Hearthstone - Wtf is this combo

Wtf is this combo

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:54 AM PDT

Reddit was wrong about Un'Goro cards

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:56 AM PDT

While we wait for new KFT cards to be revealed, have fun reading what Reddit thought of Un'Goro cards: https://imgur.com/a/8IjkY

Comments are taken from the respective card thread discussions

Bonus: Reddit was right about Un'Goro cards: http://imgur.com/a/yuuqk

submitted by /u/Elios03
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Noblord with the mistake. Or was it?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:44 AM PDT

While everyone is raging about arena rewards...

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:09 PM PDT

My arena rewards are doing some raging of their own http://imgur.com/DaBvP3Y

submitted by /u/banned_andeh
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When you have the arena tech...

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:30 AM PDT

Sometimes you go to play Arena to get away from a stale meta, but that doesn't mean you should go unprepared.


submitted by /u/elias_aye
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TIL there are no basic cards with divine shield

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:17 AM PDT

Got the Tiny Bubbles Make Me Happy quest on my alternate account, went to make a deck full of divine shield minions and learned I had none.

submitted by /u/L_gecko
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Frodan and Eloise cosplaying at SDCC

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:59 PM PDT

Top Cards of the Week (07/22/2017)

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:19 PM PDT

Hello, I'm filling in for /u/SIipB, and here are the top cards of the week from /r/customhearthstone:

The Album.

Be sure to check out /r/customhearthstone and its weekly design contest. Last week's winner was /u/Monty_Java with Chubby Chimp. This week's challenge, "Reign of Aggro" is to create a good card for aggro.

There were also multiple Banana posts this previous week, as you can see with one of them gracing the top ten.

Anyways, have a good week!

submitted by /u/yumyum36
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Heroic Curator doesn't mess around

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:02 AM PDT


I'd say that's a nice drop for turn 2

submitted by /u/Bro2423
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Design Space: Warsong Commander Nerf

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 10:25 PM PDT

Today I decided to look back at the Warsong nerf. Unlike Blade Flurry it was deserved because Patron was too good. But assuming Patron got nerfed some other way, what other cards would cause issues when combined with Warsong? Here's a few.


Not the scariest combination. But the dream is pulling a 1/1 Sylvanas and immediately stealing something. Other good pulls are big deathrattle cards like Sneed's or effects like Genzo.

Blood Warriors, Sudden Genesis

More Raging Worgens! These cards aren't broken because of their interaction with Warsong, but because of what they enable. More Warsong means freely using it with Patron to clear a board, or dropping a mini combo so you don't "waste" a Death's Bite.

Midnight Drake, Faceless Shambler

Who wants charging Giants? How about 10/4s? A tad expensive and lacks the potential of Frothing, but much less conditional.


One of the best ways to counter Finja is to just not let him kill stuff. Warsong enables an immediate kill, and whatever he summons also gets charge. Not game breaking, but an annoying "board from nothing" combo.

Red Mana Wyrm

Easily a charging Pyroblast. If paired with Battle Rage, maybe even better. Perhaps not as good as Frothing, again, but if we assume Patron still gets nerfed in some way this gets experimented with.

Flappy Bird

You're a Paladin. He coins out Warsong on 2, and Flappy on 3. You cry because you have no early removal.

Stubborn Gastropod

Assassinate. You're probably not using Shield Slam in a Battle Rage combo deck. Could be good.

submitted by /u/RainBuckets8
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The Tale of Purify (relevant to kotft card release)

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:06 AM PDT

Discouraging new arena players one draft at a time

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 04:30 PM PDT

http://imgur.com/a/Ou8OU I'm sorry Blizzard, I know you're trying to get new players into Arena but I just drafted Jade Shaman and I'm getting a lot of friend requests and Wow emotes.

Edit: Finished my run. That's 12 players that'll never pick up arena again http://imgur.com/a/p7XLY

submitted by /u/Linfern0
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time of 24/7 cards reveal ?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:13 AM PDT

Hello , does anybody know time of tommorow"s reveal

submitted by /u/obycajnypes
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What if we could have alternative emotes like we have heroes?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:43 AM PDT

For example if you don't want a wow emote you can swap it for sorry. Emotes could even be buyable just like heroes are. You could use the "Looking forward to the fireworks" Anduin emote at any time of the year! The bm meta would finally evolve!

submitted by /u/Szymas255
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Freedom: A hearthstone Comic Experience

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:13 AM PDT

My 6 year old brother drew some hearthstone characters #2

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:05 AM PDT


i feel like he drew lorewalker the way he did just to get back at lorestalker for his comment in which he compared my brothers drawing of elven archer to dobby

submitted by /u/grand_autism0
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Blizzard should release a tavern brawl to showcase the new hero's

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 12:04 PM PDT

Like an example is have one of those crossroads battle where you get a predetermined deck, and make it so you choose a class, queue up, and at the beginning of the brawl your her changes to the death night version

Edit - Sorry that my grammar sucks. Also heroes

submitted by /u/LenBanoue
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Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:20 AM PDT






  • ???






  • RNG


submitted by /u/Mldrm
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Forest for the Weary - Comic Book Experience

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 10:11 AM PDT

[HysteriA] 13 Tirions in One Game

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:46 AM PDT

Everyone on Reddit right after KFT announcement trailer

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 11:05 AM PDT

People were freaking out about the cards in the intro before even seeing the actual trailer.


submitted by /u/Geldarion
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'There are no one percent changes.' Ben Brode interview about how Hearthstone balance differs from Overwatch

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 01:03 PM PDT

Dreamhack Atlanta - Lance (17th)

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:15 AM PDT


I am Lance. I was a competitor at Dreamhack Atlanta 2017, where I finished 17th in the standings after swiss.

You'll probably recognize me from this: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/6ow5i0/body_language_of_missed_lethal_dreamhack_atlanta/

In the aftermath of barely missing top 16 and losing embarrassingly in a favoured matchup my first time on stream, I felt compelled to write a post tournament report. Partly to reflect, partly because I hope to feel better, and also because I think I have something to contribute.

I originally came to Atlanta to represent UBC eSports association with two other teammates: itzBolt and KingofKimchi. We were all fortunate to be supported by the UBC EA, Wangyoo, NCIX, Republic of Gamers, Corsair and Gameforge (Gotta give a shoutout to the sponsors!).

A bit about my experience playing: I consider myself pretty casual. My only competitive experience has been with UBC in the collegiate leagues, where I've had modest success. I otherwise don't really have aspirations to play hearthstone competitively.

About my team's preparation process. We quickly decided that we were going to bring Jade Druid, Evolve Shaman, and some type of Mage with Medivh. I feel like these choices shouldn't require further explanation. I don't exactly remember what our thought process was, but we collectively decided we would be banning Druid. The reason being is that we felt both Aggro and Jade Druid had a lot of sweep potential and it was difficult to play around both.

We weren't collectively decided on what to bring as a 4th deck, and on what version of Mage (though we all agreed we wanted Medivh). My teammates ended up bringing Pirate Warrior, where as I brought Taunt Warrior. I ended up playing a more traditional Burn/Medivh Mage with Mana Wyrms while my teammates played a Freeze version.

My reasoning for bringing Taunt Warrior was because 1. It was a deck I was comfortable playing despite it not being very popular, and 2. It made more sense to me if I always planned to ban Druid. The Mage I built was geared to be around 50/50 across the board, which I prefer over Freeze Mage with its varied matchups.

I'm not going to go in depth over each of my matchups, but I'd like to share my Taunt Warrior list (I think its pretty good imo humble brag). It ended up being the superstar in my lineup throughout the tournament. If you have any questions about card choices or matches feel free to comment.

1x Fire Plume's Heart 1x Whirlwind 1x Armorsmith 2x Dirty Rat 2x Execute 2x Fiery War Axe 1x Slam 2x Sleep with the Fishes 2x Acolyte of Pain 2x Ravaging Ghoul 2x Shield Block 2x Stonehill Defender 2x Bloodhoof Brave 2x Alley Armorsmith 2x Brawl 1x Direhorn Hatchling 1x The Curator 2x Primordial Drake

My overall record in games was 14-4 and I 3-0ed four matches with the deck. My "expert analysis" on the meta: Most people are bringing 4 of these 5 classes: Druid, Mage, Shaman, Paladin, Warrior. Most people will bring Jade Druid as its a strong deck in this format but the other 3 decks will generally be weak to Taunt Warrior. Ban Druid and you're good!

Okay it wasn't actually that simple, but by the end of day 1, I somehow ended at 5-0. Ate a quick dinner and went back to the hotel. When day 2 started I found out my 6th round match would be on stream: First thought was.."We did it!". I was looking forward to the possibility of playing on stream the entire weekend. I quickly sent out messages and made a Facebook status. There isn't anything really to talk about back stage, just basically what you'd expect for production. I feel like it would normally be a bit awkward to sit around across from your opponent while waiting for the match to start, but Caravaggio was a cool guy and we were just chatting throughout until our match began.

About my match: The first mistake I believe was my ban. I should've banned my opponent's rogue in retrospect. I thought at first that Rogue wasn't a strong class as barely anyone brought it, so it didn't merit the ban. I just decided to ban Shaman because I thought it would have a better chance of cheesing me instead of his Warrior and Mage across an entire match. However, I still feel comfortable playing my Warrior and Mage vs Shaman. I believe my opponent's strategy was always to ban mage, and I should've considered this more as it would've made banning rogue much better.

In my opinion, the only two interesting games were games 2 and 5. All the other games played out fairly standard and aren't worth discussing. I decided to start Taunt Warrior because I felt it was likely good against Warrior and Mage, and he almost certainly isn't going to start Rogue. Won against his Pirate warrior.

Game 2 was only interesting because I decided to throw away the quest. The consensus amongst the casters and twitch chat was that it was wrong, though I'm still not entirely convinced. Against Rogue I personally prefer the more classic control strategy and exhausting their resources. I understand the argument for having a win condition that pressures the Rogue, but either way you have to get a little lucky with the draws. My other cards in hand were also not keepable, so I felt the need to increase my chances of drawing good early cards. The way the game played out it also didn't matter, as I wouldn't have been able to complete the quest anyways and be in a position to win.

Game 3 I win as Shaman, then he has Freeze mage as his last deck and wins game 4.

Game 5 as Jade Druid vs Freeze Mage: Yeah I don't know what else to say, I threw that game. I do believe I got unlucky in several minor things that added up to a significant advantage for my opponent, but any other player would've likely still won in my position. Let me just say that I've barely played Jade Druid since Journey came out; I think I have less than 10 games played with it on ladder and less than 5 games vs Freeze Mage in total when you add up playing casual and vs friends/teammates. So all things considered, I probably didn't deserve to win that game.

None of the reasoning for my plays make sense, but I'll explain anyways. On the turn that I played my first Auctioneer, I was thinking in my head that I wanted to play around him having a turn 8 Medivh if he had it. My thinking was Medivh is the only card that beats Jade Druid in most scenarios. I figured that I would play Auctioneer now, and he'd be forced to deal with it. Next turn i play Fandral + Nourish, and by that time I likely would've drawn my Gluttonous Ooze. Again it doesn't make sense, but this was my actual thought process those turns. I acknowledge now that I undervalued the heal off the Earthen Scales and should've just played Tar Creeper and Nourish that turn.

On the turn I got nova doomed, I believe I should've cycled my 0 mana Wild Growth draws to look for either Swipe to clear the Doomsayer or Aya to leave myself with something on board. For some reason I had it stuck in my head that I was saving these draws for a big Auctioneer turn.

About the clip on Twitch for missed lethal. I didn't have a clear view of Caravaggio's actions, the monitor was blocking most of it. I only noticed when he had his hands covering his face, and I thought that he was simply relieved to have won an unfavourable matchup in what ended up being a close and difficult match. It's a small comfort for me that we both have something to be embarrassed about from our first times on stream. Kudos to him for playing well and making it to top 16.

I ended up losing my next two matches, putting me at 5-3. I checked the standings and realized that one 6-3 should be able to make it into top 16, and at the time I had the best tie-breakers amongst all 5-3s. I got the win in the last round, only to find Chakki ahead of me in the standings, also with a 6-3 round. He was 6-2 and lost. I was hoping that depending on how the other matches played out I might've been able to jump him, but it actually didn't matter. By the end I was out at 17th while Chakki got the last playoff spot. Another stinger was that if Chakki had won his last round, I almost certainly would have been 16th.

Overall I know I should be pleased with my performance, and I'm grateful to have had the chance to play on stream. That basically ends the story of my competitive experience at Dreamhack. I'm looking forward to coming back on Sunday to actually enjoy the event. If anyone recognizes me feel free to say hello. I'll also be checking this page if anyone wants to chat.

Thanks to all the organizers who were a part of the tournament and Dreamhack. Appreciate all of your guys' hard work. Congratulations also to all the players that made top 16 (yes even Chakki). Thank you too for taking the time to read.

submitted by /u/LanceHS
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That's enough Hearthstone for my entire life...

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 12:18 PM PDT

Can we find all cards that appear in the Hearthstone Comics?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

The Hearthstone Comics were released as part of the teasing before Knights of the Frozen Throne and contain several characters that we already know from the cards. You surely all recognized the obvious ones like Bloodsail Raider, Pompous Thespian and Grimestreet Smuggler but there are many more - and some I could not identify, so I need your lore knowledge and keen eyes to complete the list.

Can we find them all?

I made a list of all the appearing characters, including the many yet unidentified ones and tried to list them in order of appearance.

Unfortunately therefore there are stil many "unknown x" on the list and most of them probably were not taken from the game at all.

If you haven't read the comic, here's your chance now: https://comic.playhearthstone.com/en-us/undeath-conquers-all

Love Undead conquers all link

Page 2

Bloodsail Raider (The Wiki lists her as a dwarf but in the Comic she looks human but it's clearly her)

Unknown humanoid female (elf/human?) in the background with the banner (Master of Ceremonies? Far fetched?)

Red skinned Demon at the bar

Unknown Tauren playing cards

His unknown human opponent

Unknown dark skinned human female (no black people in the card art as far as I know)

Elderly blue skinned male

Smiling red Demon (friendly Doomguard?)

Unknown bearded man with light brown hair (Let's say Goldshire Footman or Possessed Villager before he was possessed

Pompous Thespian

Orc and Elf standing at the bar cheering

Young dark haired man with sash (Ravenholdt Assassin or Southsea Deckhand have similar hair but otherwise don't look similar but Tournament Attendee is a good fit)

Grey haired middle aged man

Page 4

Two guys (no idea, maybe just fillers.

The one with the moustache could be Sparring Partner but only because of the moustache and even that looks different)

The blondish one could be Blade of C'Thun. Nobody else has such a beard.

Some undead - can't find Zombie Chow

Jaina shoots a demon in the ass

Page 6

More unknown people from the bar, including Luanne from King of the Hill (Waitress)


Thrall, Uther

Next Issue Forest of the Weary link

Page 2

Evil Heckler (He took me so long to find but I knew I've seen him before)

Dalaran Mage (just noticed in the full art he's wielding a broom

Bloodsail Raider

Pompous Thespian

Southsea Captain

Unknown red skinned elf to the right

Unknown Dwarf to the right with black (tattoo?)

Grimestreet Smuggler (random note: She is not the only female Tauren in the game - Kodo Rider is also female. But the comic is clearly the Smuggler)

Female fortune-telling blue Troll from the Whispers of the Old Gods Cinematic Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKjUgLrDEbI Does not appear in game

Page 4

Rexxar, Misha, Huffer

Tiger: Sabretooth Stalker or Stranglethorn Tiger but probably not Jungle Panther (why does he wear bracelets?!)

Death Knight Malfurion

Unknown Nerubian (Let's say it's the one from Ambush! or Beneath the Ground)

Unknown bugs and spiders

River Crocolisk

Page 6

Death Knight Gul'Dan and Deathstalker Rexxar

Fiery Bat (Was this fused with another beast? Explosive Sheep is a Mech...)

Stonetusk Boar + Sakes from Snake Trap (Though that would not work with Build-a-Beast. There's Pit Snake but the other snakes in the game are too big (Druid of the Fang's Giant Anaconda or Emperor Cobra)

(Crocolisk + Deer. I can't remember any deer in Hearthstone. Apart from Malone but that's a different story)

*Sharkbear *

Unknown Wolves or cats & dead white wolf on the next page: Dire Wolf Alpha/Timber Wolf

submitted by /u/Hutzlipuz
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