Elder Scrolls Online - Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:05 AM PDT

Hey folks,

Welcome to Mages Guild Monday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread on the subreddit!

Mages Guild Monday is a thread aimed at sharing tips, tricks, knowledge and information about the game.

Know of a place that yields a particularly good reward? Got a tip about how to most efficiently accomplish quests? Have some good intel on good ways to serve your alliance in PvP? Let the community know!

In addition, if you're new to following the game, this thread is your chance to ask questions and get help from veteran players.

Please keep in mind the "no personal attacks" rule in our sidebar, disagree respectfully with others, and know that a repeated or seemingly obvious bit of knowledge may not be obvious to everyone.

We look forward to your contributions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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The newest minigame in ESO: go-kart racing!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:05 PM PDT

[Media]Drew a Dwemer riding the Dwarven Spider

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:56 PM PDT

Q3/Q4 DLC Details

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:07 PM PDT

Uh . . . I'll come back later

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:31 PM PDT

Horns of the Reach and Clockwork City DLC game packs

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:14 PM PDT

PSA: Remember to exercise 30 min daily!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:24 AM PDT

Random ESO shots from a colorblind guy [PC] [Media]

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:03 PM PDT

Some screenshots I took for my guild. (Click on the pics to make them high res)


submitted by /u/deathkillert
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Had a great PVP experience Sunday night

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:28 PM PDT

Foot Inverse Kinematics

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:10 PM PDT

Cute sleeping pony guar.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:36 PM PDT

Greetings From The Community Meetup Before Tonight's BE3 Presentation

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 03:19 PM PDT

Promo Screenshots of Clockwork City and Horns of the Reach DLCs

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 12:41 AM PDT

Can we have an option to change the hair color with the style parlor?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 01:17 AM PDT

There are already several cosmetics for jewelry or tattoos etc why not implement this option as well..I don't want to pay 1500 crowns for a total makeover but I would gladly give some to acquire a different hair color.Pretty pls make this possible I am getting tired of this redish color!

submitted by /u/karrie7
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Anyone else having major graphical errors? (Xbox one)

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:19 PM PDT

For me it's really bad in Vivec City. No matter how long I let the game sit or if I log out and come back...textures on most buildings will not load. Vivec's temple only half loads in unless I'm right next to it. All you can see is the waterfalls on the side. This is happening to me in every city I've been. Didn't have this problem when I played the original eso, only started with morrowind.

submitted by /u/ckraft5
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[PC] Doom Wolf Mount - Free Giveaway!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:18 PM PDT

I'm giving away a free Doom Wolf Mount for ESO on PC. I asked in This Post and people seemed to really want it and I figured out how I am going to give it away.

All you have to do is post a comment here and your name will be entered into the drawing.

After 24(ish) hours, I will copy all comments into Excel, filter out all the user names, remove any duplicates, and then use a random number to determine the winner.

I will update this post with the winner, once it is determined.

Good luck to all who enter!

submitted by /u/pow419
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Megathread: ZOS BE3 Presentation Discussion (9PM PDT)

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:33 PM PDT

Not much more to say right now. The actual presentation starts at 9PM PDT (Midnight Eastern). The ZOS devs at the meetup seemed really excited about the presentation. Have a great night everyone.


The Showcase will be broadcasted live on Twitch.TV/Bethesda and on Youtube.com/BethesdaSoftworks.


submitted by /u/dominoid73
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List of bugs associated with Morrowind patch that need attention on console.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:26 PM PDT

-Animations not showing while light attack weaving with dual wield weapons. -Poisons on weapons removing ground AoEs. -While allocating champion points pressing the left trigger continues to take away champion points. (Not a controller issue)

If there is anything else that needs to be added please do so. Some of these bugs are really effecting combat negatively.

submitted by /u/Forest_Chump
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Hiking, and photographed a Templar on the horizon

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 02:19 PM PDT

The ultimate frustration

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 02:19 AM PDT

So, I'm going to take a minute here to describe the course of my day, and how I ended up here. Ordinarily, I'm a reddit lurker as opposed to a poster, but I felt my current happenings warranted a small description.

This morning, I woke up and decided to buy ESO. After having researched it for several days, let the decision sink in, and committing to the purchase, I embarked on an epic journey through a perilous 15 hour download time.

Fortunately, I can skip ahead 15 hours here, but I was not allotted that luxury myself today. Suffice to say I am impatient. The download finished, and I start prepping myself for some serious gaming. I stayed awake until 5 am, waiting for the game, fully intending on ditching any responsibilities for the next day and immersing myself.

The first kick was when I remembered there is still an install time. Silly me. Fortunately the installation didn't take very long, and it was only a few more minutes until I opened the game, finally.

Cue opening credits, music starts up, and I am pumped up. I've decided what character to make, how to start leveling up efficiently, etc. All to be met with one heart wrenching message.

Scheduled Server Maintenance. That tricky, tricky server maintenance.

So, currently I am in a state of purgatory, unable to decide whether to "weather the storm," as one might say, and wait for the maintenance to end, having no idea how long that might be. Or, I could go lay in bed, fall asleep, and play the game tomorrow. No big deal, right? Not too much time lost.

Wrong. God speed, fellow community. I'm setting up camp. See you in-game.

submitted by /u/Jadam93
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Veteran Halls of Fabrication Xbox Eu

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:50 PM PDT

Trials Reborn first Xbox eu kill Halls of Fabrication veteran mode! 😇


submitted by /u/UA_Shark
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Beginners Guide - Research and Traits Explained. Start Now or You Will Regret It!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:22 PM PDT

[HELP] Main Questline

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 03:20 AM PDT

So I just picked up ESO with Morrowind and wanted to jump into the main questline but instead I've started Morrowind straight away. How do I start the main questline from the original game?

Apologies if this is a dumb question to ask, completely clueless about the game at the moment.

submitted by /u/Wallabashi
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[discussion] new player, can anyone explain then dungeon matchmaking system to me?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 01:05 AM PDT

Hi all,

I'm fairly new to the game, level 30ish by now and playing a little templar healer.

So far, I'm doing mostly dungeons via the matchmaking system and catching up with my quests slowly every now and then (because I still need to unlock/ level up my dps skills).

I really do enjoy the game but I'm somewhat confused by the matchmaking for the dungeons.

Sometimes the game puts me and some other low levels into high level (?) dungeons with advanced mechanics, sometimes I end up with a bunch of max levels in the very first dungeon. Sometimes I don't need to heal at all, sometimes I can barely keep people alive because they are taking MASSIVE damage....and I just am not able to understand what is different, where it was my fault or when I did good/ not so good/ real bad.

Sometimes I get a message that the dungeon would have been put to champion 160, sometimes not.

Are enemies in dungeons always the same level? Do they scale depending on the party? If I (lvl 30) get teamed up with max levels, what level do the enemies have?

Tks in advance.

submitted by /u/destiran
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Posted: 12 Jun 2017 03:13 AM PDT

Just purchased this on PS4, I generally love MMO's and played ESO for around 5 hours yesterday.

My question is what are peoples thoughts on subscribing? Is it worth it.

submitted by /u/MattCliffe
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New to the game, have 4600 crown to spend

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 12:57 AM PDT

Hi guys, I was planning on buying the limited "spider mount" since I hated slow running speed on my character.. but they closed the crown store prior to the maintenance :( FML any recommendations on what to buy with 4600 crown? is it a good idea to buy mounts? if so should I also buy riding skills? (speed, stamina etc..) thankyou!

submitted by /u/insoo373
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