Learn Dota 2 - Just so you know you can phase shift out of anything as Puck because Puck is a boss

Just so you know you can phase shift out of anything as Puck because Puck is a boss

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:47 AM PDT

Let's talk about AM post 7.07

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:20 PM PDT

Highest winrate hero in the entire game right now. His talents have made him a monster after Level 15.

Lost 2 games to him today, one in which he outcarried our 16-minute Radiance Spectre, and another where we delayed his BF to around 18 minutes, built a 20k gold lead and just couldn't close the deal.

If you don't have draft counters for him, is he essentially a PL now where if he gets last picked you are screwed?

He used to spike up early following BF and try to end the game early by building a massive gold lead by outfarming before he fell off. But now he just doesn't give a fuck because he is stronger late then most other carries, too.

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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Clarification on what "untargetable" means

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:14 PM PDT

Dark willows ability Shadow realm makes her untargetable. I've noticed that when using this ability Tinkers rockets in mid-air will be disjointed however if using this ability in between the cast times on Legion commanders duel it will still go through. Just looking for some clarification on what untargetable means.

submitted by /u/AnthonySlips
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Is spamming a hero to try to get better at it bad since you’re going to play against a lot of counters?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 12:33 PM PDT

Shadow Demons Shadow Poison CD and +5 Disruption Banish duration are insane.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:47 AM PDT

Yes, you need to be lvl 25 to get the whole kit.

Shadow Poison is a very deadly spell if you are able to get 5 stacks on them on the enemy heroes.

Problem is, you must cast it at least 5 times and all 5 must hit. Then we have BKB n shit that can cockblock it.

I always thought the shadow poison CD on last patch and at first on this patch was, meh. Which it also was.

And the +5 banish on his disruption was pretty wack, banish someone for 7.5 secounds.

But then it hit me, our frozen coding amphibian want us to be able to mix these 2.

Shadow Poison CD reduction make the posion CD 1 secound. 1 Secound. Then at lvl 25, the banish is 7.5 secound long.

Both Soul Catch and Shadow Poison can be cast on a enemy under your Disruption spell. And yes, both shadow poison and demonic purge (if you cast it before disruption them) deal there damage while they are in it.

Soo, you can initate an enemy with Disruption, spam Shadow Poison and cast one Soul Catcher. And deal over 1k dmg without the banishing unit is able to do anything.

submitted by /u/TheOneWithALongName
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Does Mana break talent tree and Diffusal Blade stack?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:03 AM PDT

example: Weaver +25 mana break talent, and then I buy diffusal, does it become 75 Mana Break?

submitted by /u/Renge13
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How do you actually train and get better at Dota ?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 12:41 PM PDT

I'm more of a CSGO player and willing to learn and improve my Dota skills now that the new patch hit me with the hype.

In CS training is pretty straight-forward, go to practice and headshot bots, go to deathmatch and kill people, learn good smokes, flashes, molotovs, ... The only thing you can not practice is game sense that you will gain from playing more and more.
This got me to LEM rank (rank 16/18) which I'm quite proud of because I had no real background in competitve FPS games.

In Dota I am currently sitting at 2k3 MMR, 455 games played. When ranked became a thing I popped at around 2k5 and never went much higher than that. I don't spam one particular hero or position, I'll just play whatever my team needs.

So my question is, how do you train and improve as a Dota player ? Do you just spam games and eventually get better and better ?

PS : Sorry if bad englando I am baguette

submitted by /u/Dawq
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Can I get some help here to git gud?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:20 PM PDT

I am a 3k scrub, I have a team with my friends and want to attend a small tournament. In this tournament there will be 6k stacks, 5k and a lot of 4ks. Last time I had a sparring with one of the team, it was kinda sad to us because we lost really hard.

Can someone analyze our gameplay, from pick wise and overall play. What we should do as a team and what to improve as a player.

Here is the match ID: 3538636065. I was nyx. It was a lobby game so Idk how link it on browser. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Xylopholist
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When to and not to buy ghost scepter?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:42 PM PDT

I really like ghost scepter on lich but idk what spells go through it.

submitted by /u/intermaniax1
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How can i improve my meepo?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:52 PM PDT

Is there any behavior score above Normal?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:27 PM PDT


submitted by /u/guicoelho
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Pressing spell hotkey cancels previous spell

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PDT

Firstly, hello guys and good to meet you again! You helped me a lot formerly! As I stated in the title, I feel like in the new 7.07 update, other than the displayed changes, they also changed the way abilities work, so let me elaborate:

when you press a spell, which you gotta target, then another one, again, targetable, it changes it from the first to the other.

Eg: I play Invoker. I'm shooting tornado, invoke, and then I have emp and meatball in the slots. Basic invoker combo. If I press C (emp) and not click, it shows me the range of the explosion, then press D (meatball), it changes my spell indicator from emp to meatball...

Now you may be asking me... "Why do you give a shit?" Well, when you do combos on different heroes quickly, this shit fucks them up bad. Since the update went up I fucked up Invoker combos, Kunkka combos, and started asking me... wtf is wrong, I used to do them right all the time, what happened. So I went in demo, and found out what I just pointed up earlier.

I feel like it was better before, when u could cancel em only with r-click... What do you think?

submitted by /u/valicutz98
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If I have mkb, and enemy carry have butterfly, what % of attacks will succeed?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:04 PM PDT

builds for ember spirit physical post 7.07

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:20 AM PDT

i know ember is not back to his priveous glory days of his pree7.00 rapiers daedelus and bfuries but this patch has his magical out put hard so i if u had to play him as physical pls suggeat some builds....ty

submitted by /u/meepo_cynic
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Bounty hunter?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PDT

So is bounty a solid pick for solo offlane anymore? what is he played as most nowadays and what is the typical item build.

submitted by /u/snoops1230
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Early game farming pattern for Juggernaut

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 11:30 PM PDT

I know the basics of playing him such as item builds (Phase into Aquila, Manta, Diffusal), being aggressive early on, etc. but I still want to know what is the exact farming pattern during like the first 15 mins of the game. I've played a fair bit of heroes like AM, Luna and Sven which just rotate to camps and right click them down after pushing out lanes. With Juggernaut however, who kinda needs to commit his Q to really kill neutrals quick unlike Luna/Sven, but can take 2-3 stacked camps unlike AM, changes things up quite a bit for me. I just want to know things like whether

a) I should stay in lane and play aggressively against the offlaner, telling my supports to stack and going to clear it once every 3-4 mins, or b) I should push every creep wave out, go to jungle and clear a camp and then come back to lane just like how an AM would. If so, is it ok to spin to clear lane creeps?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Staying alive as Rubick?

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 10:36 PM PDT

So, I've managed to it 4k which I'm proud of after spamming mid. But I decided to play the role I take more joy with. That would be supporting. Rubick, Tusk, Kunkka, and KOTL. These are my supports. Each of these heroes I can stay pretty positive in the KD range except for Rubick. I'm not sure if it's my placement or an inability to react when I get jumped by 3 people in a team fight. But it's there. I am convinced, as well as a couple of friends who agree, that say that it's about 40% my fault and 60% my teams fault when I die instantly as Rubick. So I was wondering how I can turn that 40% into a 0%.

I find myself a pretty good Rubick as well. I steal the right spells, I stun the right people. And with this new mechanic, I know when to use shield and when to negate enemy shield. But as soon as I get aghs and I steal 3 spells a fight I get jumped by everyone if it didn't already happen.

submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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Dark Pact disable blink dagger on Slark?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:38 AM PDT

I've tested blink dagger on Slark in custom lobby and demo mode, and my blink dagger gets disabled when I take my self damage from Dark Pact. Haven't had the chance to try it out in-game, but if so, does this make dagger quite bad on the hero?

submitted by /u/Freebeerd
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SnY on Kunkka?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Is it any good? Seems like some pros are using SnY on Kunkka sometimes. Does it changes his play style? Since SnY doesn't benefits from cleave, then should i max Tidebringer later?

submitted by /u/IkhlasNG
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Brewmaster future in 7.07?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PDT

What do you guys think about Brewmaster with new talents in 7.07? Moving attack speed talent down a tier means he can transit to late game much faster compare to before and of course the new -65s ult talent is juicy as hell (35s ult cd with 20s duration? Yes please). The Brawler talent gives you more flexibility if you want to go full dps. Lower tier talents are also pretty tight.

submitted by /u/waloz1212
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Nullifier on PA

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:59 AM PDT

High flat damage and effects triggered by physical attacks. Tried it in a single game and it worked well. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/rsilverio
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Benefits of playing unranked

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 09:01 PM PDT

Hi guys, what are the benefits of playing unranked matches? Do you get more item drops than ranked? What happens as you gain levels?

submitted by /u/jslegacy85
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