Heroes of the Storm - HeroesHype & Tempo Series 2 Finals + Hero Loot Bundles

HeroesHype & Tempo Series 2 Finals + Hero Loot Bundles

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:53 PM PDT

The HeroesHype & Tempo Storm Finals are next Wednesday!

In celebration of the event, Blizzard Ent. & the Heroes of the Storm team have provided special Loot Chest bundles for the tournament. The codes available are:

  • Genji + Oni Genji Bundle
  • D.va + Goliath D.va Bundle

If you would like a chance to earn a pair of these codes (THREE winners will receive a copy of BOTH bundles), please comment below with which team you would like to see win the Finals!


In order by seed

1: Firm Handshake

2: TQ

3: Flame is Lame

4: 101st North Umberland Fusiliers

5: Imported Support

6: East Coast Revolvers

7: The New Guys

8: 7th Empire

We will be accepting giveaway entries until the start of the HHTS Series Finals (August 2, 2017 at 5:00pm PDT) and the winners will be contacted via Reddit DM.

Coupon Claim

If you would like to support the tournament AT NO CHARGE, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to our Matcherino

  2. Sign in

  3. Click on Donate

  4. Enter code: hhtempo2

  5. Thanks! You have increased our prize pool by $1!

Backer Rewards

If you're interested in giving to our prize pool, take a look at our backer rewards!

Don't forget to watch the HeroesHype & Tempo Storm Series Finals on our Twitch page on August 2nd at 5:00pm PDT and cheer on your favorite team! Plus more LOOT CODES will be given away during the stream!

Special thanks to Tempo Storm for partnering with HeroesHype on this amazing event!

submitted by /u/Heroes_Hype
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In Development: Garrosh, Skins, Mounts, and more!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:01 AM PDT

Blizzard turned the "spooky undead axe midget" and turned it into a portrait!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:43 AM PDT

During the Warlords of Draenor WoW expansion a redditor(shout out to /u/breadfag) made a post on /r/wow asking who the "spooky undead axe midget" on the loading screen was. Turns out it was Durotan's crotch armor. Its super awesome of Blizzard to give nods to their communities like this.

Here is the portrait: http://imgur.com/a/LrzHd

Here is /u/breadfag 's original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/3j6ksh/i_just_finished_all_the_alliance_storylines_in/

submitted by /u/Thathspice
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Is Blizzard continuing their shameful policy of BLATANT HORDE FAVOURITISM?! Click this totally clickbaity clickbait to find out NOW! #1 will leave you stunned!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:28 AM PDT

First things first, as promised, Number One is gonna stun you.

Now with that out of the way,


It is known that for decades - nay, CENTURIES! - Blizzard has been blatantly showing their despicable favouritism for the Horde over the Alliance. I shall not go into detail about this now - it is a known fact, and you already know why, and if you disagree, then you are a hopeless evil demon worshiper and you will burn in the Burning Hells for eternity.

Now to the matter at hand. Heroes of the Storm was a chance for Blizzard to redeem themselves by being fair and unbiased and supporting the clearly superior and the right Alliance side, as they once had. I have performed an in-depth statistical analysis of the number and timing of hero releases to determine whether, to this point, Blizzard still persists in their folly and favours the clearly inferior and evil side that is the Horde.

Indeed, initially the heroes they released were reasonably represented in terms of factions: at the start of the technical alpha, the Horde had E.T.C., while the Alliance had Muradin Bronzebeard of Ironforge and King of the Frostborn; High Priestess of Elune Lady Tyrande Whisperwind; High Thane of Aerie Peak Falstad Wildhammer the Dragonreaver; Shan'do Malfurion Stormrage, the Archdruid of Moonglade, Leader of the Cenarion Circle; and Lord Uther the Lightbringer, first of the Knights of the Silver Hand. There were also four non-faction-affiliated heroes, but we're not counting them here.

During the course of the technical alpha, the numerical balance had been roughly maintained: on the Alliance side we got Archmage Jaina Proudmoore, Ruler of Theramore and Leader of the Kirin Tor. The Horde got Rehgar.

But then it all went bad. During the beta, in order to pander towards the growing audience of the game that doesn't know any better, Blizzard failed to maintain the right viewpoints and started pushing their pro-Horde agenda once again. Two heroes, Sylvanas and Thrall, had been added on the Horde's side, and then, after the game was officially released in June of 2015, only a few months later they threw in Rexxar for good measure. All the while, glorious Alliance heroes were deliberately kept hidden away, denying us, the players, the opportunity to play the truly good heroes and forcing us to be content with just having the 'meh' ones.

During the year of 2016 the drought of good heroes finally somewhat subsided: first we saw King Genn Greymane of Gilneas enter the Nexus in January, and then, eleven months later in November, we were graced with the presence of High King of the Alliance, King of Stormwind Varian Wrynn, the Ghost Wolf, Champion of the Crimson Ring, Leader of the Valiance Expedition, hero of Azeroth. On the Horde's side, there was Samuro.

Now it is 2017, and with no Alliance heroes in sight, the Horde is once again getting reinforcements in Garrosh. I do not presume to know what Blizzards plans or intentions are, but what I do know is that they plan to keep showing obvious preference towards the Horde and intend on doing this forever.

Currently, including Garrosh, we have seven Horde heroes and eight Alliance heroes, as well as eighteen non-affiliated. I know what Thrallbots are thinking: "ah ha hah, one Horde hero is worth 1.143 Alliance heroes!", but this is not the case. High King Varian Wrynn alone is worth twenty of your orcs and your trolls and your whatnots, but here I am analysing the plain numbers.

Final remarks: since the start of the beta, Blizzard added five Horde heroes and only two Alliance heroes, showing a clear preference and blatantly supporting the wrong faction. Even if we ignore the beta, since release there have been 50% more Horde heroes; and in 2017, which is the current year as of this writing, every single one of the released heroes that were part of either Horde or the Alliance was from the Horde.

This is an outrage, I say! How long will this continue? Stand with me! Together we have the strength to demand that the Alliance is given its proper place in the Nexus! We shall cleanse the Nexus of the filthy Horde, we shall reclaim what is ours by right; and this is but the first step! Today the Nexus, tomorrow - Azeroth! Kick the dirty orcs out and seal that bloody portal for good! They had their world, they ruined it, now it is up to us to not let them ruin ours! Stop them from destroying our lands, stop the desolation of Ashenvale and Stonetalon! Send the trolls back to their isles and their jungles! Reclaim Lordaeron in the name of humanity! The undead haven't yet paid for the Wrathgate, it is time to right this wrong!

For Lordaeron! For Azeroth! For the King! FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!

This message was brought to you by Citizens of the Alliance for a Better Nexus. All rights, if any, reserved. All lefts reversed into rights and then also reserved. No orcs have been harmed in making of this message, sadly. We will build a wall in front of the Dark Portal and make the goblins pay for it. Any coincidences with real people or events are coincidental, but there shouldn't be any as far as I know, but if there were, this was totally intentional and well thought-through.

Elves and cows are okay as long as they behave.

submitted by /u/Artess
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Brightwing is sad

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:37 PM PDT

Hello friends! Brightwing just wanted to say thank you to Blizzard development team for making pixie dust magical. Excited and happy to save friends! Yay for us! :)

And yet Brightwing has never been feeling more sad. How long it has been since Brightwing has new, exciting skin... Brightwing sees exciting skins for all her friends, but where is Brightwing's skin? Brightwing wants to be scary dragon! Rawr! All shall burn!

Why no outfits for Brightwing? Ooh! Is it because you want Brightwing to gnaw flesh from finger?

Do you know about faerie dragons? We like happy things. Like puppies, and rainbows (why is Brightwing not getting to ride on happy cloud!?) and new outfits. Brightwing like you lots. Please make new outfits! Oh, please! Oh, please! Blizzard must make new skins for Brightwing. This is a good thing!

Thank you, friends. I must fly away now. I will come back later!

submitted by /u/shinosai
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My Sylvanas Windrunner cosplay

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:40 PM PDT

Hello! I wanted to show you my Sylvanas cosplay I did for a con last year.


Cosplay made by me

Photo credit

submitted by /u/lacesoul
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BLOODLUST community funded tournament starts in 45 mins!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:17 PM PDT

Jake won't make a reddit thread for some reason but I just realized this is today! first games at 5pm eastern time


stream: http://www.twitch.tv/arcane8

bracket: https://smash.gg/tournament/bloodlust-2017-1/events/bloodlust-2017-bracket/brackets/129823

I'm writing this from my phone so if anybody else has handy links they wanna throw in the comments (like where to fund the prize pool) it'd be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/ekzor
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[Petition] Blizz, please rename Garrosh's level 13 talent "Double Up" to "Tank Up!".

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:24 PM PDT

As a longtime Hearthstone control player, I was pretty excited to see Garrosh's trait borrowed its name from his Hearthstone hero power. "Sweet!," I thought, "Now I can be a steel pillowfort in two games!" And lo, it was good.

Then I saw the name of his level 13 talent Double Up, and my heart sank. Clearly, this was a miss on Garrosh's proud fantasy. See, in Hearthstone a staple of the Control Warrior deck for over a year was the neutral legendary minion Justicar Trueheart, whose power was to upgrade your hero power when she entered the field. In Garrosh's case this meant doubling the amount of armor his hero power granted from 2 to 4, and renaming it from "Armor Up!" to "Tank Up!" As you can see, this is clearly the superior naming scheme for a talent that doubles his armor output. "Double Up", feh!

Blizz, please fulfill Garrosh's fantasy as a Hearthstone hero (since I don't play this "WoW" you all speak of, whatever it is, this is the only Garrosh I care about) and correctly rename his talent to better reflect his origins. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Mr_Blinky
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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON IN DEVELOPMENT VIDEO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:54 AM PDT

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON IN DEVELOPMENT VIDEO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

submitted by /u/pikachu11111
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Falstad Dragon Knight Skin

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:11 AM PDT

Hi guys!

I like so much the thematic skins of the game, so i made a digital sculpt of a possible Falstad's skin. I hope you like it.


thanks so much and likes on Artstation are very appreciated.

submitted by /u/Giacomo_Marini
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Blizzard about Garrosh and his huge hero fantasy

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:46 AM PDT

Iron HORDE Garrosh skin china

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:04 PM PDT

It'd be cool if we could ping the top UI stuff (death timers, etc)

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:27 AM PDT

Being able to ping that an enemy hero is about to res while we're attempting to push down a keep would be cool

Being able to ping that the other team has hit lv10 while we are still only at lv9 would be cool

Being able to ping that a teammate's heroic is on CD when another teammate is trying to engage would be cool

submitted by /u/frcShoryuken
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So, there are still no new skins for Greymane...

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:19 AM PDT

Since released in 2015, Greymane has no new skins so far.

Greymane needs more love...

I want the skin of pirate spray that was released during Stukov patch.

submitted by /u/rost473
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Visualizing power creep

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:19 PM PDT

I made a comment to a friend this morning that I felt like recent tournament games have been dominated disproportionately by newer heroes. I decided to back up my claim with a graph correlating hero release date with the combined pick+ban rate in post-Malthael-patch tournament games.

This is the result.

I was pretty surprised at how well the original batch of heroes has held up! Almost as striking is just how awful the 2015 batch of heroes currently is.

Year # Heroes Released Hero Average Involvement %
2014 32 23.67
2015 12 6.42
2016 15 23.7
2017 8 22.75

So, I withdraw my initial comment. Blizz appears to have done a great job at maintaining the balance between releasing new heroes with interesting kits, and keeping the old guys relevant.

submitted by /u/Feedablo
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"Where's the Pause button on this keyboard?"

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:17 PM PDT

DunkTrain with the insane hooks

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:50 PM PDT

Tychus Findlay – Character, Abilities and Quotes Lore

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:28 AM PDT

Hey all, Sub again with another character summary. This week we'll be going into a personal favorite of mine: infamous bandit, soldier and scoundrel Tychus Findlay. To me, a man who personifies the terran race with his gritty southern drawl, with or without his cigar. So let's jump in.

Again, I'll only comment on things that I think are relevant to SC2 or have some cool backstory behind them. I'll also not be commenting on Infested Tychus and his quotes/loadout, as that, Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan and Maraudin' Muradin have enough stuff to them where they'll probably be their own episodes.

Spoilers for the game Wings of Liberty and the books Heaven's Devils and Devils' Due follow.

Soldier and Scoundrel

Tychus J. Findlay was born on the fringe world colony of Mar Sara, and at an early age he ran away from home and never looked back. A massive man, standing at 6' 7", Tychus was a physical force of nature with a deceptively sharp mind, especially for criminal undertakings.

At some point, Tychus joined the Marine Corps of the Terran Confederacy (the main terran government of the time), just in time for tensions between the Confederacy and the Kel-Morian Combine (a terran government run by a mining conglomerate) to break out into all-out war, the Guild Wars. Tychus worked his way to sergeant, and used the conflict to his advantage, selling spoils of war that had yet to be inventoried in order to make a profit and hopefully escape the war early. However, after punching a superior officer, Tychus was sentenced to hard labor and demoted to private before being reassigned to the battleground of Turaxis II.

There, Tychus was assigned to the 321st Colonial Rangers, but after he attempted to steal supplies from their armory he was stopped by a young private named Jim Raynor. After being dissuaded from beating him by Raynor's friend's shotgun, Tychus was sent before the Ranger's commander Colonel Javier Vanderspool. Instead of punishing him, Vanderspool promoted Tychus to sergeant over Raynor's platoon. Before Tychus could exact any revenge on Raynor, the Kel-Morians attacked their fort.

Tychus and his men fought off the Kel-Morians, but along the way discovered soldiers in Kel-Morian uniforms looting the armory. He discovered these were Vanderspool's men, and he was trying to profit from the conflict as well. Tychus convinced his squad to steal the trucks for themselves, and sell several to the planet's black market, making a small profit for themselves and returning a few trucks to the Confederacy to look like heroes. Raynor was hesitant, but agreed as the money could help the civilians caught in the crossfire.

So Tychus both made a profit and looked like a hero. Vanderspool suspected the platoon had stolen the trucks, but couldn't take any action against them with no proof. Instead, he assigned them to a new specialist division in the 321st, the Special Tactics and Mission Platoon. With how many dangerous missions they'd go on he'd hoped they'd get killed off and finally stop being a pain in Vanderspool's side.

Instead, the opposite happened; the Special Tactics and Missions Platoon thrived, winning victory after victory, notably freeing a Kel-Morian prisoner of war camp and turning the tide of the assault on the city of Polk's Pride. The squad had a famous Confederate propaganda photo taken from them at the eve of their victory, and they were given the name "Heaven's Devils" by their dropship pilot. Liking the name, every member of the platoon got a tattoo of the platoon's given name with a grim reaper, with Tychus getting one on his stomach and the platoon's name on his back (you can see it in the summer and prisoner skins). All the while, Tychus himself made quite a profit disrupting Vanderspool's schemes to profit off the war. Vanderspool attempted to use a spy in their ranks named Lisa Cassidy (who Tychus was sleeping with, and who Heroes fans may know as a character a lot of people plugged as a medic hero) to get information, but this had limited success.

Finally, Vanderspool had enough. He made a deal with a group of Kel-Morian officers and Confederate high officials to split the earnings on a train of crystals leaving the planet, making it look like it had been lost in the conflict. He'd then escape the war entirely. Meanwhile he'd give Heaven's Devils new CMC-300 combat suits with bombs in them in order to stop them from interfering. However the squad's technician found the bombs and warned Raynor. Tychus, ready to get revenge, lead the Heaven's Devils in an attack on Vanderspool and his allies.

The battle was hard fought as they raided the train while trying to prevent Vanderspool from leaving the planet. They beat back the rogue Kel-Morians, but by the time they made it to Vanderspool only Tychus, Raynor, and a sniper named Ryk Kydd survived the battle. Vanderspool attempted to use Lisa Cassidy as cover, but Tychus shot through her, killing her and leaving Vanderspool for dead. Tychus, Raynor and Kydd took the crystals for themselves, and deserted the Terran Confederacy, who charged them all with desertion and manslaughter. From then on out, the bravest soldiers of the Confederacy would go on to be one of the most wanted bandit groups in its history.

But what the two didn't know is that the gunshot did not kill Vanderspool.

Heaven's Devils

Kydd left Raynor and Tychus, and the two went on to form their own bandit group. While Tychus was brutal and efficient, Raynor often kept him in check, preventing too many civilian casualties while hitting banks and trains. The Confederacy sent their armed forces to hunt them down, notably cornering them on the planet Haji, but they'd slip out every time, and the Heaven's Devils became almost folk heroes in some fringe parts of the sector. They set up on the planet of New Sydney, and began robbing trains there while making use of the local brothel and bar scene.

However, Vanderspool, stuck inside a massive life support machine and on the edge of life, hired a bounty hunter named Ezekial Daun to hunt down the surviving Heaven's Devils. Daun killed Kydd and the Devils who weren't at the battle that wounded Vanderspool, and began to hunt down Tychus and Raynor. Cornered and with no other choice, the two went into the service of the most notorious crimelord in the sector, Scutter O'Bannon of Dead Man's Rock. Knowing their reputation, O'Bannon gave them sanctuary if they would do some of the most heinous and dangerous jobs for him.

Daun could not hit them in O'Bannon's territory, but every job Tychus did for O'Bannon would end up with Daun ambushing them and foiling their mission. After months of failed jobs, O'Bannon gave them one final chance at redemption, a robbery of one of the largest Confederate banks, the Covington Bank. To aid them, O'Bannon would be sending one of his best men to help in the operation.

Tychus used his contacts to get advanced equipment for the mission, and help up the bank using poisoned robotic spiders. However, Raynor discovered that the money he was stealing was supposed to be used to help the farmers of the Confederacy, and was part of a farm aid program his deceased parents had used to barely make a living off of. Having a change of heart (and after O'Bannon's man killed all the hostages), Tychus killed O'Bannon's man and escaped the bank. There they found Daun once again, but a lucky shot by Raynor managed to knock out the bounty hunter. The two got to their escape route, but discovered there was only one jump pack suit, and that O'Bannon had only intended his man to escape. Knowing the marshals were closing in, Tychus told Raynor to go.

"You once agreed with me when I said that I'd never done a noble thing in my life. That I never could, that I just wasn't capable of it. I thought you was right, but you ain't. Go on, now. Get out, get clean, and do something with your life. You got the chance to do that. Don't take that away from me-not here, not now."

Tychus was captured by the New Sydney marshal (who was there on a conference) and sent to the massive prison-world of New Folsom. There, he was given a life sentence (initially a death sentence, but argued down), cuffed and put inside a cryo-freezer, damned to spend the rest of his days in frozen stasis.

Raynor meanwhile hunted down and killed the crippled Vanderspool, and took up an offer an old friend made him to become marshal of Mar Sara. Almost a decade passed while Tychus was in stasis, and everything changed in the sector. Two alien races, the protoss and the zerg, appeared and fought a war with the terrans, and the rebel Arcturus Mengsk recruited Raynor to take down the Confederacy, replacing it with the Terran Dominion and making himself emperor. However Mengsk's engineering of the zerg attack on the capital of Tarsonis (killing billions) made Raynor rebel against him, swearing to take Mengsk down and forming a new group named Raynor's Raiders. Four years after the first war between the three races ended, Mengsk needed a trump card against Raynor and the zerg. Then he remembered Tychus locked up in prison…

Deal With the Devil

(Going to stop bolding Heroes characters here so it isn't a solid wall of "Raynor")

Working with a science group named the Moebius Foundation and their leader Doctor Emil Narud (secretly a powerful alien xel'naga named Samir Duran), Mengsk released Tychus from prison as a contingency. Likely getting a tip from Narud, Mengsk knew that Sarah Kerrigan, queen of the zerg and a woman he betrayed, was going to attack again with the Swarm, and he needed someone in Raynor's ranks to make sure that Raynor made good on his promise years ago to kill her. Mengsk sealed Tychus in his marine armor, making a deal that if he killed Kerrigan he would go free with his crimes cleared. However, the suit was also wired to shut down Tychus's vital organs if he disobeyed orders, and could not be removed. He was also outfitted with a transmitter, which would allow them to make infrequent encrypted communications.

Tychus hunted down Jim Raynor to Mar Sara, where he gave him an offer from the Moebius Foundation to hunt down the shattered pieces of a xel'naga relic named the Keystone. Raynor, desperate for money as the Raiders were fighting a losing war, accepted. However, soon after they got the first piece the zerg invaded the Dominion with Kerrigan at the head. Tychus helped his old friend and his band of revolutionaries as they went around the sector, raising their army against Mengsk and saving what civilians they could from the zerg. Meanwhile, Tychus himself helped coordinate operations between Raynor and the Moebius Foundation, while taking a keen interest in Kerrigan for their inevitable showdown.

Tychus himself helped Raynor broadcasting propaganda against Mengsk after they discovered evidence of his engineering the zerg attack on the planet Tarsonis. He helped steal a massive Dominion walker named the Odin and used it to cause chaos on the streets of the capital world of Korhal, while Raynor's Raiders uploaded the evidence they had of Mengsk's atrocities in his rise to power into the Dominion media's databases. The plan worked, and Tychus abandoned the Odin on Korhal.

Tychus meanwhile finally was tasting freedom with his old friend, and began to doubt what he was doing and whether he could go through with his betrayal, especially when they found out the relic they were finding would change Kerrigan human again, and that Raynor still loved her. Tychus tried to dissuade Raynor from going any further with the Keystone or Kerrigan, going so far as to get in a fist fight with him (which Raynor won after electrocuting his marine suit). Reluctantly, Tychus agreed to help Raynor attack the zerg central world of Char, where they'd ally with the Dominion under Arcturus Mengsk's son and use the Keystone to stop the zerg's invasion of the sector.

Tychus helped Raynor lead the ground assault, getting them an initial landing point. Tychus also was on the team Raynor made to raid the tunnels of Char, destroying their tunneling ground transports named nydus worms and clearing the ground for their final approach. In a final battle, Tychus helped Raynor use the Keystone on Kerrigan's core hives, annihilating all nearby zerg and making her human again.

In the central hive, Raynor had Kerrigan in his arms. But just then, Mengsk activated his com-link to Tychus, saying that he had his orders and beginning to activate the organ failure program. Tychus put his gun up to Kerrigan, explaining the deal he made with Mengsk, and that she needed to die for him to go free. Raynor said that they all had their choices to make, to which Tychus relied "damn shame." Tychus tried to shoot Kerrigan, and Raynor blocked the shot with his shoulder, turning and shooting Tychus with the one bullet he had saved for Mengsk. Tychus was killed, and Raynor left the planet with Kerrigan in his arms.

There's a lot of discussion around Tychus and Raynor's motivation in the showdown scene, but according to a comment from the voice actor of Tychus, Neil Kapplan, if Tychus really wanted to he could have shot Raynor in the back as they entered the room together and killed Kerrigan. Tychus knew he couldn't go through with the whole thing and betray his only actual friend, but also knew he was too deep to back out. He wanted Raynor to shoot him.

Keep in mind that's not to be taken as the canon interpretation, but it's a cool perspective. Tychus has gotten a lot of popularity both in and outside of StarCraft, so it's sad his run was cut so short. But his legacy lives on in Heroes of the Storm, which gives us a lighter take on a rather tragic character.


Minigun (D) – In Wings of Liberty, Tychus uses a mingun in the two missions in shows up in, mostly to distinguish him from other marines. Blizzard artist Phill Gonzales said that the gun itself was based off of the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. In cinematics Tychus uses the same C-14 Raynor does.

Frag Grenade (W) – During the mission "Belly of the Beast," Tychus gets the ability to throw Shredder Grenades which function much the same as in Heroes. Unlike Frag Grenades, they don't knock back, rather just kill things.

Draken Laser Drill (R1) – During an operation to retrieve a piece of the Keystone on the planet Xil, Raynor and Tychus take over an abandoned Moebius Foundation laser drill to break through the temple housing the piece. However they were attacked by the Tal'darim (Alarak's faction), and had to use the drill to ward them back. It function the same as in Heroes.

Commandeer Odin (R2) – When Raynor found evidence linking Mengsk to the destruction of Tarsonis, he had Tychus steal the experimental Dominion superweapon named the Odin, using it to destroy their research base and cause chaos on the streets of Korhal. In StarCraft II it's much more powerful, but has a weak anti-air attack. Interestingly, the model Heroes uses is not the Odin, but rather a Blackhammer Thor, a variant of thor walkers that came after the Odin and were designed to be much smaller and easier to produce.


That's The Stuff! (Level 13) – This is one of the lines marines say in StarCraft 1 after injecting stimpacks.

Neosteel Coating (Level 13) – Neosteel is the material that most terran suits, vehicles and starships are made from. Its icon is also that of an upgrade from StarCraft II famous for never being used in multiplayer (upgrades bunker capacity). Tychus's suit and minigun are neosteel.

Big Red Button (Level 20) – At the end of the mission where Tychus first steals the Odin, he says "Now how'd I miss this little button with a skull on it?" The button then launches a nuke, much like it does here in Heroes. Nukes themselves are a famous part of the terran arsenal in StarCraft, being able to be called down by specialist ghosts in-game to deal massive damage in an area.

Poke Quotes

Yeah, I ain't much of a team player. Especially when there's cow-men and zombies and other weird crap like that involved. – A callback to his SC2 quotes "I don't play well with others," with the added addition of mentioning some of the weirder Heroes, in this case being ETC and Arthas/Stiches (the only undead heroes out at the time).

You know, they could at least let me out of this suit between matches. Startin' to stink in here! Yuck! Smells like liverwurst and tobacco. – A callback to the fact Tychus is stuck in his armor until he kills Kerrigan, and the Tychus here is pulled from mid-Wings of Liberty. Tychus is also known for smoking inside his armor.

He heh, yeah I love it when, oh f---, f---ing cigar fell in the ----, oh, oh ----! Wait, okay, it's out… Whew, nothin' got burned. It's alright everyone, just calm down. – Another reference to him smoking in his armor, which is considerably dangerous since he has no way to open it. Wings of Liberty has a similar quote about a coin falling down his suit. The StarCraft Field Manual mentions that after the fall of Arcturus Mengsk, the Dominion outlaws smoking inside of their marine's armor.

It's like they always say, you can't fix stupid. – One of his Wings of Liberty in-game move quotes is "You can't fix stupid."

Friendly fire… ain't. – A callback to one of his Wings of Liberty poke quotes, also a saying by the real life military.

You ever been inside a barracks? Let's just say there's a reason most marines would rather die than go back there. – The barracks is the structure terrans use to made infantry. It's also infamous for not being very accommodating in the lore. This is also a reference to the SC2 marine quote "ever wonder why nobody goes back to the barracks?"

Interaction Quotes

Raynor: "Just like old times, eh partner?" – A reference to the quote Raynor says to Tychus upon seeing one another again at the beginning of Wings of Liberty. The two have a shared history in Heaven's Devils, and one filled with action and violence.

Sgt. Hammer: "Well, if it ain't Bamma the Hamma. They still let you drive that thing?" – Sgt. Hammer's name is Bama Kowalski, and she was rather famous among most marines in the Dominion. Interestingly this may point to the fact that Bama may have been around during the Confederacy, since Tychus likely wouldn't know her that will during his time out of the cryofreezer, especially now that Hammer's been confirmed 100% canon. But since Tychus knew events from when he was in the freezer from his contacts he could know her by reputation.

Zerg: "Fightin' alongside a zerg just don't sit right with me." – Tychus was brought out of his freezer in order to kill Kerrigan, so he naturally doesn't feel the best about working with them. Also Tychus expressed disgust and fear at concepts like infestation, more so than other terrans.

Nova: "You up for this sweetheart?" – Tychus is known for being a rather big womanizer, and he and Raynor regularly perused for women during their time hiding in New Sydney as bandits. Tychus also chastises Raynor for not getting with Nova in the non-canonical path where he helps her in SC2.

Lt. Morales (said by Morales): "Marine and medic, a classic combination." – A common army composition for terran in StarCraft 1 was a force of marines and medics, as medics can heal marines as they take damage or damage themselves from the stimpack ability. In this case Tychus is the marine.

Kerrigan: "(Said by Kerrigan) Don't worry about it. You'll be left behind soon enough." – A reference to the fact that Tychus was killed on Char, and his body was left behind by Raynor and the Dominion.

Zarya: "(Said by Zarya) Nice minigun! What do you say you let me give that thing a try sometime?" – According to Blizzard artist Phill Gonzales, Tychus's minigun in SC2 was based off of the Heavy Weapons Guy from Team Fortress 2. Zarya meanwhile often gets compared to the Heavy, as Overwatch and TF2 are in the same genre, and both are Russian and have a similar silhouette. This is likely a jab at that.

Lucio: "(Said by Lucio) And I can't believe you smashed up that jukebox!" – During the barfight with Raynor, Tychus grabs Raynor's prized jukebox he keeps in his bar and tried to crush him with it. Raynor dodged and electrocuted him with the Jukebox's power cords. Lucio, being a fan of music, disapproved. Thankfully Raynor eventually fixed the Jukebox but it lost a lot of its songs. (thanks to u/seavictory for finding this one)

Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan: "Well, now I'm kind of glad you end up infested." – A reference to Tychus's infested skin. Note that both Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan and Infested Tychus are alternate universe skins, and that canonically Tychus very explicitly does not come back as an infested terran (or if he does it's as mindless cannon fodder).

Tychus Kill Quotes

Diablo: "Well would you look at that, even the devil bleeds." – Diablo and Tychus have a strange back and forth banter, likely because Tychus fashions himself as a "Heaven's Devil."

Kerrigan: "And there ain't nobody here to save you this time." – When Tychus was released by Mengsk, he was assigned to kill Kerrigan or he'd use a device implanted in Tychus's suit to shut down his organs. Before Tychus could kill Kerrigan, Raynor killed Tychus.

Raynor: "For the most wanted man in the sector, you ain't that hard to kill." – A reference to what Tychus said to Raynor upon first finding him on Mar Sara after he was released, "For the most wanted man in the sector, you ain't that hard to find."

Killing Tychus Quotes

Diablo: "Burning Hells, it's about time." – Tychus's famous quote from the SC2 announcement trailer is "hell, it's about time." It became almost the slogan of SC2. The Burning Hells is the realm Diablo is from.

Raynor: "How many times have I gotta kick your ass Tychus?" – In Wings of Liberty, after Tychus openly speaks out against Raynor and drunkly shittalks him to his crew, Raynor gets into a fight with Tychus and beats the crap out of him.

Other Quotes

Hell, it's about damn time. – Tychus's famous quote from the SC2 announcement trailer is "hell, it's about time." It became almost the slogan of SC2.

At this rate, I'd rather be back in prison. – Tychus's spent nearly a decade in New Folsom prison, mostly in cryostasis.

I am a bad, bad man. – "I'm a bad man" is one of Tychus's select quotes from SC2.

Nobody messes with a Devil./You ever seen the Heaven's Devils shuffle? – A callback to Tychus's time in the marine platoon/bandit group Heaven's Devils.

Big dog is off the leash. – One of Tychus's attack quotes in the Odin in SC2. In Heroes it serves as one of the sounds when it gets called down.

Like the power of the sun, only smaller. – When Raynor reclaims the Moebius laser drill during an operation on the planet Xil, Tychus says "Fire it up! One hundred and seventy four gigawatts - the power of the sun at your fingertips."


Navy Tychus. – In place of Kyla Velassi on his shoulder, Tychus gets a picture of Widowmaker from Overwatch.

Slate Tychus. – In place of Kyla Velassi on his shoulder, Tychus gets a picture of Tracer from Overwatch.

Infested Tychus. – This is an alternate universe skin where after Tychus dies, he gets infested and rises from the dead as an infested terran. I can literally do a whole thread on this skin, so I won't go too much into detail on it for now, but as far as lore goes this skin REALLY has a lot of cool stuff to it.

Prisoner Tychus – The skin is Tychus from the cinematic The Deal, and according to the description is an alternate universe where he breaks out of New Folsom prison where he was kept (also something he lied to Raynor about initially at the beginning of Wings of Liberty).

Dark Power Drench Tychus – This one has the Overwatch logo on his shorts.

Zergy Power Drench Tychus – This skin has the logo of Kerrigan's Zerg Swarm on his shorts.

Tychus is a character made for StarCraft II, but was based off of concept art for the original StarCraft. The name "Heaven's Devils" appears on several concept art marines, as well as a design that looks strikingly like him on large muscled criminal.

Let me know any feedback you all have on these, happy to improve them in any way. Next week will I'll go into Sgt. Hammer to try something different (yes she does have enough lore to make a thread out of, though I expect a lot of it will be about the siege tank unit). May work with others on a Garrosh one but that'll be unconnected to this series. Anyway, I'll see you all next week!

submitted by /u/Subsourian
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Daily reminder Creep Tumor has misleading tooltip

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:34 AM PDT

Creep Tumor still says it "reveals the surrounding area while active" when it only grants vision. Granting vision is not the same as revealing. Revealing would show Chromie's traps, Abathur mines and stealth heroes.

submitted by /u/Ultrajante
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Solidjake's Pet Cat, Misha

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:17 PM PDT

Rexxar is picked a disproportionate amount of time when queuing as auto-select in QM.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:19 AM PDT

I have been playing almost exclusively auto-select in quick match for the past 3 months with all roles selected and all heroes owned. In the past 100 quick matches I have been Rexxar about 20 times. In the last 40 games where I have been the tank role I have been Rexxar 32 times.

Here is a small view of my match history.

Anyone else experiencing this?

submitted by /u/rittzbitz
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Was Probius removed from the game?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:01 AM PDT

Sarcasm aside, what exactly is the point of this hero? Lowest pick rate in HL with one of the lower win rates, which means that he's not even functioning as a niche pick anymore. While I thought the March nerfs were necessary, I still have no idea why Probius received so many back to back nerfs after that.

Yes, he did have a high win rate, but that was inflated by how strong a niche pick he was if drafted properly. Not only, but his continually low pick rate pointed to the fact that he was only really played by those who put time into learning him, which also boosts his win rate. Most importantly, a lot of Probius' power comes from his Pylons, and the reality is that most players simply gave him free reign by not killing them. Case in point: we rarely saw Probius in pro play against players who knew how and what to focus what facing a hero like him.

That being said, it's just so disappointing that they've seemingly decided to leave Probius in this state. As an ex-Probius main, I really hope they look at reverting some of his nerfs. :\

submitted by /u/ceddya
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So Can We Un-Nerf Probius Please?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:32 PM PDT

Probius was a super-niche hero with under 5% usage but a high win rate, like around 55%. For some bizarre reason, Blizzard nerfed Probius over and over and over, I guess to even out his heroics, but in the process destroyed the character. Probius now sits at around 1% usage and 44% win rate. Can we please undo the ridiculous nerfs that took a very fair, high skill ceiling hero and made him unviable?

submitted by /u/BlueLightningTN
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HoTS Game Designer said "In general, we we aim to balance Hero League primarily, as that style of play usually trickles down into the other modes."

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:51 AM PDT


In general, we we aim to balance Hero League primarily, as that style of play usually trickles down into the other modes. If things are balanced there, we're usually in a pretty good spot in other game modes.

We do watch Quick Match especially to make sure nothing gets out of hand though. Certain Heroes thrive in the more chaotic Quick Match (and with less structured team compositions), so we expect some deviation from Hero League's results because of it. But if it makes for a degenerative experience, we'll make some changes trying to address just Quick Match problems when we need to.

Well, it is nice to know that they are focusing on HL balance more than other modes.

submitted by /u/Xixth
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Is that Lt. Morales ? (Pic from In dev video)

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:19 PM PDT

Saw it, and I'm not sure if this is morales or another hero available in the nexus. Could somebody hint me ?


submitted by /u/Tovi420
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We need Zerg Brightwing aka Brightling

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:01 PM PDT

I really think that there should be a Zerg skin for Brightwing as it would fit really well. I thought of the name Brightling for it as it works pretty good and I can see her looking like a flying Baneling with the glowing green acid spots

submitted by /u/Blazindragon1737
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