Super Smash Bros - What happened when Little Mac tried to become a treasure hunter? - Tournament Tuesday #106

What happened when Little Mac tried to become a treasure hunter? - Tournament Tuesday #106

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:27 AM PDT

A: He couldn't recover anything.

That joke was submitted by /u/Vail1321. You too can have your joke featured on a Tournament Tuesday! Just leave it in the comments of this post and we'll pick from the top jokes. Make sure it's got a punchline separate from the reel or we can't use it.

Hey guys, it's Doq with another late night edition because I can't be hassled by anybody to do these at a reasonable time. Maybe I should set reminders.... bah that never worked for me. Those focus apps won't work either, I've tried those too. And budgeting time doesn't happen, because I'm a hardcore procrastinator and uggghhhh I'm such a terrible worker. Er.... maybe I'm not. I dunno. Got any ideas? Leave em in the comments; I'll try a few of em.

Anyway, enough of my ranting. ON TO THE TOURNAMENTNESS!!!

Tournament Scheduling:

  • Melee - Friday, 28 July, 2017 at 18:00 Eastern.

  • Smash Wii U and 3DS - Saturday, 29 July, 2017. EU Wii U starts at 12:00 Eastern, NA Wii U and 3DS start at 12:30.

  • Brawlout - Sunday, 30 July, 2017 at 10:30 Eastern.

Hey, our website is currently getting a huge overhaul, so stay tuned for that!

You're still wondering who we actually are? Well, we are Hypest: the official /r/smashbros tournament staff.

Facebook - Twitter - Youtube - Twitch - Discord

These are our various social media sources. Following/Liking/Subscribing/Whatevering these will give you the edge on what is happening with us. Hopping on our Discord gives you instant access to our community.

We want to thank everyone who keeps coming to our events. We keep getting higher turnouts, stronger competition, and just plain ol' have a good time. With our continued growth we hope to bring you events that are even greater in the future. Keep on Smashing!!!

Tournament Tuesday #106 :: 25 July 2017

[ slept on by /u/doqtorkirby ]

Someone didn't point out the date was wrong last week.

submitted by /u/HypestTeam
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Daily Discussion Thread 07/25/17

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:09 AM PDT

Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread series on /r/smashbros! Inspired by /r/SSBM and /r/hiphopheads's DDTs, you can post here:

  • General questions about Smash

  • General discussion (tentatively allowing for some off-topic discussion)

  • "Light" content that might not have been allowed as its own post (please keep it about Smash)

Other guidelines:

  • Be good to one another.

  • While DDT can be lax, please abide by our general rules. No linking to illegal/pirated stuff, no flaming, game debates, etc.

  • Please keep your meme spam contained to the sticky comment provided below.

If you have any suggestions about future DDTs or anything else subreddit related, please send them our way! Thanks in advance!

Also, if you want to chat with other /r/smashbros users you can do so via our Discord channel.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Hungrybox ends a man's life on stream

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:34 PM PDT

Melee reference in SMITE today

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:17 PM PDT

Ways That Every SSB4 Wii U Stage Could Become Legal With a Bit of Alteration

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:06 PM PDT

In the interests of introducing more legal stages to the competitive scene (because seriously, there are like 6 out of 55 stages legal now, not counting Ω Stages), I got brainstorming and came up with ways to change each stage in SSB4 to either Starter or Counterpick status by altering their layout and hazards.

While some stages will likely still be banned, I wanted to see if what made banned stages ban-worthy could be removed while still retaining each stage's unique personality.

Big Battlefield - Replace the old platform layout with three slightly larger platforms in Battlefield formation that travel across the stage relatively quickly, giving slower characters a faster way to traverse the stage and ending the threat of circle camping.
Mushroom Kingdom U - Remove the Slide Lift Tower transformation entirely, as well as the urchins, Nabbit, icicles, etc. The different platform layouts could work quite well for doubles matches.
Mario Galaxy - Remove the walkoffs, for one thing. This planet actually had holes going through it in Super Mario Galaxy, so adding such pits at both ends of the stage (just after those two platforms) wouldn't be too out of place. Making the stage smaller and adjusting the blast zones to fit the curvature of the planet also makes sense, personally. I definitely don't see this being a starter due to the unique gravity, but as a counterpick Mario Galaxy could produce some very interesting matches.
Mario Circuit - Cancel the Shy Guy race that would otherwise disrupt gameplay. Remove any travel stations with walk-offs or ceilings and edit the platform formation of existing stations (if needed) so the fighting can go on smoothly. Also remove any hitboxes from passing sections of track and solidify the tour platform after a few seconds of flight to discourage sharking. Boom, counterpick!
Delfino Plaza - Unlike in Brawl, the top structures of the tour platform vanish immediately as it finishes descending, causing any fighter still standing on them to suddenly fall, which negates their momentum and leaves them briefly vulnerable. I don't know why the change was necessary, but reverting back to the way Brawl had it could only be good, right? Besides that, its the same drill of removing walk-offs and potential camping spots, deleting travel stations that prove too problematic, and solidifying the tour platform after a few seconds of flight to discourage sharking. Also, make any bodies of water unable to be swum in (Fighters will fall through the water like air until they reach the lower blast line.). Counterpick!
Mario Circuit (Brawl) - Remove the grassy turf that creates pesky walk-off blast zones, and cut off the ends of the platforms that pose the same problem. Oh, and ban Shy Guys from the track. Can't be having them run into anything, can we? They are the WORST drivers! Adding a smaller platform halfway between the middle platform and the ground would make sure that the high platforms aren't too out of reach.
Luigi's Mansion - Just get rid of the caves of life on the lower floor by turning the ceilings into regular semisolid platforms. The columns can't be removed entirely, however. Those are load-bearing columns; the only thing keeping this real estate from collapsing in on itself. Who would be crazy enough to demolish thi- No, wait, it rebuilds. Nevermind, then. Regardless, having these columns act like the wooden signs at Suzaku Castle (which break apart when fighters are launched past them, but are otherwise intangible) will stop the complaints of projectiles being stopped cold from flooding poor Luigi's mailbox, but still allow Luigi's Mansion to be demolished to one's heart's content (You've gotta feel sorry for the guy, though.)
Jungle Hijinx - No barrels, no collapsing foreground, no problem!
Skyloft - Its the same drill of removing walk-offs and potential camping spots, deleting travel stations that prove too problematic, removing damaging hitboxes from bits of Skyloft that get too near the tour platform/not having it go near those hazards at all, and solidifying the tour platform after a few seconds of flight to discourage sharking. Counterpick!
Bridge of Eldin - A slightly larger Ω version of Eldin Bridge + one Twilight Portal-style platform moving along the stage à la Smashville + Said Twilight Portal sucking fighters below it onto its top at regular, predictable intervals = a great counterpick.
Temple - Omit all but the top left segment of Temple, mash the two halves together (removing the platforms in the middle connecting the two), and lower the raised bit before the gazebo-like thingy on the left-hand side so that there aren't any walls.
Pyrosphere - Exterminate any and all hazards (Ridley was too large here anyway...) and shrink down the whole stage in general to around Battlefield's size. Now it's competitively viable.
Norfair - Remove all the lava hazards, obviously. Also, make the ledges of the top pair of platforms ungrabbable so it's harder to stall using them.
Port Town Aero Dive - Cancel the F-Zero race being held here, remove damaging hitboxes from moving terrain as well as eliminate any pesky walk-offs/delete any travel stations that can't be made safe, make the main platform solid both ways, and for the LOVE OF GOD add ledges to it! Do all that, and we have ourselves another counterpick. (What is it with the overlapping schedules of fighting tourneys and grand pries, I wonder?)
Woolly World - The fighting platforms are suspended in the air with no solid ground to be seen, and by extension no walk-offs. There are four platforms in total. One is the wooden beam that holds up and balances the other three. One is the wool rocket, which is doubled in size for ease of fighting upon it. The other two are the cloud platforms found on the other end of the makeshift scale that remain unchanged. The blast lines should be closer to accommodate the smaller stage. This is probably gonna be a counterpick.
Yoshi's Island - Slice off the area past the right end of the stage and extend both blast lines. Add a flat bit to the end of the hill with a ledge on it and the stage should now be in a semi-symmetrical bowl shape. Replace the middle set of Rotating Blocks with a sturdy wooden bridge, and the outer two sets with regular platforms. Because this stage favors vertical KOs due to the bowl shape, this could potentially become yet another counterpick.
The Great Cave Offensive - Hoo boy. I can't think of any possible way to make this legal without butchering the spirit of it. The only idea I have is to use the Ω mode stage with one or two rotating platforms like in PM Green Hill Zone. Other than that, I got nothing but goose eggs.
Halberd - Remove the walk-offs in the starting area, disable the stage hazards on the Battleship Halberd's deck, shark-proof the main platform via making it solid, and raise the upper blast zone.
Orbital Gate Assualt - The entire stage should take place on the Great Fox as it travels around the orbital gate. Make the guns on the front of the vessel unable to shoot or be stood upon in any capacity. Shrink the Great Fox to around 2/3 its original size with the blast zones adjusted accordingly. The rear jets should slide fighters right off of it, not dealing any damage from the jet blast and generally making camping under the rear fin nonviable. The Great Fox is travelling at an upward angle anyway, so the rear jets are technically under the stage and might as well not be there at all. A single Arwing should drift about the stage and act as a platform for fighters.
Kalos Pokemon League - The stage should never transform from its default state.
Pokemon Stadium 2 - The Electric and Flying transformations should be replaced entirely by the Water and Grass transformations from Pokemon Stadium 1, mostly because the transformations from the original were better overall. Leave the Ice and Ground transformations untouched, though. Counterpick.
Onett - Relocate the stage to a Mushroom Kingdom U Ω-shaped spire, removing the walk offs and cars in the process. Also, raise that upper blast line. Still banned in singles, although it could be used in Doubles/Squad battles as a possible counterpick... Maybe?
Coliseum - Remove the walk-offs; add lower blast lines. Simple.
Castle Siege - Remove the second stage transformation entirely.
Flat Zone X - A slightly smaller Ω Version of this stage with the platforms of Chef and none of the stage hazards should work out fine. The lack of a Z-axis should make this an interesting counterpick.
Palutena's Temple - Remove everything but the quasi-stage on the left side that descends occasionally from the upper blast zone, and move that over so that it sits directly below the winged Palutena statue on the eastern side. Delete the bottom platform and make the platform in the middle of the stage one-way like in Halberd. Adjust the blast zones accordingly.
Skyworld - Make it identical to the one featured in PM.
Gamer - Remove 5-Volt and the randomized layout. The new, permanent layout is shown here: (I'm too tired for this. I'll continue in the morning).
Garden of Hope - The Ω Mode with the sardine tin lifts added at either end just past the edges (extending the side blast lines to accomidate them), as well as the china pot sitting in the middle. Counterpick.
Wii Fit Studio - Remove walk-offs, de-randomize layout to five platforms in an X formation.
Boxing Ring - Cut off the catwalks to a few feet past the ring to not only eliminate walk-offs/introduce a lower blast zone, but make the stage smaller, too. Allow the springy ropes to be passed through and drastically reduce the height that the ropes bounce fighters. Have steps lead up to the ring at either end to remove walls created by the side of said boxing arena. The light fixture should be intangible, and the respawn platform should stop much closer to the ground. Counterpick, most likely.
Gaur Plain - Switch to the 3DS version of Gaur Plain. Remove walk-offs by lopping off the ends of the upper platforms and expanding the horizontal blast zones a fair amount. Probably yet ANOTHER counterpick due to its unique geometry.
Duck Hunt - Eliminate the platforms on the tree and the Duck Hunt Dog, leaving them only as background elements. Extend the bast lines outward slightly.
Kongo Jungle 64 - Shrink the stage to an acceptable size for 1v1s. Remove the barrel cannon from the bottom of the stage, and move the platforms closer to the ground so circle camping isn't an issue. The two platforms rotating clockwise should have their range of movement reduced, too. The stage should also have a lower upper blast zone to curtail an over-reliance on horizontal KOs.
75m - Scrap the whole stinking stage. Why the people at Nintendo thought 75m would be a good idea for a returning stage is a mystery for the ages. I'm thinking that 75m's Ω Form + a platform in the middle + another, higher platform on the left-hand side with a ladder connecting it to the main platform + a vertically-moving, smaller platform going up and down on the right side of the stage = a decent counterpick, I suppose. I'm running out of steam thinking about all these stages.
Wrecking Crew - The main platform should stay the way it is. A medium-sized (4 wall segments wide) platform on the left side of the stage should be added. A higher platform on the second story spans the rest of the main platform's length (8 wall segments wide). Another medium sized platform sits below the middle of the high platform, on the first story. A ladder reaches from the ground to the second story, sitting on the 6th segment of the main platform. Another counterpick thanks to the ladder present.
Pilotwings - Remove all instances of damaging terrain flying past, or at least any hitboxes present. The yellow plane's roters' should push off any fighters that try to camp there. The red biplane's lower wings now act as two large springs that bounce fighters to the upper wings if they try to jump down there, eliminating the other major camping spot on this stage. Instruct the pilots of both planes to not tilt their vehicles as sharply to reduce the risk of failed recoveries.
Wuhu Island - Remove the beach and fountain travel stations, and make any bodies of water unable to be swum in (Fighters will fall right through the water like air until they reach the lower blast line.). Remove the walk-offs at the swaying bridge station by adding more holes. The left side of Talon Rock should be replaced by a rock wall, and make sure that the balloon does no damage when popped. Place a small platform in-between the two halves of the Maka Wuhu station to cover the gaping hole right over the volcano. The boat should never OHKO fighters now, although a weaker version of the current still remains underneath the vessel. Counterpick.
Miiverse - Don't change a thing about this stage. It is glorious!
Windy Hill Zone - Remove the springs, for one thing. Cut out everything east of the fourth yellow flower (namely the windmill and a chunk of the stage) and adjust the blast lines to fit the new dimensions. Due to the gravity, this stage, like Mario Galaxy, is assigned counterpick status.
Wily Castle - Get rid of the Yellow Devil and we're golden.
Suzaku Castle - Get rid of the walk-off blast line on the right side of the stage.
Peach's Castle (64) - Get rid of the Bumper and the two triangle thingamabobs. Seriously, what are those supposed to be?
Hyrule Castle (64) - Cut out the right side of the stage (which features what people apparently call the "rape-tent." I don't know what to say to that...). Smooth out the roof to the left to eliminate a small wall that could otherwise pose problems. Remove the top platform of the central spire. There should be no tomatoes flying through the area. Or tornadoes, for that matter. Adjust the blast lines accordingly.
Super Mario Maker - Okay, so here's how the stage should always be. The stage is separated into two floating islands connected by a bridge of donut platforms. The donut platforms have a much larger timer for when they should fall than normal. On the smaller right island is a single platform. On the larger left island is a row of four floating brick blocks that shatter after a single hit, right before a hill going downwards to the right ledge. Above this hill is a platform tilted at the same angle as the hill. Counterpick, again.
Pirate Ship - The water should be, like on 3DS Tortimer Island, unswimmable. This also gets rid of the OHKOs by the ship ramming into unfortunate swimmers. The King of Red Lions should never show up, nor should any stage hazards like bombs or the catapult. Any players caught between the rock and the ship as it runs aground will not be damaged but still dealt knockback (ricocheting upwards off the rock). Also, as the ship descends from being carried off by that cyclone, fighters will not suffer reduced gravity. Counterpick.
Midgar - No Summon Materia should ever appear. However, the effects of Ramuh's Judgement Bolt may still activate every once in a while. The platforms will not electrify, but, after a warning glow, they'll move to random positions on the stage. After a period of time, the platforms will move back to their original spots.
Umbra Clock Tower - Remove the walk-off platforms that occasionally appear, that one platform that travels underneath the stage, and the one solid platform that moves over the stage from right to left. Also, preventing the camera shaking and quieting down Fortitudo's roar a little would help ease any distractions.

Wow, that took way longer than I expected. I'm not asking anyone to do anything here, I'm just sharing the results of my brainstorming with everybody! Are there any suggestions on what could be changed here?

submitted by /u/GlassesFreekJr
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Championship Interview With Plup at DreamHack Atlanta 2017

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:55 AM PDT

What is Mew2king's Best Character in 2017? (Mew2king Statistical Analysis)

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:16 PM PDT

The Brazilian Smash 4 scene needs your help to send our best player Nathan to 2GG SCR Saga!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:44 AM PDT

Nathan is a sick Ryu main and is sure to cause some upsets if given the right opportunity. It's very hard for us to travel internationally and we NEED your help to at least send him to the compendium. We want to put our region on the map!

Vote "Nathan" here:

Watch his combo video "The Amazon Warrior" here:


Edit: There seems to be a bit of controversy since I referred to Nathan as the best player in Brazil in the title. We don't have a national ranking so that's not true - I meant to say "one of the best" - and that is a fact. I sincerely apologize! :)

submitted by /u/daniellevy22
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Axe Me Anything - Maining Pikachu

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:31 AM PDT

komorikiri and MKLeo are teaming at Super Smash Con, Shine, and SCR Saga

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:01 PM PDT

I would be surprised if they didn't win all three events.

submitted by /u/valhalla35
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Anyone know why Trullium is predicted to beat all these players at GOML?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:20 AM PDT

Smasha Grey's lastest video has been copy right striked

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:05 PM PDT

Shine 2017 reaches "S Tier" status: via PG Stats

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:45 AM PDT

PG Stats tweet

The TTS Document

If you weren't there last year, please consider coming to Shine this year! Boston is a great city and last year's tournament was the best one I've ever seen. There's plenty of stuff to do even if you go 0-2 or are just a spectator (trust me I know).

Follow the PG Stats twitter for updates like these, as well as consistent updates on upsets at major tournaments

submitted by /u/HalcyonSSB
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Panda Global & TGL presenting a Miami Major: Too Hot To Handle! #THTH is Oct 28-29, $10k Pot Bonus, Halloween Afterparty on Miami Beach, Limited Space! ||||

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:05 PM PDT

Announcement Tweet! registration link

  • Instead of adding to the tournament saturation, PG and TGL decided to team up to bring a Melee and Smash 4 tournament that is fun and not overwhelming for the players. You can come to relax, hang with friends, and enjoy Miami without breaking the bank. With a $25 early reg venue fee, $5 shuttle to Miami Beach on Saturday night, and a $109/night group rate for the attached hotel we hope that #THTH will be an affordable, fun time for all. But to make the experience best for everyone we have a 640 cap (320 for each game)! So register while you have the chance :).

  • MattDotZeb and Bear are holding down the TO side so you know its quality!

  • More announcements of cool stuff at #THTH to come.

  • Pot bonus break down: $3k for both singles and $2k for both doubles.

  • Venue and hotel is the TGL monthy venue: Miccosukee Resort & Gaming. Call the hotel (305) 222-4600 and give them the code TTG1017 for the group rate of $109/night! Get it while the group rate lasts!

submitted by /u/SamuraiPanda
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A behind the scenes look at n0ne labbing the Icies matchup

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:27 PM PDT

I had no idea SGK was this bad ass...

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:16 PM PDT

Five Gods Cruise Tournament

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Any word on community figures attending this event? The melee gods were rumored to be interested (even PPMD) but the website currently only lists M2k, Mango, S2J, Leffen, and Falln for melee. It has the potential to be a great event (relatively inexpensive at $350 per person in the quad rooms for an all-inclusive cruise to the Bahamas) as long as we can ensure a competent TO staff and adequate setups.

submitted by /u/Vincessant
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DDD - Professor Pro (Fox) Vs. Avalancer (Yoshi) - Winners Quarters - Melee

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:40 PM PDT

GOML 2017 Melee Crews trailer

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:29 AM PDT

Washington Summer 2017 Project M Power Rankings

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:47 PM PDT

Switch is sick at playing Wolf *and* beating up Wolf.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:43 PM PDT

Hi I'm Slime from Bad Melee and I run a podcast about being unranked trash in SoCal! Check out our latest ep about EVO, coaching, selling out, and dying!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:38 PM PDT

What are things that X player does that sets them apart from all other users of that character?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:20 AM PDT

Lots of dialogue about characters being carried, or whether a main is making them better than what many believed the character to be capable of

So lets talk about it, and in a way that accurately gauges the character, what the main does, and in a way that doesnt insult a characters other mains

Some examples to start (they dont have to be the 'best' main):

KEN Sonic

Samsora Peach

Elegant Luigi

Fatality CaptainFalcon

Glutonny Wario

All the various sheiks Sheik

Feel free to post video clips and whatnot to aid in analysis

-Edit: This topic was made primarily with a Smash 4 thought in mind, but lets expand onto other games

submitted by /u/big4lil
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Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at Azension 2!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:16 AM PDT

Place Player Sent to Losers by Eliminated by
1st Black Sun ∣ Daydee (Samus) --- ---
2nd Aptitude ∣ JohnnyFight (Iceclimbers) Nisse Daydee
3rd Humpe (Falco) Daydee JohnnyFight
4th Pipsqueak (Fox) Klarre JohnnyFight
5th Nisse (Peach) Daydee Pipsqueak
5th Zoler (Fox) Humpe JohnnyFight
7th Manio (Marth) Humpe Pipsqueak
7th LM ∣ Fa0 (IceClimbers) Nisse JohnnyFight
9th Levingy (Falco) Daydee Fa0
9th King Funk (Falco) Zoler JohnnyFight
9th Aptitude ∣ Rocky (Falcon) Zoler Pipsqueak
9th Eagle(Dr Mario) (Pikachu) Levingy Manio

Grand Finals

Watch the set on Youtube

JohnnyFight 1 - 3 Daydee
--- = Battlefield =
--- = Yoshi's Story =
= Battlefield = ---
--- = Pokémon Stadium =

Generated by Tournament Tabler

Great tournament! Streamed sets can be found at GeekyGoonSquad's Youtube Channel and twitch along with the side streamed sets (no commentary) at SmashGBG's twitch and soon to be uploaded for easy viewing at their youtube channel

If you want to see the bracket it's over at

submitted by /u/PipSqueak
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DePaul Smash 4 Spring Pr

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:23 PM PDT

NRG Nairo Officially Registered For GameTyrant Expo

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:55 AM PDT

Axe has got this under control!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:22 PM PDT

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