World of Warcraft - Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:08 AM PDT

As always, all PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Exorsus got world second KJ, gratz!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:49 AM PDT

Inspired to make this after the Auction House Dance Party

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:49 AM PDT

All of you wishing to reach Desolace through Stonetalon Pass in Mulgore, beware, for a vile creature lurks at the top (thanks, Mind Vision)

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:28 AM PDT

I haven't got my brew of the month since Legion launched! :(

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:14 AM PDT

Anybody else got this bug? A GM told me to report it as a bug, wondering if anyone here is missing their brews too.

submitted by /u/asosaffc
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Christie Golden write new Warcraft novel

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:05 AM PDT

RNG is fun!

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 08:38 PM PDT

Sunset over northern Durotar

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:51 AM PDT

Tried to make a Lovely Cake from memory, sold by Aimee in old Dalaran. It serves five party members.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:14 AM PDT

Blizzard, can you please for the love of god fix this? i was way out before the timer ran out!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:49 AM PDT

When the stars align.... They're all 17+

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:03 AM PDT

Destro Immolate is literally bugged.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:10 PM PDT

My father, who I played WoW with for 10 years sadly passed away. Any way of immortalising his character?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:26 PM PDT

Hello all,

First time posting on this reddit. As the title says, sadly, my father passed away on June 15th and we played World of Warcraft together for many many years, with his account active for over 10 years and played virtually every single day! We used to talk and keep in contact through the game throughout my parents divorce and also when he worked away.

I was wondering if there was any way of preserving his characters, in game by special request, perhaps as an NPC, just to immortalize him in something we shared many fond memories of over the course of 10 years. This game is something that has a very special place in my heart for the way it brought us together, and kept us smiling through many tough times. It's just a game, but it was very important to us both.

I've been in touch with blizzard via ticket but don't know what will happen as it's not a technical issue. I've already done the technical bit of cancelling his account and providing the relevant details etc.

I also understand there's a service where the characters can be made into models?

Sorry if this seems like a fruitless task, but if anyone knows, or can help, or perhaps notify the relevant employees of Blizzard to talk to me, it's here on reddit! I understand this is a massive long shot and he's not the only person to have passed whilst subbed to this game but hey, if you don't ask, you may never know.

Wishing you all the best. Tell those you love that you do love them often. x

submitted by /u/MarcusGoodaMusic
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Method WF ToS Interview

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:21 PM PDT

Happy feet on pandaren looks like she's searching for a toilet

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:12 PM PDT

The hip, new way to read a map.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:00 AM PDT

TIL: If you log into wowhead with your account, go to profiles and pin your character, all quest pages will show if you've completed them or not.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:08 AM PDT

That is all. This just saved me a ton of time finding out where in the Balance of Power quest line I was.

Edit: because multiple people are commenting on this, you do NOT give your login to wowhead, they use blizzard's OAuth API, meaning, you log into and allow wowhead to read some data from your account, WOWHEAD DOES NOT GET YOUR LOGIN INFO.

Also, if you are not comfortable with this at all, you can also go to Tools > Profiler > Lookup profile and get the information that way, thanks to /u/somtaaw101 for pointing that out.

submitted by /u/youRFate
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Not even close, Kruul

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:35 AM PDT

When you join a WQ group and it's swarming with the opposite faction

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:46 AM PDT

Varimathras is a Jaina

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:17 AM PDT

My transmog is awesome - DLV - 591

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:44 PM PDT

Exorsus World 2nd Kil'jaeden nerdscreams

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 11:22 AM PDT

WeakAuras 2.4.15: Smooth Progress

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:44 AM PDT

Almost 7 Years Later, and It's Still a Portal to Nowhere

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 03:07 PM PDT

Tier 21 Mythic Armor Sets ( Near complete except Warrior ) 3D Models!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:28 AM PDT

me in the club

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:21 PM PDT

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