Destiny - IGN First: A destination explored

IGN First: A destination explored

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:58 AM PDT

Video: A destination explored

Upcoming Reveals:

July 5th - Exploring the new social space The Farm
July 6th - Bungie's Vision for Destiny 2
July 7th - Our first impressions
July 10th - PVP Reveal
July 11th - Developing the Story of Destiny 2
July 12th - A closer look at the Sentinel Titan
July 13th - PVP Reveal
July 14th - The Sounds of Destiny 2
July 18th - Destiny 2 Beta Live!
July 19th - A Closer Look at Combatants
July 20th - Peripherals
July 21s - Localisation
July 24th - A Destination Explored
July 25th - PVP Reveal
July 26th - Creating an Exotic
July 28th - Ask Bungie Anything!


submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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As I read all the criticism about the beta, I can't help but remember that this is the same community that told me not to buy Gjallarhorn in week 2.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:41 PM PDT

So . . . yeah.

submitted by /u/EchoWhiskyBravo
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Please tone down Ghost's forced 'funniness'

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:11 AM PDT

Some of the dialogue is worse than vanilla Dinklebot, with the difference being that Peter Dinklage still kind of made it actually work.

Nolanbot is just flat out annoying—imagine playing the strike for the 237th time... If our Guardians aren't going to talk because they don't want to put words in our mouths, having a cringey Ghost talk for us kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

I guess it's too late to record different lines, but it's something to keep in mind going forward. Perhaps some lines could be removed just like the infamous 'Wizard from the Moon' line in D1 (The milk waterfall [milkfall?] one is arguably D2's version of that. Oh, and don't forget 'that light reminds me of a big Ghost')

submitted by /u/Dexwell
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I feel guilty!!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:43 AM PDT

After reading this sub reddit i feel so guilty because... I actually like this BETA of D2. Everyone of this reddit just flame about everything in this BETA. Seriously, it feels like am actually shooter now instead of boring shotgun fights all the time.

I'm really the only person on this planet liking this game and cant wait for it to be released?

submitted by /u/mrAtomet
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Really impressed with the beta, however with an entirely new game with the new supers, class abilities etc.. some new grenades should definitely be added.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:36 AM PDT


submitted by /u/skaxdalax
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Destiny 2 - Tells you when items are sent to Postmaster

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:41 AM PDT

A nice quality of life update. If your slots are full, the game still tells you what you got and then also tells you that it was sent to your postmaster. WTG Bungie!

submitted by /u/drm3cix
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Don't Remove the Secret Room, Finish it!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:50 AM PDT

It's been a great beta, with players playing, testing, and otherwise breaking the game For Science! In all the data that's been generated, and all the reactions online, I'm sure no bug has gone unnoticed.

One of these "bugs" is the secret room, an unfinished space accessed by glitching through a Cryptarch tapestry in the farm (much in the same way that one can access the generator room in the original Sepiks Prime strike).

Of course, Bungie could "fix" the issue, putting some geometry to block the entrance, but where's the fun in that?

Instead, I'm calling on Bungie to finish the room and leave it accessible to players. Fill it with NPCs, or Tyra's weapon depot, or a sweeper bot. Do something so that players are rewarded for finding it, even if that reward is a good chuckle.

submitted by /u/Battlefront228
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Golden Peashooter

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:46 AM PDT

When hovering over the equipped kinetic/energy weapon, RT/R2 should compare it to the equipped energy/kinetic weapon

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:09 AM PDT

I noticed that while hovering over weapons in your inventory with RT/R2 it compares it to the equipped weapon in that slot, but hovering over the equipped weapon does nothing. I don't know if it would take just a few lines of code or way more than that, but it would definitely be a nice feature, and just an extension of one we already have.

submitted by /u/Hjsiemanym
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What is with all of the hatred for dialogue when we have two unrelated missions to judge it?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:28 AM PDT

Personally, I thought Homecoming was great, and while the 'banter' between the Ghost and Failsafe was a bit cringey, we don't know where in the storyline it fits in. There could be character development that makes it work, that justifies the over-the-topness.

tl;dr: This is a beta with two unrelated missions. Judge it on that, remembering we don't know what the character development is like.

submitted by /u/MarketingAtom
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Guarding The Farm for 12+ Hours...

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:56 PM PDT

So I've been guarding The Farm now for 12 hours just in case the Cabal decide to try anything crazy while everyone is away. While making sure I have plenty of fresh drinking water, I decided to try a little game to keep my mind sharp and reflexes fast. I challenged myself to kick the soccer ball into every place I could...and I did.

Edit: 15+ hours now...

Edit 2: Thanks for all the support and kind comments however I am no longer at the Farm. I needed to get some sleep and tried to set up something to keep me from being kicked for afk but I was kicked anyway :( I was kicked somewhere between my 15th and 16th hour.

submitted by /u/GhStRdR2k
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All the new Subclasses with the menu Interface removed

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:47 AM PDT

Last week I posted a picture of the Arkstrider Subclass with the interface removed. I decided to remove them on every other sublass. So here they are. Enjoy.

submitted by /u/Darthfuel
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Massive Breakdown Destiny 2 Beta Weapon Stats Spreadsheet, Including Stats and Times-to-Kill

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:11 AM PDT

Destiny 2 Beta Weapon Stats Spreadsheet

Posted this Friday since I was rushing to get it out before the weekend and I thought the Beta would end Sunday, but since they have lengthened the beta I figured some more people might like to see it.

All the caveats and such are on the front page.

Stats were gathered by measuring pixels and finding the percentage of the stat bar filled. All damage numbers were verified by myself in game, but being honest they were highly inconsistent, especially with pulse rifles, SMGs, and ARs. With seemingly no bearing on the distance the target was at they often alternated by 1 (example being Nightshade doing 22 or 21 for crits, 15 or 14 for bodies), so I ended up just using the higher of the two.

I've added in a total Time-to-Kill comparison page near the front, for those of you who just care about that. As far as TtK, some of them I confirmed in gameplay (mainly the single shot weapons) but the pulse, SMG, and ARs could take up to one or two more shots to kill, depending on rounding. All TtKs are figure with the target at 9 armor, which is basically 200 total health (70 health + 131 shield). Minimal armor seems to drop people down to 186 total health, which means some of the weapons can kill a shot or two faster as well if your target has less than 9 armor, so your gun could always do better than what is listed. At some point I will work in the kill times for minimal armor, perhaps by the end of the day depending on my workload.

Besides all that, I think it's a good representation of the game in it's beta state. Reads basically just like the original spreadsheet for D1, except I've included the perks that were selected when I measured the stats. Some of these will change, but for the most part they're the perks I recommend using on the weapon.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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20+ hours and I'm still in the farm

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:09 AM PDT

been here for 20 hours thinking about just completing 24 I can also hop on twitch if you guys would like to see.

Edit : so I did the full 24 hours and I ended up going to orbit and got a guided games tickets engram... since I didn't know how to use twitch I never had the settings to save past broadcast so the only proof I have was a screenshot I took of someone in the comments reacting, and a picture of me 1 hour before the 24 hours

UPDATE 2: so appreantly one of my viewers managed to snag a screenshot of the guided games reward I got

submitted by /u/xIMxBATMAN420
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Lumi just got a guided game ticket as a pvp reward!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Check out his clip here. I wonder if this means we will have to get tickets for a guided games instead of just signing up for them.

submitted by /u/BoSolaris
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Seems kind of ironic that despite Hunters being “the most underwhelming” in D2, 6 out of 8 players in every Crucible match are Hunters.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:24 AM PDT

Maybe D2 Hunters are better than the internet is giving them credit for? Maybe they are the meta because a couple YouTubers have stated "they just take more skill and smarts"? I really don't know. It'll be interesting to see stats on which classes got the most play time.

submitted by /u/BrinkofEternity
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In the Vault of Glass, we pushed Atheon off of the arena. In the Inverted Spire, his brother Protheon pushes us off the arena.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

Now that we're reaching the end of the BETA.. it's time for a live action trailer!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:58 AM PDT

I can't wait for this to happen!

Become Legend is easily one of the greatest videogame trailers of all time.

Do you think we'll have a live action trailer for D2 just like we did for D1 and TTK?

submitted by /u/just_SiLeNtWaLkEr
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50+ HUDless screenshots from Homecoming, The Inverted Spire and The Farm

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:46 AM PDT

I am really enjoying the great visuals in the Destiny 2 Beta and because I loved doing screenshots in Destiny 1 I couldn't stop myself from doing tons of them in all the PvE locations in the Beta now. I hope you enjoy!

I put each activity into a separate Imgur album:


The Inverted Spire

The Farm

In case you are wondering how I removed my HUD: The remove HUD option got disabled for the beta, but you can still take screenshots without your HUD if you open your character menu, close it and then do the screenshot at the right moment. It takes a few frames for your HUD to appear, just like in Destiny 1. If you want to remove your weapon, you just have to sit in front of an object and then turn the camera until your character disappears. It is unfortunately impossible to remove the "Destiny 2 Beta" text without editing the image itself.

submitted by /u/Garrus1138
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Has the beta convinced you in buying/pre-order D2

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:41 AM PDT

Just a quick question to see how the community feels about the beta and how it changed their oppinion about buying/pre-order the game.

For me personaly, I don't really have that WOW feeling after playing the beta. It was more awkward too play D2 in comparison to D1. The main reason is that it the weapon setup felt to different and I kept wanting to change to my special weapon. Maybe its something to get used too but I feel like the beta should be decisive in getting the game or not.

EDIT: Woow, great to see that people are so outspoken about the beta and the influence it has. A lot of mixed reactions with opinions that have firm ground. After reading the comments, best thing imo is to wait for the reviews and see of the game delivers or not.

submitted by /u/Coelijoeli
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Just got a drop called "Guided Game Tickets: Engram"

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:05 AM PDT

Video(xbox game DVR, sorry)


Finished up the Inverted Spire strike, left to orbit. Long load screen and then that. Nothing new in my in inventory afterwards.

submitted by /u/minisusoend
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Please let us customize all four emote slots.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:13 PM PDT

As emotes really are our main means of communication with randoms, and all of us play with randoms, it would be nice if instead of being stuck with point, dance, sit, and one customization slot, if we got more variation.

submitted by /u/rigsthrowaway
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Nostalgia Monday: thread of Xur selling Gjallarhorn

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:09 AM PDT

Just came across this old thread of Xur selling the Gjallarhorn for the first time (almost 3 years ago now).

Yeah don't buy an exotic heavy weapon, it's a waste of an exotic slot.

Possibly the most famous quote. This one is also pretty funny:

I'm so disappointed. I somehow managed to get 33 strange coins. But as a Hunter I already maxed out my legendary chest piece and was hoping for arm armor cause that's the only slot I still have a rare. And a fucking Rocket launcher?! god damn it. And i'm also SOL cause why should i even gamble for that engram, it's also a chest piece. Ughhh

Ah, good times. I really wonder how Xur (or similar) is going to fit in D2!

submitted by /u/PM__ME___YOUR__BOOBS
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Nolanbot is the JarJar Binks of Destiny.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:18 AM PDT

He's a """""witty"""" companion that actually contributes nothing to the journey whatsoever (except we "use" him to respawn if you really need that explained in a video game in this day and age) who tries way too hard to be entertaining and usually comes across as cringy and was meant to be a form of comic relief but really just jars the player/audience because he feels so out of place among the context that he's given in.

On one hand, you have the bumbling, idiotic JarJar who is universally hated. I understand that not everyone hates Nolanbot the same way, but to me they are interchangable at this point. But on the other hand, Nolanbot kind of inadvertently mirrors these qualities.

I really wish they'd retcon Nolanbot back into the serious and semi-sarcastic at best "Dinklebot" - I mean, keep Nolan as a VA but can we do away with the wacky, goofy sidekick bullshit?

At the very least, I'd like the option to be able to turn off his dialogue outside of super critical story input, whatever that may end up being.

As it stands, I don't really wanna feel like I'm carrying around a failed stand-up comic in my bag while I protect the Earth, unless it's from devastation, to unite all peoples within our nation, to denounce the evil of truth and love, to extend our reach to the stars above...




Nolanbot: Blip bloop, that's riiiii i i i i i i


guardian down

submitted by /u/keep_left
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I'm assuming there'll be pve weekly bounties come launch. If there is, please make "create 100 orbs of light" one of the bounties

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:16 AM PDT

Bounties should be a means for bungie to reward "good destiny playing behaviour." At the very least, it'll make strikes more fun. I guarantee it.

submitted by /u/jing7wei
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