Hearthstone - Alright Reddit you win, here is me crafting my golden Millhouse Manastorm. Thread in description. |
- Alright Reddit you win, here is me crafting my golden Millhouse Manastorm. Thread in description.
- I saved this post a few hours before the expansion announcement. The poor soul...
- Build a Zombeast simulator
- Check here how many packs you earned from your pick
- A Hearthstone Battle
- Dear Mr Brode, please release your inner Rosewater!
- Dogggg says CN players weren't told the format for HCT (bo5, 4ban1) when other regions' players were, and when they asked they got no response from Blizzard
- Woop
- Why Aren't There Achievements?
- Kalimos+Blazecaller OTK!
- Class Overviews for 9 Classes (Background, Mechanics, Strengths & Weaknesses, Decks)
- Kripp gets outplayed
- Reminder that it's ok to be wrong
- Remix to Igneous-tion - A Farewell to Caverns Below
- What does Lyra say when her second child is born?
- Let's Take Moment to Appreciate the Double Gold Right Before the Expansion
- Right now, it genuinely feels like Blizzard cares.
- Full Translation of Jasonzhou's Post regarding Blizzard's Miscommunication at HCT
- Hearthstone devs fixing bugs
- Burgle Rogue vs Thief Priest matches are the most fun in HS
- I have never been so hyped about an Expansion
- PSA about champion packs
Alright Reddit you win, here is me crafting my golden Millhouse Manastorm. Thread in description. Posted: 10 Jul 2017 05:58 AM PDT
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I saved this post a few hours before the expansion announcement. The poor soul... Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:32 PM PDT | ||
Posted: 10 Jul 2017 06:26 AM PDT
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Check here how many packs you earned from your pick Posted: 10 Jul 2017 12:17 AM PDT XHope - 1 CitizenNappa - 2 Neirea - 3 Kolento - 4 [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:42 PM PDT
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Dear Mr Brode, please release your inner Rosewater! Posted: 10 Jul 2017 12:30 AM PDT Dear Mr. Brode, I'm an avid Hearthstone player, and seriously enjoy reading about Hearthstone. Theorizing about arena, ranked ladder, tournament decks or wonky fun decks is an important part of my Hearthstone experience, and I guess I'm not alone with this. I started playing MTG in 1995 and played for about twelve years. During this time one thing that kept me coming back each day was were the daily articles about Magic published by WotC themselves (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles). They had (and still have) professional insight, drafting insight, a card of the day and much more. The absolute highlight were the design insights by Mark Rosewater, though. Mr. Rosewater managed to write some articles about MTG, that changed how many players think about the game (Timmy, Jonny, Spike or the color wheel). Some of these are still considered classics. Today I play Hearthstone. I have a family and Hearthstone just integrates better into my family life as I can play a short game here and there on my mobile/tablet. Hearthstone completely replaced Magic for me. It is almost the same experience just more condensed. However, and that's the main reason I'm writing this, there's a serious lack of good professional articles about Hearthstone for me. I enjoy the weekly Meta Report by VS or the podcasts by the grinning goat guys. But that's just not enough. We crave regular behind the scene looks, design insights, a little story about a card of the day, a weekly wallpaper... TLDR: Please consider giving us regular articles about the different aspects of Hearthstone. I know this is a lot to ask, but I feel Hearthstone is here to stay, and this'd go a long way to ensure people come back to Hearthstone. Release your inner Rosewater and give us the behind the scene looks that we crave! Yours kindly W. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:16 PM PDT
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Posted: 10 Jul 2017 07:35 AM PDT
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Why Aren't There Achievements? Posted: 10 Jul 2017 06:09 AM PDT I guess this comes up every year but I haven't seen any response from Blizzard so far, so let me bring it up again. I always need to feel I have some goal in a game and there isn't one for me in HS anymore. In ranked, I've gotten to legend a couple of times but why should I do it again? I am by no means good enough to reach top legend or play for Championship Tour points. And the same is true for Arena, I am good enough that gold isn't an issue but the leaderboard is not within my reach (time and skill wise). Just something as simple as: "Get to the 3/6/9/12 win key with class x during the year of the x" would not only give us mediocre arena players some goal but could also lead to more diversity in the Arena. And "Get every card of the x set" will probably get me to spend some money on HS (and be happy about it), while "Reach legend during the year of the x" might give me the little push I need to play a deck I like more from rank 3 to legend. I know, the not-so-casual players rather have more statistics but statistics have a negative effect on some players ("I won't try a different deck, I just reached x% win rate, I don't want it to drop below y%."). I don't think achievements, as long as designed properly, have a negative effect on anyone else. They might even have a positive effect, especially on Arena. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 10 Jul 2017 03:50 AM PDT
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Class Overviews for 9 Classes (Background, Mechanics, Strengths & Weaknesses, Decks) Posted: 10 Jul 2017 08:53 AM PDT Hello /r/hearthstone! Today I want to present you a project we've been working for lately at HearthHead. Some of you might remember our recent Guide Database with dynamic decklists and now we continue trying to make the Hearhstone content more accessable, especially for new players with out new feature - Class Overviews. Class Overviews is a series of articles, or "hubs", one about each of the Hearthstone classes. It's mainly targeted at the new and returning players - we believe that it should be a great place to start when you're looking for a basic information about the Hearthstone classes. From our experience, new players tend to get overwhelmed by the number of classes when they just start playing. They don't know the play style of each one of them, so they have a hard time picking the one that fits them. This resource should be a perfect way to resolve that issue. That said, more intermediate players might also learn a thing or two, especially about the classes they haven't played a lot. Things you will find in each of the Class Overviews are:
Coming up:
Here are the links to our Class Overviews. If you're curious about which decks are included in each one of them, I'll put those in the brackets.
That's all, folks. I think that we've covered most of the information about each of the classes, but if you feel that we're missing something, let us know. It's not a one-time thing, we'll get those updated every expansion, so making them as good as our goal is to make them as good as possible. Similarly, if you spot any mistake - either a spelling error or a wrong information - let us know and we'll fix it right away. If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments! Good luck on the ladder and until next time! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:24 PM PDT
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Reminder that it's ok to be wrong Posted: 10 Jul 2017 04:23 AM PDT A new expansion is coming out and people are going to make guesses on the quality of the cards. Obviously a good portion of your guesses are going to be wrong and that's ok! Failure, even in small and meaningless context such as guessing card quality, is treated with some serious disdain. How many times does the comment about how /r/hearthstone is so bad at figuring out cards come up? Or how many times is Trump ridiculed for his estimates or infamously with life coach and the hunter quest? Success is treated with some of the highest praise and people are very quick to link back to the one card they guessed correctly out of countless flukes and everyone lauds the genius but ultimately it's just meaningless. Basically what I'm sorta getting at is that this theory crafting is the best part of hearthstone. It's the most creative and pure, full of excitement and mystery and it's absolutely ok to be wrong. It's fine to make a super giant jungle druid quest deck with all old gods because you thought that would be unstoppable and lose because ultimately you learned from the experience. You can't go up without going down some times [link] [comments] | ||
Remix to Igneous-tion - A Farewell to Caverns Below Posted: 10 Jul 2017 08:24 AM PDT
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What does Lyra say when her second child is born? Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:08 PM PDT Behold the glory of a new son! Edit: Guys I need help. My sides have gone into outer space. [link] [comments] | ||
Let's Take Moment to Appreciate the Double Gold Right Before the Expansion Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:18 PM PDT Given the amount of cynicism that we see on this subreddit about Blizzard being money-grubbers, I think it's worth emphasizing how cool it is that they gave us this double gold brawl thing. Let's take a second to acknowledge when our hivemind narrative is wrong, shall we? [link] [comments] | ||
Right now, it genuinely feels like Blizzard cares. Posted: 10 Jul 2017 08:13 AM PDT Sometime I LOVE this game, other times, I wonder why I waste my time and money. That said, right now it really feels like they care about the players. With how quickly they are nerfing the rogue quest, the gold multiplier going on right now, the quality and length of the videos you are putting out, and the choice to change the pack opening/legendary policy, Blizzard is taking a bit of a hit in order to keep players happy and motivated. This is either a genuine act from Blizzard, a business move, or both (it's both) but I must say, it is working on me. I have no problem spending money when I feel like the team cares about the players, so thank you to Ben Brode and the rest of the team. You're making it fun to be a Hearthstone player right now, and I cannot complain. [link] [comments] | ||
Full Translation of Jasonzhou's Post regarding Blizzard's Miscommunication at HCT Posted: 10 Jul 2017 01:41 AM PDT Original Post on Chinese Website
About what We Experienced during HCT
Originally I didn't want to write these, because I know it is probably meaningless. After all, after losing the match, most would think I'm just making excuses no matter what I write. For this exact reason, as you can see, most Chinese players didn't make a sound after losing HCT. Yesterday I had an argument with 天师(another Chinese HS player) . He probably thinks I'm too selfish (for not saying anything). My reasoning was that there isn't much point in letting everyone know: the issue has been reported to Blizzard, and Blizzard knows. As far as the viewers(readers) go, those who hate you still insult you, and those who love you always support you, even without evidence. So, despite regarding this as meaningless, once I start writing, I'll probably write a ton. Well, at least this will give some answers to someone who cares; at least this will earn future Chinese players a fair treatment. I'm open to accusations.
Like you might have heard, Chinese players received the info regarding the game about 1 week after other players did.
First Picture of Email at June 27 Second Picture of Email at June 9
These are the emails I got from Blizzard. From the first picture you can clearly see that we received the email about the Decklist on June 27. In the next picture, the email from Blizzard is on June 9, only info about hotel. We have asked players from other servers regarding the Decklist email: they received the same one, but over one week earlier. This delay perhaps nullified our previous preparation. If you're interested, ask xhope, dogggg(4ç‹—) how many decks they used were from before receiving the decklist info. Rewatch the VODs, practice, analyze, most people should understand this. [translator: most likely referring to the work that need to be done all over again]
Lots of people have told me about the HCT rules posted on US official website around May. I'm sure lots of people will use this fact to blame on us. Regarding this, I have three points to make. First, as far as I know, Asia Pacific Region players, even a few America Region players, learnt about the HCT rules via email. Second, why would I, a Chinese player, have to stare at US website all day for news? It is not right to only post a link about the match rules on the website without any other communications. Third, Blizzard has always been sending players detailed match rules via email, only us four got it late this time.
Something else I learnt, the decklist email was sent to us separately(from other players) after the decklist submission deadline, because they did not see our replies. They gave us the so-called "a day and a half", where in fact we received the mail three in the morning and must reply by eight in the morning. How nice of Blizzard to not just disqualify us for not looking on US website! Thanks a lot.
Someone might ask, why didn't you guys make yourselves heard earlier? We are not gods. We didn't know about this whole delayed email thing until everyone is at Shanghai already. What were we suppose to do? Give up? Request to resubmit decklist? The field had been reserved, tickets had been sold, and decklists had gone public, what could we do?
But this is not the worst part. When Blizzard sent us the email (about the decklist) the match hadn't started, they could've given us about 4-5 days to prepare for the decklist again, but they didn't. They made us bear the burden for their mistakes, for maintaining their arrangements. During the interview of xhope(Chinese player) everything about this problem was cut. If not for the post made by dogggg(4ç‹—), no one would've known.
So I have a few questions for Blizzard, why do Chinese players have to suffer from this time's unfair treatment? After you made a mistake, why choose to cover things up and let us bear the consequences? Why until today, you are still trying to figure out responsibilities without giving us an answer? Isn't this easy? Just a screenshot of whether the emails were sent successfully and everything is clear. Why do nothing? [translator: some rant at the end, skipped]
I feel wronged, if this isn't HCT, I would've given up early for sure. I spent 7 days, cooperating with your filming, interviews, and everything you asked for. Even on the last day, I could've just left. But I stayed because you asked me to be the background for the champion. [translator: some rant at the end, skipped]
Most likely we're going to see an announcement from Blizzard, about mistakes at work, sincere apologies. [translator: some rant at the end, skipped]
For those who can, feel free to translate and post to reddit. That's it see you guys in the summer.
Edit: grammar and formatting Edit2: Team OM's (Jason's team) Public Statement is in the comment [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:10 PM PDT
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Burgle Rogue vs Thief Priest matches are the most fun in HS Posted: 10 Jul 2017 04:31 AM PDT I just won against a Priest by clearing his [[Foe Reaper 4000]] with [[Icehowl]] Well it was the Foe Reaper 4000 he MCd the turn before after I summoned it with Forbidden Shaping. And Icehowl was a topdeck after I stole it with Entomb. Icehowl was created by Malchezaar plus I casted another Entomb (on Ragnaros) and Lightbomb before. Oh and I had a 0 mana Kazakus in hand. I just wanted to play Jade Rogue with the Swashburglar-, Huckster-, Hallucination-package :( [link] [comments] | ||
I have never been so hyped about an Expansion Posted: 10 Jul 2017 03:00 AM PDT This time it is my first time that I was able to save a lot of gold for the next expac ( will have at least 6000g when it hits). And that plus the fact that it all just seems so promising gets me hyped so much. I find myself scrolling trough this subreddit a million times per day just to see, if we got any news. But those weeks without any anouncment are bothering me so much. I think t5 really did a great Job at hyping up this xpac and I hope it will live up to it. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:07 PM PDT Just to try to avoid a hundred new posts asking where our champion packs are/when they are coming. We don't know; it takes them a little while (I believe it has something to do with us voting on the website and pushing the info to the game?). On average it takes a week or two. Don't worry. They'll come; just be patient. Inb4 small indie company, technology isn't there, deck slots, etc. edit: grammar [link] [comments] |
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