Skyrim - Well, do you?

Well, do you?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:29 PM PDT

Really grinds my gears

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:38 AM PDT

I killed his son, Jervar, and he sent me this.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:57 AM PDT

Literally Unplayable

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:58 PM PDT

Sorry Eorlund, you're now only the 2nd best blacksmith in Tamriel

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:19 PM PDT

Thought you would appreciate my wedding seating chart

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:38 PM PDT

New way of killing with axes

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:05 AM PDT

Not Skyrim, but probably an ancestor of one of the dozens of Skyrim characters I've had

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:05 PM PDT

Fulling running Skyrim on a PS Vita

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:33 AM PDT

Found some ini tweaks that make playing with a gamepad on PC so much better.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:35 AM PDT

Add these to your special edition (probably works on oldrim too) skyrim ini:










































If your gamepad is a bit off (a lot are) then increase fRThumbDeadzone until the camera doesn't move by itself anymore. These tweaks allow you to have much more control over the camera, especially when aiming with spells or bows. Move the camera fast when pushing the stick all the way, or move it very smoothly and slowly when only lightly pushing the stick (as a joystick should be!). I have literally spent months fiddling around between skyrim and fallout to make the controllers feel good and these settings finally do it. I can't make a video or anything to show how much better these are, I hope somebody will try it and see for themselves.

submitted by /u/BrettonTT
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Ralof has had enough of this...

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:18 AM PDT

The College of Winterhold is pretty lit

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:10 PM PDT

"Look into my eyes, Serana. You tell me what I am."

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:20 PM PDT

Advanced Interrogation Technique

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:19 AM PDT

What year do you think we will see tes6?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:46 AM PDT

I'm 19 now.... I like to estimate ill be 72 by the time Bethesda even starts to work on the game...

submitted by /u/osrs_keon
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She's just lying still, hoping I don't put an arrow through her face like I just did to the fellow sleeping opposite her.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:52 PM PDT

"Eagerness must be tempered with caution, or else disaster is inevitable." -Tolfdir

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:50 PM PDT

And yet, 10 minutes later:
"What? That amulet you touched set off a trap? Put it on!"
"Look, that wall is glowing! Blast it!"
"A monk from an ancient and powerful organization appeared in a vision and warned you about danger ahead? Whatevs, lets pull open these coffins fer shits n' grins!"

submitted by /u/SomeguyBCS
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Now THAT was just savage [random encounter spoiler?]

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:23 PM PDT

On my to retrieve Azura's Star, I was hailed by some Vigilants of Stendarr, whom I recognized by their robes. I'm not a religious man by any means, but it was the middle of the night, on a forlorn road, and who am I to ignore my fellow man?

I will never again make this mistake. No sooner had I dismounted my horse did they turn their teeth and blades at me! They were vampires, the lot of them- after the fight, I searched nearby and discovered the disrobed and mutilated corpses of the holy men they ambushed before me.

Beware, travelers, of the road between Whiterun and Brittleshin pass.

submitted by /u/multiple_lobsters
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Playing without music

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:18 PM PDT

So, let me preface this post by saying I think Skyrim has probably some of the best music of any game I've ever played. It has caused me to discover some of Jeremy Soule's other incredible work and I've often listened to the music when I'm not playing the game at all.


It started last night as I wanted to listen to some music (Wintersun... folk metal) while playing the game. After the album got over, I found myself wandering around with the game music turned all the way down. I could not believe how immersive it was! Sneaking really felt like sneaking, I could really make out clearly some of the NPC's death cries or whispers across town.

I would very highly recommend it. It seems to take away some of that stale feeling you get from hearing the same song for the 300th time, and allows the ambiance of the game to take front row.

submitted by /u/jkingds
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Has anyone ever tried mixing Invisibility with cloak spells?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:11 AM PDT

I like the way it looks. My character look like a little frost cloud moving around

submitted by /u/Mexicanarchy
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Too far, Serana. She's only a child.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:35 PM PDT

New playthrough

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:02 PM PDT

So I began another character after a long break from playing. Never really explored too much in previous playthroughs, mostly just did main quest line/DB/thieves guild then sorta fizzled out on the game. I've been trying out the no fast travel idea (most of the time) and it's brought about some cool things so far! Wanted to share.

First off, after talking to the Alik'r guys in Whiterun early on, and finding the Redguard woman, I was exploring around as you do and delved into a cave. Happened to stumble upon Kematu and his gang without even intending on it and at that point was really encouraged to keep playing without fast travel and quest markers for the most part... it was just such a natural way to continue that quest and felt so real. I pressed on.

During the main quest, which I finished first, I stopped to peek inside the Moldering Ruins on my way to Sky Haven Temple and was tickled when someone from the Dawnguard later asked me to seek it out and rid it of vampires. Hey, that place sounds familiar... I wanna say I've been there in my travels. I found myself becoming immersed for the first time as I never had before on any previous characters.

After beginning the Dawnguard story and exploring around after Isran asks you to find a certain someone, I found myself at the bottom of a cave where I found a buried structure which I figured at the time was some old dwemer building. "Huh, that's cool!" I thought. Only later on did I discover actually what it was... once again it was an awesome feeling of immersion as later my character is like, oh yeah darkfall cave - I've been there.

I know there has been a few more little occurrences like this but these are the few I remember ... it's shown me how amazing this game is when you really set aside time to explore and immerse yourself in the world instead of just fast traveling to and fro or otherwise trying to speed through the game like I have up until this point when I've played. Anyone else want to share some neat experiences like this? I'm curious to hear :)

submitted by /u/cupajoe5
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