Congratulations to The Fun Pimps, or Why I Had to Uninstall 7 Days To Die

Congratulations to The Fun Pimps, or Why I Had to Uninstall

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:23 PM PST

Never before have I gotten caught in a video game so addicting than this one. In the past 3 days since I got it I've played 24 hours, and only that few because I'm still a student and sometimes I go to sleep and go to classes. I commend you Pimps, you won by making me uninstall the game so I didn't waste all my time during finals on it.

submitted by /u/be_an_adult
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7 pound to Die

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:08 PM PST

Steam sale, 10 Dollars translates to 7 UK pounds. If you don't have one, or do but your girl/guy doesn't, grab a copy. I know I did. It's 7 pound extremely well spent.

submitted by /u/__Gwynn__
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Any up to date xbox one maps

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:48 PM PST

I was playing with my friend today and noticed that a location is missing. The location was the strip club on the west side of the map right above the burnt forest. I forget why he insisted we visit there (and no not for pervy reasons) but when we came to the location it wasnt there. The version for the game is Please help if you have any insight.

submitted by /u/Teton2
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Any setting/console command to pause the game while in the crafting/skills menus? New player losing tons of in-game time

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:27 PM PST

I have only had this game for a few days, and there is an overwhelming amount of stuff (which is awesome). I've slowly been chipping away at it. I have a single player game, and a multi player game going with a handful of friends when we can all get on at the same time.


In single player, is there any way to have the game pause while I look through the crafting menu and skills area? I have lost huge chunks of time trying to figure out what I should do next in certain situations, or what items are available to me.


Right now I am almost done day 14, the second blood moon is starting. I've been trying to throw shit together for defenses/locking weak spots down but I am burning so much time trying to find what I need/what could be useful.


I typically pause the game and alt tab to go to the Wiki (which seems to be outdated in a lot of areas which sucks), but it would be hugely beneficial to me if I was able to get used to navigating the menus and knowing where everything is and what I can do.


I doubt it is possible, but I figured I'd ask anyway just in case!

submitted by /u/STDMachine
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How do you prevent zombies from spawning inside a larger base?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:54 PM PST

Say if you wanted to build maybe a 20x20 wall but have grass on the bottom, how do you prevent zombies from spawning within the confines of a larger base, since your bed only covers so much area?

submitted by /u/Jazz_Musician
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Compound vs Crossbow

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:20 AM PST

Which one is the better of the two? My friends and I have been fighting about this for weeks and we need an outside opinion.

submitted by /u/GamingEnforcer
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Snowing glitch

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:17 PM PST

Has anyone else been seeing snow in non snow biomes? I'll be walking in the forests minding my business when it will begin to snow and the snow on the ground kind of fades into being. After a minute or so, it fades away. I'm definitely not walking into snow biomes. Is snow the default rain for forests, or is this just an odd glitch?

submitted by /u/Jaxible
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How can i remove the Heat Map on Forges, Etc?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:09 PM PST

Title. Just want to remove the heat map on Forges mainly.

submitted by /u/wah97
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Possible base idea.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:40 PM PST

Just got 7 days on PC. On my Xbox I made a base out of a 2 story bar by knocking out the bottom floor walls and replacing with pillars. After searching around the nearest city, I found what I assume to be a hotel(nothing on the wiki looks close to it). My question to you is, could I do the same type of build, and not have zeds spawn on the upper floors on me? My ultimate plan is to have a tunnel connecting to my house just outside the city so as to avoid the in-city zeds, and because who doesn't love a good escape tunnel. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/arrogantmeat
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Have reinforced concrete block textures changed recently?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:05 PM PST

Haven't played for about a month, but still read this sub about every other day. Don't recall seeing anything about the subject question.

Reinforced concrete blocks look different now, a bit darker than previously. Loved the older look and now it's meh. Just checking if that's normal or if it's something on my end, since I've been having some hardware issues (not related to 7DTD specifically) in the last couple weeks.

submitted by /u/boswell_rd
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"Go to" settings

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:36 PM PST

Hi everyone! I've been playing 7D2D for a few months on XBOX1. Honestly for me it's a mix of my two favorite things, survival builders and zombies. I enjoy the wide exploration and the fun of getting a new base up and running. I just started a new game recently to take advantage of the most recent build. As I was playing with the settings, I was wondering what other people had as a go-to for their settings.

So what do you make sure set before starting a new game?

submitted by /u/TheNerdside
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Game crashed, and base got reset/gamebreaking bug

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:18 PM PST

I don't know if I'm posting this in the right area or not but here it goes, hopefully the devs reads this subreddit.

So basically, every few hours the game crashes which isn't a big deal. I came back to the game 1 week ago checked my old "worlds" the bases were there 'somewhat' atleast, most the caves we had dug under the ground to drive minibikes around in to get to good loot locations were filled in, all of the bikes, forges, workbenches and boxes in said caves were obviously gone.

So I just deleted the 'Worlds' and me and a bunch of friends decided to start fresh, the game has still been crashing every 2-3 hours which in itself is not a big deal. But during this last crash the same thing happened to this save as the rest. The building we were built in got "reset" by the looks of it, so all of the places where we had removed stuff and placed our own was put back the way it was before we started building. Pretty much our entire cave system got filled in and we lost all of the progress. I'm guessing this has something to do with loot respawn or something like that, since there were lootable stuff where our stuff once stood.

This happened after the game crashed and we launched the game again to get back into the "world".

I play on xbox one. Hope the devs reads this or are already aware.

Now I'm uninstalling the game for an unknown time again, but don't get me wrong I enjoy the game, but not bothering while its like this.


submitted by /u/CMDR_Waffles
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[help][pc] New Player questions

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:56 PM PST

So i'm a brand new player, probably about 10 hours at most playtime, most of that idling the night away. What are some tips for someone who always seems to get stuck starting in the desert or snow biomes. I know with the desert i don't have to worry about food/water because of yucca fruit, but I always seem to be overheating no matter the weather or what i'm wearing, even if i'm just sitting in a house while drinking yucca juice. And if i start in the snow biome, I can't seem to escape the lumberjack zombies.

Also i see in most videos/lps that people live on the roofs of buildings for the most part. Is that a key to staying alive in the early game?

submitted by /u/meibolite
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Vanilla in multiplayer crashing and don't allow to enter the server.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:41 AM PST

That's my problem: . I don't know how to fix it. Any solutions?

submitted by /u/keliuant5
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Deadzone PvE - Auto Miner and Auto Farmer tutorial!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:16 AM PST

Has the spawn been corrected?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:06 AM PST

Or are the sleepers still born in the occupied buildings?

submitted by /u/Robinus
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How do you increase your backpack size?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:41 AM PST

What file is it?

submitted by /u/Samadams9292
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Modify roaming horde spawning?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:39 AM PST

Personally I'm not a big fan of screamer scouts. I've toggled them on and off progressively on my server for my friends. I recently quintupled the dynamic spawning of zombies in most biomes through spawning.xml, but it wasn't really what I was looking for. I cannot seem to get random roaming hordes to appear anymore, in late game (80+ days).

From my knowledge they should spawn on set triggers, so this is only a band-aid on my problem.

Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/EwDirt
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Starvation Mod alpha 16 help!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:36 AM PST

where can i find an updated and useful guide for this mod? There are so many things in this mod, and many of these are very interesting, but there is not much information. On youtube I find only video of the version for alpha 15, but with 16 have changed a lot of things. the official wikipedia is not updated and much information is completely absent. ty for your help :)

submitted by /u/KANA1986
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Major Crash/Reset

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:30 AM PST

Well, it finally happened. After 7 months of playing on PC, I experienced my first crash and reset. I was playing Starvation mod, on my 8th day. The PC crashed and said that there was a memory problem. I looked up the issue and apparently this problem happens when the computer is given a code that it cannot read.

Well, when I reloaded my game, everything was reset to Day 1 Level 1. I still had everything on my toolbelt, though. The weirdest part is that it changed my game from single player to multiplayer. :S I deleted the corrupted save thinking there were backups I could load up, but either I never made a backup or they were all corrupted.

Also, supposedly the 7DTD Mod Launcher keeps a separate version of the game so that your vanilla game is untouched. This was not so in my case. I lost everything, and my vanilla 7DTD wont even boot up. I have validated files and everything.

Looks like I'll have to uninstall everything 7DTD related and hope a reinstall atleast gets the game to run again.

Edit: My PC specs are i5-6600K, GTX 1080, 32GB of GSKILL RAM, and my PSU is a 750w (since apparently an underpowered PC can cause this reset as well).

submitted by /u/Codester619
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