Hearthstone - Trump said he'd sing "Do you want to build a zombeast" if someone wrote the lyrics. I have done so.

Trump said he'd sing "Do you want to build a zombeast" if someone wrote the lyrics. I have done so.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:03 AM PDT

Do You Want to Build a Zombeast?

Lyrics: Dan Felder

Original Song: Do You Want to Build a Snowman - Frozen


Do you want to build a zombeast?

Let's make a giant play

We don't play value anymore

We only SMORC

Call of the Wild's gone away...

You used to be so lively

And now you're not

The lich king's the reason why.

Do you want to build a zombeast?

Oh look, I built a zombeast.

Okay, die!

Do you want to build a Zombeast?

A vicious fledgling stonetusk boar?

Or angry chicken and a stegodon.

We really can't go wrong

So many combos to explore!

It gets a little silly

All these easy games

Just watching the ranks tick by

(Win-Streak, Win-Streak, Win-Streak, Win-Streak, Win-Streak)


Please, I know you're in there

I know you're in my booster pack

They say "have patience," and I'm trying to

I've got a deck for you, I can't go back

I can't go back to rushing

It's just you and me

What are we gonna do?

Do you want to build a zombeast?

submitted by /u/Dan_Felder
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New Card: 4 Mana 5/6, Deathrattle: Deal 5 damage to your minions

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:03 AM PDT

Showerthought: The Caverns Below makes all minions 5/5. Thing from Below is a 5/5.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:57 AM PDT

For context: Thing from Below- a WOTOG card- came out roughly a year before the Rogue Quest.

submitted by /u/Monty_Java
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Legendary Un'Goro Pack

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:46 AM PDT

Kripp's complaints about the bonus arena reward seems really out of touch.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:28 AM PDT

For example: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/160515678?t=02h39m32s

He's been harping on it nonstop. I get that he's one of the small fraction of a percent of players who cares about arena rewards, but he's also a guy who talks about how Hearthstone is far too expensive.

I don't really get how he can lack perspective so much that he thinks getting a high win in arena is about awards and not rewards. Yeah, he has all the cards and it doesn't matter to him, but if you're even halfway decent at arena, this is the most lucrative time in the game's history. The bar for going infinite has been lowered significantly and your gains are only limited by the time you put in.

This was also a really good push to get new lifeblood into arena. Before the event, you'd only find hardcore players during off hours and struggle to get anywhere. Now there's actually a huge amount of people in the mode. It's a really interesting way to increase the playerbase and affordability, with the only downside being that it makes the leaderboard awkward for a few months. That's a fair trade-off, considering the leaderboard is only a half-measure to turn arena competitive to begin with.

He talks about how people can use this to brag about "finally getting 4 wins!" completely missing the point. For most people, arena is not competitive. It's just pure risk/reward. Shifting it more towards reward is very satisfying, in my opinion.

submitted by /u/dustingunn
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Blizzard: Please change the 'Win 5 Tavern Brawls' quest to 'Play 5 Tavern Brawls'

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:23 PM PDT

Tavern Brawl is supposed to be a place to have fun and try a weird format or game mode. Stressing over wins to try and complete this quest is so frustrating. Really taking the fun out of this mode and making me hate it.

submitted by /u/myth1218
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Reminder to clear quests for Wednesday

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:21 AM PDT

It's pretty likely Ahune will be giving us another arena-related quest on wednesday. Make sure you have room for two quests to avoid losing out on a daily.

submitted by /u/Nonattius
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Kolento posts a lethal puzzle on his Twitter. Can you get it?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

Chilling Tales From the Tavern - News

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:02 AM PDT

Abomination art, enjoy!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:51 AM PDT

New Card Review Knights of the Frozen Throne Hearthstone (official video)

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:15 AM PDT

I just realized something about the new Pack Changes!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:39 PM PDT

For a completely new player who just joined the game, the welcome bundle gives 1 classic legendary and 10 classic packs, and since its his first ten classic packs, the welcome bundle gurantees two classic legendaries after pack changes! :v

submitted by /u/aquapaletress
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As Card Reveal Season begins, let's stop to remember Day9's wisdom about how to view card predictions

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:01 AM PDT

What if we already saw the only new card being revealed today?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:14 AM PDT

I'd be really sad if Ticking Abomination was it :(

submitted by /u/codexmax
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Friendly reminder: Lat day to disenchant Rouge Quest for full dust value

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:00 AM PDT


Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:38 PM PDT

Most never even saw the 4th one.


submitted by /u/KONSRS
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The Unpopular Ticking Abomination Appreciation Thread

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:18 AM PDT

Most people are HATING this card, which is fair since it's got a large cost relative to the stats provided, but I see more than 1 way this could work well in constructed. It's not for most decks, but not every card has to be.

First off, lets talk about tempo. Best case scenario if your board is empty, this card is fantastic for tempo on turn 4 because of the huge body and high attack, while the deathrattle has relatively no cost if your opponent deals with it in their following turn. The real problems with this minion is if you have resources already on board (that you cant trade away) and leaving it alive, since it'll kill whatever minions you had already or play in the future. Knowing this, it should probably be used for high value trading and doing so quickly to be able to play more minions sooner. The counterplay isn't as straightforward either, since your opponent could strive to keep it alive beyond the following turns to be able punish any further minions you play with a large board clear. So there's clear proactive ways to use it and interesting counterplay for your opponent.

That's just general use though. Silence priest, spell heavy decks, and even other deathrattle minions can use a card like this. For example, Nurubian egg and devilsaur egg have amazing synergy with this guy to generate a large tempo swing if you play them before killing off your abomination or after your opponent uses resources to kill the abomination (given they dont spend resources to kill the eggs before the abonimation instead).

I may be one of the few, but I actually like the different applications this card has. It's the kind of card you should think twice before throwing on the board. You shouldn't throw it in any deck, and it's certainly an arena trap, but it has potential in constructed.

Let me know your thoughts.

submitted by /u/The_Grizzly_B
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Daily Card Discussion Thread #672 - Street Trickster | July 24th, 2017

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:38 AM PDT

Hello and welcome to another Daily Card Discussion Thread.

The way this works is simple: Every day a random collectible card is selected for discussion. Post your thoughts on the card in the comments below. Discussion is not limited to competitive viability - feel free to talk about the art, sounds, animations or anything else you like.

As a reminder, at the bottom of each thread you can navigate to the previous discussion thread, as well as find a link to a list of all the discussion threads so far.

Street Trickster - #672
Mana Cost: 3
Attack: 0
Health: 7
Type: Minion
Text: Spell Damage +1
Class: Neutral
Tribal: Demon
Rarity: Common
Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Flavor: His first trick: making your wallet disappear!
Crafting Cost: 40 dust
Golden Crafting Cost: 400 dust

[Basic] | [Golden] | via Hearthhead

<--- Previous Thread [King Mosh - #671]

[List of all Daily Card Discussions]

Thread made with love by /u/hypersniper's thread generator.

submitted by /u/Oagoz
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Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:14 AM PDT

As pointed out by Mike Donais himself over here
If it's a Shark Bear once the expansion releases, we know who to blame.

submitted by /u/geekrider
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Tavern Brawl Request: Packs Galore!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:42 PM PDT

Instead of cards, you battle with 30 packs! Packs are just like the Ungoro Pack from Elise, but from all expansions! They all cost 2 mana and add five cards to your hand. The Value!

Edit: Yes, that would clog your hand way too much. Let's say this: both players start with a 0/5 'pack' on the board, kinda like Santa's crates in the Winterveil brawl. Whenever a player destroys a pack, they open the five cards and a new one summons.

Edit2: I know it's not really Santa.

submitted by /u/MorningPants
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I'm hosting a Fireside Gathering tomorrow evening in Toronto. If you're in the neighbourhood, come out and meet some new folks and play some Hearthstone.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:30 AM PDT

This is what a free arena run looks like

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:29 PM PDT

Whats your favorite Un goro summoning sound?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:27 AM PDT

Mine are Lyra "beware the GLORY OF A NEW SUUUN!


submitted by /u/MotherOfQuaggan
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For everyone whos wondering bout the card Reveal

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:15 AM PDT

Expect a blog post at about 7-8 pm CEST which is around 8-9 hours form this post.They should reveal some cards there and i would assume announce a reveal stream later in the week.Since ungoro had one reveal stream each week for the 3 weeks of spoilers.

Edit: Well pack up your shit boys, today is a bust... Cya tomorrow at the same time.Maybe then we get an actuall blog post.Forgot that blizzard runs on their american times.

submitted by /u/nuclearLauch
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It's Crazed Alchemist Day - all minions have their health and attack stats swapped - what's broken or meta now?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:43 PM PDT

And yes, Naxxramas also has a mission where the hero power swaps stats.

submitted by /u/Dasians
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