Heroes of the Storm - the most EVIL way to kill someone...

the most EVIL way to kill someone...

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:20 AM PDT

Im seriously starting to that think Tassadar and Tyrande should be re-classed as specialists, they are more in the confused line of Medivh half-support than a true support.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:10 PM PDT

If you think of as specialists is what tyrande and tassadar almost are right now, if im not wrong tyrande only has 1 true support skill (Q heal) that its really underpowered and does almost nothing, the rest of he skills are CC (E)/tactical-map advantage (W, Stealth ult) (D trait focus damage)

Same with tassadar, only has a shield as a true support skill the rest are damage (lightning, archont ult) /selfprotect/CC AA/tactical skills (Wall ult)

Medivh if you think about it haste SAME number of support skills than tyrande or tassadar, 1, the shield, the rest are damage (Q) / tactical-map advantage(portals) /both CC ults

while when you look at the others "true" supports they atleast have 2 or more supportive skills for other players between regular and heroic abilities, heavier heals, regular heals, shield absortions, invul, ressurects, cheat death and variety of buffs.

submitted by /u/StormSwitch
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Blizzard we desperately need more supports

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:47 AM PDT

With Malthael being the next hero to come by, we're at a very low quantity of supports (and specialists, even though people doesn't comply that much of the low number).

There are 11 supports. Only 9 if we take into consideration that Tyrande and Tassadar are no longer supports stricto sensu

With this, there are:

  • 18 warriors (including Varian and Cho'gall)

  • 12 specialists (including Abathur here, even though some people clasify him as a support hero)

  • 28 assassins (including Malthael)

Isn't this a very big disparity in numbers?

EDIT: I understand that the meta revolves with 1 support and 2 assassins per comp, and thus the x2 number of assassins, but that's not the point i'm trying to make, the thing is that we need diversity on healers. With 9 healers you don't have too much space or room for CHOICE. Between 28 assassins you have more than room enough to choose whatever you want, but with 9 supports you have one or the other (if you're on ranked and the enemy bans a support and picks another, you have almost no choices to pick).

EDIT2: I'm sorry I didn't mention Medivh, the last game I saw one was so long ago I'd forgotten about him.

EDIT3: DON'T READ THE COMMENTS FROM HALF ON. There's an awful quantity of downvotes on the comments because the toxicity and the salt is over the charts. Beware if you keep scrolling traveller, Nova mains are salty today.

submitted by /u/saddler93
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Can we get some green/jungly maps?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:49 AM PDT

I'm not sure from where, maybe WoW - but it would be cool to have a map that was filled with green and maybe like a couple ponds or something.

It would be a nice break from the predominately brown maps. There's a lot of fun maps in terms of gameplay, but I feel like blizzard could make much more beautiful stuff if they wanted to

submitted by /u/kidwifi
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Suggestion: Lv 20 team fight brawl

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:19 PM PDT

So, I find I get extremely little practice teamfighting at 20. 20 is a huge power spike, all new keys and abilities and losing the fight often ends the game.

Why not a team fight brawl where everyone is 20? Open arena, some terrain, nothing else, ends when 1 team is dead. 3 tries.

It would be very helpful in learning the end game.

submitted by /u/Pscagoyf
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humiliating headgear for silenced players

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:59 AM PDT

How about putting a humiliating headgear for silenced players like chicken hat or something :D http://imgur.com/tMnS3Tg

submitted by /u/Di5may
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Zarya reacts to Tychus's summer look

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:49 AM PDT

Disable Probius Z-button when Worker Rush is active

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:08 PM PDT

Since Balance Update v 24.2 Probius Z-ability (Worker Rush) has same mechanics, as Hammer's Z-button

Now automatically activates when Probius is in the Hall of Storms

But unlike Hammer, you can click on Z button while Worker Rush is active and get the cooldown. Hammer's z button is unactive, when Thrusters is active. http://imgur.com/a/Oz9Fb

submitted by /u/ForesterHOTS
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Wahday "Dreadnaught" Penfold

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:58 PM PDT

Blood Raven Sylvanas and Unraveller Zeratul references and lore.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:50 AM PDT

So guys for those who never played Diablo 2 or don't remember, here I show you in who these skins are based on.

Blood Raven Sylvanas


tldr lore she is the diablo 1 rogue character (corrupted by andariel).

Unraveler Zeratul


submitted by /u/Sawyer323
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The hero we need: WC3 gyrocopter!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:02 PM PDT

Heroes of The Storm Vs. League of Legends: A GM's Journey into Ranked

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:37 PM PDT

(If you don't want to take the time to read the post my Youtube video will give you all the information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf3Ip567eGc )

Hi guys my name is Broleebro, I am a Grandmaster (top 200 NA) Heroes of the Storm player. ( http://imgur.com/a/WCtnJ is an image of what I finished last season as for those who may ask) And what I am here to tell you all about is my "Heroes of the Storm Vs. League of Legends Series" that I will be streaming daily for the next month or so and posting a video about at the end of this time.

Before I explain the premise of the series and what I hope to accomplish let me quickly say why I am doing this. The main reason is all of the League community who always say that it is the superior Moba and all others take far less skill, especially Heroes of the Storm. I want to be able to finally respond fairly when people make this argument. I have also had real life friends try to get me into League for years, so when I had the idea for this series it was a good excuse to finally play with them.

So the goal of this series is to give league a few months to see what rank I, a Grandmaster level Hots player, can achieve on League. I also want to finally give League a fair shot so that I can make an objective video comparing the 2 mobas with great detail and make a fair conclusion on which is better, and say which I prefer. Up until this point I've always said I prefer Hots, but to be fair never played league until I had this idea about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I've been pretty much non stop playing League since then to hit level 30 so that I could start my journey into ranked. I didn't want level 1 to 30 to be a part of my stream as this was pure noob phase learning about all the things a new league player has to go through such as masteries, runes, and a much larger Champion pool than Hots. Keep in mind even though I am a high level Hots player with solid mechanics I still have some of the finer things to learn, especially each champion's kit and the match ups.

I cannot link my twitch due to the rules of the reddit, however the link is in the Youtube video if you found this interesting. I will be streaming Monday-Friday (some weekends) around 2-6p.m Central. Have a great day, thanks for your time. If you have any questions or comments please let me know.

submitted by /u/Broleebro
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MESSAGE TO NEW PLAYERS: Assasins are not kings of this game, even if they can do kills

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:56 AM PDT

Please stop with that mindset "damage dealer = game carry"

Teamwork can carry in this game, but not assasins. You know that 3 assasins easily lose vs 2 support/2 tank compositions? Or 2 assasins + 1 specialist, cause that specialist just straight outpushes you and will deal same hero damage as you.

Please stop think that as assasins you can win games. This is not League of Legends or DOTA, where if you're fed you can win even 1v5 and do penta. In HotS no matter how you're good as assasin, you lose anyway depending on how your team plays and what is enemy team composition.

Stop pick 3 mages, stop pick genji + thrall + valeera thinking that you can win game by just ganking people. There are map objectives, mercenary camps and other stuff that counters you in many different aspects such as outsoaking your kills with straight pushing, outhealing your uncoordinated dives with 2 supports, outtanking your attempts to deal damage with bruisers and tanks.

submitted by /u/Existor371
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I'll take five assassins vs. five supports if Blizzard can fix matching brand new players with veterans

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:06 PM PDT

I see a lot of complaints about Quickmatch compositions but to me that's the least of the game's problems right now.

Nights and weekends never used to be this bad. I get that 2.0 is bringing in new players but matchmaking is worse than ever. And it's not their fault.

In Quickmatch as a Platinum or higher seed, you can randomly get matched with solo queues who have never played a map before against an opposing 5s team, all on voice chat, all Master. In this real example that happened last night on Hanamura the enemy team pushed both lanes to the core and won in roughly eight minutes with the popular Reddit strategy, while the 100-ish game player yelled that pushing is useless on Hanamura. I get that "it's Quickmatch," but putting these brand new people into games with Diamonds/Masters is not fun for anyone. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes the enemy b-steps you and surgically destroys every keep for 40 minutes on a three lane map.

Also just had a Platinum ranked game where someone tilted in chat after being asked what their best character is (they were merely asked if they wanted to play their choice of hero), insta-locked, and then argued that pushing "doesn't matter" on Hanamura. It was a crippling loss. They had 100 games played total, most of us in the entire game had over 2K played on both sides. It doesn't matter if you're Rich, playing these games even if you're good enough to carry is not fun when someone flames you for making good decisions because they haven't played the game enough to understand basic map concepts.

In 2.0 your games aren't so much "how can you carry to win?" and more like "are you lucky enough where the enemy team gets the brand new player?" Five second queues in the US by the way. I'll take five minutes if this can be fixed. I really miss the days of feeling like you had even matches that were a blast to play and scrap through. 90% of my games have had one person on either side with 10+ deaths.

I'm taking a break from ranked until they can sort this out. Having played for over two years it sucks to type that.

submitted by /u/chrisjc
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[Petition] Zagara's Nydus Network shouldn't block Zagara herself.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:11 AM PDT

When I place Nydus Network at narrow alley and getting out of the Network, Nydus Network bodyblock and traps me sometimes. It is not fair when Murky's Egg doesn't bodyblock Murky. I require this to be fixed.

submitted by /u/mastermindkorea
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Can we discuss Probius' Null Gate and Blizzard's nerf/buff policy?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 01:29 PM PDT

As we know, Probius has been nerfed a bit in the latest balance patch.

And that's fine. Though I think in the current state both of his Heroics are, just nerfing Pylon Overcharge is not good enough, as Null Gate offers so much less in comparison. Even after the nerf, Pylon Overcharge is still incomparably better than Null Gate.

Pylon Overcharge does two things:

  • Deals damage.
  • Empowers one of your other abilities, Pylons.
  • Level 20 upgrade is great.

Null Gate also does two things:

  • Deals damage.
  • Slows.
  • But offers no passive effect whatsoever.
  • Level 20 upgrade is weak and much more conditional.

The differences, however, are too great. First off, Pylon Overcharge has much greater range and damage. Secondly, it is incomparalby easier to get a near-full value of their entire damage duration. It is also much safer because of that range.

Null Gate's damage is irrelevant, because the ability is fairly flawed. The issues are:

  • Casting/spawn time of the gate; somewhat unreliable.
  • It's extremely difficult to get the gate to do its full damage over the duration it is active.
  • If you want it to do damage, it's a bit counter-intuitive. You think whoa, a gate that slows, let's cast it perpendicular to the team chasing our team - you'll slow all 5 of them, but the damage will be small. If you'd like to get decent damage out of it, you should place it parallel to the enemy team, right on top of them, which then means you'll damage one or two guys severely but miss out on the slow.

His winrate was very high, so I don't mind the nerfs this time around, but even if a hero doesn't have a super high winrate (near 50%), Blizzard often prefers to nerf the existing superior talent choices instead of buffing the underused ones to make them.

I feel like Photon Cannon build should go with Pylon Overcharge, like it does now, and Warp Rift build should cooperate better with Null Gate, which it currently does not do so well.

That said, how would you change Null Gate, friends? The way I see it would be something like this:

  • Instantaneous or at least halved spawn time for the gate.
  • It could be like 25% wider by default.
  • It could also give a Passive at 10, like making Warp Rifts spawn in 1.0s instead of 1.25s or lower Warp Rift's cooldown by 0.5s for each hero that gets slowed by Warp Rifts.
  • Alternatively, it could be add a 2nd charge to Q.

The level 20 upgrade... I'm not really sure. I think they intended it to be a permanent zoning threat. Problem is, if you would be defending, it means you're already losing and will get outpushed most likely. If you are sieging, you will need to relocate your Pylon and the Gate very often as you move forward. I think the gate is too small for that kind of zone control and nobody picks the lvl 20 upgrade.

So if it is meant to be used for control, I'd much rather see something like:

  • Gate becomes 100% wider.
  • If each end of Null Gate resides in different Pylon field, allies passing through the gate would get like a 50% movement speed buff for 1.5-2s. This would refresh each time they connect with the gate again. Now this could be something - easier sieging for ranged characters and a fast retreat for everyone if needed.
  • It'd be cool if the gate also silenced enemies that pass through it for 1s. Because the gate already lasts indefinitely as long as it is within a Pylon's field, this effect could not occur more than once per 10 or so seconds.

Idk, those are my ideas friends. I'd just like to see Null Gate + Warp Rift become a thing and have a win rate high enough to compete with Photon Cannon + Pylon Overcharge, as the ultimate zone control package compared to just flat damage output the current Cannon + Pylon build gives. It has zone control too, of course but Null Gate would be much stronger in that area, perhaps making it a preferable pick on maps like Dragon Shire, Sky Temple, Haunted Mines etc.

submitted by /u/azurevin
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Cassia's Fend trying to path out of Naz's Zombie Wall.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:51 PM PDT


Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:05 AM PDT

Dr. Lizard Greymane skin

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:56 AM PDT

I was eating my donut this morning and thought about this and how sweet it would be. Scientist Greymane as a human, and lizard worgen. Too bad I suck at drawing otherwise I would draw this up.

submitted by /u/fesxvx
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Marriage counselling 101

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:22 PM PDT

HotS players are so helpful. It's nice to know that our community is addresses issues outside of HotS too.

submitted by /u/Sir-Zeph
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Feature Request - Loading Screen Chat

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:59 AM PDT

The ability to talk tactics on the loading screen would be brilliant.

submitted by /u/skavenger0
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Finally Started Playing Unranked

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:05 PM PDT

Thanks to everyone who recommended I make the switch, I'm having a much better time. For the most part everyone coordinates, communicates, makes plays and I'm learning a lot. My stuns are followed up on finally! I've won almost every match which shows my wrecked HL mmr was holding me back I think. Only games I lost today were from people intentionally trolling, I'm sad to see that pervades all aspects of the game. Even got paired with a 3 stack who just goofed off in draft and all game and told us to shut up because they're higher than us in HL. But trolls aside its been a much better game, I'll probably camp out here next season so it seeds to my HL and I can start trying to climb again.

submitted by /u/Excelsus92
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McIntyre - Alarak Nerf + Tass Buff Patch Tier List - 6/3/2017

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:56 PM PDT

Genji's level 13 talent no longer has a special sound cue if all 3 shurikens hit the same target

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:58 AM PDT

I have not played Genji for two weeks and after picking him up again yesterday I've noticed that his level 13 talent (Shingan) no longer has a special sound when all 3 shurikens hit the same target. Think of Li Ming's level 7 Seeker talent. Not having that sound makes hitting all 3 shurikens really unsatisfying and even puts off beat. Bug?

submitted by /u/JohnZoiberg
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(OC Uncolored Sketch) Skin Concept- Death Knight Johanna, my favorite tank!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:58 PM PDT

With her rune bladed flail and a shield bound to the soul of a dragon!

I love all of her armor concepts, but something always feels so wrong about covering her beautiful head. I just can't play her with a helmet on, I feel like it takes away from her design... so I went with a hood instead, to keep her piercing gaze ever present.

I hope you like it, r/heroesofthestorm!

submitted by /u/Atsuyo
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