Pokémon GO - [Meta] Sprint woes? Hopefully this can help.

[Meta] Sprint woes? Hopefully this can help.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:17 AM PDT

One of our mods, /u/slothguard went through quite a bit of trouble to get this information for all of you.

Here is the crucial information that must be shared with trainers and Sprint workers alike to use this promo.

First, trainers must register at https://www.mytrainerrewards.com/

Second you must go in person to a Sprint store, not a third party store.

Third, the sprint employees must check you in using their retail tool. The store I was with was kind enough to let me take pictures of the power point they spent an hour digging up so I could make this post for trainers.

http://imgur.com/a/wpKpS These are the instructions to do so on their side.

They must log into https://www.mytrainerrewards.com/login/employee to complete the steps on their side. From my experience, finding this website was the key piece of information they were missing to complete the transaction. THey might not be sure of what their loggin credentials are, there is a power point that tells them.

Some important notes. They need to use chrome or firefox. IE does not load the page. Also, search by first name, last initial. The more information you give the page the longer it takes to populate. It takes several minutes if they search by email.

You will immediately receive your rewards points upon check in. You will receive an email with a promo code later.

I got mine in 20 minutes. of the few people who have figured out how to do this I have seen reports of it taking up to 2 days.

You redeem the code using the promotions section at the bottom of the in game shop. Unfortunately this is not yet available for Apple users.

I received 1 lucky egg, 2 incense 15 regular balls and 5 great balls for my code. I hope this helps every one trainer and Sprint employee alike.

~/u/slothguard of r/pokemongo moderation team

submitted by /u/PokemonGOmods
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I thought that was the point?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:21 AM PDT

Left these at some popular pogo stops today

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:22 PM PDT

My kid got jealous and took revenge...

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:28 AM PDT

I've posted before about my son who is 4 (will be 5 next month) who loves Pokémon and that I play PoGo often with. I make a decent living so I have no issues keeping us stocked with incubators though he does chores for his. I've learned when adding coins to his account for the incubators, to immediately buy the incubators otherwise he'll purchase crap he doesn't need like lures or incense. On my account on the other hand, I will put in $20 to last me the month since there is a small savings buying coins in bulk.

Well, the other day he asked to use my phone to play another game so I let him. No big deal, right? Wrong. Later on, I opened PoGo to see if anything interesting was near by and to collect my coins from a lucky 3 week streak I've had with my Rhydon in a gym when I noticed I only had 40 coins. Huh? I know had had close to 1200? I checked my inventory to see if I had stocked up on incubators and just forgotten. That's when I noticed I had 11 lures... huh?!? I never use these things and knew I didn't have any earlier that day. It took me a bit to put 2 and 2 together and I finally asked my son if he bought me the lures. He admitted he did, explaining it "wasn't fair" I had more coins than him so he used them on something he knew I didn't like so we'd be even. It was really hard not to laugh so after a good chuckle, I explained to him again how coins cost real money which is why he has to do "chores" every day to earn his own incubators. As a result, he will have to work off the coins he wasted on my account before he can earn more for himself. The joys of parenting.

submitted by /u/iheartnjdevils
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My small town just got a new gym and I freaked out!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:40 PM PDT

My town has a population of like 2,000 and just got a new gym! All of the 10 pogo players in the town are super pumped!

submitted by /u/njsully
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[Photo] A Pokémon Gym We Drove Past

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:42 PM PDT

Since Eevee shared her plans of becoming an Espeon, their friendship hasn't been the same.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:10 AM PDT

I should marry this girl.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:39 PM PDT

Is Pokemon Go worse on battery life than it used to be?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:48 AM PDT

I'm using an Iphone 5s, and have it completely up to date. I went for a quick bike ride into town, only having Pokemon Go open. It took me 10 minutes to get there. And in that time, my phone went from 90%, to 30%. I started playing again for short periods of time. And right from the first day, I noticed it hogging battery far worse than it did a year ago. I used to be able to play for 1-2 hours, before my phone would near 0%. But now it's draining it in a matter of minutes.

I do have a Power Bank, but I feel like my battery is still draining far too quickly, and it makes it impossible to play without my power bank with me at all times.

submitted by /u/Exaggeratethis
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I feel soo bad for the people who set all those lures....

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 10:10 PM PDT

I'm currently in Queenstown, New Zealand. There is a light festival going on so the waterfront is pretty busy, hence all the lures. I never s but lures anymore.

I was shopping, turned on pogo, and boom - on my nearby was Dragonite. I ran and managed to get him on time.

But man did I feel bad for all the people down at the water - they spent money to set off those lures and the good Pokémon was out of their sight/ reach!

I ended up walking down there - but it is so hard to tell who is playing that I couldn't even give the tip to anybody.

This is a perfect example of why I never bother with lures anymore!

screencap of location of Dragonite vs. lures

submitted by /u/vinyamar07
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[Complaint] Seems like Niantic is not willing to ban an incredibly annoying spoofer.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:26 PM PDT

We've been dealing with a really annoying spoofer for more than half year but now it's just out of hand. Me, two friends and many other reported him multiple times with detailed descriptions, videos and screenshots to prove that he is a spoofer, but Niantic has done absolutely nothing about it.

If you know anything else we can do to get him banned please let me know and we'll try it.

This is what have been happening during this months, if you're interested:

Every single time someone take down a gym, in less than 30 minutes he takes it down again so only people from his team are able to level up the gyms, which means almost all gyms in my town and nearby towns are level 10 gyms from his team (that's more than 20 gyms). The spoofer has been doing this every single day at any time (except nights of course) during all this time, yet he is now more active than he's ever been.

Note we're complaining that we can't hold a lot of gyms, it's just sad and frustrating to see nobody's able to do anything against him and seeing people giving up the game just because of a spoofer.

submitted by /u/KLO00
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Tyrogue Gamble

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:40 PM PDT

I got a 98% IV tyrogue with the same defense and stamina stats (15). If I understand correctly that means it's a 50% gamble of it being a hitmontop( hopefully!) or Hitmonchan (boooooo). Worth the risk? Or wait?

Update: Went for it!..... Hitmonchan :(

submitted by /u/ADAMBOMBERS
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Sprint rewards denied

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:34 PM PDT

Walked into the sprint store to get the free pokemongo swag. Pokemon go station for charging in the middle, big poster on the wall, and not a single employee knew how to get me those codes or what to do.......

submitted by /u/Bawsk
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What unit is Stardust

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:01 AM PDT

When you have 500k Stardust, is it 500k pounds, glasses, single dust flakes, balls, bowls??? I'm so bored with the game at the moment this is what I think about.

submitted by /u/trumanalina
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I made a new friend yesterday morning, it was worth the jog!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:53 AM PDT

Best Pokemon to take down Blisseys?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:50 AM PDT

I'm currently level 28 and have no Pokemon to reliably take down Blisseys... I wouldn't know of any strong poison types and my only reasonably good Steel type is a Steelix currently sitting on 1.7k cp. Is it worth it to put stardust into that thing? Will it take down Blisseys?

edit: Just checked to see that Blissey is actually NOT a fairy type so nvm that. Do I need like a Machoke?

submitted by /u/Verburner
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[Question]: Am I the only one barely seeing uncommon/rare/ultra rare pokémon?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:38 AM PDT

I'm so worried about the spawns in my town, that I made a second account and looked if it showed the same pokémon. There are only common pokémon around nowadays. The most rare pokemon I've caught after the rock event, are sudowoodo, evolutions of the common pokémon (ledian, noctowl,...) and I saw a chickorita, but except from those it's always the usual stuff like Sentret, Ledyba, ratatta, spinarak, pidgey,...

I am not a spoofer, I never hacked, I don't even know how to do that. Is this the same with someone else? Or do I need to worry about being falsely suspected of a hacker (because of a very mysterious way I guess) ?

submitted by /u/Legolasagna
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Caught this guy trying to steal my pizza...

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:08 AM PDT

I'm team mystic but I still think it looked really cool!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:24 PM PDT

Where 's Trainer tips? [question]

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:54 AM PDT

Trainer tips is one of the most popular Pokemon go based YouTubers and It's being a week since he last posted a of the. Which is super unusual since he post videos almost daily ever since the game came out. Anyone had an idea?

submitted by /u/Summerclaw
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[Question] What to do when dodging a fatal blow doesnt register?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:00 PM PDT

Then you die but you dont die and you keep getting swapped between pokemon, meanwhile all of the damage is being registered to both pokemon as this bs happens and you either lose the first pokemon while the second gets damaged, or you lose both in some cases. At first I thought it was my phone but ive seen it happen on newer phones as well. Just wanted to ask what you guys do when this happens.

submitted by /u/windowphotoshopper
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Bike Mode Post #276,987

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:51 PM PDT

I took my 1963 Schwinn Typhoon bike out for a ride tonight around a 3.4 mile ride (plus a half mile to and from the bike path). PoGo clocked a whopping 1.2 km (4.4 miles should have been around 6kms). I understand that when I take my mountain bike or road bike out I'm over the speed cap, but on a 50 year old, single speed, 40 pound bike that maxes out at 8 or 9 mphs, come on. Can we get a bike mode, or at least a minimal increase in the speed cap????

FYI, I did the same ride last night on my city bike (mountain bike with slicks) and clocked 0.6 kms. I was probably averaging around 10 to 12 mps, so I figured I wouldn't clock many kms. But on an old clunker? Tonight was my test and man, what a fail.

submitted by /u/kennysammy
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[Story] Sprint Store Code Attempt #3 = FAIL

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:23 AM PDT

Me: "I'm here to have you check me in so I can get my code emailed to me."

EE: "We don't have the ability to do that yet."

Me: "You just have to go onto your sprint store website, log in to your store account, search for me, and check me in."

EE: "Uh...I don't know how to do that. I think only managers can do that. There's not going to be a manager in today."

....I left. The search for a competent sprint employee continues.

submitted by /u/damangood
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Get People Back Into the Game? Allow Pokestop and Gym Submissions.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:40 PM PDT

Everything points to less players. Less Youtube views, less nest submissions on TSR Atlas, less engagement on local FB and Discord servers. Reworking gyms, and adding gen 3 will only do so much to re-engage players. Just catching more stuff, and what will likely be a "minor" gym re-tweak wont get players re-engaged.

While allowing pokestop and gym submissions will require a lot on Niantics part, this will get people playing again. From my own experience, walking the same paths everyday, and catching the same stuff, and hatching the same stuff, has gotten boring. I walk the same paths every day, go to a nest or two every week, and just get the same stuff.

But if pokestop and gym submissions were allowed, this would give me a reason to play. And I understand all of the logistics of opening up submissions, but just place a limit on submissions, level, etc. I guarantee that if pokestop and gym submissions were allowed, youd have more players coming back, and would retain those players because they would be able to play the game (looking at you rurals).

submitted by /u/kennysammy
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[Bug] Big Magikarps

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 01:56 PM PDT

Anybody else noticing that not all XL Magikarps count towards the Fisherman medal. These last couple of days max 50 % have counted - really frustrating the medal is difficult enough to get as it is.

submitted by /u/DalgEllal
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