Hearthstone - Another whale's opinion on Hearthstone - and why I quit, too.

Another whale's opinion on Hearthstone - and why I quit, too.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:46 AM PST

Well, to be fair that's because I'm a fucking whale. My flippers are too large to allow me to use a computer, let alone a phone. Also, these devices tend to not work very well underwater, which is why I never even got past Millhouse Manastorm in the tutorial before mine died.

I understand the community's opinion on the pricing, too. It definitely is way too expensive. Especially when you live in the ocean, where human currency is rather hard to obtain. I just wouldn't be able to keep up with the current meta with how little money I have.

So yeah, fuck this game. Blizzard won't get a single cent from me.

submitted by /u/Dynia
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Hearthstone pricing from a whale's perspective - And why I quit.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:02 AM PST

Let me preface this by saying that I don't know how much Whales spend on average, but I've heard the numbers $300-$400 being thrown about, and I spend approximately that per expansion - Or did, anyway.

I think a misunderstanding people have about someone who spends a lot of money on the game is that a large budget = unlimited budget.

I was quite happy spending approximately £400-£500 a year. (I spend in GBP so I'll be talking in GBP, to translate, it used to be about 1:1.5 to USD, and is now more like 1:1). I spent approximately £200 per expansion, and bought each of the adventures.

The first change which affected me, was that the exchange rates were normalised, so suddenly £200 worth of content costs me £300. I realise this doesn't affect US players, but I think it affected a lot of europe. Obviously, from Blizzards perspective, it just meant that I would spend the same as a US customer for the same content, but for me, the game was suddenly £600+ per year.

At a similar time, they also announced that they would be doing 3 expansions. Now, theoretically this is more content, but if I want to have all the cards (which I do, to play the game, as a whale), I have to spend essentially another £300 per year. So the cost of the game went from £400->£900.

And the thing is, while I have a large gaming budget, I still have a budget. And the price of the game more than doubled. So I could either quit HS to budget 5+ other games, or quit 5+ games to play HS.

Fundamentally, as a whale, my plan is to get all the cards. And an extra expansion a year means that I have to spend £300 extra per year, or I don't see my other £600 as worth it.

Anyway, I'm quitting, and will be able to afford several other digital CCGs instead. Shout out to Eternal, as my favourite alternative (F2P price - probably nothing, Whale price - ~£200 base set, £100/expansion, £20/adventure). I do ultimately love hearthstone as a game and I wish it was cost justifiable. I really wish that Blizzard realised that at +1 expansion, if they don't change the price, they drive away even their higher paying customers.

If anyone has any questions as to why I spend so much, or how much other CCGs cost for full sets, I'm happy to answer questions. If my opinion isn't worth much given how many types of people there are who spend lots of money, fair enough, just my thoughts.

Edit: Some people are pointing out that £300/expansion doesn't make me a whale by Blizzards standards. Well, fair enough, I was just going off what I found in articles, I thought the £1000+ spenders were the exception, and £300 were the people Blizzard were making money off.

submitted by /u/Pseudoi
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Community says that the game is too expensive. And they're right.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

After 3 months, i finally have all the dust to craft ONE legendary!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:43 AM PST

just feels amazing to finally be able to craft one single card after 3 months of questing and arena

submitted by /u/adawongx
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If you want Divine Shield Paladin to be a thing. please change Selfless Hero.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:06 AM PST

Recently I opened a pack and got [[Bolvar, Fireblood]]. I decided to try and build a deck around it, to my surpise I already had 2 copies of [[Light's Sorrow]]. the deck turned out quite decent(climbed from rank 20 to rank 15 early in the season).

although bad draw can sometimes really fuck up your chance to win, it isn't the biggest problem I found with the deck. the effect of [[Selfless Hero]] is an incredible pain in the behind. unlike [[Demented Frostcaller]], which won't hit characters that are already Frozen, Selfless Hero can give Divine Shield to minions that already have it. this makes it an even more random card that doesn't promote thoughtful ordering.

I hope Blizzard can change this interaction, as it is currently a really unfun interaction in decks that focus on Divine Shield synergy. yes, it would also make the card slightly more powerful, but the Divine Shield archetype is not currentlly in danger of becoming oppresive.

submitted by /u/SjettepetJR
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Discover a Legendary Minion and summon 2 copies of it??

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:29 PM PST

Sounds pretty good!

My first Marin the Fox, btw.

submitted by /u/brandonglee123
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Marin and the Volcanosaur: staggered card releases are effective

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:49 AM PST

Daily reminder: You get 4 Daily quest per day in Asian server

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:28 AM PST

Blizzard didn't fix this ridiculous bug with the latest patch.

This has been there for 2 weeks. 40g * 3 * 2weeks = at least 2040gold more than EU NA.

How this is allowed ???

THIS HAS TO BE DISSCUSSED. For mods, this is not even considered as exploit.

submitted by /u/jomo55
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Show us the oldest screenshot in your Hearthstone folder.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:16 AM PST

With lots of posts about the prices on the frontpage , let's feel nostalgic for a bit.


This is mine.

submitted by /u/OzymandiasHS
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Marin the Fox's Set Watermark

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:43 AM PST

So earlier, I briefly wondered what Marin's set watermark looked like - the watermark for Kobolds and Catacombs. I opened Hearthstone and had a look. Appropriately, it's a candle.

However, when I looked more closely, I saw that it wasn't just one candle, but three.


As you can see in the album above, the watermark appears 3 times instead of one in Marin's text box for some reason!

Obviously this isn't exactly game-breaking, just interesting.

submitted by /u/Huwage
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Reveal season can't come soon enough (10 days)

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:35 AM PST

I browse this sub every day and I've enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts in the pricing threads but it's getting to be a bit much and a bit repetitive at this point.

Mods, can we get a megathread about pricing until 11/20 when we'll have more to talk about?

Edit: clarity

submitted by /u/icejordan
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Dane gets tilted on stream

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:18 PM PST

Enough whining, let's act!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:00 AM PST

I'm not kidding. What do you think people used to do back in the day when a supermarket brand/a commercial brand/anything was too expensive? They stopped buying it until it got cheaper. Have you guys ever read Adam Smith's economical books? Demmand/offer duel? If we all demmand HS packs they'll be sold expensive, if we don't, they'll be cheaper. And it's not that we don't want packs, it's just that they're being sold too expensively with very little return for your investment. I'm well aware Adam Smith's theory of economy is flawed, the State must intervene - but come on, we have noone looking out for us, this is a private business. So let's BOYCOTT this, can we?

Can we all just, commit ourselves to making ourselves as loud as possible? Can we organize ourselves to tell everyone to stop buying, and us ourselves nto buy anymore, until we get some form of acknowledgement?

It's ridiculous it costs 20 commons to craft a rare. Dust is meaningless. You can't even get wild format card packs for gold and that's outrageous, you need to unload the onyl card that counts, the credit one.

I'm not asking for things for free, just more value from our money. Are you in on this? We need to start the boycott by simply not buying and telling others not to. Just wait until we get some acknowledgement, some deal, ANYTHING, because it's genuinally stupid right now.

submitted by /u/Malessar
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Art Request: Aunduin Beating Someone to Death with Marin's Treasure Chest

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:45 PM PST

I just find the image of Aunduin beating someone to death with Marin's chest hilarious.

submitted by /u/Ameizing_Grace
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I'm a whale who is not quitting [but is concerned]

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:49 AM PST

Since today is apparently whales speak out day, I'd like to add a little to the conversation. I knew when they announced the change to 3 expansions per year it would fundamentally jack up the cost of the game for good. I heard people pu puing adventures as having an insufficient effect on the meta, and therefore this change was for the better. I think those folks were half right.

It has been my practice to spend about $200 on each expansion (preorder plus two $70 bundles) which allows me to get basically every card and craft a lot of golden legendaries that I like. My wife also plays, and spends about $100 per expansion. That is a boat load of money to spend on digital cards, but so far I have found the return on investment to be worth it (though I can't help but cringe when I look at my blizzard transaction history over time).

I've suggested this before in various threads, and I'll suggest it again, because I truly believe it would be better for everyone:

2 expansions and 2 adventure releases annually. The adventures provided a fantastic value to p2w and f2p players alike - you plunk down this modest amount of money (or an immodest amount of gold) and you are GUARANTEED to get all the cards, including the epics and legendaries, from a given set.

That felt really good, and really rewarding. Its being missed already. But more importantly, an adventure cost $25. That was it. You pay, you get all the content. Expansions are nothing like that. When I drop $200 on an expansion, I'm STILL not guaranteed to get everything. (In KFT after I opened all those packs, plus like 6000 gold worth of packs, I was still missing 5-6 legendary cards and a ton of epics).

Second benefit: more frequent meta shakeups. We see at this point in every meta cycle, /r/hearthstone becomes a festival of complaints about one thing or another, and I believe what is really going on is people are just bored, they are sick of the game as its been for the last month or two, and are dying for some variety.

I believe 2 expansions and 2 adventures would help (while not completely fixing) that problem. I've played since beta, and played passionately and followed this sub closely since TGT. Every cycle looks the same. Everyone is excited for new cards - new cards are released and everyone has fun until someone figures out a broken deck ... then we all complain until nerfs happen ... then we get bored and find other things to complain/meme about until there is a new release.

That "get bored" phase typically lasts 4-6 weeks. I can't help but think if we had 4 releases per year instead of 3, a lot of that boredom would be alleviated. But more importantly, instead of the game costing a "whale" like me $600 per year, it would cost $450.

In my opinion, that's still a lot of money to make off of someone like me, and would improve the game and buying experience from every quadrant of the community.

Thought I'd share, if anyone else has ideas I'd love to hear them.

submitted by /u/redditing_1L
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Pavel EZ Marin Lethal

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:25 PM PST

A Glorious Guide To Hearthstone

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:58 AM PST

With the release of Marin the Fox, you can now (kinda) play the main bits of the Booty Bay theme with cards!

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:37 PM PST

The main issue on this game is that you have to win 30 times to get a pack.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:51 PM PST

As a f2p player , this is the most ridiculous thing. People who says "you can perfectly f2p",well, they are right if you enjoy loging in to make your diary quest and then log out.

Compared to other games, the way we have to obtain content here is just ridiculous so I can perfectly understand why people constantly speaks about it.

You can get 1 pack/day or 2 pack/day if you are very lucky with your daily quest on the first place. On the other hand, we have tittle, you need to grind 30 Victorys to only get 100 gold.

The way you get it is totally fine , you must win to get the gold, in other way people would throw just to farm gold. The problem is that the time you have to spend to get these 100 gold is too much.

We need to get the gold in less time, like 20 victorys i.e. Increase fron 100 gold to 150~160 so you can ensure getting 2 card packs every day playing and doing your quest.

I think this is not much asking for a game that release 3 expansions/year ( I mean constant content ), what community wants is not only free modes or adventures, what community wants is this game to take notes from other games loot/content adquisition system.

Yeah the game is free, so what.
F.e: I spent 25$ on overwatch, and that game has one of the best if not the best loot system I've seen so far. You get your loot box from leveling, from playing other game modes, you can get ingame divise on the boxes ( adding a bit of dust to the carpacks wouldnt be so bad either) and obviously you can buy them with real money too.

Now again, I would pay 25$ or even 50$ for the game if it had these features. But you have to spend it on cardpacks and get lucky. Just stop using "is a free game" as an argument to defend it. Is not a f2p game, even with the starter pack your amount of playable cards still being ridiculous.

submitted by /u/neimeth
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Nice N'Zoth there Bro

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:31 AM PST

Marin is awesome, this card is pretty good with Rogue https://imgur.com/a/ptvmV

submitted by /u/Sarx88
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Last season I included a copy of Mindbreaker in every one of my decks

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:53 AM PST

I got a monthly recap of my season's performance from Blizz. I was quite happy with one of the highlight's from last month.


submitted by /u/TrippinT_
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When Marin REALLY wants the treasure all to himself.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:53 AM PST

One for all, and all for me.

submitted by /u/DefibianAristocracy
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Old Gods Rotation Sadness

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:02 AM PST

I know it's still months away, but like most people, I am looking forward to the death of Old Gods in standard and the subsequent death of priest. Between Raza and the squid bros, Old Gods heavily influences the 3 big priest decks, but among this glorious rotation, we will be losing the champion of the people. Along with his squid brethren, meme lord Yogg will be rotating out, so I post this as a reminder to my brothers-in-arms to enjoy the biggest troll in Hearthstone for these next few months, because soon enough, his joy will no longer shine light onto our dark lives.

submitted by /u/mrmuffin210
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