Overwatch - Weekly Trash Talk Thread - July 24, 2017

Weekly Trash Talk Thread - July 24, 2017

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:08 PM PDT





submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Spoilers] Congratulations to the winners of the Overwatch World Cup: Sydney Qualifier!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:36 AM PDT

Group C teams Sweden and Australia advance to Blizzcon following this weekend's qualifier. Sweden defeated Spain 3-0 in their semifinal after going 2-1-0 in group play. Australia beat Japan 3-2 in a very close match in their semifinal after a 2-0-1 group play record.

Group D becomes the first group this tournament to fail to qualify a team for Blizzcon, with Vietnam and Finland getting knocked out in group play, and Spain and Japan falling in the semifinals.

Sweden and Australia join China and France as Blizzcon qualifiers in November.

You can watch (or rewatch) these VODs at the PlayOverwatch Twitch channel.

Reminder: The Overwatch World Cup takes this weekend off, but returns August 4th - 6th in Katowice, Poland with Group E (South Korea, Netherlands, Poland, Austria) and Group F (Canada, Russia, Singapore, Turkey).

submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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I don't play overwatch, but my brother does and animated a bunch of characters for fun. Thought you guys might enjoy

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:59 AM PDT

Found on display in an Ikea. Cant be a coincidence right?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:51 AM PDT

A list of odd overwatch interactions (many with gfycat links as evidence) [Very Long] X-Posted from /r/OverwatchUniversity

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:58 AM PDT

*This was last edited on July 24th 2017; Blizzard really likes to quietly patch things and I cannot promise that any of this will be true if there's been patches since this time. At the time of posting, however, everything in this guide should be true.

This is pretty much just a list of things that are not explicitly stated in-game, what-if interactions between character abilities, and those things that sort of are in-line with the listed ability but make you go "wait, you can do what?".

Some of them are going to be things most of you are familiar with, and some are going to be very rare cases that I don't expect many people to be aware of. I've tried to be comprehensive to ensure this list is helpful for newcomers as well, so bear with me if several seem to be common knowledge.

This list will start with general settings players may not know about, move on to the payload and then do each of the heroes as they appear listed in-game in a match (Offense/Defense/Tank/Support, alphabetical within these categories). Most of the interactions relate to multiple characters, and for spacing reasons I've only included them in the place that I thought makes the most sense (eg, lots of "teleporting into a Mei wall" scenarios direct back to Mei). If you want to Ctrl-F a hero, just put an exclamation mark after their name (eg, Pharah would be Pharah!).

I'm also going to mention that a couple of the tests took place before the last major patch (prior to the Roadhog changes). Most of them did not (notably the Zarya stuff; pre-nerf I believe she detached tracer bombs, and now she most definitely doesn't). I also had to re-test (and remove) a large section of roadhog stuffs because they made some undocumented bugfixes for him (for example, the hilarious hook-fling bug appears to have been fixed).

General Info

Allied healthbars can be toggled on for all heroes.

The Chevrons above players heads do not indicate health; rather, they show combat status. Orange shows that a player has taken damage recently, blue (or green in the case of group members) indicates they have not taken damage lately. There is no relationship with health- a critical HP player can have a green or blue chevron if they haven't taken damage for a while, and a full HP player can have an orange one if they were healed up immediately.

Shields (blue health) regenerate after three seconds without taking damage.

In the current build, Ana's Biotic Grenade does affect shield regeneration. This is new behavior; it hasn't for most of Ana's existence.

"Critical Health" visibility is based on the full amount of HP and shields. In earlier builds, only HP health was considered (eg, a Zenyatta with 50 HP and no shields would not get a "critical health" indicator, but one with 15 HP and full shields would), but this is no longer the case. For both Supports and Sombra.

Armor reduces damage taken by by 50% or 5 damage, whichever is less.


Tracer shoots two bullets that each deal 6 damage - dealing 12 to the player. They get reduced by 50% (3 damage each) - dealing 6 damage.

Hanzo shoots a single arrow that deals 125 damage. It gets reduced by 5 damage, dealing 120.

Knockback takes into account enemy momentum, and is amplified on enemies that aren't touching the ground. If someone walks towards you and you try to knock them back, they won't go nearly as far as if they were walking away from you or in midair.

Most heroes have a ~100m maximum range, after which their shots despawn (or explode, regular projectiles mostly fizzle out but stuff like Pharah, Bastion ulti, Soldier Helix, etc all explode).

Roadhog's alt-fire has 110m range (his primary is 100 like everyone else, so presumably his alt-fire is just the primary fire from 10m away). Some heroes seem to have infinite range (or at least, past where my friends and I could test; Volskaya only seems to go ~130m); Soldier's primary fire (but not Helix), Hanzo's everything, Torbjorn's alt fire (of all things!), Orisa's primary fire, Symmetra's alt fire, Ana's sleep dart (but neither primary fire), and both of Zenyatta's firemodes can all shoot past that limit.

Offense; Genji, McCree, Pharah, Soldier 76, Sombra, Tracer

Defense; Bastion; Recon, Turret and Ult, Hanzo Primary and Sonic/Scatter, Mei, Torbjorn (alt-fire), Widowmaker

Tank; D.Va and Little D.Va, Orisa, Reinhardt's Firestrike, Roadhog (note the hitmarker).

Support; Ana; primary fire and sleepdart, Lucio, Mercy, Symmetra's alt-fire and barrier, Zenyatta

Not tested; Junkrat (because its not possible to arc the shot where we were testing and we didn't change maps/gravity to make it possible), Torbjorn's primary fire (same reason), Zarya (same reason), and Reaper (we did actually try, but we had too much trouble getting pellets to hit something even within that 100m mark - they probably despawn past there but we weren't sure enough to make a claim).

With the exception of McCree's Fan-the-Hammer (which uses as many shots as you have remaining), all heroes with an attack that uses more than one round can perform the attack at normal damage provided they have any ammunition left. They do not need to have the required amount (Genji's alt fire uses 3, Torbjorn's alt-fire uses 3, Widowmaker's scoped shots use 3, Zarya's alt-fire uses 25, Zenyatta's alt-fire uses between 1 and 5 - but can be charged fully on only 1)

Mercy, Bastion, and Torbjorn will reload their other weapon if you switch off of them for longer than the time it takes to play the reload animation.

Its worth noting that this doesn't apply to all heroes and especially ultimates; an ulting Genji does not reload despite switching off his shuriken, and an ulting bastion or Soldier 76 immediately reloads - it doesn't happen behind-the-scenes or require the same amount of time as the animation.

The Payload;

The payload heals nearby attackers for 10hp/s

The payload reverses direction after ten seconds without the attackers touching it. Defenders do not need to be on the payload for it to be moved, and their presence affects neither the amount of time before it moves back nor the rate that it moves.

On Eichenwalde's second point, the payload cannot be contested after it makes it to the castle wall.

Reinhardt's hammer-down can affect people through the payload

Offense Heroes;


While ulting, Genji cannot crouch

Genji can double-jump over Reinhardt's Earthshatter

Genji's deflect will reset the timer on Roadhog's alt-fire. When fired by Roadhog it explodes 10m away, when deflected by Genji it will explode 10m from where Genji deflects it (instead of 10m - the distance from Roadhog).]

Genji's deflect will maintain spread, for example if you only deflect the left shuriken from Genji's alt-fire, the shuriken will be aimed to your left instead of straight. If you deflect the leftmost portion of a Roadhog ultimate, you'll only be shooting to the left of your aimer, if you deflect to the right, it'll only be the right, etc.

Hitscan weapons (tested with Ana- scoped - assuming that this is true for Bastion, McCree's primary fire, Soldier, Sombra, Tracer, Reaper. Yes, yes, I know this is poor practice for science)will disappear if two Genjis deflect them at each other. You can still deflect a Genji-deflected hitscan shot though, just not back at Genji (note the dart in the wall at the end).

Projectiles can be deflected as many times as it takes for either Genji's deflect to run out.

A deflected Junkrat Mine or Orisa HALT! will activate when it hits the ground or a wall (Junkrat mine will also activate upon hitting a player, HALT! won't. It is not timer-based and Junkrat/Orisa cannot detonate it after it's been deflected. Notably, Genji is not affected by Concussion Mine's knockback the way Junkrat is

Genji's deflect will block melee attacks instead of reflecting them

Genji cannot deflect Soldier 76's Biotic Field, Junkrat's Trap, Torbjorn's Armor Packs, D.Va's Ultimate, Symmetra's Barrier, Orisa's Barrier, or Orisa's Supercharger. *tested before Roadhog changes

Using Genji's Deflect while Zarya bubbled will deflect some shots, while the bubble will block others.

Genji's Sheathe Sword animation will cancel an active deflect.


McCree's ultimate shoots from right-to-left

McCree's ultimate continues charging after the skull appears, allowing him to do additional damage to barriers or to kill through sudden health increases like Lucio's sound barrier.

McCree's ultimate damage resets on D.Va if she gets back into or loses Meka (I'm assuming this is when little D.Va despawns and control swaps to Meka). Shooting just before this usually does enough damage to OHKO the mech

McCree's ultimate immediately reloads his peacekeeper.

McCree's flashbang also stuns Torbjorn's turret

McCree's flashbang can stun a D.Va ultimate (see D.Va)

Mercy can still use Angelic Descent while under the effects of McCree's flashbang (see Mercy).

Roadhog will still pull hooked enemies while under the effects of McCree's flashbang (see Roadhog)


An ulting Pharah will be moved by platforms if she was standing on them before ulting.

Pharah can concussion blast sleeping players without waking them up

Using Pharah's concussion blast on a Zarya from within the bubble will push both players forward instead of knocking them apart.


Tracer bombs stuck to reaper will drop off if he uses Wraith Form

Reaper can avoid damage using his teleport, even if both locations are unsafe. Like a D.Va Ult, for example.

Reaper's ultimate requires Line-of-Sight, and can be bodyblocked by Zarya bubbles or any player.


Soldier can sprint while in midair

Tactical Visor also aims his Helix rockets, but does not lead them


Sombra's EMP will also hack medpacks. Note that it does not override an enemy Sombra's hack, though it may have in the past.

Sombra's EMP will not break Mei's Wall

Thermoptic Camo makes Sombra completely invisible at a distance, though she will become visible if she moves very close to an enemy.

*This proximity detection range on Thermoptic Camo seems to be slightly smaller than the range in which Sombra gets the "Detected" message. I can't really upload a gfy of that because you can only see one point of view in them, but it was something that came up during testing.

Turrets will not detect a cloaked Sombra, unless she comes within the proximity detection range. Torbjorn, Symmetra

Widowmaker's Venom Mine will hit a cloaked Sombra at normal range. Control, Cloaked.

Sombra's Thermoptic Camo will also cloak Zenyatta's Orb of Discord- though it remains attached to her.

A cloaked Sombra can be made visible by Hanzo's Sonic Arrow or Widowmaker's Infra-Sight.

Sombra can avoid damage using translocate, even if both locations are unsafe. Example using a D.Va Ult; 1, 2.

Translocating into an enemy player will move them off the beacon. This includes Mei's Cryo-Freeze.

Translocating into Meis' wall will place you inside it. See the Mei section for more details.

Sombra's hack will not stop Hanzo from firing a Sonic or Scatter arrow, provided he has selected it before being hacked. Hanzo can still swap back to a regular arrow even when hacked.

Unlike other stuns, EMP will not interrupt a Genji ultimate's cast animation. Presumably this would work the same for other channeled ults (S76, Bastion), but they weren't tested.


Tracer's Recall will bring her health up to the highest point in the last three seconds.

Recalling into a Cryo-Frozen Mei will move you both slightly

Recalling into a Mei wall will leave you inside the bottom half of her pillar. See Mei's section for more details.

If she would recall onto a moving platform, Tracer's recall will bring her to the current position of those platforms - not where it was three seconds ago..

Tracer can charge her ultimate while pulsebomb is active.

Tracer's bomb is not un-stuck by a Zarya bubble, but it will save the person inside. See Zarya's section for more details on pulsebomb/Bubble interactions.

Tracer's bomb will be un-stuck by Reaper's wraith form, Reaper's teleport, and Sombra's translocator.

Defense Heroes;


Turret-mode bastion cannot be moved by any form of knockback (Pharah, Junkrat, Lucio, Winston, etc), but can be dragged by Zarya's Graviton, Roadhog's Hook, Orisa's HALT!, or Junkrat's trap.

Bastion will leave turret mode if hacked by Sombra, hooked by Roadhog, Slept by Ana, or charged by Reinhardt

Bastion will not leave turret mode if stunned by McCree or frozen by Mei.


All of Hanzo's arrows deal 125 damage on impact - including Scatter arrow's initial hit and the arrow fired before Dragonstrike turns into the dragons.

Hanzo's Sonic Arrow remains a viable projectile even after hitting an enemy barrier. If the barrier is taken down (or breaks), it can injure or kill enemies as it falls. Here's Zarya, Reinhardt, Orisa, Symmetra, and Mei as examples. Mei's wall was tested as well (it works!) but the footage got borked and I haven't taken it again. Winston wasn't tested, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

* Follow-Up question; it looks like it actually spawns a new Sonic Arrow instead of simply dropping the old one. Would this mean the duration is reset, and you could theoretically get extra Sonic Arrow coverage by intentionally hitting barriers?

Hanzo's Sonic Arrow will despawn if it breaks destructible terrain.

Sombra's hack will not stop Hanzo from firing a Sonic or Scatter arrow, provided he selected it before being hacked. He can still swap back to a regular arrow (see Sombra)

Hanzo can charge his ultimate while Dragonstrike is active.

Hanzo's dragonstrike fires an arrow before becoming a dragon, this arrow can be deleted by D.Va or reflected by Genji like any other.

Hanzo has a small "dead space" between where this arrow despawns and where his ultimate begins doing damage - about 10.5m away from him. Enemies in this area will not take any damage.

Too Close; Arrow Range


Too Far; Ultimate Range

Hanzo's Dragonstrike (both the arrow and the associated dragons) will penetrate walls.

Hanzo's Dragonstrike does not affect structures; barriers, teleporters and turrets are not affected by his ultimate.

Torbjorn's Turret, Symmetra Teleporter, Turrets.


Junkrat's Concussion Mine deals a flat 120 damage. This doesn't scale with distance from the mine- people at the very edge of the blast still take that 120.

Junkrat's trap cannot be deflected by Genji (see Genji)

Placing a second Junkrat Trap will free anyone trapped in the first one

Placing a Mei Wall underneath a trapped player will free them.

Junkrat's Tire will skid in a straight line at normal speed if frozen by Mei. Junkrat can detonate the tire at any point, but can't change its direction until the skid ends. *Tested before the Hog nerf.

Junkrat's Tire damage is not affected by Mercy's damageboost, Ana's nanoboost or Orisa's Supercharger.

*I'm pretty sure it is affected by Zenyatta's Discord, but I forgot to test it


Mei's ultimate requires natural line-of-sight to freeze people, despite the visual effects going through walls. Unlike most LoS ultimates, barriers do not count. You cannot bodyblock or shield a player from Mei's ult, with the sole exception of someone bubbled by Zarya (as Zarya bubbles remove the freeze debuff).

Mei cannot be healed by Ana while inside Cryo-Freeze, and she cannot be hit with Biotic Grenade.

Mei's self-healing will be affected by the grenade if she is hit beforehand, but she can't be buffed while already in the block.

Mei cannot be nanoboosted while inside Cryo-Freeze

Lucio's sound barrier will be applied to Mei while inside Cryo-Freeze

Mei cannot capture a point while inside Cryo-Freeze.

Placing a wall underneath a player caught in Junkrat's trap will free them.

Mei's wall can be taken down by pressing the key again.

Mei's wall has a 10s cooldown after being placed- not after taking the wall down. Taking it down early does not give you wall any sooner.

Mei's wall is placed in five separate pillars, each which can be broken individually.

A player that teleports within Mei's wall will ignore the bottom half of whichever pillar they end up inside. They can move through it and shoot out of it as if it doesn't exist (they can't shoot back in). The top half is still solid, and after leaving the pillar will be treated normally again. The source of this teleportation doesn't matter, a Symmetra-teleported player will be treated the same as a Tracer using Recall or a Sombra using Translocator.

Symmetra Trial 1

Tracer Trial 1, 2

Sombra Trial 1, shooting out, Trial 2, shooting up.

Shooting out of the wall

Torborn's turret can be frozen by Mei even when Molten Core'd.

Building a Mei wall on a Torbjorn turret will freeze it until the wall is removed - you do not need to completely cover the turret, only to have overlap with a portion of the turret's base. 1, 2, 3. Friendly Mei walls will freeze it too.


Taking down a damaged Mei wall in a game with no cooldowns and immediately activating the skill again will cause her to only place one pillar at the location she aims. The other four will be spawned in an overlapping single pillar somewhere else in the map; this location is the same regardless of where Mei is placing her section of wall (Nepal; Shrine behind the big doors, Hanamura in front of the bell), but we don't really know anything else about the bug and it's not exactly useful in a live game.

Spawn Glitch, Location doesn't matter, Breaking the other pillar


Armor reduces damage taken by 50%, up to 5 damage per instance.

Armor provided by one of Torbjorn's armor packs is a different colour than a hero's innate armor.

Armor is placed beneath shields, regardless of whether they are innate or from Symmetra's shield generator.

Armor provided to an out-of-meka D.Va will remain on her if she gets into her mech and is eventually de-mech'd.

Torbjorn's turret can be stunned by McCree's Flashbang (see McCree)

Torborn's turret can be frozen by Mei even when Molten Core'd (see Mei)

Torbjorn's turret will be frozen if partially overlapping with a Mei wall - this freeze is not broken by Molten Core, and will be removed if the wall is taken down (see Mei).

*these are probably bugs

Swapping off torb, and then back onto torb, will allow to to re-collect scrap in the training grounds * tested pre-Roadhog changes

Switching off Torbjorn while standing on an armor pack will occasionally spawn you the new hero with armor* tested pre-Roadhog changes


Armor underneath a shield does not apply the damage reduction to shield health. There's been a myth going around for ages that armor packs placed under a hero's shield-health (eg, Zarya) will apply Armor's damage reduction to all shield health on top of it, and that is not the case. Armor only applies its damage reduction when the armor itself is damaged.

Torbjorn's Turret can no longer pick up medpacks. 1, 2.


Gathering a healthpack will immediately remove Venom Mine's debuff, though you'll occasionally take 1-2 damage at the same time you pick it up.

Large Pack

Small Pack

We had more trials for both (both showed the not-healing-one-damage occasionally), but I didn't bother uploading them

Tank Heroes;


D.Va's Defence Matrix cannot absorb; Orisa's Barrier, Symmetra's Barrier, Soldier 76's Biotic Field, Junkrat's Trap, or Orisa's Ultimate (eg, it can't delete anything that Genji can't deflect)

Enemies that shoot D.Va's Meka during her Call Mech cast don't recieve ult charge, even though Meka takes damage.

D.Va's Defence Matrix is not effective through walls, despite the cosmetic effect going through them.

D.Va can use her ultimate during her Meka-death Eject animation.

D.Va's Meka can be healed even after being destroyed or used as an ultimate. While Zenyatta's orbs and Mercy's healing beams disconnect soon after, Ana can heal it all the way up until it despawns.

D.Va's ultimate is affected by all current forms of damage buff, but only if they are applied to the out-of-Meka D.Va.

Control Test, Damageboost, Supercharger, Nanoboost

A Nanoboost applied to D.Va's Meka does not affect her ultimate (eg, before she uses ultimate)

With the exception of Orb of Discord, buffs or debuffs applied to an out-of-meka D.Va will remain on her until they wear off. This includes Torbjorn's armor packs (my footage sucked), Ana's Nanoboost, and Ana's Biotic Grenade buffs.

D.Va's ultimate can be moved slightly by friendly players (including D.Va herself).

D.Va's ultimate can be affected by some forms of CC;

D.Va's Ultimate can be stopped by McCree's Flashbang and Reinhardt's Earthshatter.

D.Va's ultimate cannot be stopped by Ana's Sleepdart, Mei's Freeze (her wall is OK though, of course), Junkrat's Trap, Sombra's EMP.

D.Va's ultimate can be moved by Roadhog's Hook and Reinhardt's Charge.

D.Va's Ultimate cannot be moved by Zarya's Graviton, Orisa's HALT!

D.Va's ultimate cannot be moved by any knockback abilities. This includes; D.Va's Boost/Melee combo, Junkrat's Concussion Mine, Pharah's Concussion Blast, Roadhog's Whole Hog, Lucio's Sonic Blast, Reinhardt's Hammer, Winston's Ultimate, Explosives and any hero's Melee attack.

D.Va's ultimate cannot be bodyblocked.


HALT! will pass through enemy players and barriers without activating, but can be eaten by D.Va's Defence Matrix.

If deflected by Genji, HALT! cannot be activated manually and will only activate when it hits something (See Genji).

A fortified Orisa will not take damage from a Reinhardt charge or Roadhog hook, but will take damage from all other forms of CC (We did test this and the footage will be posted, but this was lower-priority than some of the other videos and will probably be edited in sometime tonight. Sorry about that!)

Orisa can see her feet if she jumps once. She cannot see her feet on subsequent jumps if she bunnyhops, however.


Reinhardt's Earthshatter will affect players through the payload.

Mercy can use Angelic Descent while Earthshattered (See Mercy)

Genji can double-jump over Earthshatter (See Genji)

Earthshatter doesn't dissipate immediately, a player that walks over Earthshatter immediately after it goes off will be stunned (even if they weren't there while Reinhardt ulted)

Charge will not deal damage to a Fortified Orisa (but will still squish anyone who was pinned against her)

Enemies can be pinned between a pair of charging Reinhardts


Hook can be animation-cancelled by using Roadhog's ultimate- hooked players will still be pulled to roadhog.

Roadhog will pull hooked enemies even when stunned by McCree or Reinhardt, or slept by Ana.

Hooked enemies can be turned up to 90 degrees. This can be used to ensure environmental kills, to put them in a better place for you to ult, or to keep people off the point.


Winston's ultimate can knock Zarya around through her bubbles.

Winston's ultimate cannot move Bastion while he is in turret form.

Winston's leap distance is affected by the direction he's moving. Walking backwards before leaping will do a much shorter jump, jumping forwards before leaping will perform a much larger jump.

Using Winston's jump pack just before you hit the ground after falling from a high place will immediately deal landing damage (it's still only applied once, but it happens at the start instead of the end) and cause Winston's jump to be slightly larger than normal. This is really hard to do consistently, and it took me longer than I'd care to admit to get at all. The first jump was performed wrong as an accidental control, the second was performed correctly.


Zarya bubbles have 200hp, but will fully block excess damage if it breaks the barrier - a D.Va ult dealing 1000 damage will not damage people through the bubble, regardless of how much health the bubble has remaining. This is also true for multi-hits that happen simultaneously (Reaper, Roadhog's shotguns).

Zarya will not get charge for bubbling an environmental kill.

Zarya bubbles will protect her from knockback if it occurs from outside the bubble. It does not protect her from melee-based knockback like Junkrat's Mine, D.Va's boost/melee combo or a Winston ultimate.

Roadhog can hook a Zarya if he attacks from inside the bubble; 1, 2

With the exception of Mei's ult, Zarya bubbles also protect players behind the bubbled person (eg, from D.Va's Self-Destruct or Reinhardt's Earthshatter, as long as the damage source is not coming from inside Zarya's bubble.


D.Va Ult /(no overlap) vs D.va Ult (with overlap).

Pulsebomb, stuck to bubble - no overlap, Pulsebomb, stuck to bubble - no overlap, but turning around, Pulsebomb, stuck to person inside bubble, Pulsebomb, bubbled person standing on bomb,

Zarya bubbles will remove Orb of Discord, Ana's Biotic Grenade antiheal debuff, both kinds of Mei freeze.

Zarya bubbles will not remove Ana's Sleepdart, Sombra's Hack (though she can interrupt it if she bubbles during the hack animation, the Stun from McCree's Flashbang, or Reinhardt's Earthshatter.

Support Heroes;


In the current build, Ana's Biotic Grenade does affect Shield regeneration.

Ana can generate ultimate charge by healing D.Va's ultimate. She can not generate ultimate during the first few frames of D.Va's call mech.

* Follow up question - It looks like Ana's biotic grenade does not generate ultimate charge on D.Va's ultimate.

Ana cannot assist a friendly Mei once she is inside Cryo-Freeze. She cannot heal her with regular darts, biotic grenade does not affect her, and she cannot hit her with Nano until she exits (see Mei).

Note that Mei's self-healing is affected by Biotic Grenade if she is hit prior to entering Cryo-Freeze.

A slept Mercy can still use Angelic Descent despite being stunned (see Mercy)

Sleeping enemies can be moved around via Pharah's concussion blast without waking up.


Lucio's Healing Aura requires Line-of-Sight to heal people despite the visual affect going through wall.

Lucio's sound barrier activates upon hitting a solid object - players on the opposing team count

Lucio's sound barrier requires line-of-sight to activate; but notably will hit Cryo-Frozen Mei players (see Mei)

Barriers are applied for a full second after Lucio hits the ground- this means you can shield someone if you achieve line-of-sight after hitting the ground, but before this second has passed.


Mercy's healing and damage beams remain attached for one second after Mercy loses sight of them.

Damageboosting an ally as they deal damage charges Mercy's ultimate as well.

Damageboost is applied to all forms of damage, with the exception of the turrets built by Torbjorn, the turrets built by Symmetra, and Junkrat's tire.

Damageboosting an ally as they get an environmental kill will give Mercy ultimate charge.

Damage boost is applied to D.Va's ult, provided you damageboost out-of-meka D.Va (see D.Va)

Angelic Descent can be used while affected by all forms of stun, including; Ana's Sleepdart, McCree's Flashbang, Reinhardt's Earthshatter, and Mei's Freeze.

Mercy can cancel Guardian Angel mid-flight. The ability is on a toggle by default (you need to hit the key again), but you can turn off this toggle so you only fly as long as you're holding the button. (Turning it off toggle gives you much more control and greatly reduces the likelyhood of accidentally flying into a Hanzo ultimate. )

*These are probably bugs

Mercy's Self-Heal is active even when at full health - she will often immediately regenerate up to 4HP immediately upon taking damage, giving her just over 200 effective HP about half the time. She'll still get oneshot by 200 damage attacks, but if it takes more than one hit (eg, the Junkrat Trap/Mine combo, she may survive with a sliver of health.

Its notable that this used to be incredibly consistent at 2-3HP per hit, but in more recent patches the range seems to be 0-4HP and unpredictable. Sometimes a Junkrat combo will kill her, sometimes it won't.


Symmetra can charge her weapon or maintain that charge by shooting at barriers or a Mei wall.

Symmetra's alt-fire orbs can pass through barriers and enemy players, hitting everything along the way

Players teleported while a Mei wall is on top of a teleporter will end up inside the wall (see Mei).

Symmetra's Barrier will be directed upwards by terrain. Stairs 1, 2, 3.

Note that this only seems to work for going up stairs; her barrier will not follow terrain downwards.


Orb of Harmony and Orb of Discord remain attached to a target for three seconds after Zenyatta loses sight of them. Note that Orb of Discord also reveals the enemy's location for those three seconds.

Orb of Discord will go invisible if a discorded Sombra cloaks (see Sombra)

Zenyatta's discord is removed by Zarya bubbles (see Zarya)

Zenyatta can't capture objectives while using Transcendance. CP examples; 1, 2. Payload.


The central glass in Oasis; University cannot be broken by D.Va's Ultimate, any form of melee attack, or beam-based weaponry.

It is not possible to stand on the drones in Oasis; University.

Serious thanks to CSn_Zelda for the sheer amount of things he tested with me and for proofreading this final document, to Protozerg (who helped edit the rough draft), to Skelwolf, Kalyst, Sofo4ka, Trinystr, Hope, and Qwas5200; for helping me test things so I could record them. Additional thanks to Duranrok, who both helped test things and allowed me use his internet so that I could actually upload the stuff I recorded. That Reyes guy was a ho though, no thanks to him.

If anyone knows some things that I didn't list, or has some suspicions they would like tested, let me know. I'd probably be interested too! Note that I have hit the reddit post character limit, so anything extra would have to be done in a new post or the comments.

A couple things didn't get gfy'd yet because I biked home last night before a thunderstorm since I figured not getting my laptop soaked would be a good idea. I'll try to add a few tonight, but no promises because my home internet is crap.

submitted by /u/FeatherFallen
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Reminder: When Arcade resets this week, do NOT get your lootboxes yet!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:42 AM PDT

When the Doomfist patch comes out on Thursday, the lootbox updates will finally be live. As a reminder, Lootbox contents are generated when you receive them, not when you open them, so stockpiling your lootboxes now will be fruitless.

In order to get your duplicate-less lootboxes wait until that patch goes live to reap the benefits.

submitted by /u/Khajiit-ify
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Every highlight intro in the game performed by Doomfist

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:50 PM PDT

I placed Gold!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:23 PM PDT

I know it's not "impressive," but Overwatch is my first FPS and I worked really hard just to be adequate. I spent over 20 hours between QP, vs AI, and mystery heroes so I could learn maps, positioning, proper aim, and develop good game sense for even thinking about competitive. I always considered FPSs beyond my capabilities, but I wanted to at least try and found the game genuinely fun. Most of that time was on Ana (poor choice for someone new to FPS, I know, but I really liked her character and wanted to get good as her by any means necessary). I recently switched to Zen because he's just easier to use without extremely good communication which is often lacking (this is on console) and the eight game win streak (4 qp followed by 4 placement matches, I like to warm up in qp before playing ranked) that followed made me feel like it was the right choice. I like Ana better, but I'm more effective as Zen and that's better for my team.

Also, on one of those Zen games I got five gold medals but my play card was for assists. Wtf blizzard.

Idk, this probably isn't that cool, I'm just really proud of myself and it's fun to watch myself improve and grow as a player.

submitted by /u/hooloovooblues
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So yeah, we built a REAL Dva MEKA

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:17 AM PDT



We'll be at Mechacon in NOLA this weekend and Dragoncon in Atlanta in September! Come out and see us!

submitted by /u/retroresource
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Zarya comics confirmed by Michael Chu

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:03 AM PDT

I drew D.Va, hope you guys like it

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:10 PM PDT

Zarya making the most of a feeding Junkrat

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:29 PM PDT

Superjumping as Doomfist and immediately killing a ulting Genji is one of the most satisfying I've done

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:42 AM PDT

who said snipers dont get on the payload

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:29 AM PDT

Party on the Mech - D.Va FanArt by LiangXing

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:12 AM PDT

These quick play strats are getting out of hand

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:48 AM PDT


This guy is a legend. Possibly the funniest thing I've seen happen in a game so far.

submitted by /u/brandxntu
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Jeff Kaplan on balancing between the Pro and Casual Scenes

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:00 PM PDT

TIL Widowmaker says "shit" in French (Merde) when her trap is destroyed

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:03 AM PDT

Sorry Madame, but this is a Christian server so NO swearing.

submitted by /u/Bobster9911
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Thanks Reinhart for giving me this 5 kills!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:10 PM PDT

When Hanzo decides to ult from spawn

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:12 PM PDT

Genji senses tingling

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:58 AM PDT

How is this still possible?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:59 AM PDT

I just got out of a match in GrandMaster. I noticed we were a team consisting of 4 support mains 1 dps main and 1 dva main. We get a solid setup and people flex into other roles (Soldier, DVA, Lucio, Zen, Phara) and the last guy picks Junkrat on defense. Not a common pick right now, but who am I to judge. I believe in the guy, cheer him on and get in position to start the game. But when there were 15 seconds on the clock before the match started, our D.VA went back to spawn and picked Widowmaker. He then proceeded to die on purpose, standing afk and flaming in chat and ruining our game. In my opinion we still did a great defense round with only 1 min on the clock for the enemy (with 5 people against 6) for the next round, despite the efforts of that guy to try and lose the game. When we switched sides, he went Torbjorn on attack, put the turret on the cart and went afk in the base. He told us "You had a choice but you didn't take it".


Creating a false feeling of "punishment" by ruining other people's games for picking a character in this game that happens not to be in the "META" right now. This person had clearly other issues in his life but that is not the point. Where the hell is this game going when people need that feeling of power by ruining other people's experiences and getting away with it? I really hope that my report went through and that this jerk receives his punishment.

I hope you read this post. And I hope you get what you deserve. Fix your mental state, then play again.

As a lot of posts have already pointed out: there is something wrong with the mentality of the players. This community started out with such positive attitudes and encouragement when the game came out and it saddens me how much salt and anger are involved now. The majority of people still is amazing but there are more and more bad apples..

submitted by /u/ArmaLegend
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Upgrading the Rig by ChasingArtwork on DeviantArt

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:56 PM PDT

Rein is faced with his problems right now, but when he works, he works.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:59 AM PDT

DspStanky moving away from overwatch in the coming months

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:38 PM PDT

I made a widowmaker logo!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:17 AM PDT

When you thought the game was done...

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:47 PM PDT

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