Heroes of the Storm - Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | July 27 - August 02

Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | July 27 - August 02

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Remember to scroll down to the bottom or sort comments by new to make sure all questions are answered please.

Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions after this thread starts to disappear from the front page, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.

Previous Teaching Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Proper ways to use Garrosh's Wrecking Ball Ability

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:20 AM PDT

Enemy ETC missed a teammate during moshpit. Help your team by throwing them into the party.

D.Va just activated self destruct and your teammates are running away. They might miss the pretty fireworks, toss the exploding mech into your team

Ragnaros just activated molten core and you just lost aggro. Misdirect to your backline so they tank him. Throw them back in.

Teammate trying to turn in gems/coins on BHB/TotSQ, go away noob i have enough. Toss them away.

Abathur thinks he can afk behind your walls and not help your team. Get in there whelp, throw him into enemies.

Medivh trying to skip leg day by using portals to escape instead of running like the rest of us.Victory or death, toss his ass back in there.

Thrall is on your team. That alone is enough of a reason to toss him into enemies.

Enemy team has a Nazeebo, so try and play basketball and see how many teammates you can shoot into zombie walls

Murky's pufferfish is about to explode. 1,000 deaths, or 1 murder? You know what to do, toss your team on the puffer.

Gazlowe is about to do his gravo bomb wombo combo. Throw your teammate into it so they know what it feels like to chew 5 gum.

Someone on your team drafted nova? WTF Pick a real hero, toss her ass into the enemy team

I would love to hear if anyone else has some helpful ways to use this ability.

submitted by /u/challengeDK
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I played Li-Ming all day, 20+ games straight, and made a little video

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:49 PM PDT

Math of the Storm: Patch 26.4 (Stukov Balance Patch)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:04 AM PDT

I'm just happy we get a new "main tank"

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:22 AM PDT

I know some people aren't too stoked about Garrosh - some find his kit weird, some say he doesn't fit the fantasy, some would have rather had Grom, some would rather he be a bruiser.

I'm just happy that we are getting new main tank. - I play bruisers and melee assassins and flex tank, and while there are a fair amount of bruisers you can play, I think main tank players will be happy if they can finally pick more than 3 viable main tanks at any one time (one of which will be taken by the enemy team and one possibly banned.)

Lets just hope he is viable. I for one am happy. we need more tanks with tank kits

Edit: some argue that his kit isn't that of a main tank. I'm just going off of that Blizzard has stated that he is going to fill a solo tank role and therefore is designed that way. We will see how he ends up being tank/off-tank but the plan (Blizzard's) is to have him solo tank viable.

submitted by /u/Megaman1575
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I've been playing The Lost Vikings a lot recently, as I want to get the level 15 portrait, and this happened just after a victory on Garden of Terror :)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:53 PM PDT


First time I've ever seen everyone in the game vote for one person! I was excited when I got 8 votes (this is the first time I had gotten the "legendary" voice line) and I definitely didn't expect to get 10. I guess everyone, even the enemy team, appreciated my gameplay (I did contribute like 40k XP). I'm definitely going to keep playing The Lost Vikings if this keeps happening :)

submitted by /u/Pancakes_Guy
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Grubby doesn't give up hope in humanity

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:16 PM PDT

July 26th Patch - 24 Hours Later

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:32 PM PDT

View the previous post on Reddit here, or on HeroesHearth here. This is a transcript of my blog post on HeroesHearth. View the original here.


Hello again! After each balance patch, I've taken it upon myself to track how the balance changes have affected the Nexus. It's become something of a habit for me, and I thought it might be fun to share my data with the community.

In case you've forgotten what changed in the last patch, here's a link.

Disclaimer (please read!):

All data provided in this post was collected from Hotslogs, which is a database of player-submitted games. Data was collected between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM EST each day, using the special filter "Last 7 Days (Current Build)" and focusing exclusively on Hero League data (with the exception of heroes like Cho'Gall, whose unique nature requires pulling data from Team League). This post is not meant to suggest any immediate balance changes. Because the sheet only covers 24 hours of matches as of the time of this post, the data is very likely to be unreliable in some cases and may change as the week progresses. I will be giving an update on the status of these heroes after one week has passed. If you'd like to wait until then, feel free to do so. The only purpose of this post is to provide initial information about how the changes have affected things, so that people who are interested in that sort of thing have a resource to look at.


Here is a link to the spreadsheet with the data I've collected. The spreadsheet contains all of my original data, split into two categories: "Composite" (which represents all data across the entire week) and "Daily" (which represents data from each individual day). It also contains a number of graphs showing how each hero is performing in both win rate and popularity. If you'd prefer a summarized report, read on!


Hero Win Rate Win Rate Change Win Rate Error (95% CI) Popularity Popularity Change
Chen 50.00% +1.1 p.p. ±6.12% 4.7% +0.4 p.p.
Genji 42.00% -4.8 p.p. ±3.02% 59.8% -9.1 p.p.
Greymane 50.00% -0.9 p.p. ±2.50% 30.6% -1.4 p.p.
Muradin 47.80% +2.5 p.p. ±2.84% 22.3% +6.6 p.p.
Nazeebo 51.70% +1.1 p.p. ±2.59% 27.2% +2.4 p.p.
Rexxar 47.20% -3.4 p.p. ±9.52% 2.0% -0.8 p.p.
Stitches 48.20% -4.2 p.p. ±2.39% 36.3% -2.3 p.p.
Stukov 47.60% -1.9 p.p. ±2.62% 54.8% -3.0 p.p.
Tychus 44.80% -2.5 p.p. ±4.51% 9.1% +0.0 p.p.
Uther 51.70% -2.6 p.p. ±2.14% 66.3% -3.0 p.p.
Xul 54.30% -1.7 p.p. ±3.31% 19.1% -1.3 p.p.


The seven-day analysis will take place on August 2nd. In the meantime, perhaps you can help me out. I've been noticing a decreased sample size in these 24-hour posts (we're talking about 20-30% less games), to the point where it's reducing the validity of the data. I'm seriously considering switching to posting one blog after 48 hours, and then the usual 7-day blog with analysis, instead of the 24-hr / 7-day system I've been using up until now. But I'm not sure about making this change because a lot of people seem to find it interesting and valuable to see how things shake out after 24 hours. So I've created this Strawpoll to help me decide whether I should change formats or not. Please vote in it, because I want to make sure that I'm providing information that you all find useful!

And for those who are curious: my vacation to Cali was quite enjoyable. But at the same time, it's good to be back. :)


And don't forget: My large-scale project, "2017 - A Year of HotS in Review" is still ongoing! Check out the information I've collected so far at the links below!

2017 - A Year of HotS in Review - Full Data Sheet

2017 - A Year of HotS in Review - Hero Data Sheet

submitted by /u/CriticKitten
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Garrosh's Wrecking Ball fits well with how his name literally means "throw carelessly" in French Canadian

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:20 PM PDT


Here in French Canada, we can say "Garrosh garroche".

Get ready for Garrosh to carelessly throw a game by carelessly throwing an exploding enemy D.Va mech into his team!

submitted by /u/ndaoust
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[Bug] Genji's Shuriken(Q) can clear Creep Tumors while Li-ming can't with arcane missiles...

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:38 AM PDT

It was considered as a bug two months ago (and a big one if you want my opinion), but it's actually still there. Did it come back somehow or just forgotten? https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6bcbkb/why_does_genjis_shurikenq_clear_creep_tumors/

submitted by /u/Saylor_Aldurren
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I think that the support meta is a thing

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:39 PM PDT

Michael Phelps might lose races but TrikSlyr doesn't.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:08 PM PDT

Hero Survey July 2017 (Census) - RESULTS + INFO GRAPHIC

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:58 AM PDT

Heyhey Heroes Community,
I'm really happy to present you the results of the Heroes Survey that was held within the last week! As always, main purpose was to catch the dedicated player's feelings about the current hero situation concerning balance, favour and upcoming heroes. There were also bonus questions about current hot discussed topics around the game and the possibility to rate some of the recent additions/changes. While the survey was held, Garrosh got announced, but there were no other announcments yet. - Thanks a lot to all participants!

This is not absolutely representative for all Heroes of the Storm players, but though mostly dedicated players participated, this still draws a fine picture of the current situation i think!


The change indication numbers connect to the last survey (Hero Survey May 2017, shortly after DVa release, when 2.0 was merely a few weeks old), though a very small change of just +/- 0.1 is colored yellow instead of green/red.


--> Info Graphic - Hero Survey July 2017
--> Survey Announcement Thread

(Results of former surveys: Jan'16 (Census) - Mar'16 - Jun'16 (Census) - Aug'16 - Dec'16 - Feb'17 - May'17 )


You can also contact/add me & stay tuned for next surveys on Twitter!.


Important: This is not official, I have no connection to Blizzard at all.
This project was born all out of fun, curiosity and love for the game.


Thanks a lot to all the 2851 participants from all around the world!
(Sadly we couldnt hold the high number of participants from last survey, but still got an solid increase compared to the second to last survey. Maybe because of summer time.).
State of the game was patch 26.3 (Stukov release patch 07/12).


Please share this, so it can reach everyone, who might be interested in it! :)
Feel free to give feedback & discuss about the results here!

submitted by /u/GwelsHeroes
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Garrosh Hot Potato

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:46 PM PDT

Me and some rando's in General chat were having a discussion when someone brought up the idea of a Garrosh Hot Potato brawl, where multiple Garrosh's throw around a Furnace Blast Butcher that's set to explode after a given time.

Possible Rules

Firstly, I think the map should be about the same size as the Punisher Brawl.

Probably should also be a free for all, no teams, no respawns; one life only, try to be the last man standing.

Garrosh's can use their abilities on other Garrosh's to either mess them up or help them, however the person with the bomb will not be affected by abilities.

Vision- Either have the person with the Butcher Bomb have full vision over everything + people having constant vision over the bomb -OR- Everyone has vision over everything.

Person with the bomb has increased movement speed and unstoppable, you can throw the bomb at a chosen location switching hosts if it hits someone but if you miss, you'll have to pick it back up.

When time runs out the bomb explodes, one-shoting the host and whoever is in range of it, eliminating them from the game. A new Butcher Bomb will then spawn at the center of the map and charge towards the nearest player, turning them into the new host.

A possibility to prevent back-and-forthing is when Player A gives the bomb to Player B, Player B cannot give the bomb back to Player A and instead must give it to Player C, who can give it back to Player A.

When there are only 2-3 people left:

-Back-and-forthing will now be enabled. -Movement speed will be equalized. -The bomb will now only kill the host and not those around him. Any thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/VelstryoxDP
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Drafting: The most important part of the game that isn't played. (An informative guide to Hero League Drafting)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:32 PM PDT

Hey everyone!

It's me again, Basshead, back with a general guide on the thought process that any player from Bronze to Master should consider when contemplating their draft selections for Hero League.

Unlike other mobas that have items, drafting in heroes of the storm is insanely important (not to say it's not important in Lol or Dota, only that it's more so in HotS). Your draft will determine your playstyle, strengths, weaknesses, and power spikes; and, although it's clear that even the best draft can lose to the worst draft, there's no reason to put yourself at a disadvantage before the start of the game.

I'll be covering some of the basics of drafting, which should allow you to make educated and capable decisions when it's your turn to select, including:

  • Why drafting is so important.

  • The needs of the team vs. Individual capability

  • Pick position and what it means.

  • The difference between class and role.

  • The best pick for winning games.

The idea behind any draft is to make a viable and balanced team composition capable of doing the four things your stats are based around.

  • Taking damage, dealing damage to enemy heroes, preventing or healing damage (overall supporting), dealing Seige dmg/wave clearing, gaining experience.

The key to winning games is to play controlled throughout, taking advantage of every mistake or missed opportunity offered to you by the enemy team. The first opportunity for a team advantage presents itself in the draft.

1) Why Drafting Matters. (The quick match)

Nothing makes it clearer how important hero selection is than a bad quick match draft. The algorithm goes wonky and the enemy team ends up with a true support and a true tank vs a team of 4 assassins and a tassadar. As the game goes on, and the teams begin working together more, the team without a really healer begins to suffer. Or perhaps a game with that pesky Valeera on the enemy team, and your team is nothing but squish with no options for reveal.

In a game of dota or league, items would help solve these problems, but not in HotS. In HotS, only certain characters can provide the kind of support you need to deal with other characters; so, during the pregame draft, it is extremely important to take into account what your team has, what the enemy team has, what is on the table, and what map is being played. These things are pretty hard to do, and I'm probably not gonna be able to get it all across in this one guide, but for those of you reading and trying to improve your hero league win rate, this guide should give you a framework of understanding that will lead to making smarter picks and giving your team the advantage from the get go.

2) The needs of the team and individual capability.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Nothing is more important than each player being comfortable with the hero they are playing. I'd much rather have a less meta draft to have a more comfortable player. A great player can quickly become a heavy burden if you put them on a hero they don't play, and any of us should be able to admit this simply by our own faults when playing characters we're weak with. Not understanding a characters limitations is a staggering disadvantage, and in higher levels of play leads to feeding and often times toxic team behavior. Please believe, snowballing can work in reverse.

When making the decision to begin hero league, it's important to have at least 5 go to heroes. These are heroes you know inside and out. You know their strengths and weaknesses, multiple talent builds to adjust to specific situations, and are capable of excelling in their primary stat (hero dmg/ kills for assassin's, damage taken for warriors, experience for specialists, high amounts of healing or a low team death rate with supports). No matter what role these heroes are in, they should be the ones you feel most comfortable playing, and in terms of climbing mmr, they should be your primary selection. Many master / grandmaster level players climb by sticking to only a very few heroes.

In addition to your 5 go to heroes, you should have filler heroes that you're comfortable playing given the situation. These will vary in number and role depending on your go to heroes, but a good rule of thumb is to have NO LESS than 3 heroes of every role available, specialists not included. 3 supports, 3 warriors, 3 assassins. So, if you're 5 go to heroes are all assassins, you need to make sure you have 3 warriors and supports in your pocket that you can play if need be. And the reason for this, is better discussed in the next section so...

3) Pick Position... Yeah, it matters.

I like Dehaka. He's a pretty solid pick on most maps. He has global control, great wave clear, CC, excellent sustainability, increased move speed, and can alter his ultimate selection to change from a serious front line damage soaking tank to an absolute menace for your support or backline damage. For this reason, I don't mind being at the top of the pick order. Dehaka has huge solo carry potential, can make or break a game, and for that reason, is often picked or ban early on larger maps in HL.

Being at the top of the pick order, pick 1, or pick 1 and 2, is an awesome place to be... if you're comfortable playing top teir heroes. But, it also comes with the joy of leaving you open to counter picking, and if you don't play top tier heroes, you're leaving the strongest ones open for the other team. It's a double edged sword when it comes to the meta, because again playing what you're comfortable with is more important than playing what is good... but... it's better if the two line up.

I also have a fairly large hero pool, although I favor and greatly prefer warriors. Because of this fact, I often enjoy being at the bottom of the pick order. I know that I can play every role well, and that I can then fill in for what we need, letting my teammates have their comfort picks. In a perfect world, we would all have a 30+ hero pool with 6 in each role and no way that our botton picks could ever get starved to discomfort. That's just now how it is though.

So whatever you prefer, top of the order, bottom, it's important that you realize what they each mean to you, and how best to let your team know your weaknesses to protect your draft.

  • If you're at the bottom of the pick order and only play 2 supports, let your team know immediately.

Nothing is worse than only playing auriel and uther, and watching as they get picked and banned and you get stuck with support. Let your team know, "hey guys, I'm last pick and happy to support, but I can only play auriel and uther, so let's try and keep them open" (as I said earlier, this is sort of a no no. At least have a 3rd sup available to avoid getting starved out. 1 pick 1 ban 1 open. That's the hope). Many times, being polite about your possibilities will lead to someone taking support, letting you go to a more secure role. This works with all roles.

  • If you're at the top of the order, consider your pick more based off map, meta, and capability.

If you're first pick the question should always be, "which of my go to heroes is of most value on this map, or, what hero of high value can I play well enough to make me prefer it over my go to?" There's not really anything else to worry about in that position, and you should take that position as your opportunity to pick what you want.

  • If you're lower in the order, consider the enemy team picks.

This doesn't mean counter pick necessarily, but it does mean consider what you're up against. If the enemy team has a 4 man specialist comp on warhead with a bright wing, perhaps last picking a 5th person for your teamfight isn't the best idea. Leaning towards something that can hold a lane vs a specialist might be exactly what your team needs to dominate the primary 3 man lane and win nukes. And in addition...

  • If you're lower in the order, consider your team's picks.

This is both the most obvious thing I've said and the most difficult at the same time. This is asking, "what does our team need." It's a difficult question, because you're now trying to balance everything. "Is it a go to? Can I play this hero? Is it good on the map? Is it good vs the enemy team? Does it make up for what we're lacking?" And believe me, what you're lacking is an important void to fill or cover up. To answer these questions properly, we need to consider roles and a few aspects of game control.

4) Roles that go beyond class.

Now HotS uses the word role to describe warrior, assassin, support, specialist, and flex, but I'm about to change that a bit. Like in any MMO, that's really a class. Their class is a warrior, their role is to tank. I hope we can all make this distinction in our mind, because it's one of the most important steps we can take to improve our drafting. Although we might need a warrior, not all warriors making good tanks, and sometimes, it's really a more specific type of tank were looking for.

You've probably heard the terms dive and peel before. To dive, means to rush at an enemy teams backline, attempting to kill a specific hero or disrupt the enemy teams focus. To peel, means to protect a specific friendly hero from immediate danger. Certain characters are extremely good at diving, like sonya or zeratul, others at peeling, like tyrande or Brightwing, some like Anub or Arthas, are pretty good at both.

The same thing must be considered for assassins. Not all assassins are made to quickly kill heroes. Although able to pour out tons of dmg, Guldan isn't really a hero killer. Instead, he pressures the enemy team through intense wave clear, and sustained poke damage. In the exact opposite sense, Genji's wave clear is extremely poor, and his poke is sub par at best, but his monstrous mobility and ability to quickly and efficiently deal out large damage with resets, makes him an extremely valuable asset to finishing team fights. When combining the two together on one team, you have poke dmg, lane pressure, and kill potentiality.

When considering your picks, take time to contemplate those realities based around those earlier questions. If the enemy team has a tyreal, zeratul, and Anub, perhaps adding a li ming to your Gul Dan isn't the best idea. You're poke game is strong, but what will you do when the enemy team dives you? Instead, consider picking up disengage/CC, in order to peel the dive, or something like a kharazim for increased healing and vision. The key isn't to pick the class that you're missing... it's to fill the role that your team needs filled... so...

5) The Best Possible Pick

So what's the best pick to win games and climb the ladder? The answer is obviously &*%€#£& (click here to unscramble!)........ Bad Joke?

Joking aside, there's no correct answer; however, there are some key aspects to hero league pick selection to consider when looking for "That hero" that will help you win games.

  • Wave Clear/Aoe dmg is generally important.

If you want to carry games, you have to be able to make a sizable difference. The best ways to do this are almost always in response to enemy positioning, and usually include pushing empty lanes, quickly clearing large creep waves, taking down structures, and clearing camps.

  • Crowd Control is NEVER a bad thing.

Nothing makes me cringe more than someone saying "we don't need CC." CC is in no way the most important aspect of a game, but skill goes right out the window when you're stunlocked. I don't care how good Fan's Zeratul/Illidan are, he's not magically surviving a cyclone + powerslide + Moshpit + Pyro blast + Flamestrike + Living bomb + face melt + oh shit that was only two heroes worth of stuff...

Seriously, CC can solidify a gank, peel for damage, hard engage for team fights, disengage from teamfights, secure kills, stop plays, secure objectives/neutrals/boss... the value behind CC never goes away and when a character is no longer able to be controlled, the skill of the player at the keyboard quickly becomes unimportant. CC isn't the most important thing in the game, but it is of incredible value and always worth considering.

  • Staying in the fight: Mobility, Sustain, and Global.

It's rather important to be able to stay alive. If you're constantly alive and healthy, then you're constantly a threat who's able to soak exp, push structures, fight for objectives, and take camps. Sustain is important for this. It makes heroes like Sonya, Alarak, Dehaka, and Ragnaros awesome. But, you also need to be able to survive ganks, get in and out quickly, and play the map hard and fast. This gives Dehaka the clear advantage (remember what I said earlier?).

  • Can it make a play?

The last thing it think it's important when choosing a hero to carry with is playmaking ability. The truth is, your team can be down level 20 to 16, having gotten smashed all game, and a good Moshpit in mid vs 4 of the enemy team can flip the game in an Instant. Playmaking capability is still a seriously important piece of hero league wins, and it's one reason why so many pros win consistently despite poor teammates. They continue to play their game, soaking exp, getting themselves to an area where they have the power to control the game, wait for an enemy mistake, and capitalize hard.

It doesnt always work, but it's one of the main reasons that I generally play Leap on my sonya in HL. With a 77% sonya win rate in Master, I attribute my success to the items listed above, and my ability to capitalize on mistakes. When valla steps out of position, I am able to almost instantly annihilate the hero, leaving the enemy team with a 4v5 teamfight and the mistake of focusing the sonya with their early dmg skills, which I am able to soak up and continue fighting. During the cooldowns, My damage is usually shredding through the disadvantaged enemy team. This in addition to strong solo lane control, great wave clear, self Sustain, mobility, and CC makes sonya, like many other heroes, a great pickup.

That's it for today. I hope everyone finds this guide helpful when considering your draft selections. I wanted to avoid too much of the meta discussion because these topics and considerations will never go out of style, and will always help you to make the best choices when considering the kind of hero pool you want to develop for climbing.

As always, please feel free to critique this guide or give me advice on how to improve the next one, and please comment your own insights on how to improve basic understandings of HL draft.

Good luck in the nexus, -Basshead

submitted by /u/WorrDragon
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Please have a pro player as an analyst at the Western Clash!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:17 AM PDT

I think most of our community would agree that having CauthonLuck 3rd guy for Phase 1 Playoffs and Fan at the Mid-Season Brawl was a huge success.

Western Clash is the next big event and the announced talent line-up doesn't include a current professional player. I think it'd really be a shame if this wasn't continued for such a hyped event as the Western Clash.

My personal favourite for this role would be Bakery (who has said he would do it), but of course there are also a few other great players who didn't qualify.

So, if someone from Blizzard is reading this - I believe in you, you can do this. :)

submitted by /u/lerhond
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HoTS Game Designer thoughts on current Dva situation.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:18 AM PDT


Hey guys, I'm Alex from the Live/Balance Team and I wanted to chime in here.

At the time of the nerfs to D.Va, she had the 5th highest winrate in Hero League (~54%) for players that had leveled her to 10 or higher (our standard metric). She was behind only Malthael, Uther, Ragnaros, Probius, and Tassadar. A lot of those Heroes have also received nerfs since that point in time.

We also find that newer Heroes continue to trend up for a while, and our personal experience told us that players were still learning to be really effective with D.Va, so we believed that nerfs were correct.

She's now at 48%, and anecdotally I've never been upset to see a D.Va in my games (nor felt like I shouldn't play her when the team composition made sense).

It's very likely that we'll do more Talent tuning as we progress, which will likely result in buffs to some of the under-performing Talents. Overall, we won't always hit it perfectly the first time, as each Hero reacts differently to tuning, but we're always watching and will continue to make adjustments to get it right eventually. We care deeply for each Hero that is released, and want to see them have a nice place in the Nexus.


submitted by /u/Xixth
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Am I the only one who thinks Garrosh is fine and his kit fits his fantasy?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:37 AM PDT

I really feel like I am. And I'm getting really sick of these posts complaining about him. Imho the kit fits Garrosh perfectly, he's a brute with insane strength (he can literally grab a siege tank and throw it over his shoulder). His first heroic fits him being a Warchief, and his W ability represents his berserk-y side. The trait is also a nice nod to Hearthstone.

The animations might be a little off but I have faith in Blizzard that they will improve them, like they did with Gul'dan or the raptor mount.

Edit: Since I was asked to do a poll on who is the most "misplaced" hero in Nexus (by a person who thought Garrosh was so bad he would be on the top of the poll), I thought I'd just add it to this already-front-page-post: http://www.strawpoll.me/13550868

submitted by /u/CrazyFredy
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Garrosh skin theme mount from Chinajoy

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 04:45 AM PDT


Saw this on a china forum.Photo not taken by me.

Also I heard Garrosh's max hp at lv 1 is 2049.

submitted by /u/331jd63d
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I keep seeing people call Stukov a "bad guy"

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:55 AM PDT

"First bad guy support"; "another bad guy after Malthael." Stuff like that. I mean, sure, he doesn't fit the classic "hero" tropes, but unlessI'm missing something, I'm pretty sure he's not evil or bad, per se.

Let's recap—I was betrayed and killed, shot into space, captured by the zerg, resurrected and infested, cured, given to Moebius to research the protoss cure, and was instead experimented on as the cure slowly failed. Everyone up to speed? Good.

- Stukov, from Heart of the Swarm

submitted by /u/IvGotSomthinToSay
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Advanced Zeratul Guide Part I: Dueling Assassins (A-K)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:02 AM PDT


Hello reddit! I have 1.3K zera games, wrote a post entitled "11 (somewhat) advanced zeratul tips" which was really popular so I figured I'd write a more comprehensive guide for the hero.

This section primarilly refers to 1v1s between 4 and 19 where the target is far from the safety of their base but not completely isolated from their team so that you would be wise to save some mobility to escape. You cannot 100-0 people, in practice, before level 20, but you can 75-0 most assasins and specialists if you dodge/gapclose their most impactful ability. Remember that a massively winning trade is often as useful as a kill.

Trades refers to the act of trying to deal more damage to the enemy hero than they deal to you before blinking out, which even if you lose won't cost you your life. All in refers to trying to kill your relatively healthy opponent, risking death should you get outplayed

Key considerations to read first

-Vorpal always lands you below the person you last auto'd

-Seeker usually lands you such that your orientation relative to the enemy is the same, and that you face your target. i.e. face your target when activating seeker-> teleport to the side you are closest to, face away from your target when you reactivate seeker-> teleport on the side of your oponnent you are currently furthest from

The Duels

Abathur in base

Practical after level 4 when you get follow through. Before level four you will need an extra auto which will likely mean your death to fort if the aba is positioned correctly. Spike-Seeker-Auto-cleave-Auto oneshots the abathur. Timing is key for this duel, you will die if any of his team are nearby to chase you after your blink out. You usually want to hearthstone just outside of fort range as it will usually take them longer than 5 seconds to rotate over to you, if it doesn't then you've timed your kill incorrectly. To minimize the damage you take, wait until the wave of minions leaves the base to avoid aggroing them and tanking the entire wave of minions. YOU MUST APPROACH FROM THE REAR AND AVOID CHOKEPOINTS ON THE WAY THERE TO AVOID HIS MINES. Activating seeker late will maximize the time after killing abathur that you have the speed boost and can be the difference between life and death.

Abathur in bush

The duel is the easy part; getting there without stepping on mines is the hard part. you generally want to approach from your opponents side of the map and blink to avoid chokepoints in the path to the bush in question. I find if you blink over the middle of walls you will avoid all mines and take the slug by surprise


This duel is all about dodging the combo. If you dodge it is a very easy duel, otherwise you should still escape albeit with a sliver of health. To dodge it with seeker, not recommended, you must click to face away from the alarak between each autoattack such that you will teleport on the opposite side of him when you reactivate seeker. The easiar, and harder to counter, option is to approach from above such that you can dodge with vorpal (it teleports you below the target). This is the superior method as it allows you an extra proc of follow though with w reactivation, or to use it as a gap closer if he self-telekenesises, and it doesn't allow alarak to wait out the singularity spike duration before comboing you. The combo is also much faster and efficient this way. If you are teleporting to alarak using seeker you want to turn zeratul to face the bottom of the screen before reactivating seeker such that you will end up above alarak. This allows, as previously mentioned, you to teleport behind alarak when he uses his combo using vorpal. If you mess up the vorpal dodge then blink to the other side of him the second you see his telekinesis. Even at 20 you must dodge the combo to 100-0 him, I would not recommend the psalm combo (w-w-aa-q-rewind-q-w-aa-w-aa) vs an alarak with CDs up)


Not a matchup I am very familiar with, but it seems to be that a 100-0 is out of the question. You should be able to get a massively winning trade onto her, with w-w-a-q-a-e, chunking her to 50% HP from 100% without taking much return damage. I believe if you have the element of surprise you can usually pull off the combo before you get blinded.


Take a long flank and approach from the rear to avoid timetraps. If she took temporal loop you don't want to try this duel unless you can kill her before the ability sends you back in time. I personally wouldn't try this until she is at least 75% assuming a skilled opponent. You want to pay close attention to her animations and where she places her time trap. Dodging her q is a piece of cake, when she uses her w walk away then when it lands (they usually place it on top of themselves), vorpal back and finish her off. If you miscalculate and you can't kill her before the temporal loop activates, then blink or vorpal AFTER it activates. Blink before and you have lost the kill and probably your life.


A winning trade is very easy to achieve with the typical w-w-aa-q-aa-e combo. To 100-0 the bird is doable but requires excellent technique.

Before level seven I don't believe you can reliably 100-0 the bird. You want to approach from behind and be in position to bodyblock before opening with a AA-Q-AA. Vorpal the barrel roll then AA-W-AA. It is crucial to know that the vast majority of zeratuls damage is burst, his sustained damage is lackluster so the longer the trade goes the better falstad normally does. By singularity spiking last you apply a slow which prevents him from chasing you after you've used your cooldowns. If he doesn't barrel roll, then throw the w before walking away and save the vorpal and blink to juke any persuers.

After getting seeker at seven you want to open with AA-Q-AA and vorpal after barrel roll before casting a pointblank w, then reactivating to the follow through proc and for the movespeed boost for your escape. You can juke persuers by walking away from falstad then vorpaling after they commit to the persuit and blinking the opposite direction, then fleeing with your added movespeed.

After 10 but before 16 open with A-Q-A as before but this time save the w until the barrel roll animation begins. Use seeker to close the gap when the animation concludes. If you miss the seeker then use blink to close the gap. At this point falstad should be around 25% HP and will probably use gust to try to escape. Use vorpal blade to close the distance and finish him off before using blink to escape (assuming you landed seeker ofc).

Once you have 16 the extra damage from sentenced to death is too good to pass up, so open with w-w-aa-q-aa and follow the roll with blink instead, vorpal the gust then finish him off. Although you lose blink, the kill will be made so much faster that it shouldn't damage your chances of an escape too badly should the enemy team rotate to cut off your retreat.

Once you have 20 you can kill falstad in around 1 second with rewind. It's hella funny.

Note: it is important to pay attention to falstad's level 4 talent. If he takes static shield you will have a much harder time killing him. It is sometimes worth blinking out of its range before returning with seeker or vorpal to prevent him getting shielded. Doing so will prevent you getting the kill should he use gust, but baited out his heroic and chunking him is a big win for you anyway.


Now dodge has been nerfed (thank you blizzard :D) zeratul is a big threat to genji if his protect is down, or zeratul can bait it out. This duel plays out similarly to falstads duel in that you must follow the small gap creator (his trait) with seeker or blink and save vorpal for his swift strike/x-strike. At 20 you 100-0 in just under two seconds, assuming he used protect or you managed to bait it out. Open with a-q-a-w then reactivate seeker when he uses swift-strike/his trait. vorpal the x-strike/swift strike then use blink and a final auto to finish him off if needed.


Not a duel you can win until 20, but you can take winning trades at every level after 4 with the standard combos if you execute them efficiently then blink out of his sight radius. Remember that his wolf form grants ten physical armor so he is a far juicier target in human form.


Winning trades very easy, too 100-0 before twenty you need to blink out of the life-drain then vorpal or seeker back in to finish him off. Not very doable in practice, but if he has already lost 30 or so percent of his health a kill is acheivable with good technique, but your escape will be unlikely if pounced on because you will have used your blink. Use w-w-a-q-a to open up with, or w-a-w-a-q-a if in melee range, taking a break in the combo to blink out of lifedrain range, before vorpaling back in to finish him off. It is worth moving unpredictably between autos to avoid his other spells. If he has horrify, you can't win this duel unless you outplay like crazy.


If he has evasion up, you have to bait it out first. Without evasion you can kill him from around 80% hp at 16, or 60-70% Hp before. Just blink or seeker his w and save vorpal for his ultimate. You can sometimes take an engage if he still has evasion, but it means that you have to let him lifesteal from you while you do no damage to him for its duration; only recommended if you can kill him with your ability damage alone. At twenty you can oneshot an illidan without evasion in under two seconds.


Zeratul food. Usually a good idea to dodge her abilities using vorpal and seeker, especailly if she takes ice barrier at 13 . Beware the block and movespeed slow from frost armor. It won't save her from you, but it will take you longer to kill her and slow your escape. I'm not sure who wins if she takes water elemental, but if you can bait that out then blink away that's a huge win for you anyway. Bait out iceblock before comboing after you get rewind


Beware pyroblast. I think it can stilll be avoided if you run away from it then blink the opposite direction just before it explodes. If he takes this, you can't 1v1 him if he has it up, but by taking it he will be putting his team at a large disadvantage anyway. You can bait it out in teamfight, then run towards your healer. If all you do in a teamfight is one combo then survive pyroblast you've done enough.

If he takes pheonix then he is easy prey. All you have to do to win this duel is dodge the gravity lapse so watch his animation very closely. You can dodge with vorpal if you approach from the top, as it always teleports you below the target, or with seeker if you turn away from the KT before reactivating it, as that will teleport you to the opposite side from where you are now. It is usually enough to move unpredictably between autoattacks and the KT will likely miss. Even if you get stunned and eat all of KTs damage, you can still usually kill him if you land all of your burst before he reaches safety.

Pay close attention to his level one talent, if he takes convection focus on killing him before he gets 20, if he takes mana addict then you will have to bait out the shield before being able to duel him once he completes the quest. At 20, you can usually still kill him despite the shield if you get him by suprise. Instead of the standard rewind combo, open up with w-w-aa-q-a-e. He will probably use the shield but belatedly so you wil get some damage in, wait four seconds for it to subside then do the same combo again.

Kerrigan You can't kill her sadly, but you can take massively winning trades. Approach from the top, combo her and blink away to the top so that you can vorpal to just below her on the screen her when she tries to combo you.


If you've got any questions about any of the above, noticed a mistake, can suggest an improvement, or would just like to leave feedback, please do so in the comments below! Thanks!

Before downvote, explain why you disagree?

submitted by /u/saltyjohn1
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Zarya's ult now disables mobility abilities on all affected targets in Overwatch.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 12:06 PM PDT

More and More teams are NOT ENDING on HANAMURA. This needs to be FIXED ASAP

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:16 PM PDT

Ive had 3 games just this week on Hanamura where the enemy team would simply stop and NOT turn in the final payload when our core has 1 HP remaining and would just needlessly waste all our time as our team just gets pissed off more and more. This map is flawed and its not getting any better. If there isnt a quick fix then just temporarily remove it from the map pool until a fix can be made.

submitted by /u/eeeeeefefect
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Some Math for the "Garrosh does no dmg muh fantasy" crowd

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:00 AM PDT

One of the biggest complaints after Garrosh's kit reveal is that it doesn't fit his fantasy - that he should be a badass killing orc, not a "pansy"... tank that can survive ridiculous amounts of time on the battlefield.

Well then, I decided to run some math, and his W is devastating but - first let's check out his Q, Groundbreaker. Its standard damage is 86 (+ the standard 4% per level, we can assume) - bah, that's less than a Thunder Clap (96), you say! Well, let's see:

  • Well, let's check out the Q quest - Warbreaker. It gives him 150 more damage over three seconds on Q after pulling a measly 5 heroes, and after pulling fifteen, you get its CD reduced by 3 seconds to a whopping 5. Here I'm unsure if the level scaling applies to the damage over time, but even if it did, we're talking 236 damage (plus scaling if it's like many other abilities in the game) on a basically spammable CD.
  • The next talent for it adds a 40% Attack Speed slow on Q - this is level 7, people.
  • Keep going and at 16 Q Talent 1 adds 50% slow on targets pulled by Q.

(I'm skipping Q talents that add more durability because the point I want to get across is about the sheer wrecking potental he has - but at 13, you can get 350 Shield after hitting Q. I'm also skipping a talent that adds lower cooldown for his E.)

E is mostly a displacement tool although talenting into it can grant a stun on top of the slows and upgrade its damage to Jaina's Frostbolt levels. What really shines and is the crown jewel of Garrosh's base damage potential, however, is his W. His main tool of sustain and by all means a point-and-click strike, it deals 156 base damage - a little over Jaina's Blizzard - and heals for 20% of his missing Health when used against Heroes. His talents, however, are where this ability has potential to be broken. Let's see:

  • At 4 you can upgrade its damage by 60% + scaling for non-Heroic targets, meaning it'll now deal 250 damage + 4% scaling per level - for context, Zeratul's Cleave (Q) deals 200 damage. This makes it deal a little over a Raynor's Q in damage, but what's interesting is that this talent also resets the Cooldown and mana cost of W when it kills an enemy - meaning smart Garrosh players can chain resets off both Heroic and non Heroic targets alike.
  • If you take the 13 talent for W, it heals for another 10% MAX HP health on top of the 20% missing HP base heal, meaning you heal for 30% PER W, and remember this can RESET on kills. This isn't damage, sure, but anyone can see how this makes him an absolutely unkillable monster.

Did I say crown jewel of his kit? No, I said of his base damage potential, because at 1 you can also pick what might as well be called Garrosh's 'Bone Armor' as it is basically an extra ability, called Body Check. Here's its description:

  • "Activate to deal 111 damage to a target enemy and Slow them by 30% for 3 seconds. Damage is increased by 200% of Armor Up's current bonus, and the Slow amount is increased by 30% if Armor Up's bonus is above 25."

111 damage is nothing to write home about, but understand that if during a teamfight Garrosh is, say, about 50% health, that's a 25 Armor Up bonus, which multiplied by 2 gets us a flat 50 damage increase - hitting for 161 damage, although likely with no level scaling, we don't know yet. Well, that's still low, you say, and that's fair, but let's keep going, because you can talent into this talent ability. Check it out:

  • At 7, an upgrade causes enemies hit by Body Check receive 50% reduced healing for 4 seconds. Less healing means you're putting out more lasting damage overall.
  • At 13 you can take Double Up, a trait upgrade that activates it to double your Armor given by trait - this means that 25 for earlier would now be 50, multiplied by 2 for 100, hitting for 211 damage on Body Check! Hike up how damaged the man is and it goes up accordingly.
  • At 20 you can upgrade it to have an extra charge (!) plus what's basically cutting its CD in half if you are under 50% HP. We don't know the cooldown of Body Check yet which is why I placed this below W, but depending on how short it is this could be very significant.

And now I'm sure his first Heroic will be dominating in most builds, but R2 is a damage Heroic and it should be mentioned regardless. It deals 100 damage to Heroes plus slow and scaling and holds 3 charges on an EIGHT SECOND COOLDOWN. This essentially means that more likely than not you can blow Decimate, his second Heroic, four or five times during extended teamfights, totalling at a whopping 400 or 500 damage plus scaling, but that's not mentioning each Hero hit by Decimate's AoE range lowers its CD by another second - meaning if you hit 3 on average, that's a 5 second cooldown that could extend this to 6 or even 7 uses in extended late game trib or altar fights.

All this is ignoring the many ways Garrosh can attract damage to himself gaining more Armor Up bonuses, more damage and more targets for his sustain W, which can be spammed for damage, PLUS we don't know the man's AA damage yet but count my words in that it won't be as low as everyone is thinking. On the Spotlight video we see him taking a few pips off what seems to be a 100 souls Dibbles with each AA, to boot.

TL;DR: Don't underestimate Garrosh's damage. His kit is full of damage that'll pile up over time for competent players and he honestly seems to have potential to be one of the best duelists in the game, not to mention his TF accumulated damage potential.

submitted by /u/MishaTarkus
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I made this .GIF in honor of my friends reaction when he saw Garrosh... He was really hoping for a new solo tank!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:28 AM PDT


My 1st Meme, MOM, GET THE CAMERA! But seriously, we are ready for some double tank shenanigans.

submitted by /u/Bubbles152
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