Heroes of the Storm - I made fan art of The Butcher (and posted it myself)

I made fan art of The Butcher (and posted it myself)

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 12:24 PM PST

I painted Sylvanas on my nails :>

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:13 AM PST

Team Dignitas: Mene to Fnatic; Wubby & POILK join; Zaelia to support

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:00 AM PST

Glaurung's esports account has been renamed to TSGlaurung

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:00 PM PST

Fnatic reveal their new HGC Roster

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:14 AM PST

I think BlizzCon made me go Heroes Crazy

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:04 AM PST

BlizzCon was absolutely fantastic, it was my first time going and I even got a tour of the Blizzard campus thanks to a fellow redditor (/u/SharkIzrod) and that was seriously cool.

The atmosphere was electric during HGC - I wasn't an eSports fan, but damn it drew me in and I'm going to start watching more (RIP Fnatic, better luck next year <3)

So I ended up getting a bunch of stuff after meeting Capt. ADab (/u/BlizzAlan)

Unfortunately Matt C and Travis dissapeared too quickly and I couldn't catch Brew, Matt V, Kent-Erik or Alex after the deep dive. But it was so worth seeing it all live and in person.


Tattoo: Going to be updated to cover the hole and fill in the details of the blades (It's old, it's also our subs icon, and I picked at it while it was healing cause I'm an idiot)

Haven't worn the 'Dragons' shirt yet!

Edit: (Reddit tagged this as eSports, it's total fluff)

Edit 2: I did get to meet some of the team at the signing table, however I didn't get a poster as getting it packed a suitcase would have been a pain, and I was too struck to think about just posting it home.

submitted by /u/ThunderIrl
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Can we have more "Stained glass" portraits?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:14 AM PST

The Alexstrasza-Hanzo stained glass portrait looks really nice, but you know what would be even nicer? An entire portrait series with the same style. For all the heroes.

Blizz plz

submitted by /u/TheAeos
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Shad leaving Zealots

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 01:42 PM PST

Haunted mines dismounting on entering mines

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 03:01 PM PST

Just played this map and I was getting dismounted every time I entered the mines. I'm pretty sure this was not the case before. Can anyone confirm the old behavior?

submitted by /u/little_sid
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Does Sgt. Hammer need a rework?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:04 AM PST

Does Sgt. Hammer need a rework?
I dont really play her, well I dont think I've played her outside of AI matches.
But it seems Sgt. Hammer is just a boring, outclassed on all fronts (cept meming towers and keeps, hell Sylv might be better at this.), outdated, boring hero.

submitted by /u/zippykeno
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[TL.net] Math of the Storm: Alexstrasza

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:04 AM PST

Stukov tip (Warning: single-use)

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:31 PM PST

If you are planning to pick controlled chaos as your 20lvl talent, use your ult first, then pick the talent. This way you can get 2 instant charges of flailing swipe, resulting in swiping a total of 5 times during a teamfight.

This works on pretty much every talent that gives you extra charges on your abilities, such as abathur's prolific dispersal.

submitted by /u/dltkddnjs
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Heroes of the Storm: WP and Funny Moments #138

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 12:02 PM PST

Best of Mene | AKA MeneGod

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:32 AM PST

How to play Alexstrasza - by AlexTheProG

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:57 AM PST

GCWC EN casters (officially)

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 03:50 PM PST


Grubby Gillyweed Khaldor Dreadnaught

Since casters will go to beijing, Netease tend to choose casters that chinese audience are most familiar with. So, of course Grubby and Gilly in. They are most popular English casters for chinese audience. Khaldor because he casted plenty of games personally at the start of Hots esports. In fact, compared to these 3, not much chinese players know Dreadnaught. But as an old competitive player, some people should still remember him. There are a lot of other good casters. Just thx to all of them :-)

submitted by /u/Troy_93
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Anyone enjoy playing VS AI

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:18 PM PST

Each time that I am on a bad losing streak or came out of a bad toxic game, I always enjoy playing vs AI. Just to kill some bots and practice my combo.

This games mode seems to be quite popular, but people rarely talk about it. Do you enjoy VS AI, would you like dev to improve this mode?

submitted by /u/LeFurret
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Just got this while playing Tyrael and had to share. 10 MVP votes for the very first time.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:29 PM PST


I have been playing him quite a bit recently and definitely one of the best games I've ever played with him.

submitted by /u/frumious88
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Local currency change

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 07:33 PM PST

So today all Blizzard titles got a change to the currency shown in game to the local amount which is totally fine.

The one change that isn't ok in my books are the gem amounts.

These are the old amounts


These are the current amounts for me as a Canadian


Could you please change it so that I pay the converted amount of money but keep the same Gem amounts please.

This is important as I will have to buy odd amounts of Gems to use the system as I was using it previously.

EDIT: As an example Hearthstone did not change the amount of packs per bundle they changed the cost.

submitted by /u/TheEstyles
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I made a handy little guide for those of you who have/are planning on buying the Alexstrasza bundle so you can see which skin you like best, or if it's worth your money.

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 07:32 AM PST

Here it is. Sorry if the image compression is poor, I don't do this often.

Hope it helps!

submitted by /u/gunnar117
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Unplayable lag at times

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:56 AM PST

In some of my games I get this annoying stuttering lag, I check my ping and it's averaging 200-250ms (on smooth games its ~60ms stable) and it spikes wildly, and every 3-4 seconds my game completely freezes for a second, like a stutter. When this happens I notice i'm on Central servers(I am West Coast). No one else on my team confirms to be having the lag, so I guess I am the only one(not a server issue, on my end).

I can immediately go onto WoW on any server and have a stable 50-60ms, so it's not my internet, I figure it's when I am placed onto a Central located server on HotS.

Is there any way to be only placed on the West Coast servers? I've had this issue a handful of times, and it's too frustrating to bare. The lag seems very close to an FPS dropping, I thought it was my computer but I brought up the in-game ping and my ping was really bad.

submitted by /u/chaplaps
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Posted: 17 Nov 2017 05:38 AM PST

  • DIG: Snitch, JayPL, Zaelia, Wubby & POILK
  • FNC: Quack, SmX, Breez, Mene & Badbenny
  • EXP; Nic, Cursen, Athero, Schwimpi & Arcaner
  • TRC; Grandpkt, Remmerballer, Alextheprog & Makke (Ranged ass missing)
  • Zaelots; Zarmony, ADRD, Cris & Mopsio (Support missing)
  • DS; Darkmok, Shad, Crozzby, Wolfjoe & Nande
  • TL; Splendour, Nurok, Hausobs, Sportbilly & Ethernal
  • Open Division team

  • Ofcourse not 100% accurate, Mostly doubts by; adrd, shad, cris & Schwimpi since teams are still doing try outs

submitted by /u/Rosterapoc
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QOL Suggestion. Semi locked camera

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 02:34 PM PST

So I brought this up a long time ago. Thought I would try and say it again.

Please have a "semi locked" camera option. Where when I hit space the camera will lock onto my character until i move the camera myself, once I do move it there are no limits on scrolling.

My only issue with the locked camera right now is that there is a limit on how far you can scroll. (I understand that is the point of the locked camera. To keep your hero on the screen at all times.) Hence the Semi locked camera option.

I am not good enough to keep track of my character and move the screen where I need it to be mid team fight with the camera unlocked.

And yes I do know with the camera unlocked I can hold down space to keep it centered on my hero.

Just a simple change that would help (at least me) tremendously.


submitted by /u/Bananas1nPajamas
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Heads up Blizzard, when wow BoE comes out,can we get Grunt and Footman skins!

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 06:15 AM PST

When wow: Battle for azeroth comes out, I think it would be very fitting to make a cross promotion, i'm sure that we will get warcraft theme map in 2018, but its seem so proper to give us a Footman for Varian, and for Garrosh the Grunt. Those two skins are a ridiculous icon from my childhood! plz put them in!

Edit: misspelled its BfA

submitted by /u/Gremob
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