Destiny - I'm Destin Legarie, Host of Fireteam Chat and Producer at IGN. AMA

I'm Destin Legarie, Host of Fireteam Chat and Producer at IGN. AMA

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:17 AM PDT

Hi Reddit. I'm Destin Legarie and this month you may have heard my name because I'm the lead producer on the IGN First for Destiny 2. Yes, the one with the ridiculously good Titan playing. Myself Fran and CJ were at Bungie for 2 days where we interviewed the team, captured some gameplay and are happily sharing parts of that trip with you now. Street cred wise I have about 1199h in Destiny and am already working to surpass that number in Destiny 2.

Besides the Bungie trip I also the host of Fireteam Chat, IGN's first podcast dedicated entirely to one game. Destiny. We talk critically about the game when they take away our special ammo, and we praise it when it's at it's best revealing a cool new secret weapon. The entire cast should be here at some time today including myself, Sean, Fran, and CJ so keep an eye out.

Besides my main job at IGN I also stream regularly at My favorite games as of late have been Destiny and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds which you can watch me be terrible at every Tues + Thurs at 8pm PT. Feel free to stop by. I also like running….

I don't know what else to say so let's get this AMA started!

submitted by /u/destinrl
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Bungie, if you see that a gun is being used a lot, please don't nerf it. Just make guns with perks that are equally fun!

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:17 AM PDT

A trend from D1 that I hated was that whenever the community would find a way to use a gun in an interesting new way, or determine that it's the best gun in a particular instance, Bungie would nerf it into the ground. The guns are what makes the game fun!

Edit: I was thinking more along the lines of exotic perks when I wrote this. Sorry I didn't specify.

submitted by /u/YouOldCuss
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Feels like we have two primaries and a secondary, but no heavy

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:11 AM PDT

I have to say, I'm loving the Beta. Barring the things that the community has already brought up and Bungie has acknowledged, I think this feels like a different game, in a good way. I have a minor concern though, one that's more thought provoking than a suggestion or rant: it doesn't feel like heavy weapons exist in D2.

I love the feel of the shotguns and fusions, but the grenade launcher feels like a waste of a slot. I haven't come across rockets yet, but I don't know why I would run a power weapon that has low ammo and low ammo reserves over a decent fusion or shotty. I'm not even talking about the sniper because it needs a serious damage output increase, otherwise it's just a long-range scout.

We effectively only have the equivalent of primaries and secondaries from D1. With that in mind, I don't know how I feel about bullet sponge adds and bosses if our weapons don't output decent damage numbers. It's just a thought. Like I said, this is purely meant for discussion. I'm loving the beta, and having so much fun. It's going to be hard to go back to D1 knowing what's in store for us in September. I can't wait!

submitted by /u/MoMisteries
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One question that definitely won't be answered in the beta...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:25 AM PDT

What. Does. Xurs. Face. Feel. Like?

Is it soft, like touching a furby? Slimy? Moist even? Or is it more callous and rough like the arms of a starfish?

Are they little tentacles? Arms like that of a sea anemone? Or is it more akin to hair, though, not like we know it to be.

Maybe it's not even part of his body. Maybe it's just like the Jovian equivalent of athletes foot. Maybe he's saving up all those strange coins because the cream he needs isn't covered by the Nine's medical?

Do you think it leaves a slimy mark, like where a snail has crawled? Like if Xur came to your birthday party and passed out real early, you think you'd know he was on the couch all night because of the weird face-shaped patch of dampness, and probably slime?

Do you think stuff gets stuck in there when he eats?

Maybe that's not his actual face. Maybe that's the Jovian equivalent of a beard? Did we ever stop to think that maybe he's just unshaven because he spends all his time in the Tower playing customer service?

Do you think he has a smell? If so, would it be foul like garbage or oddly pleasing like gasoline or singed copper?

What if he just rubs a balloon on his face before he comes into the tower so the static makes those things stand up and wave around. Maybe he goes home and his friends are like "Xur you look like a fucking idiot why do you always do that with your facial fur" and he's all "Haha, weird right, freaks the humans out, they really wanna touch it".

Also did anyone bother to tell Xur that the Tower got invaded and destroyed?

What if he rocks up first Friday after release and he's like, "yo guys I got some fricken-schweet stuf- guys? Helloooooooo?" Just standing there in the Tower foyer holding goodie bags of exotics with our guardians names on them, wondering if we even like him or if we just use him for exotics, before he goes home and cries into his pillow for a few hours...

These are the reasons I cannot sleep at night.

Edit: Thanks for the gold exostranger!

submitted by /u/keep_left
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If Destiny 2 ships with hunter having a different class ability than the current dodge I'll eat dog food

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 07:09 PM PDT

You heard it here first boiz
Guarantee bungie won't change it

Edit: Holy shit this blew up! Gonna add a bit more clarification now
Terms of the bet are bungie completely changing the dodge to a different ability (invisibility, damage buff, etc.)
As for the dog food, I'd be down to livestream myself downing some milk bones with /u/SA1K0R0 , /u/Crazy_LoneWolf and whoever else ends up joining in on this.
Give hunters some love bungie!

submitted by /u/Trick_Card
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The red banner on the bottom of the crucible intro is giving me mini panic attacks

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:25 AM PDT

Anyone else see red and initially think that it's a "contacting destiny servers" message?

submitted by /u/sixpac_shacoors
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New revive animation found in D2!

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:53 AM PDT

Let me revive you, by dancing!

submitted by /u/axelandeer
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Just because you're not as good at the new Crucible doesn't mean it's bad.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:15 AM PDT

I can't even fathom how many posts I have seen criticizing the new PvP because the cooldowns are long or they can't one hit kill with abilities any more. I haven't been on this subreddit that long but I saw that the consensus was ability spam and specials being OP were a plague to Destiny 1. D2 solves this! There's much more primary play, abilities are more tactical and less just easy one hits, and TTK is slightly slower. All of these promote more skillful encounters. Just because you were good in D1 and could abuse the meta but are sucking in the D2 beta doesn't mean the new changes are bad. I like the direction Bungie has taken with crucible (increased teamwork, more fun skill) and yes a lot of things need tweaking but I'm tired of hearing that the core direction that crucible is headed is bad because of small, fixable balance changes like supers being too slow. Things tend to be a little less fun if you aren't good or used to the changes. So spend some time improving and adapting to a more robust crucible before you shit on Bungie enough to have them bring back the same changes you all spent years bitching about. You're allowed to have your own opinion on the game but the game isn't able to please everyone, any changes would piss someone off and personally I believe these tweaks to crucible are the most fun and pleasing to all players - just got to give it a chance! And for the record, I'm by no means a competitive player or even that good. In fact I solo queue quite often, and I'm still enjoying the changes.

TL:DR The new changes are overall good despite some obvious flaws that I have faith will be fixed. Honestly whether you're a casual player or a sweat, the game will be fun to you if you accept not everything will be the same as before and you adapt (as in don't challenge a 1v3) and actually improve your play.

Edit: I'm by no means saying you have to agree with me or the other view is wrong. I have my opinion and I'm stating it. I just have a problem with people who form opinions too quickly without a fair chance or criticize something not because it's bad but because they're not good at it (which I happen to believe is what a lot of people who oppose the changes have done).

submitted by /u/SockJuice
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Hunter dodge roll is incredibly powerful in pvp (serious).

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:41 AM PDT

And it will only get better with what we can assume will be lowered cooldowns from gear (pretty much guaranteed).

I'm writing this because I see where the direction of the subs complaints could go even before the games release, and it could lead to a shit show like it always does.

I have mained a nightstalker since it's release, so I know the shadestep crutch very well, and quite honestly, it was broken.

Compared to twilight, shadestep was much better, and I found myself getting out of almost every situation I didn't want to be in, where any other class would have surely died.

This principle applies to BOTH hunter classes now, but now you must use it sparingly. If you make a bad play, use your get out of trouble free card if you want (roll) but now it could be wasted.

Its on the player to make a good decision on whether they want to push, flank, or engage. Making smart decisions is necessary to utilize the ability. And you have to understand that this ability is meant to be used for just you. If you are a hunter, you are the SLAYER. The main killer. You are not there for support, you are there to win your 1v1 battles, or at the least, not die during them. You're there to flank while your locks and titans tank and provide buffs for each other. If you're playing like a titan or warlock on a hunter (in the middle of huge gun battles with multiple people) of course your ability will be trash and you'll wish you could spam it, and you're gonna have a bad time. This goes for over aggressive d1 hunters as well. Bungie has made each class have a roll in this game, this is no longer each class is the same with different abilities.

You have to play to your class strengths in this game.

I played the beta for a couple hours last night, and to be quite honest, there wasn't a single time where I doubled clicked on my ability and it wasn't ready... and I wasn't looking at my cooldowns or tracking my ability times, I just use them when necessary, and I was dropping 3.0+ kds every single game with multiple cap points.

Hunter mobility is absolutely no joke, and should not be buffed in PVP. We WILL get our cooldown buffs from gear, and if we were to buff the roll even more, there WILL be titans and warlocks calling for nerfs... and rightfully so.

I played warlock, haven't bothered with titan yet, but the empowering or healing rift is kind of useless from what Ive experienced. Never had it used for or against and thought it helped, but who knows, I played the flanking hunter roll so I didn't encounter it or have to deal with it much.

The titan wall is more troublesome, but can be quickly shot down with a team shot. When people learn to use the wall+rift synergistically, it will be very powerful.

But in all honesty, both abilities fail in comparison to the raw offensive+defensive power of the roll for PVP because they force you to be stationary. In a small map, standing still gets you shot at and killed more often.

If you're struggling with the roll in PVP, pick better battles, use it ONLY when necessary, and focus on flanks. A hunter in this game is a flanker, someone who gets in and out quickly. Stay off the radar, or at the very edge where it's a slight red, and push when your titans and warlocks are tanking. Get in, get a kill or two, and dodge roll out when they engage you. Ive gotten many doubles and triples by being a good flanker while my teammates tank... even got a breaker with that sun handcannon+dodgeroll

When getting chased and shot, dodge roll around corners and sprint to your team to stay alive. Utilize your jumps+roll in 1v1s. Learn how to play the class before crying bloody murder and making an outcry for unnecessary buffs.

Enjoy the beta, play the full game, level up, and if there are still issues, THEN complain, but until then, we are just in a beta of a sequel that is months older than their current build, that has completely revolutionized the PVP experience, while underleveled, under geared, and most people are still playing like its d1 crucible.

No buffs or nerfs until the full game please, lets not ruin it before it's even launched >;(

submitted by /u/GtBossbrah
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How to turn into an Arcstrider main after one dodge

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:55 PM PDT

8 Player Strike Completion!

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:21 AM PDT

Posted this the other day but it got buried. Myself and a buddy were waiting in room above the start of boss-fight when we were suddenly joined by 6 other guardians! We completed strike, absolutely melted the boss. Video here!

EDIT: Yes I know his crit spot moves after helmet is blown off.

Also I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the moderators of this wonderful sub!

submitted by /u/tehjoyrider
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One major improvement nobody is talking about: The sense of scale

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:01 AM PDT

Destiny 2 feels so much more MASSIVE than before. The most open strike I can think of is the Undying Mind, and even then, you can't really explore any of it, but it feels like I could go anywhere on Nessus and not be blocked off. Especially the area where we approach the Cabal drill, it doesn't feel like a small narrow area, it feels huge and expansive.

submitted by /u/WhaambulanceReddit
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Does anyone still care about individual perk selection?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:38 AM PDT

Since Bungie said they are listening, I feel it is important to bring this up. I would still much prefer individual perk selection instead of being forced to choose an entire cluster. Upon first examination of my Sentinel Titan, I quickly spotted 6 different builds I wanted to try out in the final game, and was really bummed that I would be limited to 2 because 'I'm too dumb to figure out builds myself' according to Bungie.

At the very least just come out and say that this is aa developer-side balancing choice to make the meta easier to control. Don't tell me that this is done for 'my benefit as a player'. It obviously is not. If you want to help more casual players, the UI is enough to convey that you think certain perks belong together, but you should leave final judgment to the player.

If you want it more hardlocked, you could allow us to enable 'Elective Mode' like you can in Diablo III, so hardcore players can still choose what they want.

I don't know if this is still an issue people agree with or not, so asking it here. What do you think?

TL;DR: I still want individual perk selection to have the freedom to form my build how I want. There are ways to have that without making new players confused about what to pick.

submitted by /u/Zevvion
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"Just a re-skin" - Destiny 2 and The Inverted Spire

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:01 AM PDT

So I was playing through the strike for the 777th time and decided that there is no way I couldn't go through the whole Beta without getting my screenshot on. I've seen so many complaints about D2 from this beta, including the graphics. While I certainly agree on some levels that it isn't the graphical powerhouse some want it to be, Bungie sure as hell can create some gorgeous sandboxes (and skyboxes).

This is a small gallery of my captures on one run through of The Inverted Spire, with two random's pulling me forwards to the boss (I am so sorry guys, my usual fireteam are at work!).

There are some seriously gorgeous locales in D2, and I can't wait to see more! I want to capture the rest of the accessible areas on Nessus, as-well as the crucible maps, but I fear that may be a bit difficult with team mates advancing forward and crucible combatants combating. If anyone is able to arrange for themselves to have more in-depth time with the maps I highly encourage it! The game has some really thoughtful and beautiful scenes.

submitted by /u/meetchu
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It took until the tower was on fire, but I was finally able to do it

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:03 AM PDT

I was finally able to get to the top of the vault.

submitted by /u/caldar23
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Retirement - The end of my gaming career

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:00 AM PDT


Hello everyone. I realize not everyone may know me here, I was formally /u/noz3r0 and wrote all those weekly "Become Legend" guides in addition to the numerous YouTube videos I did, and some streaming. I'm not a very popular guy on any venue, but wanted to make this announcement for anyone who does follow me and shed some light into what this means not just for me but anyone who games.

Gaming Addiction

Gaming is leisurely for most, but hardcore players like many of us who frequent the subreddit and those who consider gaming their primary form of income are addicts at the core. It's hard to stop gaming, we enjoy it and often ignore other responsibilities in life for just "one more round" or "one more card." I'm here to tell you that I've already sold 90% of my gaming/Destiny collection because the distraction is costing me my marriage and nothing is worth losing my kids and my wife. This was a problem a few months ago and though I've balanced my time, I'm an addict to gaming so I inevitably slipped back into playing too much again. You have to go cold turkey on these things. You can't go on a diet and have Oreos in your house... you can't say you're done gaming and keep your PS4 and all your games.

Moving Forward

I'm hoping my actions are good enough for my family. I'm here to talk to anyone who may be considering this line of action. Selling my stuff has been somewhat cathartic, missing my clan meetup (I'm the Founder of a 2 yr old clan) this weekend kills me though.

We're a Family

The thing I've learned the most through the past 2 days is that this is the best community in the world. I've talked with /u/DrLupo and /u/Ninja_with_no_L since I subbed to them for a bit, they both had kind words and they're communities have been tremendous in helping me out already. If you have issues balancing your life and gaming, if you feel you're addicted, if you need someone to talk to about the situation... reach out. We're an awesome family.


Thanks everyone. Become Legend, I hope I've helped some people achieve that goal. If anyone is interested in my collection send me some PMs, I've talked to Mods already and I cannot advertise what I have but it's mostly Destiny collectibles. Again, PMs... do not ask for stuff in comments.

gboccia out.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the kind words. I hope this is the right decision, it hurts pretty bad because gaming was a big part of my life. Thanks for the people who gilded me, I'm not worthy.

submitted by /u/gboccia
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[Spoilers] It takes roughly 43 seconds for the bomb to explode in countdown after planting

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:21 AM PDT

Me and my friend only timed this once but seems pretty accurate.

Just so you know how much time you have.

*Edit Minor text fixes

*Edit - will time how long it takes to defuse if I get on today

submitted by /u/Sno_Jon
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Ah yes, I see the Cabal's fighting style hasn't changed a bit.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:03 AM PDT

So... You can't spam the aim trigger to peek at your radar anymore?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:43 AM PDT

Noticed Bungie made a little change to the radar. When you de-scope, your radar doesn't instantly show. It takes a good 1 to 1.5 seconds to start to return. No more spamming the aim to bounce between ADS and peeking at your radar.

Not sure about my feels on this yet...

submitted by /u/NovaHands
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IGN First: Localization

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:59 AM PDT


Upcoming Reveals:

July 5th - Exploring the new social space The Farm
July 6th - Bungie's Vision for Destiny 2
July 7th - Our first impressions
July 10th - PVP Reveal
July 11th - Developing the Story of Destiny 2
July 12th - A closer look at the Sentinel Titan
July 13th - PVP Reveal
July 14th - The Sounds of Destiny 2
July 18th - Destiny 2 Beta Live!
July 19th - A Closer Look at Combatants
July 20th - Peripherals
July 21s - Localization
July 24th - A Destination Explored
July 25th - PVP Reveal
July 26th - Creating an Exotic
July 28th - Ask Bungie Anything!


submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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After 3 days, here are my overall thoughts on the D2 as it stands...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:47 AM PDT

Edit: Words are hard and my title sucks.

I just wanted to write out what my initial thoughts are of D2, the Beta, and the transition from D1 to D2. To help with my perspective, I did everything I could to look at this game as a new game, and not a giant DLC to D1. I tried to stay as open minded as possible... SO here it goes.


PvP (1,032 hours D1)

  • Once I got used to it (about 5 hours of play) I like the team play aspect. Teamshots, communication, and group movement is key in both playlists.

  • Guns don't feel nearly as sticky, which is what makes Bungie games so damn good. Hoping we have shit weapons or that it's buffed.

  • Ability cooldowns are slow, but we know we're going to have armor that drops those times, so I'm not concerned.

  • Grenade damage change is a plus for me in PvP. It still gets you a kill if someone is with out a shield, but OHK nades and insane Lightning nade cones are gone, which is fantastic.

  • Super cooldown is brutally slow. I have no problem with 1-2 supers a game, but everyone getting them at once in the last 3 minutes of the game is hectic, annoying, and reduces the ability to make a big difference with a great super play.

  • While I'm enjoying using a fusion for a sniper rifle, they're ridiculous. Definitly need to be taken down a notch.

  • Power ammo is a game changer when your team gets it. I like the change, and like how it can turn the tides if your team secures it (in an evenly matched game that is).

  • The control map is super tight. It speeds up the game and makes teamwork more important, but I'm hoping for some more spread out maps that can create some great 1v1s.

  • I'm enjoying coundown, but running into 4 titans that set a charge then pop 4 tall barriers around it is annoying af. #meta

  • Arcstrider is so damn hard to use. I hope they implement some way for you to close the gap, because as it sits, you can just run away with almost no concern of being caught.

  • 6 shot Goldie is very tough to use, and requires the proper timing to get a couple kills. Looking forward to seeing the other skill tree.

  • Striker movement and super feel great to me. Sentinel is still a bit clunky, but the shield throw is (yeah. I said it)

  • Not feeling Lock, personally, but blink is money and the in air dodge on DB is sick.

PvE (602 hours D1)

DISCLAIMER - A lot of this is going to be against popular opinion. That said, it's just my opinion. No need to light up the torches and bring out the pitchforks...

  • Weapon changes are great. I love having a HC and a pulse/scout. Power ammo is scarce, but Bungie has addressed that, and it's going to be better. I haven't had any problem with the power weapons. The fusion and shotty melt, and the sniper is decent. You have to hit your crits, though.

  • Combatant variety and abilities are great. I like what they've done with the Vex and Cabal. The new Servitor tehter thing is pretty sweet. Same with the new flayer (sp?) movements and attacks.

  • Again, ability cool downs are brutal, but they're not representative of the game.

  • Supers seem very effective, in all classes. Fantastic for add control. Strider, Slam, and Sentinel don't offer a lot for boss DPS, but Goldie and Dawn Blade help make up for that.

  • Orbs are huge. You can really chain supers well with the right ad control/dps classes. Even with the crappy cool downs, I haven't found myself wanting for another super, as long as I'm chaining them with my team.

  • Bosses are bullet sponges, and I'm ok with that. It's created an extra level of difficulty that D1 has always lacked. Wiping a few times on a boss is how it should be. Power ammo changes will help this, no doubt, but I enjoyed the multiple stages of the boss encounters.

  • This is small, but I really like the way they've broken major and ultra enemies health bars into quarters.

  • Most of the weapons feel good. I have a hard time getting away from Pulse/HC. Submachine guns are hard to control. The autos feel good too. I do think that there are going to be guns that are designed for PvE, making them the better choice for those activities.

Overall, I'm enjoying the Beta, and it's given me big hopes for D2. The opening mission is amazing, seeing other players at the tower, fighting alongside me and Zavala is an awesome touch. Gahul seems like a bad ass. The ending scene with him is so good. They created an actual villain in that moment. Not just this bad guy we have to try and stop, but a villain that we can hate. Great move by Bungie.

I by no means think this is the game we will be playing in 47 (!) days. There will be lots of tweaks, changes, and completely different looks. Bungie has probably made some things very different on purpose so things are fresh when the game drops. I, for one, can't wait to play the full game. I think it's going to surpass D1 and consume even more of my life! Can't wait!

Edit 2: Some good infor from /u/akampz... Apparently the longer an orb sits on the ground, the less super energy it gives you, eliminating the ability to orb stack; à la orb transferring from Totems to War Priest. I haven't found the source, so if someone has it, please share!

submitted by /u/egjosu
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Titan main? Haven't used blink in months? This can't go wrong...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:01 AM PDT

Bungie, can nova bomb get a package tracking app?

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 05:34 PM PDT

Because I need to know when and where the nova bomb I just threw will hit.

submitted by /u/DustinThaxton
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15, trying to get better at drawing. Here's Lord Shaxx

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:53 AM PDT

Destiny is NOT an eSport, and Should Stay That Way.

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:10 PM PDT

First off, I understand that you PvP players would like a more...."competitive"... experience. But what you all are asking is that Bungie turn this game into something it wasn't meant to be in the first place. The majority of the players in this game don't even touch the PvP, and an even smaller amount of players play the main "competitive" game mode (Trials of Osiris). The feedback of the PvP players has been effecting PvE players negatively for a long time now. It is clear that the weapon changes and changes to ability cooldowns is geared toward pvp, and now the pve in Destiny 2 (if anything like the beta thus far) is suffering. Honestly the best solution, although not the easiest, would be to balance these game modes absolutely separate. Seriously, this could be absolutely detrimental to the game. I don't want Destiny 2 to flop like Year1 of D1, and I'm sure many other guardians don't either.

Edit: Seriously guys, what ever happened to civil conversation? Some of you seriously need to read what upvotes and downvotes are ACTUALLY meant for, and stop insulting people for having valid opinions.

submitted by /u/LeftTw1x
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This beta is creating tons of heated debate, and Desiny 2 is all the better for it.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:05 AM PDT

Seriously, just scroll through the sub right now. PvE-PvP balance, how great the graphics sound and gun play feel, with critiques like recharge times and ammo economy, there is a buzzing like this community hasn't felt in ages. With all that we feel needs changing, there is good constructive criticism going on. So let's keep it up and ride this beta into the sunset and before we know it D2 will be here.

submitted by /u/HAWKER37
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