19 PM PST

[Idea] Pokémon GO 2: What PoGo could be...

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:30 AM PST

Pokemon Go 2.0

What Pokemon Go could be...


Pokémon GO is an awesome game, but since the launch, the majority of players have stopped playing because there's just no depth to the game. This article is what I would change about Pokémon GO if I had the opportunity to do so. I try to address some of the major issues for rural players as well, and just change the things that don't make any sense whatsoever to begin with. I'm trying to do this in a way that makes sense (commercially) as well, with additional interesting ways to spend gold.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Niantic in any way, nor am I a game developer. Most of the ideas are mine, albeit inspired on modern idle/mobile games.

Disclaimer 2: I know a lot of these things can and would be abused by spoofers and other forms of cheaters. These people shouldn't dictate how the game is played however, and instead should be dealt with. Moreover, a lot of people spoofing right now do so because they cannot play in their physical location, which a lot of my changes try to solve.

Disclaimer 3: I made this mostly for fun, because i wanted to do something creative around Pokémon GO, and as an exercise in game design and UX design. I welcome any critiques you may have, along with correcting my English, since it's not my native language.

Let's get into it!

  1. Pokémon Catches

    1.1 Stardust rewards

  2. Items

    2.1 Shop

    2.2 Supply Drop

    2.3 Raid Pass

    2.4 Incense

    2.5 Daily Login Bonus

  3. Battle System

  4. Gyms

    4.1 Attacking & Defending Gyms

    4.2 Raids

    4.3 Battle Lobby

    4.4 EX Raids

  5. Player Profile

    5.1 Medals & Badges

    5.2 Trainer Points

  6. Interface & User Experience

    6.1 Notifications & Interface

    6.2 Inbox

    6.3 Push notifications

    6.4 GO Plus

  7. Quests

  8. Battle Tower

  9. Community

    9.1 Community Manager

    9.2 Real World Events

  10. Bugfixes

1. Pokémon catches

1.1 Stardust rewards

When catching a less desirable pokémon, you were always rewarded the same amount of stardust. This leads to the unintuitive idea that low level pokémon are more desirable than higher level ones, since they're easier to catch. In short, you should be rewarded for your effort in catching a higher level pokémon.

  • Catching a pokémon now grant stardust depending on their level.
    • Stage 1 evolution: 50 to 250 stardust.
    • Stage 2 evolution: 100 to 500 stardust.
    • Stage 3 evolution: 200 to 1000 stardust.

2. Items

2.1 Shop

Simply buying revives, potions or pokéballs feels like a trap since more densily pokéstopped areas allow you to get these easily for free. For more rural areas however, we're introducing a new item that will provide trainers with an alternative way of acquiring basic gameplay items. Also, we're giving trainers the option to change their team.

Another issue we're addressing is trainers missing nearby pokémon because they take no priority in the "nearby" screen. You will now be able to buy permanent "filters" to make specific pokémon no longer appear on the nearby list.

  • Removed pokéballs, revives and potions from the shop
  • Added Supply Drop to the shop
    • 100 coins
  • Added Team Change to the shop
    • Free the first time
    • 2000 coins after the first time
  • Added Nearby Filter Upgrade to the shop
    • (See below)
    • 200 coins: +1

2.2 Supply Drop

A supply drop is an item that will spawn a box of basic items within walking distance of your location. Players receive one every day provided they do not already own one. The box is only visible for the player that spawned it.

  • Spawns a box within 1km (0.6 miles) distance of your location.
  • Remains at the location for 2 hours or until it has been picked up, after which it despawns.
  • Contains a large amount of basic items: Pokéballs, berries, revives and potions
  • Only you can see your supply drop.

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/6NUgzfu

2.3 Raid Pass

Losing a raid pass because you weren't able to play for a while hurts. Rural players especially, who need to travel to find raids they can do, are victim of this. That's why raid passes now accumulate up to 3 times. This way, players can go 2 days without raiding and have 3 passes available to them the third day.

  • You can now hold 3 raid passes.
  • Raid passes are granted at daily login rewards, rather than by spinning a gym.

2.4 Incense

Incense have basically become irrelevant for most players, since the pokémon they spawn are usually common and far apart, making them not worth their money. We're giving incense more value to players unable to access different biome's or nests by adding a candy-blending mechanic. On top of that, incense will now increase the capability of your buddy pokémon!

  • Now costs 100 coins (from 80).
  • Spawns pokémon much more frequently, especially while moving.
  • When activating an incense, you may sacrafice one candy of a pokémon of your choosing, which will slightly increase the odds of a pokémon of the same type spawning from incense.
  • Now doubles the amount of distance gained by your buddy while the incense is active.

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/BEgnyn7

2.5 Daily login bonus

  • You are now awarded a raid pass and a supply drop (provided you have less than 3 raid passes and no supply drops in inventory) every day upon logging in.

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/iJz2vWl

3. Battle system

I won't be spending too much time on this, because other people have done so already, so I will instead be referring to Trainer Tips ' video on a reworked battle system, because I found it very well thought out, realistic and open for growth. Go follow the guy. He rocks.


Note: I will be continuing my ideas based on Nick's proposal for the battle system.

4. Gyms

4.1 Attacking and defending gyms

Taking over and holding gyms has not been very exciting since the gym update, so we're giving players a competitive incentive to compete for their local gyms again for more than just your daily coins.Also, remote berry feeding should feel less impactful than doing so at the gym, so we're nerfing the effect of golden razz berries.

  • Each gym now has a global leaderboard of the top 15 players at a certain gym. (based on points).
  • Each gym holds statistics of which team has been the most dominant in the last 30 days.
  • Feeding a golden razz berry remotely now only restores half a pokémon's missing motivation.
  • Gym motivation loss over time is based on pokémon level rather than pokémon CP (to balance out the battle system rework).

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/xMDAfF4

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/6N5OGjJ

4.2 Raids

Raids have become stale for most players due to always having the same few pokémon in raids. That's why the pokémon appearing in raids will now be rotated every other week. We're also rewarding players for coming with the right counters and packing the biggest punch, along with giving another incentive to try and solo raids.

  • Raid pokémon now rotate every 14 days.
    • More common pokémon will appear in the rotation more often and will be lower level.
  • Raid rewards slightly scale with the player's portion of damage dealt to the raid pokémon. (Don't let your first team die!)
  • Raids eggs now appear one hour before the egg hatches, and the raid itself will be availble for another hour.
  • Raids now end at 11:00 PM everywhere. (Fixed timezone bug)

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/6N5OGjJ

On top of this, we're giving players a way to communicate and arrange meetings at raids, without relying on third-party communication.

  • Raids can be marked as "interested", "on my way", or "present".
  • Other players can see how many players have marked a raid.
  • Marking a raid will notify the players that have already marked the raid.

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/WBuu4J9

4.3 Battle Lobby

Having a lot of pokémon can make it difficult to know which is which. Long pressing on a pokémon in the lobby will now display information.

  • Long-pressing on a pokémon in the picking screen now displays its moveset, its note (see below), and its type.

4.4 EX Raids

The current way EX Raids are handed out feels too much reliant on luck, and active players aren't necessarily rewarded for their effort, which was exactly what we wanted to achieve with EX Raids. So we're making it a little easier to get an EX Raid invitation through other ways, along with adding consistency and better communication to the old method.

  • When an EX Raid is planned at a gym where you have a golden medal or above, you are immediately invited.
  • EX Raids are handed out more consistently and more commonly. Every player that fought a raid at the same gym will now receive an invitation for the EX Raid held at said gym.

5. Player Profile

5.1 Medals & badges

  • Medals and badges now have a platinum level beyond gold.
  • Additional medals have been added:
    • Collect (5 - 25 - 125 - 600) supply drops (see above)
    • Complete (5 - 20 - 80 - 300) quests (see below)

5.2 Trainer Points

One thing Pokémon GO lacks right now is a competitive aspect. That's why we're introducing a new metric for trainers to compare to each other.

  • Trainers now have a certain amount of Trainer Points based on their pokémon caught, battles won, distance walked, and medals (the latter act as multipliers).
  • Trainers can compare to their friends, and can see a global ranking of the 300 best players in the world, in their continent and in their country.

6. Interface and User Experience

6.1 Notifications & Interface

Right now, aside from a pokémon spawning, shaking your phone or the sound indicator upon nearing a pokéstop is the only "head's up" the game gives you for anything. That's why we're adding a new notification system to the game. Basically, we're making the interface more interactive.

  • Changes:
    • Nearby list
    • You can now buy filters to remove pokémon from your nearby list in order to only see more desirable ones.
    • Shake/sound when a new raid spawns nearby
    • Shake/sound when marked (see above) raid hatches or another player marks the raid.
    • Shake/sound when incubator that has recently hatched has not been refilled yet within one minute of it hatching.
    • Shake/sound when Quest spawns nearby.

6.2 Inbox

The inbox will hold more permanent/long-term notifications. It replaces the "news" section in your profile.

  • EX Raid invitations
  • Friend requests
  • Event Information

6.3 Push Notifications

Fully customizable Push notifications allow you to get the right information at the right time.

  • Actually on time now
  • Customizable:
    • Friend messages
    • Event information
    • Ex Raid invitation
    • Pokémon knocked out of gym
    • Pokémon in gym under attack

6.4 GO Plus

The GO Plus feels lackluster, and with the changes to stardust rewards for harder pokémon, we made some quality of life changes.

  • You can now set the Go Plus to use Great Balls on pokémon over a certain CP treshold.
  • Fixed connectivity issues with GO Plus.

7. Quests

PokéStops will now periodically spawn a quest master for 8 hours (familiar faces from the franchise!), for which you will be notified. When near the PokéStop, you will be able to accept (or deny) a quest for which, upon completion and returning to the quest master, you will be rewarded. Rewards will include Rare Randy, TMs, Lures, Incubators, and maybe even a rare pokémon!

Example Quests:

  • YOUNGSTER JOEY: Catch 5 XL ratata.
  • BROCK: Catch 15 rock types.
  • SABRINA: Catch 10 pokémon in a row with only excellent throws.
  • GIOVANNI: Catch 10,000 CP worth of pokémon.
  • ...

Quests will be fairly rare and have a limited completion timer, so be sure to check them out in time!

8. Battle Tower

Battle towers are an all new structure that will appear on the map. They'll be rare, so you will need to travel to reach them. At a battle tower, you can finally battle your friends and other attendees in real-time and prove who is the better pokémon trainer once and for all!

In PVP battles you will choose a team from your own pokémon, but with their level set to level 30. You may only choose from pokémon at level (trainer level - 10) or above. (*) The selection screen will only display those pokémon.

  • Choose a team from your own Pokémon
  • You can only pick pokémon that are level (your trainer level - 6) or higher. (*)
  • Pokémon you choose will have their level set to 30 for the battle
  • Movesets, abilities and IVs will remain the same

(\) Otherwise a low level pokémon could be worth just as much or more in PVP than the ones you committed to levelling up.*

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/sw5qhb8

  • You can battle your friends in a private match, or enter a lobby to choose an opponent.
  • Minimum level required: 20
  • You can battle for free, or wager 10, 20 or 100 pokécoins. The loser will transfer his coins to the winner.

IMAGE: https://imgur.com/7KNio6m

9. Community

9.1 Community Manager

Niantic now has two dedicated full-time community managers, who will handle communication on social media, along with moderate an official Discord server. They will answers any questions they can on twitter, reddit, facebook and discord.

9.2 Real World Events

Events will no longer hand out region exclusive pokémon, since that drastically diminshed the value of region exclusives people actually travelled for. Instead they will make pokémon available that served the same purpose in the main series games: To be handed out at events. Those pokémon include: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, etc. They will be made available through special event-only Quests and Raids.

10. Bug Fixes

  • Fixed "dodge glitch", that would cause pokémon in gym battles to lose health (and die) even after succesfully dodging, freezing them in death for the duration of their remaining life.
  • Fixed battle timers issues to now match the same client-independent clock.
  • Minor text fixes
  • r
  • ...
submitted by /u/rmonik
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He's a keeper!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 11:14 AM PST

[Idea] If/when there is a Fighting-type event, it should be a charity event to fight cancer

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:08 PM PST

Lots of great ways to do this and raise money, special items in the shop where the proceeds go to charity, etc. Catch challenges, raid challenges, gym challenges with leaderboards that donate in the player's honor. Just spitballin. Carry on.

submitted by /u/SockBramson
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Niantic lied to us. There was no announcement.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:48 PM PST

I cant believe it. I've officially lost all hope. I uninstalled the game, and am never playing it again.

submitted by /u/AtakuHydra
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[Photo] Can Somebody Explain this??

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:48 PM PST

[Complaint] Where have all the potions gone?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 04:08 PM PST

Has anyone noticed a lack of potions? Since the last update I've been struggling to keep my fighters healthy.

submitted by /u/Wolv90
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What does everyone think of this? Niantic is apparently handpicking 'famous' testers for some mysterious event/features to likely hype them up before release..

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 07:15 AM PST

Just wanted to say good bye and thanks

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:36 PM PST

Title pretty much sums it up.

Started playing Pokémon Go when it came out, so so excited about the potential.

Stopped playing for a while because the gyms seemed intimidating but started up again when niantic released the baby Pokémon for New Years.

The game gradually got more enjoyable, I loved trying to take down 10 tier gyms by myself, trying to figure out the best 6 Pokémon to do it with and see if I could beat all 10 with just 6.

Ah the good old days.

I was super excited for the gym rework as well, it sounded dope.

However the short turnover made the game more annoying then fun and challenging, drop a Pokémon in a gym and 5 mins later it comes right back to you with nothing to show.

I live in a kinda rural area, took our local discord/Facebook groups a little while to join up for raids, but the raids were fun to start with. Getting. 5 people together wasn't too hard.

14 for Lugia was tough but we still managed it.

Unfortunately after the gym rework, niantic were more and more pathetic with the way they went about things and it started to upset me.

I would come here to see funny jokes and memes but gradually those became less and less and more jokes about niantic abusing its players and more complaints about unhappy community members.

I stopped walking daily and Pokémon go started to fade from my life.

I thought until recently I could stay subscribed to the sub and maybe see a couple of jokes here and there but I have given up waiting on gen 3 and I have given up on niantic.

Just wanted to thank you all for being as thick headed as me when it came to the money grubbing corporation that is niantic and sticking to the game because you love Pokémon.

I started playing the original games again and they are miles better than niantic's terrible version.

I have been really happy since I stopped playing and now as I bid farewell to this community I hope all of you can give niantic the finger at some point and delete their trash as well with a smile on your face knowing that the game's best days are behind it and you enjoyed it while it lasted.

Anyways dear comerade trainers, I look forward to maybe trading (for real though lol) with you in the new versions of Pokémon Sun and Moon and until then, I hope you stay happy.

Love you all.

submitted by /u/MilkmanBlazer
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Will we ever have an in-game chat?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:10 AM PST

Rant: Raiding is becoming extremely difficult to get numbers for Level 4/5's with Winter settling in up in the great white north. We still have some newcomers to the game dropping into gyms, but no way of connecting with them unless timing is perfect that we're both at the gym at the same time. Can we get some way to contact other players in-game? Seriously Niantic, help us be able to connect with other trainers so raid success is more attainable.

submitted by /u/The_Nak
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[Complaint] Lets be proactive. Sign the petition to have Ex Raids removed

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 02:02 PM PST

To those who have received EX raid invites and caught Mewtwo - what is your opinion of the game? Are you still playing?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 08:25 AM PST

Besides the initial hype before the first invite, there is now only a lot of bitterness and nonchalance.

The game is dying (not exaggerating) with there nothing really to do for even those of us without Mewtwo.

So, are you guys all still playing?

What are your goals?

We can't even fight gyms now with the potion and revive nerf, so there's really nothing to do.

submitted by /u/tbk007
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Evolving and CP

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:06 PM PST

Is it better to raise my Pokémon's CP to the max and then evolve it or evolve then raise CP, will there be a difference?

submitted by /u/ScytheMaster117
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Little photo I made for my Thanksgiving event expectations. Made in 15-20 minutes!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 07:16 PM PST

[Idea] Varying Raid Rewards Depending On Raid Boss

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 04:19 PM PST

Hello r/PokemonGo! I've been noticing quite a lot of inactivity from my local raid group as of late. Suicune is quite a disappointing Pokemon at face value, and the dropping temperatures have made the masses more picky about which bosses to tackle. After the raid pool shake-up, many moans and groans were heard about bosses that aren't even remotely worth our gold and time, like Nidoking/queen and Poliwrath. Also, the inherent value of capturing more of the prior raid pool bosses has dropped significantly. Raid callouts have funneled into tier 3's and TTar (occasionally Golem).

This shows an inherent flaw in the raid system: too much value is built into the raid boss capture itself. This causes low total raid participation as we struggle to find 'good' bosses with little info given before the hatch (coloring the eggs and increasing the boss spawn timer would go a long way, but that's another story).

If we make lesser raid bosses more appealing, we might have a resurgence of activity. We can do that by adjusting the item rewards based on the raid boss.

A lot of my theory is based off the research conducted by TheSilphRoad a while back. While these conclusions are outdated based on the potion reward changes, the basis is still the same. We are awarded through two variable avenues: Number of bundles, and Number of items in each bundle. We can change both of these variables based on the raid boss in question.

For example (using tier 4 bosses):

  • Nidoking/Nidoqueen increase the relative probabilities for Fast/Charged TMs, respectively, to drop.

  • Victreebel doubles the amount of Golden Razzberries dropped in each bundle.

  • Poliwrath doubles the amount of Rare Candies dropped in each bundle.

  • Golem doubles the amount of Hyper Potions and Revives in each bundle.

  • Lapras and Snorlax increase the number of total bundles awarded by 2.

  • Tyranitar does not change item drops or probabilities. This is important for balance purposes (or you can attribute a crappy item, like Super Potions).

One other consideration might be guaranteeing one bundle attributed to the buffed item in question. However, this might be overpowered for TMs. It would feel a bit bad to not receive the item you're aiming for, especially when the boss in question will most likely go in the grinder.

Let me know what you think. This would be a great motivator for raid bosses that a majority of the player base 100% ignores at the moment. Balancing power level between bosses strengthens longevity for the raid scene given the correct item allocations.

Thanks for reading and reflecting!

submitted by /u/TableForRambo
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I caught a ditto after not playing for a year!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:08 PM PST

Serious discussion - what’s your planned spend on the future game? Lone players especially.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:22 AM PST

I quite happily spend money on coins during events to be able to maximise my eggs, new mons and exp. But I think I spent my last £ on the last big event as it's quite sad how dead the game has become for me. I'm a lone player, I can't raid for the legendaries and I can't get an ex. So it's more that this game has been driven towards groups rather than everyone. I have more than enough money to fund playing if it meant i would fill my Pokédex (even regionals take the piss) sadly I'll play it ftp for ever now and just tick over to lvl40 and then retire.

Such a shame, but I might have to just fire up the GBA To reignite my love of Pokemon after Niantic doused me with water.

submitted by /u/Ijustwanttotouchyou
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