Heroes of the Storm - ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON IN DEVELOPMENT VIDEO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON IN DEVELOPMENT VIDEO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:38 AM PDT

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON IN DEVELOPMENT VIDEO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

submitted by /u/JaumDX
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Incoming change to Chen's trait

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:54 PM PDT

My teenage son got caught playing Genji. Am I a miserable failure as a father and human being?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:18 PM PDT

Last Tuesday, at about 9:30PM, I got a phone call from the local PD. My son was one of four teenage boys in a vehicle that was pulled over for suspiciously obeying all traffic laws. The police did a routine search of the vehicle, and while they did not find any drugs, alcohol, or weapons, they did find a paper grocery bag containing a cybernetic helmet and over a dozen shurikens. My son admitted that it was all his. They made him stomp on the helmet and fling the shurikens off into the woods, gave him a warning, and called me.

While I am grateful that they didn't cite him for ninjutsu in a school zone, which they easily could have, I have to admit that I feel like I am responsible for this in some way. As a father, one likes to imagine that his kids are somehow better than those other kids that you hear about messing with chained Swift Strikes and crap, but that is not always the case. There were warning signs with my son, and not only did I miss them, I dismissed them.

In all honesty, he has probably been playing mobile heroes since he was 12. I remember one time I took him his ritalin for the all-night LAN party he was participating in at his dirty friend's house over in the shantytown across the railroad tracks, and they were all playing Tracer in Custom Game.

"But Dad! It's unlimited teleports! There's no other way to zoom around like that!"

How could I say no? He would be ridiculed and that damage to his ego just was not worth it to me at the time. I let him stay.

Fast-forward a couple of years, and I catch him sneaking a ninja manual into the house. When I confronted him about it, he was ready with his excuses: "It's for Samuro, I promise." "You really need it to capture mercenary camps." "Lots of people like orc samurai." Etc.

I let it go.

But then other things started happening: his grades started falling, his vocabulary shrank, he started screaming "Ryūjin no ken o kurae!" for no reason and calling people "aho," he lost interest in girls and hygiene. He stopped programming, started reading Twilight, and I swear to God that I once heard Limp Bizkit coming from his room. One of his friends even told me that he told a joke from Two and a Half Men at school.

I ignored all of this, but I justified it at the time because I got all 60 of my non-mobile heroes Mastered and looking glorious in Legendary skins.

One night, however, I caught him red-handed. I walked into his room and saw that he was playing HotS, and something was off. He was jumping around and zipping all over the screen: it was blindingly confusing. I reprimanded him.

"Did I raise a moron? That's no way to play a Raynor, just stand still and shoot."

He just grumbled. I walked over to do it for him, and he attacked me. He hit me in the jaw, and then started pounding me in the face when I was on the ground. I managed to subdue him with some cyber-ninja moves I learned from observing him and found, to my horror, that he was not even pushing a lane; he was roaming to get ganks! I zip-tied him to his bed and ransacked his room looking for his ninja stash. He laughed maniacally, and said I would never find it. I looked him dead in the eyes and said: "You have brought dishonor on our family. You will not move from this spot until you tell me where it is." He stared back and did not say a word. I punched him in his stupid face and ransacked the house looking for the Dragonblade. I found it hours later in the toolshed, rigged up to Zanshin Deflect and Lúcio's Sound Barrier. I destroyed it right there, went up to my son's room brandishing the smashed piece of overpowered filth, and said, "Never again." I left him tied up there for three days to prove my point.

Six months passed without further incident. He straightened up, quit drinking Monster, all that shit. I thought I had done my job, but no. I just gave him more of an incentive to hide this disgusting behavior.

Then this happened, and the proof is incontrovertible: my son is a Genji main. And now I am at this crossroads: is my son a Genji main despite me, or because of me? Did I push proper positioning on him too early? Was that Marshal Raynor skin on his 6th birthday really for him, or for me? Am I to blame for all of this?

No. It's all his fault. Hail the immobile hero master race, my son can die in a ditch.

submitted by /u/LurkingLimb
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Garrosh will be added to PTR during week of July 31

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:50 PM PDT

Comic 6, Kael'thas gets nerfed

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:40 PM PDT

Here's the comic. To him, it's probably just a mere setback. Now, to hype for Garrosh.

If you wanna take a look at the rest, here they are:

Hope that you like 'em. And if you have any ideas, let me know. I'm usually in a shortage :P

submitted by /u/Memoski
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Legendary items don't really feel very legendary to me any more.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:15 AM PDT

I like having a all these of new skins come out but when we have TEN surfboards or 8 power drencher tychus skins they start to feel a bit less legendary, especially since the requirements for something to be legendary have gotten a bit looser, how does everyone else feel about it?

submitted by /u/valdamere
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[SkinIdea] Beekeeper Stukov

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:18 AM PDT

Yesterday i saw a beekeeper, whos bees when sitting on him, covered only his arm, shoulder and half chest, and they accumulated around his hand, causing it to look much bigger. I immediately thought of our beloved vice admiral. His mutated hand would be made of pices of the hive, which would glow orange, like his eyes and of course bees. He would were beekeeper costume too with UED or zergs symbols, depending on the chosen tint.

For his Q ability he would send small swarm of bees and they would fly around the healed heroes. For W ability he would shoot piece of hive dripping with honey, enemies that are slowed by Weighted Pustule would be covered in it. Finally in the center of the Lurking Arm area, would be little damaged wild hive, with spilled honey around, and little swarm of bees attacking enemies. His ults are just his arm extending, so i would look basically the same, but the sounds would be buzzing.

I'm weak in drawing, but i made one to help you visualize the concept: http://imgur.com/AhzqyTq

Lore description: "After years of service, first in UED, then in Zerg swarm, highly awarded vice admiral Alexei Stukov can finally retire and do what he alaways wanted to - raising his own swarm."

edit: Thank you for all feedback :) I didn't think it will be so positive.

submitted by /u/Gadulix
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Sgt Hammer Rework no longer a high priority - "Mighty my my"

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:46 PM PDT

This Twitter Response to Garrosh Hellscream's Reveal is pretty swag

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:49 AM PDT


Can the next orc hero please just be the random dude who scammed this poor fellow?

submitted by /u/DlSSONANT
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Abathur Character, Abilities and Quotes Lore

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:54 AM PDT

So my last few threads on Stukov gained enough traction, and people seemed to want me to do more of these. So I'll start a weekly or biweekly thread going through the StarCraft heroes and maps in Heroes of the Storm and giving some lore context for them.

I'm going to combine both the lore of the character and the quotes this time as an experiment, let me know if you all think this goes on too long and I should split them like I ended up doing for Stukov. It probably won't be as bad here but with characters like Kerrigan and Raynor it may go on much longer, so you alls opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Again for sanity's sake I'll only do things I can comment on, so no spine burst or Monstrosity.

Without further delay, this is the lore of everyone's favorite evolution master, Abathur.

Spoilers for StarCraft II and the book Evolution follow

A Brood of One

In the early stages of the Zerg Swarm, there was the Overmind, the brain-like overriding will and consciousness of the zerg. It had one goal: perfect the Swarm, and assimilate the best traits of all species, specifically moving slowly toward a race named the protoss who would "complete" the Swarm. Along the way, it assimilated many species to create new zerg breeds. But many of these breeds contained extraneous or unnecessary traits , and the Overmind needed the Swarm to be streamlined and to adapt for whatever situation it may come across or enemy it may find. It needed a singular consciousness to control what traits got absorbed into the Swarm and spin "essence" (genetic structures) into new broods.

Thus, from various other creatures, the Overmind created a single master of evolution to direct how the Swarm evolved, Abathur. A slug-like creature with the limited sentience, Abathur helped the Swarm become a keen weapon as it slowly lumbered across the galaxy toward where they thought the protoss were.

Soon, they arrived in the Koprulu Sector, and the Overmind discovered the terrans. Seeking to find a weapon to use against the protoss and something to fight the potential return of their xel'naga creators, the Overmind decided that it could use their psionic potential to make a powerful weapon. After being lured to the capital of the Terran Confederacy (the main terran power of the sector) Tarsonis, the Overmind found Sarah Kerrigan, a human psychic. She was brought back to Char (the volcanic planet the Zerg situated themselves on), and Abathur painfully manipulated her, infesting her and changing her into a zerg. She would serve the Swarm as a powerful agent.

But the war did not go well for the zerg. After invading the protoss homeworld of Aiur, Executor Tassadar rammed his carrier into the body of the Overmind, killing them both. The Swarm was shattered, with the Overmind's cerebrates fighting a now freed Kerrigan for control of the Swarm. Mindless and feral, Abathur wandered the tunnels of Char, eating and attacking whatever he came across. Soon though Kerrigan came out victorious, and took control of Abathur, having him resume his evolution duties.

Four years later, the zerg send a second wave to attack the sector in search of a xel'naga relic named the Keystone, but a gambit by Jim Raynor allowed the Terran Dominion (the new terran government after the zerg destroyed the Confederacy) to push toward Char and instead used the Keystone on them. This wiped out most of the zerg on Char and stripped Kerrigan of her zerg infestation. Meanwhile, Abathur was aboard Kerrigan's lumbering living command ship called a leviathan, and once again went feral. Kerrigan's subordinate Zagara, the first of the Broodmother command strains, attempted to control him, but was not powerful enough, and the leviathan either fled to Kaldir or stayed above Char (depending on what path you pick).

Rebuilding the Swarm

Soon however Kerrigan returned, mostly uninfested and with little memory of her time as ruler of the Swarm, and regained control of Abathur. She sought to use the zerg to destroy the leader of the Terran Dominion, Arcturus Mengsk, who had initially abandoned her to the zerg and now wanted her dead, but Swarm needed to be reunited and rebuilt first. Through the Heart of the Swarm campaign, Abathur helped Kerrigan evolve the Swarm, making new breeds of existing broods based off of strains fragmented from the Swarm or new species he discovered. Together they took back broods on the planets Kaldir and Char, and regained Zagara as an ally.

Abathur modified Zagara, expanding her capacity to think critically and process more mental scenarios. Kerrigan meanwhile was lead to the world the zerg first evolved on, Zerus, by Zeratul, who sought to have her remade as a primal zerg (zerg not manipulated by the xel'naga). Abathur hated the primal zerg, as he saw them as sloppy and prone to random mutation, and wished them all eradicated when they began to replicate the Swarm, but Kerrigan ignored him. Soon Kerrigan was reborn as a primal zerg, and one of the primal pack leaders, Dehaka joined her. They killed the other pack leaders then left to get their revenge on Mengsk.

Abathur helped shut down the Dominion's operations to breed protoss/zerg hybrids (with the aid of Alexei Stukov, who joined them) and helped rescue Jim Raynor. With all that done, the zerg attacked the Dominion capital of Korhal. Abathur helped create bile launchers for the Swarm, which he used to destroy the Dominion's orbital defense network. With that out of the way, the zerg ravaged Korhal and killed Mengsk.

However, there was another problem, as the fallen xel'naga who uplifted the zerg, Amon, had returned, and Abathur was among the zerg who went to fight his forces. In the non-canon Co-op Missions, Abathur commanded the heavy armored and elite strains of zerg, and brought the heaviest zerg brutalisks and leviathans to bear against Amon's army of hybrid and possessed forces.

Soon Amon was banished to his realm in a dimension called the Void, and Kerrigan ascended to a xel'naga herself to finally kill him. Kerrigan left the Swarm, and command of the zerg was given to Zagara, as was the unwavering loyalty of Abathur. Or so she thought.

Abathur's Insurrection

With peace returning to the sector, the three races settled down to an uneasy truce. Zagara was given a gift by Kerrigan before she left, the essence of the xel'naga she could use to make life-giving creatures. Seeking to undo the damages and gain favor among the other factions, she put Abathur to work on creating creatures with the life spawning powers of the xel'naga.

Abathur was infuriated. First, peace was contradictory to the directive of the Swarm: assimilate and evolve. And these creatures he was making were not to be assimilated into the Swarm or use zerg DNA, which Abathur saw as creating an abomination. Abathur did create the creatures Zagara desired, named the adostra, who could passively accelerate the growth of life on planets, but took some of the essence for himself. He created a combat strain known as the chitha, who could use their psionic powers to disrupt communications and psionics and seize control of zerg broods. He would use these creatures to lure the terran and protoss to destroying the adostra, sparking war between the three races again.

Zagara held peace talks on the planet Gystt with Emperor Valerian Mengsk of the Dominion and Artanis of the Daelaam (unified protoss). Gystt was regrown by the adostra after the protoss destroyed it in the war. The Dominion meanwhile sent a survey team down to investigate if Zagara could be trusted, but was lured by the chitha to destroy a nest of adostra. Conflict between the chitha controlled broods and the united terrans and protoss broke out on the surface. However, the quick thinking of the survey team revealed the plot of Abathur to destroy these nests, and they stopped the last nest from being destroyed. Soon they cornered Abathur on his leviathan, and Zagara tore him limb from limb, leaving him on the edge of life, but not killing him. Zagara stated she still had a use for him, and took Abathur away. Peace was maintained, and a Dominion task force was made to guard Abathur and hunt down the last of his chitha.

It's unknown what fate awaits Abathur, or if he'll break out of whatever prison he's in. But I think our favorite slug isn't done yet, and though the sector is at peace now I'm sure he's scheming to spark the flames of war once again.


Toxic Nest – This was an ability that first originated in Heroes of the Storm, and later jumped to StarCraft. In the Co-op Missions mode, where characters can be played as "commanders" with special units, Abathur can lay toxic nests anywhere he has vision similar to Heroes of the Storm. But since Co-op isn't canon it hasn't quite made the jump to 100% being a thing in the StarCraft canon yet.

Symbiote – Again another Heroes of the Storm creation that showed up in Co-op. Instead of being directly controlled by Abathur, symbiotes would appear over all of Abathur's super units (brutalisks and leviathans) and shoot spines from the top of them as well as provide a shield for them.

Locust – In StarCraft II, locusts are temporary creatures spawned from swarm hosts (the boss of Warhead Junction is one of these) that work similar to how they work here. In lore, locusts were simple temporary creatures made by the Primal Zerg on the planet Zerus, and Abathur tirelessly worked to bring them into the Swarm in spite of how much he hated primal sequences. The result ended up being the swarm host, and he would later make further modifications to the locust to make them potentially fly.

Spine – Spines are commonly used as the zerg ranged attack, and the one shot by Abathur is a larger version of the hydralisk spike (the Hunter Killers Zagara uses) used in StarCraft cinematics.

Carapace – All zerg carapaces are made from minerals (you see them in Braxis Holdout or with Probius's gather minerals talent), which allows them to survive hostile environments and shrug off most projectiles.

Deep Tunnel – Several zerg creatures have the ability to vibrate their muscles so fast they can dig through solid stone. Abathur gave an enhanced version of this ability to the swarm host (mentioned earlier) potentially allowing them to tunnel to distant areas through solid rock. Abathur's brutalisks also have this ability in Co-op Missions.


Callown MULE – Not actually an Abathur-specific talent but screw it. MULEs are Mobile Utility Lunar Excavators, robotic mining machines designed by the terrans to mine large amounts of resources. However, they usually have a limited battery life. In StarCraft II, these can be called down from a structure called an orbital command, and mine minerals as well as repair structures like in Heroes.

Evolution Complete – When you finish an upgrade for zerg in StarCraft and StarCraft II, the zerg announcer will say this. Abathur also says this when you upgrade a unit with him in the campaign.

Poke Quotes

"Swarm not good enough. Not! " – In Heart of the Swarm, this was one of the random lines Abathur said if you clicked on him when there wasn't a dialogue exchange available.

"Perfection, deep in the core, in strands. " – Another Heart of the Swarm line, when Kerrigan asks him what he does, and he describes that he manipulated the "strands" of zerg to make them close to "perfect," but never fully perfect.

"Pronouns, unclear. " – Abathur's speech patterns leave out all pronouns (except a few times in Heroes he slips up a few times).

"Teammates, much to improve. Reanimated tissue. Humanoid-beast hybrids. Inefficient. Unacceptable." – Likely a jab at the strange roster of Heroes of the Storm, and how Abathur, a master of efficiency, would like to improve on their odd design. The reanimated tissue was likely a jab at Stiches and Arthas (who were the only undead heroes out at the time of the joke) and the humanoid-beast hybrid is likely ETC.

"Work harder. Better. Make faster. Stronger. Evolution never over." – A reference to Daft Punk's song Harder Faster Better.

"Perfection, goal that always changes. Can pursue, cannot obtain. Similar to Ashbringer." – The first part of the quote is a callback to another dialogue with Kerrigan, when she asks Abathur why the Swarm can never be "perfect" in his eyes. The Ashbringer comment is a jab at the old Corrupted Ashbringer questline in vanilla World of Warcraft. Back then, you could loot a Corrupted Ashbringer from a raid named Naxxaramas, which was rare, and a very hidden event chain hinted that there would be a quest arc to purify the sword that you could embark on. This lead to all sorts of conspiracies on how to do it, including one involving fishing up a special journal. Ashbringer was finally given to all Retribution Paladins in the expansion Legion, and one of its unlockable appearances was even a throwback to the fishing journal conspiracy.

"Anger, product of stress. Adrenaline. Clicking. No Clicking. No anger." – The first part of the quote is a reference to a conversation with Kerrigan, where she asked why she felt such anger when she looked at him (she had lost her memory of the Swarm). The answer ended up being that he tortured her as he modified her into her zerg form ("the Queen of Blades"). This was his response to try to deflect the topic, albeit modified to say he's annoyed at clicking.

"Design must be simple, elegant. Implementation less so. Sequences must change. Intent static. Product fluid" – Abathur's core idea of the Swarm is that all improvements must be simple and streamlined, and nothing unnecessary should be added. This is also denoted how the Swarm doesn't necessarily use this same subtlety in how it applies these improvements, usually crashing into an enemy in an endless tide.

" Always can improve. Stressers reveal flaws. Flaws reveal potential. Always improving. Good." – Abathur uses hostile environments and extreme circumstances to test the Swarm, which reveal needs and flaws in his creations. Using this knowledge, Abathur then evolves the Swarm to turn this flaw into a potential boon for the Swarm.

"If evolution product of design, is evolution… evolution? Hmm… Line of thought not productive." – While the Swarm does evolve a lot on its own to fit its environment, Abathur can directly modify the Swarm to make it better, Abathur asks if this makes his work intelligent design or evolution.

"Hmmm… Abilities of organism Abathur well designed. Uncertain will not change. Entity Blizzard notorious for iteration." – A jab at Blizzard changing and reworking heroes. Lo and behold they did change Abathur after this quote, giving him the Monstrosity ult.

"Symbiote… Not bug hat!" – A reference to the Penny Arcade comic strip Aberdasher.

"Hmmm… Combine properties of hydralisk and roach. Hydraroach. Must investigate. *squish sound Oh. Not viable."* – A reference to a very popular thread on Teamliquid, where someone suggested the (at the time) slow hydralisk get on the back of the speedy roaches with a saddle, making a new unit named the hydraroach.

Interaction Quotes

Kerrigan: "Organism Abathur will serve Queen." – During her time as ruler of the Swarm, Abathur served Kerrigan as the supreme ruler of the zerg.

Zerg: "For the Swarm." – The "battlecry" for the zerg, at least those that are sentient enough to communicate.

Dehaka Response: "You change swarm, but not yourself!" – Dehaka doesn't understand how Abathur, a master of evolution, refuses to modify himself like Dehaka does.

Stukov Response: "The evolution master. I'm surprised to see you so close to actual combat" – A jab at how Abathur stayed in the Evolution Pit for the entire campaign, never actually directly showing up in combat.

Abathur Kill Quotes

General Heroes: "Essence acquired, beneficial." – This gets brought up a lot in different variations but I'll lump it in here. "Essence" and "sequences" are basically the genetic structure of creatures, and Abathur seeks out beneficial genetic sequences he can later add to the Swarm.

General Heroes: "Untenable to oppose." – When Abathur discovered that Stukov was modified by someone better at manipulating zerg essence than he was (Samir Duran), Abathur said this about him, and recommended that the zerg join his "Swarm."

Terran: "Terran sequences of minimal use." – During the campaign, Abathur expresses that terrans have limited genetic diversity and not many useful traits, and that he disliked working on them in spite of Kerrigan forcing him to do when she was the Queen of Blades. Abathur also says some terrans, like Kerrigan, overcome their flawed origins to have great psionic potential.

Kerrigan: "Queen of Blades, can be improved. Will examine later." – Abathur was the one who designed Kerrigan as the Queen of Blades, so he would know best how he could improve her.

Dehaka: "Primal zerg. Unacceptable!" – Abathur hates the primal zerg, as he sees them both as sloppy zerg with random useless mutations and saw them copying the abilities of the Zerg Swarm. Upon seeing them take the roach and hydralisk sequences, Abathur recommended scouring Zerus of them and killing every one of them.

Zagara: "Broodmother template inadequate. Must improve." – Zagara is a broodmother, an advanced version of the queen broods of the Swarm. Abathur specifically worked to improve Zagara, increasing her cognitive functions.

Killing Abathur Quotes

Zagara: "Your place is the Evolution Pit. Not the battlefield." – Abathur mostly stays in the Evolution Pit during the campaign, and manipulates the battlefield from there.

Stukov: "I never liked that slug." – When the Swarm encountered Stukov, Abathur expressed fear as the creature who modified his infestation (a xel'naga named Samir Duran) was superior in skill to even Abathur.

Dehaka: "Change cannot be controlled! Must be embraced!." – Dehaka and Abathur have divergent ideas of evolution. Dehaka collects all essence he can in order to improve himself, Abathur only searches for specific mutations that will benefit the purpose of the Swarm.

Other Quotes

"First served Overmind, then Queen of Blades, now you." – This is a callback to what Abathur first tells Kerrigan in Heart of the Swarm, when he doesn't recognize her as the same being that was the Queen of Blades as she was mostly uninfested.

"Can evolve units any time. Set up test. Will demonstrate." – Another quote from the campaign. Abathur's gameplay mechanic in the campaign was he would set up mini missions to demonstrate variants of established units. After playing with the capabilities of both variants the player would then choose which variant Abathur would keep in the Swarm.

"Zergling lemon juice allergy. Solution, elusive." – A running joke through StarCraft II is that zerglings were allergic to lemon juice, first brought up in one of the newscasts in Wings of Liberty as a jab at sensationalist journalism. Abathur later brings up that this is in fact a true thing he could never fix about zerglings.

"Mutation complete." – A variation on the "Evolution complete" line used in-game, this one is used when upgrading researched abilities for the zerg.

"Unacceptable! Must eliminate! No trace left!" – Abathur says this when the primal zerg begin copying the roach and hydralisk strains.

"Unclear." – Said when Kerrigan gives Abathur a compliment of "You know, sometimes you aren't so bad Abathur."

Also, here's a bonus Stukov one I missed last time that's been burning away at me so I'll post it here:

"Both of my eyes are open." – In the Brood War intro cinematic, Gerard DuGalle tells Stukov, when he thinks he's taking the zerg too lightly, "You must go into this with both eyes open. Once started, there is no going back." This quote reflects that now he knows what Gerard meant.


Char Abathur – Generally the Char descriptor is used for red color variants of zerg characters. Char is a volcanic planet the zerg took upon arriving in the Koprulu Sector. With Kerrigan's rise to power, it became their central hub and the site of their primary hive cluster.

Kaldir Abathur – The Kaldir descriptor is used for blue color variants of zerg characters. Kaldir is a moon with some of the coldest recorded temperatures, with flash freeze storms instantly freezing most exposed creatures. Kerrigan took the Swarm there to reclaim a brood but found the protoss were there, and was forced to fight them. While there, Abathur adapted the Swarm to function in near absolute zero environments.

Swarm Abathur – This skin, when looked at from the side, makes Abathur look like the symbol of Kerrigan's Zerg Swarm.

Pajamathur – Pajamathur started as an April Fools' joke for Heroes of the Storm back in 2014, as a fake new concept for the character. The joke was rather popular, so it was released.

Zergy Pajamathur – The symbols on Pajamathur's pajamas are the one of Kerrigan's Zerg Swarm.

Other small notes, Abathur does slip up and use pronouns a few times, such as his "You, enhanced, improved" line when he puts a symbiote on someone. Some data seems to indicate Abathur was initially planned to be the Overmind in Heroes, but was changed sometime in development (just hints, nothing conclusive).

That's all for this batch. Let me know if there's any others you want me to do or any SC lore questions, I may do this once a week or every two weeks, we'll see. This has unfortunate timing with the Garrosh announcement, but I'm probably going to keep this to StarCraft related for the time being (though I may take a jab at Garrosh lore when he goes on PTR), next up will probably either be Tychus or Alarak. Let me know what you all think and I'll see you all next time!

submitted by /u/Subsourian
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Come on In development, don't be on monday like Stukovs'

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:42 AM PDT

Malthaels' was on a friday like most other releases, Stukovs' was late.

submitted by /u/Hextechz
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I didnt know that these 2 guys have such a history

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:39 PM PDT


would like HasuObs and /u/Khaldor to make a History-of-E-Sports Video.

submitted by /u/Kallesin
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Anyone else love this part of Warhead Junction?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:57 AM PDT

Finally got to Gold Tier this season!

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:26 AM PDT

Sup /r/heroesofthestorm just wanted to quickly mention that this subreddit and watching casters like Grubby and watching videos by MFPallytime have really helped me push on with my skills on HOTS.

I'm probably older than the average age of players that play the game and my time is very limited, I found that by watching streams or youtube vids in my spare time has helped immensely - I'm thinking a lot more about my opponents comp and how to counter it, rather than just play to my strengths, I think that's key for a lot of it.

Anyway, that's all there was to it. Carry on being awesome.

submitted by /u/MatiasUK
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Diablo should be able to decide if he wants to respawn for souls

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:58 PM PDT

Seriously, often this feels more like a handicap than an advantage. "Oh, your team wiped? No problem, let's just respawn you alone, where you can't really do anything AND remove all your souls to weaken you significantly." Should be a triggerable (is that a word?) ability like Malthael's.

submitted by /u/Thor1138
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Fate brought these two together...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:37 AM PDT

TROGDOR queues into DaBurninator in Hero League, and are even placed next to each other and in the correct order:


submitted by /u/ghostdunk
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Blizzard on why some hero reworks take long to come

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:33 AM PDT

QoL: Simple way to provide some indication for ability numbers altered by talents (buffs, debuffs)

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:16 PM PDT

Basic idea: put numbers altered from defaults in brackets and use the same font color as for talent upgrades.

Concept: Imgur

submitted by /u/CyberAP
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Stukov Skin Idea: Grave Golem

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:38 AM PDT

I think this would work super well, you'd have great shove/slap animations, he could throw skulls for his pustules, roots for his puddle, and his voice-over could get switched to just grave golem groans and moans.

It especially works because GG's also have one massive arm: See? it's perfect imo.

submitted by /u/pepperMD
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Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:13 PM PDT

About Garrosh's release

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:45 AM PDT

Hi guys, first of all I would like to thanks the devs for Garrosh's announcement, I play HotS since beta and he was by far my most requested Hero in the game.

The subject of the post is all about his release.

I was thinking, it will be so nice if some 2.0 stuff will go with his release like :

We can see Heroes like D.Va, Genji with a lot of stuff. I think it's a cool factor for a new Hero.

What you guys think about this ?

submitted by /u/IaMBuck
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Why in the seven cheating thralls Garrosh's page is still not up?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:40 AM PDT

Usually we get in devs on fridays. Well, I can live without one, but why is there no official page for Garrosh up yet? I want to know his class, skins, style!

submitted by /u/iEXTERMINATUS
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HGC North America :: No Tomorrow (4-2) vs Roll20 esports (3-3) :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:10 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Team Liquid (3-3) vs Team expert (4-2) :: Discussion Thread.

Check out this post by /u/DBSmiley to learn about each team's possible patch to the Western Clash.

Remember to upvote the thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


The match was planned to start at 14:00 PT / 23:00 CET, 10 minutes before this post was posted, so it should be starting very soon.


Community challenges

HGC resources


No Tomorrow vs Roll20 esports
Casanova warrior - support buds
Equinox melee/flex - flex Glaurung
Jason ranged/flex - warrior Justing
TalkingTrees ranged/flex - flex Prismaticism
TigerJK support - melee/flex Goku

Match format

Matches in the HGC league are best-of-5.

Each team bans one battleground. Then, the "home" team chooses a battleground for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for battleground selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Battleground bans

  • No Tomorrow: TBD
  • Roll20 esports: TBD

Game version

HGC Phase 2 Week 5 is played on the Stukov launch patch, which is the current live patch. However, teams are not allowed to pick Stukov.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch -

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Toxicity - Why Players Rage and How to Defuse It - Extra Credits

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

Blizz said 'Jimmy' will get rework... but need little more time

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:13 AM PDT

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