Dota 2 - ZOTAC Cup Masters Day 5/Grandfinals Match Discussion

ZOTAC Cup Masters Day 5/Grandfinals Match Discussion

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 12:02 PM PDT

ZOTAC Cup Masters

Organized by ZOTAC, ESL and BATTLEFY

Need info on the event? Check out the Survival Guide

You can either Sort by new or use the Comment Stream.


Day 4: June 2

ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Result Cntdwn PDT EDT BST CEST SGT AEST
- - - - - - - - - - - -
GF vs. 08:50 17:50 20:50 01:50 02:50 08:50 10:50

Grandfinals: Team NP vs Newbee

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:
Game 4 Winner:
Game 5 Winner:

Result:   1:3  


submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Find your Battle Cup Party | Spring 2017 | Week 5

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 11:53 PM PDT

Battle Cup Spring 2017 Week 5

This thread is dedicated for you guys to find a party for weekly Battle Cup.

During the event all posts about finding/forming a team will be removed to avoid spam.

This thread is only for people looking for a team, if you are forming a team simply reply to or PM anyone looking for a team that suits what you're looking for and invite them.

If you've already found a team please edit your post saying so or delete your post so no one will keep contacting you.

Sort by new to find people who just posted and is looking for a party.

Suggested Format:

Steam ID:


Tier: What tier do you want to play on?

Preferred Role What positions you're comfortable playing with.

Other Information Any other info that you would like your party mates to know

If you start to love playing with a premade and in a competitive setting please check out our friends at

Have fun!

For schedule, FAQ and other details please check out:

submitted by /u/crimson589
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Literally scammed: Act III

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:07 AM PDT

The latest in Wraith King technology

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:39 AM PDT

How To Get Out Of the Trench

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:50 AM PDT

Amazing Queen of Pain cosplay by Masha Sidorova.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:37 AM PDT

ZOTAC Cup Appreciation

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:04 AM PDT

This is a shoutout post to ZOTAC for their fantastic LAN event that just concluded a few hours ago. As you may have known that our country (Taiwan) is literally a Dota desert because most of players prefer more casual games. That's why when we learnt that Zotac decided to host their LAN final at Computex Taipei, we were all surprised. More surprisingly we are sponsored to get free Computex tickets to enter the venue, which I never expected before. As a 3K MMR noob, all I want to say is thanks for the effort and hope see you guys at bigger event next time.

Edit: fixed typo.

submitted by /u/RobertVandenberg
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Aui insane enchantress skills

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:20 PM PDT

The 3000+ games stuck on Normal bracket Player Starter Pack

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:03 AM PDT

Missing feature since 7.00 hud revamp

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:37 AM PDT

You can no longer see who is the owner of a ward or a courier when you click on it

submitted by /u/harooooo1
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Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:30 PM PDT

Literally scammed: Act II

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 10:18 PM PDT

Unresolved Keeper Of The Light Illuminate Bug.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:39 AM PDT

So this bug regarding Keeper Of The Light's Illuminate has been posted a couple of times but understandably people haven't paid much attention to it, however, it is a potentially crippling bug for the hero and can seriously impact games in a negative way for your whole team.

For those that don't know what this bug is, here's a clip of it.

Match ID:

Clipboard: dota2://matchid=3176893203&matchtime=2450

Ingame time: 35:00

In the above clip you can see that a fully charged level 4 illuminate only deals 50 damage. This has happened to me countless times in massive, game winning/losing teamfights whereby I hit my team with a level 4 illuminate but it only heals my team for 50 hp and deals 50 damage to enemies as opposed to the potentially crippling 500 (obviously before reductions) and 500 heal.

Here are a couple of other posts that I could find about the bug:

This bug appears to happen with and without aghs, it appears to be due to channeling a second illuminate directly after the original illuminate is travelling. However, I have had the bug happen twice in a row whereby I have sent one fully channeled illuminate followed by another, both dealing 50 damage so I am not too sure this is the only reason. A fix to this bug would be massively appreciated as I love the hero and the bug is rather unfortunate and can be game deciding in big teamfights early.

submitted by /u/NinjahTigah
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Congratulations to the winners of the ZOTAC Cup Masters!

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 11:28 PM PDT

Newbee wins 3-1 over NP.

Congratulations to Moogy, Sccc, Kpii, Kaka, and Faith.

After losing in five Grand Finals with the current roster (2nd at Nanyang Cruise Cup [SanSheng stood in for Kpii], 2nd at MDL to EG, 2nd at China Top to EG, 2nd at ESL Genting to DC, 2nd at Manila Masters to EG), they finally go all the way.

submitted by /u/foxsleftear
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A Different Perspective

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:16 AM PDT

Compiled list of DotA issues (item delivery/assembling, spectator and shop improvements, etc.)

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:56 AM PDT

Hello /r/dota2,

Since Valve has proven to listen to feedback on reddit, I figured it's time to compile some of the recent issues I've came across in the last few months.

Item Assembling & Delivering

  • Courier does not deliver an item even though the inventory has free slots after its delivery: video

  • Courier always delivers highest # item slot first. Items like Gem should have priority, since they cannot be put in the backpack, whereas other items can. Courier ends up walking home with the gem but the player has free backpack slots: video

  • Currently upon delivering components, items are often assembled in the first free inventory slot. However, assembling an item should happen in the first inventory slot that has a usable component (e.g. Stick upgrades in the slot of Wand). If there are no usable components in the inventory, assemble it in the first slot of the first component in the inventory. Only if there are no components in the inventory assemble it in the first free inventory slot. Note: inventory (6 slots) != backpack (3 add. slots): Item not assembling in first usable component slot & Item not assembling in first component slot

Alt+Click and Chat issues

  • New Alt+Click announcements, e.g. neutral units spell warning & cooldowns. Picture

  • Muting a player also hides player-related system messages such as: .. has disconnected, .. has abandoned the game and many more. This is probably an oversight in their muting implementation.

  • -> reddit thread for both of the above

Spectator & coaching improvements

  • Top UI networth indicator uses hard-coded 15k advantage. This is fine for early game to remove fluctuations but this implementation does not show any advantage beyond 15k. It should switch to a relative NW indicator over time. E.g. Radiant has 75k NW, Dire has 125k NW. Indicator shows 37.5% green and 62.5% red.

  • Spectators can only see one team's Glyph of Fortification cooldown at a time. Quick mock-up for either new icon that shows both CD information or replacing the scan CD.

  • More DotA TV bugs from /u/Panishev here

  • Coaching system is non-functional. See this post for more suggestions.


  • Item component order is counter-intuitive for 12 (+9 debatable) item recipes (out of 83 total recipes):

    • Good: Etheral Blade; Expensive secret shop components come first
    • Bad: Satanic (Mask > Hammer > Reaver) & Vanguard (Ring > Vit > Shield)
    • In general the most restricted items (secret shop & more expensive items) should come first. Quickbuy will always resort to buying the next component if you cannot afford the first component or are not at the secret shop.
    • dev thread & picture of the recipe changes

Rune spawning & minimap indicator

  • After 40 minutes it's possible to spawn the same rune at the same location twice in a row: clip. I think this is a bug or oversight because before minute 40 you cannot get the same rune twice in a row. Could be wrong on this but still deserves a mention.

  • The minimap rune indicator is oblivious to the double power-up runes after 40 minutes. If you have vision over both runes the minimap only shows the bottom rune. It should correctly show you an unexplored "Unknown rune" at both rune spots or the icon of the rune if you have vision over it: same clip

Let me know if you experiences other issues with the game and I shall take notes.

submitted by /u/2slow4flo
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Why has Valve (and Riot?) not taken action against this shit, or even released a statement? Even some League of Legend features are being copied and also slightly altered

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 11:23 PM PDT

Mr. Lizard, Please

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:40 AM PDT

It was as if out of the pallid, silent blue

Cries and shouts were made from /r/Dota2

Calling for the elusive and shiny Immortal Treasure 2

Or perhaps the Siltbreaker campaign designed for me and you

Alas the date is quite swiftly nearing the 45th of May

And among many other things that I would love to convey

There is one thing that I must assertively and with conviction say

"Please Mr. Lizard, release the patch soon I will surely pay!"

For soon the prize pool is sure to stagnate and plateau

So please, for both our sake and yours please do bestow

The campaign that was promised, and the immortal treasure

Nothing could bring a greater and more fulfilling pleasure

Than opening virtual boxes that have shiny immortal hats

Even more satisfying one might estimate, than petting cats

And upon stating the aforementioned, I must humbly depart

Releasing it soon will save the prizepool tracking chart

submitted by /u/Drakus_
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I drew Death Prophet

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:09 AM PDT

I hope Dota2 will go to hell

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:04 PM PDT

It would be nice to see a hell theme map! I really enjoy this ti map. Go to Hell Dota.

Some lore: The Seven Hells, also known as the Infernal Regions, are the realms of the underworld, inhabited mostly by demons. All Seven Hells are known for their extreme heat, and are separated by a membrane. Their precise locations and names are uncertain, and may overlap with Vashundol, Foulfell, and the Abysm. The Seven Hells are ruled by the Demon Lords through a series of unknown laws.

Some cool concepts: Vashundol is a realm in the Dota 2 world, possibly within the Seven Hells. A great steel bell exists in Vashundol, which tolls the names of those about to fall. Foulfell is a prison plane, a hidden dimension where demons imprison their outlaws. It may be one of The Seven Planes. Foulfell's interior is described as a dark mirror of reality, lined with fractal walls that reflect the images of the imprisoned. It is sometimes called the hell of hells, indicating that it is inside or connected to the Seven Hells. Abysm is a location in the Dota 2 world, similar to hell. It is home to Nevermore. Souls harvested by Nevermore swirl in and out of the Abysm, and none has ever dared to peer into its endless depths. The Abysm is filled with "astral rocks", though what exactly this infers about the place is unknown. Nevermore also refers to the Abysm as "The Rift".

The levels are divided by order and sometimes referred to as Outer, Upper, and Lower Hells.

First Hell:

Second Hell:

Third Hell:

Fourth Hell:

Fifth Hell: A piece of tail armor was forged here for Lucifer.

Sixth Hell: Home to Maraxiform. Clinkz battled Maraxiform at the gates of sixth hell.

Seventh Hell: The lowest hell. Lucifer resides here

Heroes relevant(Demons)

Shadow Fiend Shadow Demon Doom Terrorblade Clinkz Underlord

Semi relevant: Lion

Lucifer, the Doom

Six times his name was tolled from the great bell of Vashundol. Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth. A crater in the desert, Paradise lost. According to Nevermore(Shadow Fiend), Lucifer once lived or kept him in a pit. According to Lucifer, there are seven hells.

Nevermore, the Shadow Fiend

No one has ever peered into the Abysm whence Nevermore reaches out like an eel from among astral rocks.

Shadow Demon

Terrorblade, the Demon Marauder

Terrorblade is the demon marauder--an outlaw hellion whom even other demons fear. A cosmic iconoclast, he stole from the Demon Lords, ignored the codified rites that should have bound his behavior, and broke every law of the seven Infernal Regions. For his crimes, he was taught this lesson: even Hell has a hell. A short, brutal trial ensued, with many dead on all sides, and he was finally incarcerated in Foulfell, a hidden dimension where demonkind imprison their own.

But Foulfell is no normal prison. In this dark mirror of reality, demons are sentenced to gaze eternally into the twisted reflection of their own souls. But instead of suffering, Terrorblade made himself master of his own reflected worst self--a raging, thieving demon of unimaginable power. With his inner beast under sway, he destroyed the fractal prison walls and burst free to turn his terror loose upon all creation.

Clinkz, the Bone Fletcher

At the base of the Bleeding Hills stretches a thousand-league wood—a place called The Hoven, where black pools gather the tarry blood of the uplands, and the king-mage Sutherex sits in benevolent rule. Once a sworn protector of the Hoven lands, Clinkz earned a reputation for his skill with a bow. In the three-hundredth year of the king-mage, the demon Maraxiform rose from sixth hell to lay claim to the forest. In response, the king-mage decreed an unbreakable spell: to any who slew the demon would be granted Life Without End.

Unaware of the spell, Clinkz waded into battle, defending his lands against the demon's fiery onslaught. Clinkz drove Maraxiform back to the gates of sixth-hell itself, where on that fiery threshold the two locked in a mortal conflict.

Vrogros, the Underlord

Deep below the surface of the world lay unknown wonders and horrors. Down and down again, well beneath the slithering magma fields and simmering roots of dormant volcanoes stands the obsidian city of Aziyog, its incomparable stonework spanning an endless cavern. Within honeycomb walls mortared with the bones of countless slaves lies the domain of the Abyssal Horde, and their brutal underlord Vrogros. Armed by the monstrous forgemasters of his kind and well-practiced in the arts of the Dark Rift, Vrogros is able to conjure forth flame and crippling malice through the twist between worlds. He seeks always to expand his holdings, destroying or enslaving all he encounters. Yet the lands offered by the subterranean realm are few, and so his sights have turned upward. By his command the first waves of abyssal invaders have already marched through the rift, a few doomed legions meant merely to test the might of nations above. Now, as his full force readies itself for unending conquest, Vrogros himself steps into a sunlit world to announce his coming reign.

Lion, the Demon Witch

Once a Grandmaster of the Demon Witch tradition of sorcery, Lion earned fame among his brethren for fighting on the side of light and righteousness. But adulation corrupts. With powers surpassed only by his ambition, the mage was seduced by a demon and turned to evil, trading his soul for prestige. After committing horrible crimes that marred his soul, he was abandoned. The demon betrayed him, striking better deals with his enemies. Such was Lion's rage that he followed the demon back to hell and slew it, ripping it limb from limb, taking its demonic hand for his own. However, such demonoplasty comes at a cost. Lion was transfigured by the process, his body transformed into something unrecognizable like Moe from the Simpsons.

submitted by /u/Cookingwithninja
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Alt-Clicking an ally's HP/MP bar uses user's variable instead of teammates. Quick Fix pls!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:30 AM PDT

Valve please make eye of skadi keychains for ti7

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 08:54 PM PDT

Kunkka Prestige Item and Quest Path

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:50 PM PDT

if they fix the battlecup ticket scam, will they fix this scam also?

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:29 PM PDT

Battle cup game ended, we won, server said game coordinator cant do match results, gets this, what do?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:19 AM PDT

Feature missing since 700

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:19 AM PDT

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