True Dota 2 - How do you play versus Tinker

How do you play versus Tinker

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:12 PM PDT

So whenever I play against tinker one of two things happens:

  1. He just dominates mid with laser and just absurd amounts of magical damage to harass other people out of lane. He then balls out of control by joining every gank and doing half the damage himself for easy early game domination.

  2. He sucks and loses mid, but then still comes back as soon as he gets BoTs and March-Rats the team so we are unable to push as effectively while he gets all the items he needs to wreck. And he of course has amazing highground defense as well while playing from behind.

I know he's easy to gank but that's not always easy to coordinate in pubs. Obviously BkB's counter him but realistically it's not gonna be enough every fight and it's not going to help early game--in addition with blink+ghost scepter . So whether I play mid versus him or some other role he just ends up stomping and I'm totally at a loss what to do.

submitted by /u/blurple77
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Thought experiment: What if all randomness was removed from Dota?

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 11:06 PM PDT

I'm sure this has been done to death, but it would be a good way to understand how a highly competitive game such as this has so many luck based factors yet still keeps an emphasis on skill-based play.

So what if everything that had a chance to happen, criticals, Ogre Magi's Multicast, pretty much all of Chaos Knight, bashes, etc. had no percentage chances to proc, but instead were things like straight damage increases or set amount of hits before "proccing" a la Jingu Mastery?

I ask this because I am currently debating whether or not the fighting game genre could use this sort of thing, considering how much more successful this game is than most fighting games these days. It seems most fighting game fans I've seen pride themselves on not being favored by the luck of the draw, but by pure skill alone, but what do people here think about luck in this game?

submitted by /u/TheSnowballofCobalt
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Permastuck at ~3.4k, always try my best every game but continue losing. What do

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:31 AM PDT

It feels like every game is 50/50 decided before the game even starts. I was at 3.6k at the highest but I'm down to 3.3k atm. Every game try my best to win just cause I want to but it always feel like there's always some shortcoming from my team.

Either ranked random picks, rage, inability to communicate, or just team being inferior to other one, but it feels I lose way more than I win.

I played liek ~2k pubs before I even began playing ranked, I started liking it more at first cause it was a lil more serious but now It feels like I lose all the time.

Any ideas? Here's my dotabuff

submitted by /u/Daxivarga
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Lc offlane

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:35 AM PDT

I didnt see any LC offlane during Epicenter what happened to her ?

submitted by /u/fazerdoo
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Quas-Wex Invoker and its place in the meta

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:33 AM PDT

In this recent match I last-picked Arc Warden as a counter to the siege and push potential of Terrorblade and Sniper only to be countered by a last-pick Invoker. But I quickly realized that this was a different beast--the rare Quas-Wex Invoker. Here's what I noticed:

  1. He had problems last-hitting. I got way more cs and denies than he Arc Warden.

  2. His ability to perform early combos was impressive. It was so impressive that I was caught off guard by a tornado->EMP->Cold Snap combo and he killed solo killed me near the end of the landing stage.

  3. He quickly transitioned into a ganker and map dominator, far earlier than an Exhort Invoker.

  4. He was able to perform excellent combos with only an urn and phase boots, no aghs required.

  5. Despite that the game quickly turned into a stomp thanks to poor play by their terrorblade and good warding by our CM and KotL.

With the current meta revolving around early grouping and pushing I would expect to see more Quas-Wex at a high level than I do. But, with the midlane providing far more gold and xp than before it also seems preferable to place higher farming heroes there. What are everyone's thoughts?

submitted by /u/TheNeuronCollective
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How do I win mid with Storm?

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 09:06 PM PDT

Every time I try to Storm I lose to any hero with better range than me...

Would also accept any tips to playing Storm while Im at it.

submitted by /u/SealingLight
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New Item Idea: Consumable Item that Gives Flying Vision in a cone for a small period of time. Details inside.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:32 AM PDT

The idea is a consumable item, fairly expensive, say, 100+ gold, that gives flying vision in a 45 degree cone out to about 1000 units infront of your character and that it lasts for about 10 seconds. Both teams would see a particle effect in the area. All the specifics would be completely subject to balancing by icefrog, but this is just my placeholder values for the idea.

This has many uses but I think its an important item as flying vision is one of the only things you can't get by buying at item. At first I thought it would be a circle. But to make it a little more skill based, it should be a cone so that you still have to have some sense to use it effectively.

There are tons of applications. I personally think it would add more strategy to the game and give a way for flying vision besides WW or BR.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/ataraxic89
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Visage builds

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 04:45 PM PDT

I have been playing Visage mid recently to great success, and I was wondering what builds everyone usually goes on him. On a side note, I find it ridiculous how little he is seen at mid. He can completely dominate the lane right at six, and his ganking potential is already insane. I just dont understand why he's not a popular mid at this point, but more seen in the support role.

Anyway, I know that solar crest is usually the one that everyone agrees on, but I have seen so many different builds at this point. An early midas seems to be pretty popular, and along with his 30% xp gain it definitely helps get him to his lvl 20 unstoppable peak very very fast. But from here I have been seeing a lot of different builds on Dotabuff and in my games. I love going for atos into bloodthorn, because with midas and the money I get from ganking, I really can achieve a fairly high gpm and get the items by around 30 mins at best. But I have seen people go desolator (which I have to say was awesome when I tried it. His right click damage is actually very underrated, especially with his Q), aghanims, and veil. Im sure all of these have a place, and just wanted to see what everyone thought as to the different builds Visage can go.

submitted by /u/Seamonster13
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HotD viable as Support versus Omni?

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 04:47 PM PDT

Say your draft has no natural purges or any decent diffusal builders. Is it worth taking HotD for the Satyr purge on GA? I've done this a few times before repel was unpurgable.

submitted by /u/kingoftechies
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earthshaker boots ?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:14 AM PDT

im seeing builds with arcanes, treads+soul ring, tranquils.. what's the strenght of each choise ?

submitted by /u/TheYawningTurtle
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Tips for guardians if you have a Drow and are having difficulties. Drow 2v1's the guardians

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 05:03 PM PDT

If you have aghs and mael by this point (which isn't that difficult) you can kite the bosses in circles killing them both around the same time to avoid the explosive ending.

submitted by /u/Embellishair
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