Destiny - Let the games begin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORSE!

Let the games begin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORSE!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:19 PM PDT

It is no longer NorseFenrir's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORSEFENRIR!

What follows this post comes from months of planning by the mod team.



And now, some other people are going to jump in and show Norse some love.


For more information on this joyous day and it's less joyous cousin, Norse's actual birthday, visit

Today is the best day to get in your "Happy Birthday /u/NorseFenrir" comments!

You might wanna check some of your other favorite Destiny sites and apps today ;)

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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IGN First - Bungie AMA Answers

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:39 AM PDT

Bungie AMA Article - IGN

Keep discussion of this IGN First segment in this Megathread

This AMA concluded the IGN firsts! Here's a list of all previous firsts with links for your perusal

July 5th - Exploring the new social space The Farm
July 6th - Bungie's Vision for Destiny 2
July 7th - Our first impressions
July 10th - PVP Reveal
July 11th - Developing the Story of Destiny 2
July 12th - A closer look at the Sentinel Titan
July 13th - PVP Reveal
July 14th - The Sounds of Destiny 2
July 18th - Destiny 2 Beta Live!
July 19th - A Closer Look at Combatants
July 20th - Peripherals
July 21s - Localisation
July 24th - A Destination Explored
July 25th - PVP Reveal
July 26th - Creating an Exotic

July 28th - Ask Bungie Anything!


submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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The MODS are too busy celebrating Norse's birthday, quick upvote this picture of Greg the Dreg

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:34 PM PDT

Happy birthday Norse!

sorry, please don't ban me

submitted by /u/SirFiras47
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Massive Breakdown of /u/NorseFenrir's Birthday

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:56 AM PDT

Several things to note:

  • He is a benevolent overlord of /r/DestinytheGame.

  • His birthday can also be found every other day of the year.

  • I've listed the presents in the order that I would give him to them. These are strictly my opinions, so I'm very aware that a lot of people will probably disagree with them.

  • The Bolded Present/Presents in each column mean that I would include them in a God-Gift. If there are presents listed after the bolded ones, it means I think they are good ppresents, but not up to par with the God-Gift ones. If there are no bolded presents, it means that I feel any of the listed presents are fine to use in the column.

  • All Times-to-Ban are assuming Guardian has 2000 karma (baseline karma not including the effects of circlejerky DAE posts or being /u/DTGbot).




Pros - Very fast time-to-ban when his birthday is mentioned. High ban consistency, quick to anger.

Neutral - Switzerland.

Cons - Very low accuracy of bans. Often hands them out to dozens of users at a time. Below average recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Ban: 0.67s (2 birthday mentions), 1.00s (3 snide remarks alluding to birthdays )
  • Rate of Fire: 100
  • Impact: Gazillion (all bans result in permadeath of the user's Destiny characters)
  • Range: Infinity (He sees all, knows all, smells all)
  • Stability: 0 (Least stable of all the moderators, prone to fits of rage in which he bans users for simply posting the letters included in Happy birthday)
  • Reload Speed: 99
  • Mag Size: 99 (His ban-hammer never runs out of juice)
  • Aim Assist: 100 (He needs all the help he can get, still doesn't make him accurate with his punishments)
  • Recoil Direction: 69 (giggity)

Recommended Presents for /u/NorseFenrir's Birthday:

  • Column 1 - Iron Banner Shot Glasses
  • Column 2 - A Jean Skirt, Destiny 2, High-Powered Internet Nail Gun
  • Column 3 - Karma, Begging for Mercy, A Cake That Says "Happy Birfmas"
  • Column 4 - A Shiny New Banhammer, Harry Potter Glasses, Being Raised by Wolves

For those of you who never managed to get a perfectly rolled banning from /u/NorseFenrir, his actual birthday may be your shot at redemption. Like almost all moderators of /r/DestinytheGame, he suffers from inherently poor mental stability, rage, and sexually promiscuous recoil direction, but makes up for it with high aim assist and the ability to pass out nearly infinite bans without pausing, as well as one of the fastest times-to-ban in the game. As for present recommendations, if you can handle getting drunk with a ban happy mad man, you're going to want to give him those sexy Iron Banner Shot Glasses we've all had our eyes on. In fact, why give them away? Keep them for yourself. What's the worst that could happen? In the next column, everybody likes to feel sexy, so I'm going to recommend a short jean skirt, like what high school girls wear. Let Norse show off those legs while he wields the tool of our ultimate fate. Getting him Destiny 2 would also be acceptable, although I fail to see what use a moderator could have for that. For column three there are really no great choices. Giving him some of your karma is a decent way to avoid the ban, but far too often he just takes all the karma and bans you anyways. Begging for mercy has also been shown to have limited effect, but perhaps giving him a birthday cake on this most special of days could work? Doubtful. In column 4, we can see that the best present shows you have accepted your fate! Get him a shiny new banhammer, so when he swings it at you, you can admire its beauty for the milliseconds before it obliterates your primary reddit account (don't worry, he doesn't know about the one you use for all the NSFW subs....yet). Based on the fact that Fenrir Greyback is a character in Harry Potter and /u/NorseFenrir is equally murderous and vengeful, I recommend a dark horse present by getting him some Harry Potter glasses. Maybe all his rage and inaccuracy just stems from the fact that he can't see, and wants to be loved. Or maybe he'll ban you with pinpoint precision now? Who knows?!


submitted by /u/Mercules904
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The most gunslingery screenshot I could take to remember my D1 gunslinger

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:49 AM PDT

Destiny 2 Beta Community Rating - Results

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:04 AM PDT


Hello all,

A couple days ago, I posted a form here to be filled out by you all in an attempt to rate the D2 beta as a community. After leaving this form open to be filled out for almost 2 days, I got more than 450 responses. Thank you all so much for providing this input. I believe with 450+ responses, we have a a quorum to reach some conclusions on the ratings.

So without further ado, I present to you, the results of the study, which I call D2 Beta Community Rating. Of course, community is a loose term, since I posted this only on this sub. But, I believe this sub is a good representation of the Destiny community as a whole.

  1. Overall Impressions

More than half the people (54.9%) played the beta for more than 10 hours.

The "main class" spread was pretty even with 36% choosing Titan, 34% choosing Warlock and 30% choosing Hunter as their main class. However, 90% played at least two classes, while 3 out of 4 (76%) played all three classes.

A majority of the people (60%) left the beta very impressed at the least. While this is great, only about half the people that played (48.4%) said they would buy the game based on this beta. An alarming fact is that about a quarter of the people (22.8%) said they would not buy the game based on this beta.

About 70% of the people liked the content they were able to access in the beta, with the most popular being the strike (78% positive), and the least popular being the countdown game mode (60% positive).

Now to the meat of the questions

  1. Weapons

I know the amount of weapons that we saw in each of the archetype is minimal. However, I wanted to see how the community felt about the few weapons they saw.

Weapon popularity order and their corresponding average rating was as follows:

Most popular to least popular Note: The rating was out of 10. Any rating below 6.0 is considered not good per the rating scheme.

Fusion Rifles – 8.66

Pulse Rifles – 8.0

Auto Rifles – 7.26

Shotguns – 6.73

Hand Cannons – 6.22

Submachine Guns – 5.61

Linear Fusion Rifle – 5.5

Scout Rifles – 5.4

Rocket Launcher – 4.9

Sniper – 4.76

Grenade Launcher – 4.0

Sidearm – 3.92

  1. Classes and Abilities

Classes and abilities were rated for each class. Some of the abilities were also rated for the subclasses (super, grenades to be specific). Again, the ratings are out of a maximum of 10. I only provide the average rating here. The results will be described from the most impressive class to the least impressive class in this beta. Just like with the weapons, any rating below 6 will be considered not good per this rating scheme.


Titans were the most impressive class with an average overall rating of 7.47. The overall efficienvy of Titans in PvE and PvP combined was rated at 7.77 (7.9 in PvE and 7.64 in PvP). Within the class, Titan class ability (barricade) was rated the highest at 8.12. Sentinel Shield / Ward of Dawn was rated at 7.97, Fists of Havoc at 7.7. Striker grenades were rated at 6.95 and Sentinel grenades at 6.05. It is important to note that only the Titan class was rated as good (6.0) or above on every single category.


Warlocks were the second most impressive class with an average overall rating of 6.53. The overall efficiency of Warlocks in PvE and PvP combined was rated at 6.88 (6.99 in PvE and 6.77 in PvP). Within the class, Warlock class ability (rift) was rated the highest at 7.88. Daybreak super was rated at 6.41, while Novabomb was rated at 5.46. A contrast to this is that Voidwalker grenades were rated at 6.3 to 5.9 that the Dawnblade grenades received. Two abilities of Warlocks (the Dawnblade grenades and Novabomb super) were rated as less than good (under 6.0).


Hunters were the least impressive class with an average overall rating of 5.55. The overall efficiency of Hunters in PvE and PvP combined was rated at 5.90 (5.66 in PvE and 6.13 in PvP). Within the class, Hunter class abilitiy (dodge) was rated the lowest at 4.51. Arcstaff was rated the highest within the class at 6.27, while Golden Gun was rated at 5.25. Both Gunslinger grenades (5.76) and Arcstrider grenades (5.58) received mediocre ratings. Only the Arcstaff super and Hunter's PvP efficiency were rated above 6.0, while the dodge ability was the only category that received a rating under 5.0 in the entire form (barring some weapons).

  1. Miscellaneous Questions

These questions were added in the form to see how the community felt about some of the critical feedback points / suggestions that was being posted by various content creators on youtube and other forums.

One of the feedback suggestions I have been seeing is that the class ability cooldowns should be different on different classes. The reasoning behind this is that people felt the dodge ability cooldown was way too long, while barricade and rift cooldowns were ok. Almost half the people (48.3%) that filled out the form agree with this suggestion. By the same token, 31% of the people do not agree with it.

Another suggestion was that the grenade and super cooldowns were way too slow, and this time should be reduced. A overwhelming majority (75%) of the community feels the same way.

Lastly, the recovery time reduction suggestion question was purely based on two very respected content creators. I put this question forward to the community. The results here were pretty split, with 46% favoring this change, 32% not wanting this and 22% undecided.

TL;DR: If you contributed to this, Thank you! If you read this post, Thank you! If you didn't care at all, and came here anyway to say that you don't have time for this shit, Thank you!

This community has been great through D1 as I am sure it will be through the rest of the life of this game. You guys are the best.

Real TL;DR: I think you guys can go and look at the form results anytime. But, in any case, D2 Beta was great. Titans are great, Warlocks are good, Hunters not so much. Fusion rifles rock, as do pulse rifles. Auto rifles can hang in there, and so can shotguns. Hand cannons are good in good hands. The rest of the weapons can go take a hike.

PS: Happy Birthday Norse! I missed the party yesterday. So, I am going to have to say this now.

Edit: I just hit submit and looked at it. Shit, this is long. Sorry folks. If you get through it, thank you so much. I put a little effort into it.

submitted by /u/B1g7hund3R
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A special message from DeeJ to NorseFenrir

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:20 PM PDT

Right, so I've definitely been holding on to this one for a while (since the D2 reveal):

/u/Deej_BNG, thank you SO MUCH for indulging us in this, even if you didn't know what was going on at the time <3

submitted by /u/MetalGilSolid
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Found Something Hidden Inside the Storage Crates on Bad Blood...(Glitch) (Easter Egg)

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:16 AM PDT

Hey guys!

So I was able to glitch inside of that mysterious crate on the "Bad Blood" mission on The Plaguelands. You know the crate. The one that you can for some reason scan with your Ghost and nothing happens...

Well...I found something inside. Something very, very interesting.

Here's a 40 second video. Hold on to your butts.

submitted by /u/JewBoy300
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Thought you guardians would dig what my local tattoo shop is doing celebrate.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:14 AM PDT
edit: for everyone asking, the shop is Black Hive Tattoo in Jacksonville, Florida.

submitted by /u/daveysaurusrex
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Destiny Subreddit Less Toxic Than Bungie Forums

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:36 AM PDT

A lot of people have noted how negative the subreddit has gotten about the Beta, but I wanted to just point out, the redditors here are incredibly positive and nice compared to the Bungie forums.

I posted the exact same post, just with some data and what I thought of it, both here and in the Bungie Forums.

Here, the post was upvoted quite a bit, but more importantly, people had a discussion. Some disagreed, some agreed, but there was a general back and forth and exchange of ideas.

The Bungie forum post got downvoted into oblivion and virtually every single post in the thread is a toxic, negative shitshow.

So rejoice Redditors of r/DestinyTheGame!

submitted by /u/WTF_HomeSlice
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PC Project Lead at Bungie confirmed in june that PC DLC will drop at the same time as consoles.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:58 PM PDT

This still seemed up in the air as I had a hard time finding any info about till I came across this tweet from over a month ago. Puts my fears to rest for the future of the PC version.

submitted by /u/Sevenaito
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D2 Beta and Lag: A story untold.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:00 AM PDT

No one is talking about the lag in the competitive multiplayer modes in D2 Beta, or more specifically a lack thereof. In my personal experience, I only noticed it two times where a player took considerably longer to die than usual.

What was your experience like?

submitted by /u/BlindArtificer
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For the Last IB

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:13 AM PDT

They should have ALL GEAR as drops. All armor pieces and all the weapons.

submitted by /u/roughedupsuspect
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[Tower Thought] Technically, Xur HAS to be in Destiny 2 unless the Cabal coincidentally attacked on Friday or Saturday.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:25 AM PDT

Why else wouldn't he be there? Get bored or something? Run out of Three of Coins again?

submitted by /u/noteveneric
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Destiny Legal News Special Edition: /u/NorseFenrir's Birthday Party

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:07 AM PDT

Lawyer guardian here,

We here at Destiny Legal News like to ask the tough questions. How does the new Sentinel subclass stack up against the Defender subclass? Are sidearms efficient in their optimal range? What happens when a man loses all concept of himself and devolves into a giant birthday meme?

Well, DLN will take a crack at that last one, and on this great day, take a look back and delve deeper into what happened at that fateful birthday party in Vol. 3, Issue 5:

DLN Remembers: Norse Fenrir's Birthday Party

FYI, for those who are curious, I plan on starting Vol. 5 of DLN in about a month.

-Your trusty lawyer guardian ACbullman

submitted by /u/ACbullman23
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When someone asks how heavy your ghost is...

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:20 PM PDT

He's a little light.

submitted by /u/Huuyu
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If a ghost shell can list how many kills you got, then raid ghost shells should display how many raid completions you have.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:31 PM PDT

Am I the only one who'll miss Destiny 1 and isn't ready to say goodbye?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:46 PM PDT

I played the beta (with early access) and enjoyed it. I'm fully on the hype train for D2.

But I've seen no mention of anyone missing D1. I get the content is dry and boring now, but... I've got some real fond memories of this game and I feel really sad that everyone's moving past it. Doesn't anyone else feel like they'd miss this game and/or aren't ready to let go of it yet?

submitted by /u/0139191u
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"In the pack leader we trust."

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:51 AM PDT

"While the other Houses fight among themselves, the Wolves are reuniting. But why? And who is their new Kell? Monitor House Judgment databases for answers." —Crow report

submitted by /u/Destiny_Flavor_Text
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Xur Megathread [2017-07-28]

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk driving him from the Tower.


Tower by the Crucible Vendors

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Stats Cost
Legacy Engram Gauntlet Engram 29 SC
No Backup Plans Titan Gauntlets 40 Int // 35 Str 13 SC
Skyburners Annex Hunter Helmet 39 Int // 40 Str 13 SC
Starfire Protocol Warlock Chest Armor 55 Dis // 52 Str 13 SC
No Land Beyond Sniper Rifle 23 SC


Name Type Quantity Cost
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 3 1 SC
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 10 3 SC
Three of Coins Consumable 5 7 SC
Glass Needles Material 1 3 SC
Plasma Drive Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC
"Emerald Coil" Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC

Material Exchange:

Name Cost
Mote of Light Strange Coin x2
Exotic Shard Strange Coin x7

Weapon Bundles

Name Ornament Cost
Bad Juju Hoodoom Strange Coin x30 and Silver Dust x25
Telesto Stellar Vestige Strange Coin x30 and Silver Dust x25

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a merchant within the Tower and Reef. Xûr sells exotic weapons, armor, and consumables in exchange for Strange Coins. He can be found around the Tower or Reef in different locations every weekend.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs on Sunday at 9:00 AM UTC. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

Sort comments by New to join the conversation!

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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My first, and probably only, reaper medal

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:30 AM PDT

I'm a mediocre crucible player at best, so I thought I'd share a pretty good moment I had.


submitted by /u/MightyVoltron
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People have been asking about today's festivities. I've made a handy flowchart to help them understand.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:16 PM PDT

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see Gordon Ramsay play Elimination on Destiny? Of course you have. Well, wonder no more...

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:26 AM PDT

What started out as a quick joke turned into the majority of the evening with myself, as Chef Ramsay, taking people out on stream in various games of Elimination. I hope you will all enjoy watching the greatest television chef of all time, wondering the Crucible armed with a Palindrome and a temper that even Shaxx would be scared of.

submitted by /u/ChrisCohenTV
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I really hope Bungie added more character customization in Destiny 2.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

Still sad I can't have a space beard.


I personally won't be bringing over my main Hunter because I hate his look and I am really hoping that we have new features.. (Hair, Faces) etc.

I am pretending my main died in the attack on the tower and when Destiny 2 drops a "new legend" will be born lol.

submitted by /u/Iron-Wu
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If you think that Destiny 1 had no content.

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:27 PM PDT

I have a tip for you.

Don't click on the spoiler posts or google every little thing you can't figure out yourself. I play with 5 friends and we still haven't found all the calcified fragments/ghosts.

Games these days would have new stuff to find for hours but everyone just rushes trough everything by looking it up on internet.

submitted by /u/Mineralvatten
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