Hearthstone - Dear r/Hearthstone, never stop complaining

Dear r/Hearthstone, never stop complaining

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:42 AM PST

I know it's that time of the year (new expansion on the horizon) and this sub is filled with more complains than ever. But instead of complaining about the complaining I want to thank all of you guys for actually taking the time out of your day to post a thread in which you complain about what is going wrong with this game.

As far as we know Team 5 doesn't give a damn about it's playerbase as long as they can make money and even though that's kind of a douchebag-attitude I think it's also fair since Blizzard as a whole is a company and they want to make money with their products. At the same time it is a necessitiy for us users to complain about everything that is wrong because: If we don't, nothing will change.

And I'm not just talking about the financial aspect of the game. Yes, Team 5 aren't the ones making the prices for the packs. But Team 5 are the ones actually working on the game. So if you are unhappy with... - the way the game is going (RNG Clown Fiesta™) - the lack of content, tools and features - how meta fixing is handled (Players are to stupid to read cards and in order to nerf druid we also banned some basic cards from other classes), etc. it is not Blizzard to blame. It's Team 5 and by that also Ben Brode. And not the financial guys from (Activision) Blizzard.

So please, r/Hearthstone: Never stop complaining. Instead of praising Ben Brode for his inevitable 3rd, 4th and 5th Rap you should remember that at the end of the day he is only doing that in order to sell packs. Ben Brode does not care about you or your memes. He only cares about your money. That's fine, since it's his job to do just that, but still enough reason to be critical about his PR-stunts. And instead of going crazy that someone from Team 5 responded to some thread like "PSA: I like the card art" you should be annoyed that nobody from Team 5 is responding to the lots and lots of critical threads regarding Hearthstone. And if they do it's ususally Ben Brode saying something along the lines of "We are looking into that.™" in order to never be seen or heard of again. I don't want anything for free. I just want a game that is living up to it's potential and a Dev Team not treating it's playerbase like a bunch of drooling idiots.

And yes, complaining a lot is something that is in fact working. Enough complaining leads to articles being written about the community being fed up with the way the game is handled which leads to Blizzard/Team 5 trying to fix something in order to prevent continuous bad press.

tl;dr: Activision Blizzard and Team 5 only want your money. Don't be scamazed by PR-moves and keep on complaining about what is wrong with Hearthstone because that's the only way to actually get the devs to fix something.

Edit: Not a native speaker, so sorry if it's an awkward read. Edit2: Thanks for the Gold, stranger!

submitted by /u/SupremeWombatLeader
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A different game, but I feel Blizzard have done something similar regarding all the complaints about price.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:01 PM PST

I'm nowhere near as excited about Legendary Weapons as I was about Death Knights

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 06:58 AM PST

IDK, I feel that having an entire group of cards that is eminently counterable will lead to some frustrating play experiences. The fact that they are limited to one ofs makes it a little harder to draw them and to recover if your deck is built around them. The fact that Acidic Swamp Ooze and Harrison will be waiting to kill them makes me wonder if I wouldn't want to get a normal class legendary at launch over one of the marquee cards.

I love the idea that they are introducing "enchantments/effects" into the game on a broader scale, but I feel that the weapons might me more like Quests (hit or miss, mostly miss) than DKs (mostly hit).

submitted by /u/shewski
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If you want things to change, keep pushing! And most of all, vote with your wallet! Just look at star wars battlefront 2

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:36 AM PST

Hey r/hearthstone, greeting from r/Starwarsbattlefront. The community has downvoted an ea response, making it the most downvoted comment in history. A lot of people are cancelling their pre-orders until ea stops their bullshit market tools. The same goes here. Don't stop complaining and don't pay until they change!

submitted by /u/Samuel0234
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In case you guys missed this on /r/all, Redditor explains how micro-transactions and F2P games make money on a small percent of users.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 04:27 AM PST


Edit: This is an interesting excerpt and sort of TLDR;

By playing, we become complacent and agree to a small percentage of people dictating the experience the larger community has. Games are no longer being made for people like us, their being made for the few suckers that fall into the MTX system, but those few end up basically dictating the development of the entire game for the rest of us.

submitted by /u/dwpunch
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Maybe we should take a hint from r/battlefront

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:29 AM PST

Man they are pissed, but those guys are doing something about it. They made their complaints make it to r/all and major news outlets like Forbes. Onto of that they've got guys trying to organize a preorder cancel and boycott campaign.

Meanwhile we've been complaining about the price of playing increase for a year and all we've seen is the price go up even more (sorry EU guys). If we really want this to change we gotta make a big a deal of it as those guys are. Maybe then we'll actually get a response from Team5 and Blizz.

submitted by /u/phillxc
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Why is the app always so laggy in the menu?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 02:10 AM PST

Blizzard please adjust quest rewards to compensate for having 3 expansions per year.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

Based on this post, a player can earn 58.82 gold/day from quests (assuming using an optimal re-rolling strategy). This yields 58.82 X 365 = ~21470 gold per year.

Last year we had 2 expansions + 1 adventure. Assuming we spent 2800 gold on adventure, we were left with 18670 gold to spend on packs in those expansions. 9335 gold per expansion = ~93.4 packs per expansion (as a side note, a lot of people would just buy the adventure with money and use gold on expansions, so these people would get an extra 14 packs per expansion).

This year we have 3 expansions. Now our 21470 gold has to be split 3 ways. 7157 gold per expansion = ~71.6 packs per expansion.

Blizzard is essentially giving us ~22 less packs per expansion now which is one of the contributing factors to all the "game is expensive" complaints on this subreddit recently.

How can Blizzard fix this? Well just give us enough gold to still get 93.4 packs per expansion. This requires 93.4 * 100 * 365 = 28020 gold per year = 76.8 gold/day from quests, a difference of 17.8 gold per quest.

Therefore if Blizzard just increases each quest reward by 20 gold, we'd be back to status quo of packs/expansion as last year. This alleviates the need for players to spend money to make up difference and would help reduce the "expensive" sentiment that has gotten worse recently.

TL;DR - Blizzard should increase daily quest rewards by 20 gold so we can earn same number of packs/expansion as last year.

submitted by /u/karmabehemoth
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The Layers of Constructed Hearthstone – understanding, why does the current status stir up so much emotion

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:12 AM PST

Tl; dr: collecting things is a basic human instinct. As with the reward modell of HS the players are hindered by that, they cannot help them to feel bad about not to be able to cope up with collecting cards.

On the beginning of October I shared my thoughts about an article, which compared the cost of HS to another digital CCGs (tl;d to the older post: Blizzard did not react in time to the increased costs of decks with their reward system). Reading the many, many heated discussions of the last weeks some thoughts emerged in me and I would like to share my opinion: why does so many of you feel so outraged on the current situation.

If we are talking about playing Hearthstone the first thing (obviously) comes to your mind is „HS=playing cards on the board against your opponent". As I see however this is only one aspect of this game.

In my opinion Hearthstone as a game has three layers: - the current match - the meta-game - the collection management I think if you are playing Hearthstone you are playing three different games on different time horizons. Let me explain this one-by-one and let's check the status of the current layer – is it fun or not?

Please take note that I will discuss here only constructed mode (standard and wild alike, however I feel standard more heavily affected).

Layer 1: The current match – the short-term game The most obvious layer of this game is running through a match of Hearthstone. As I see, and as most of the commenters in many online communities agree on it, playing a match of HS is fun . The UI is usable, the multi-platform approach works, the atmosphere is good, the matches can be very thrilling (that enables the e-sport tournaments), etc. The most cited complain is the amount of RNG – which is on one hand an existing phenomenon in this genre (no lands drawn, anyone?) and you has to accept it if you want to play a CCG. On the other hand it can be frustrating (if anyone could explain me how Primordial Glyph is a fair card, I would appreciate it a lot). Community opinion tends however that the trend of using RNG has went to the right direction in the last expansions and proceeded a lot since the infamous RNG-fest of GVG.

Layer 2: The meta-game – the mid-term game If you start to take HS more seriously, one of the first terms you meet is „meta-game" – when you follow what are the best archetypes and what are the best decklists to compete at the ranked ladder. Nowadays there are regular meta reports, there are meta trackings of the last days on hsreplay, you can use decktrackers (or oldschool tools like excel-sheets or pen&paper) to follow your own progress with various decks and decide which archetype suits you at best at the current meta-landscape. If you follow closely the community data and your matches you can fine-tune the most boring netdeck with the right tech-cards for the current meta-call. Is this fun? Yes, it can be fun . There are some darker periods of course, when the meta is tipped off-balance, but the Jade Druid-nerf maybe shows us that Blizzard is open now to react more quickly if some decks are too dominating – the meta of KFT has returned now to an acceptable which is nice after Un'Goro, which was widely accepted and renowned for its balance.

Layer 3: Collection management – the long-term game The very heart of every CCG. This aspect is based on a basic human instinct: hoarding. Following this ancient behavior coded inside us and this instinct is (ab)used at its best by the CCG genre itself. Watching your collection to grow is fun, planning your next decks is fun, deciding which legendary or epic will you craft next is fun… or is it? Or it just should be fun if enough resource would be available? In Hearthstone's current system you are given opportunity to buy packs from a new expansion. In my last post I have already detailed, that it is hard to follow for f2p players with in-game currency with the current reward system. You can buy the packs with real money as well (and maybe suffer right away from buyer's regret as they are reaaaally overpriced) but you can only get a serious advantage if you spend a not reasonable (or affordable) amount. And after a point (70-100 packs) because of the duplicates you start to earn only miniscule advancement with further buys because of the diminishing returns. What remains: stop buying, starting to save up (grind) for the next exp. If you cannot keep up with advancing your collection, it is not fun. Not being able to keep up with others is not fun. Not being able to craft necessary tech cards is not fun. To stop buying and stall with the collection for 2 months to save up for the next expansion is not fun. It is not fun because it goes against the human nature. My experience and your reactions every day in the many threads shows that this aspect of the game is the one which is severely lacking enjoyment.

What am I suggesting? Once more it is not a surprise: revise and overhaul the reward system that it feels more rewarding. The community gave many suggestions in the last weeks: - daily login rewards – to incentivize players to return regulary - change the 10g/win bonus to 10g/play – to incetivize a larger audience to play more than just the daily quests - revamp the dust system – as it is unfair and it may have worked in vanilla, but it is definetily not fair after 4 years - even out the reward curve instead of seasonal freebies – make the earnings plannable - give packs for levelling and remove the lvl60 level cap - etc.
It has to get you the feeling of constant improvement and not just three peaks in a year when the promo season begins.

I understand that the system of the CCGs has some built-in rules and the players can only get a certain amount to keep them craving for more. I think however that Hearthstone could do better than the current system and still stay profitable for Blizzard.

If you feel that you can share your ideas, can add to mine or can correct me in something, please feel free to comment. I am curious about your opinion if this theory.

submitted by /u/gytb
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Flurry gets a lucky swashburglar when he needs it most

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:29 PM PST

Toast goes all or nothing

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:43 PM PST

Fist of the Flame Leviathan

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:55 PM PST

Nemsy's singing the lyrics (13 seconds in)

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:56 AM PST

"Play 20 Minions That Cost 5 or More" should award more gold for the time it takes to complete

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:21 AM PST

This is definitely an auto-reroll from now on. The nature of the quest just makes it take longer than the average 40 gold quests. There are more than one 50 gold quest that take shorter to complete.

Not a huge deal, but little tweaks like that are nice.

Edit: OR it should be "Play 12 minions" for 40 or something

submitted by /u/SuperFieroStatus
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Guys i got Discolock to work..

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:32 PM PST

If dual class gave arena such a breath of fresh air, arena should have 3-month expansion rotations or some sort of rotation

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:06 PM PST

Expansion rotation as in every once in a while, the wild expansions are brough back, MAYBE standard expansions are left out

This would make it so arena would drastically change every couple of months, making it much more appealing and less repetitive

Just give me wild arena back dammit

submitted by /u/EpicWarrior
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How to fix Hearthstone's economy in 3 easy steps:

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:29 AM PST

I've seen a lot of legitimate complaints about the shift to 3 expansions and the continued prevalence of rarity issues making the game more expensive, so Blizzard, here's a short, easy solution:

Step 1: Make every win give you 10 gold. Max daily gold at 200. Adjust arena winnings accordingly.

Step 2: Increase the value of quests considerably by offering randomized rare/epic cards as additional rewards.

Step 3: Make repeated play and consistent daily log-in more valuable; for example, reward completion of 30 quests with a legendary card.

Congratulations, Blizzard, you fixed your economy and kept your profits.

Now get to it.

submitted by /u/Vexium
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Will Forge of Souls be the reason that Warrior will be viable again?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PST

Perfect for curving out your weapon.


submitted by /u/Zer0toniN
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I guess I should've hero powered

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:18 AM PST

PSA: It is possible to cancel your preorder for Kobolds & Catacombs

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 09:13 AM PST

I pre ordered it, but after reading this subreddit for about a week, I am now fed up with Blizzard and they are not getting my money for this expansion.
So if you are like me, cancel your preorder, and make Blizzard fix the game, before you spent another penny on this game.

submitted by /u/joyuser
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(Survey) Arcane Dust in Hearthstone: What is "fair"?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 05:40 AM PST

I've seen a lot of posts about arcane dust, and with the variance between all of them, it's a bit difficult to make solid conclusions (besides the obvious ones).

What I would like to know is the general concensus about what is considered a fair deal in respect to the amount of dust the different cards should refund (and also, two questions that pop up by time to time)

SO, I made a short survey so you people can put what you would think is fair, not what you would like. Form

I should be publishing the results within a week.

PS: Sorry if I have any errors, english isn't my native language.

submitted by /u/AnotherGaze
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