DayZ - Surprisingly beautiful raw screenshot

Surprisingly beautiful raw screenshot

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 12:53 AM PDT

This new ghillie suit is ridiculous!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:29 AM PDT

Fragile Bones [25:58]

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:00 AM PDT

Not quite sure, but I think something bad may have happened :D

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:39 AM PDT

The most annoying thing in dayz right now.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 12:45 PM PDT

I feared for my life as I watched someone be executed form the darkness of night.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:59 PM PDT

I decided to play about an hour of DayZ before I go to bed. I didn't think of anything crazy to happen, and I just wanted to pass time looting and finding another area. I waited in queue for about 10 minutes and finally spawned in. Cold breathe feeled the darkness in front of my face. It was night, the moon was hiding behind a sky overcasted by clouds. I made the decision to continue my adventure in the unlikely conditions.

I'm running adjacent the road while scanning all sides. No one in sight so far. Good. I move ahead as the hoots and chirps of the forest animals followed. I make out a silhouette of a building yards ahead of me with the tree line hugging the backside. I sprinted across the street and into the door. With no form of light, I make due with what quick scavaging I can. I exit the house and step back into the darkness of night.

Through the blackness, I saw that I had stumbled across a small town with houses on each side of the street. As the chilled breath collected in front of my face, I watched the main road from the fenced-in front yard. No sign of life. Or death. I proceeded to the neighboring house. As I stepped through the rear exit, I was brought to my knees with wrenching stomach pains. I vomited stomach acid and tuna fish up, not much of anything to throw up in the first place. I was in dire need of water. Dry-mouthed and dizzy, I picked myself from the dirt and began my search for water. I knew this town must have been ransacked for all the food and drinks available, so I put my bets on a well.

Skipping the houses, I went from backyard to backyard in search of a source of water. I fell to my knees once again feeling as though I was going to hurl the rest of my already empty stomach contents up, the feeling passed. I grabbed myself up once again to see, to my relief, a well three houses up. I make my way to it, not to be careless about making my presence known to the living or dead. I kneeled down and washed my face before bringing the water to my lips. Cupped in my hands, the water found it's way to and around my mouth. I sat drinking for a few minutes. I stood up and searched the house for a container. No luck. I drank one more handful of water and decided I had over stayed my welcome.

I traveled back through the house to the main road once again. I listen carefully as I looked up and down the road through the still of the night. Nothing. A fallen tree had blocked my path into the rest of the town. I traversed around the fallen timber carefully, not knowing what lie beyond. I emerged with more houses to my left and a lone house to my right, a dock behind it. I cross the road to inspect the dock.

I round the corner, and drop. Two figures stand ominously in the middle of the wooden walkway jutting into the ocean. I pull my rifle from my back, take aim, and watch. At the feet of the strangers, lumps of dead bodies sprawled out. I had trouble distinguishing between living or dead until one was forced to his knees. I watched in silence as the standing dark shape pull a weapon and pull the trigger aimed for the other. I jumped back into a bush attempting to stay quiet and slow my breathing. The gun shot still echoing in the distance. Silence fell back over the cold of night.

Suddenly, I watched as three more figures erupted from the sides firing shots in the direction of the standing executioner. Flashes of light and thunders of bullets filled the night air. Everything was over now in a blink of an eye. One man stood amongst the rest of the lifeless forms beneath him. I did not know if it was the original or an avenger. I brought my rifle up to my shoulder, found the figure in my sights, and slowed my breathing. I will reap the rewards of those fallen. I close one eye, hand on the trigger, and relax.

Foot steps approach from behind me and I push myself into the wall of the house, fully hidden by the bush. I was to afraid to take the shot if more were near me. I did not want to reveal my location. I listened as the footsteps grew louder. I then watched as a small group of dead rushed passed me to the origin of chaos. I peek out of the bush, gun still in hand, to watch the group head to the rumaging person. With no warning but footsteps, the infected swarmed the person. I watched helplessly as the skilled fighter was able to defend himself and his treasure from the small army. Equipped with a silent weapon, he dropped each one as skillfully as a samurai in battle.

With no hesitation, the warrior decided it was long past time to leave the battleground. He began to flee, and to my horror, in my direction. I ready my gun and press against the cold stone wall once again. Holding my breath, I watched as the faceless figure raced passed me. With footsteps dying away, I put my gun over my shoulder and sat against the wall. That was enough for one night.

submitted by /u/WhatanUnusualname
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Are they ever bringing back 100 player server?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:20 AM PDT

Sorry if this has been said before or confirmed but did they ever say how much players the servers will eventually support? some of the most fun moments were in servers with more players. i remember Dean said he wanted over 100 being possible but maybe that vision doesn't align with the current devs so if someone could answer this it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

submitted by /u/SeizureOpa
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Feel the atmosphere.

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 02:27 AM PDT

The Victorious Chicken

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 03:39 PM PDT

He instantly regretted 'Teaming up'

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:36 AM PDT

''Green clouds are unrealistic'' X-Post from Mildly Interesting

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:14 AM PDT

Mr. Moon and Vertiigo try to go to the devs 0.62 celebration event.

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 05:32 AM PDT

I was experimenting with time lapse ideas, and you can see the wind direction changing with the clouds and trees.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:48 PM PDT

Broke down the 2-part Hicks interview into segments.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:12 AM PDT

If there is anyone who didn't watch the entire 2-part interview or just wants a rundown, here is my x-post from /r/pcgaming.

For those who don't want to watch the whole thing I broke it down into segments. If there are some timestamps that aren't working right please let me know and I'll edit accordingly. Thanks.

Part 1 -

0:00 - Brian's history with the DayZ project

7:45 - Dean's vision for the game vs Brian's vision for the game

12:47 - Game design vs punishing simulator/features tied to the BETA/.63 update

13:25 - Features currently being held back

15:40 - Thoughts on going into Early Access so early into development

17:05 - What is the direction of the game? Survival, PVP or both?

18:32 - Comparing DayZ to PUBG

22:19 - Why the slow development

25:12 - How many devs are currently working on the game? Why not add more developers to speed up the process?

26:10 - Will there be single player?

26:36 - Battle Royale mode?

27:12 - Will the public hive be removed?

28:19 - How much do the devs listen to the player base?

Part 2 -

0:00 - Reliving the original feelings of the mod.

2:23 - Size of the map team?

2:45 - Map endgame features?

3:45 - Additional maps?

4:51 - Base building and barricading?

8:33 - Hot fixing small bugs in .62

9:59 - Is there currently loot spawning?

13:09 - What is being done about the civilian loot situation?

15:10 - Will there be more inland spawning?

16:07 - Re-working the infected?

19:49 - Could players become infected? Would there be a cure?

20:46 - Relying on modders to do their work for them?

20:03 - When do you see BETA going live?

22:38 - How do you think the survival genre is doing at the moment?

24:13 - VR and the future of survival games?

25:25 - Is there anything you'd like to say to players who have lost faith?

submitted by /u/Jakart
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Survivor GameZ did not seem to survive. Where are they?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 02:35 AM PDT

I loved the organized Survivor GameZ events. Narrated and filmed by debug camera it was amazing and packed with intense moments. What happened? Where is it? There has not been an event for a looooong time. I heard there was some castle even recently but as far as i know that was not Survivor GameZ but rather a PVP event.

submitted by /u/mrpotatoeman
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Valet Parking

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:34 AM PDT

This may be the best attempt at trying to conceal a V3S in a shipping container at Zeleno Military Camp


submitted by /u/j47kly
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Body cleanup.

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 08:04 AM PDT

Why is corpse cleanup saved via clients and not on the server itself? I expected a system in which corpses cannot clean up if a player is nearby or cleanup after X amount of time if a player leaves, currently it will not cleanup if a player who was around when that player died is still in the area. But as soon as you move out of the predefined range the corpses are just gone instantly, It's a real pain in the ass.

submitted by /u/RangeCreed
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Car issue in dayz .62. The car has everything it needs, but when I turn it on and press w, it revs up and doesn't go anywhere. It's been like that for every car I've seen, am I doing something wrong?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 07:36 AM PDT

I feel like some of the new aspects of the audio really lets this patch down.

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:09 AM PDT

I like the patch and the freshness it's injected into the game. The game certainly is more atmospheric and I appreciate the devs moving in this direction.

But when playing it I just can't stop myself slowly getting slightly irritated with the audio quality over a long play session.

Some of the ambiance feels like they've been pulled from that 1997 game Tresspasser.

Why does that one particular bird haunt me around the entire island with its continual omnipresence.

Well I guess its something that can get iterated on in the future.

submitted by /u/Gentree
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Do M4'S spawn somewhere else expect tisy and helicopters?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 06:04 AM PDT

Fishing possibly not working?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:31 AM PDT

Good evening/morning. As most of you in this sub have probably already done, I decided to give the latest DayZ update a try after being away for a few months. Starting with the basics and crafting a stone knife, ten minutes later I had created myself a improvised bow and arrows, and a fishing pole.

However, it appears the fishing mechanic is not working correctly at the moment. The improvised fishing pole would not give me the option to start fishing, neither from the pier nor the beach. And yes, I did have a hook with a be work attached.

Later on, I looted a telescoping fishing rod off a zombie, which did work properly and have me the option to start fishing. Unfortunately despite getting the message "you have caught a fish!" I was unable to find a fish in my inventory, nor in the immediate area. Needless to say, I died of starvation about a half hour later.

Have any of you guys experienced similar difficulties in fishing? Also, have they gotten rid of the berry bushes? I wasn't able to find any.

Any ideas, suggestions, or corrective input would be appreciated. Server was public, TX 2-19, running latest patch.


submitted by /u/FPSHoops
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Living charecters?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 04:11 AM PDT

Sup, i am curious about an issue with my living characters. Mostly the issue is when i joined a public server to gather stuff for my base, and then when i found what i needed, i wanted to join the other server (where the base itself is). So after jumping off from one public server to another, i am suddenly a freshspawn. After checking the info on the server list, it says they are 2 separate characters. Why is this a thing on public servers? Isnt this what private hives are for?

submitted by /u/Arnios1
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Day Z: Chapter 3 (fanfic)

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:10 PM PDT

Chapter One


Chapter Two


The next morning was overcast, gray, cooler. I hadn't slept well, but I had slept enough. We collectively decided to go out and start scavenging once there was enough daylight. Fear pushed us into activity; sitting around and dwelling on our circumstances and our loss would drive us crazy.


Oleg and Viking knew of a village through the woods to our northwest. It was a tougher hike than it first appeared; there was no path, and a big hill that left us all winded. We descended the other side, making our way through the thickets and over the occasional fallen firs. We tried to make as little noise as possible, but if anyone was within a hundred feet or so they would have heard us trudging through the undergrowth. But we were alone.


The houses and buildings of the village finally appeared through the trees. We crept near the edge of the treeline and watched. After a few minutes a stumbling infected ambled around the corner of a house. Then another. We spotted a third on the western edge of the village. We watched them wander for a time, then Viking and Oleg had a short, quiet conversation in Russian. Viking turned to me.


"We cross near the one that is alone, over there," pointing to the western infected. "We take it down, quiet if we can. They have bad eyesight, so hopefully other two don't notice." I nodded and we pushed west through the trees. Oleg clutched his crowbar, Viking his garden hoe. Oleg whispered something, Viking gave a curt nod, and before I knew it Oleg was across the road, his crowbar in the side of the infected local's head. It crumpled to the ground. Oleg pried his bloody crowbar out of the dead old man and motioned us across. A glance at the other two infected revealed them still stumbling around at the other end of the village; they hadn't been alerted. We crossed in a low trot, and the move across the open ground made me feel extremely exposed. Everything was a potential combat situation now.


We crept up to the door of the first house, a one-story painted yellow with green trim. It was locked, but Oleg pried it open with the crowbar. The disgusting scent of decomposing flesh assaulted us all as we entered. A dead local couple lay on the kitchen floor. My head spun, and I felt a pang of nausea, but I held myself together. My companions seemed to have similar reactions. The dead woman lay face down in a pool of dried blood. The man had apparently blown his own brains out afterwards…and the pistol was still in his hand!


Viking gingerly reached down and pried the pistol out of the corpse's grip. He slid the receiver back: empty. He popped the magazine out and it was empty too. He looked at us and shrugged, as if to say, "better than nothing." It was true. If we could find some ammunition, we might stand a chance against whatever crazies (and infected) were roaming this country now. He tucked the pistol into the waistband of his jeans. Taking in the whole scene, I felt like I was in a bad movie. But the smell…the smell was too real. I wanted nothing more than to run away, but I held my panic down.


We rifled through the rest of the house and found nothing useful. We crept on to the next house, this time mercifully devoid of rotting corpses. Here we located a red child's school backpack. It was comically small on Oleg, but it was once again better than nothing. I looked through the wardrobe in the bedroom and found a blue raincoat. Although brightly-colored, I decided being warm and dry was more important than being inconspicuous, and put it on.


We went on like that, house to house. There were no more bodies, but plenty of bloodstains. Creeping around the infected, we looted their former homes and sheds. The search was productive: wool coats for Oleg and Viking, some rope, a flashlight with no battery, more matches, a cooking pot, and a plastic water bottle. But the best find (other than the pistol) was in the final shed: a wood-splitting axe. It was in pristine condition, and Viking handed it to me with a grin.


"Now you can try killing one of those things!" I didn't necessarily share his enthusiasm at that prospect. But damn it was good to have a weapon, any kind of weapon. Plus we could use it for firewood. I looked back towards the forest and noticed for the first time that some of the leaves were starting to turn orange and gold. Autumn was around the corner.



On the way back through the woods, I absently noted the beauty of this country once again. It felt good to be outdoors, even under these crazy circumstances. It was good to be alive. The smell of the pines and dirt, the roiling low grey clouds…everything seemed a little sharper and more vivid than usual.


We got back to the barn and I immediately got to work gathering firewood from small trees and saplings. The slate-gray clouds rushing overhead looked ominous. Sure enough, as soon as I had gathered enough wood for the night, a gentle rain began to fall. I silently thanked God for holding it off that long. As I got the fire prepared in the barn, the gentle rain became steadier, and soon it was pouring. The temperature dropped sharply. We hadn't found any food, but we had warmth and a roof over our heads. I said a silent prayer for the good people who doubtless were stuck out in the rain, hungry and cold and alone.


Out of the child's backpack, Oleg produced a bottle that neither of us had noticed him find earlier. Wearing an impish grin, he caught Viking's attention, who threw up his arms in victory. A bottle of Vodka. We'd be having a liquid dinner. I insisted they drink and relax while I stood watch, staring out in to the pouring rain, my breath coming out in small clouds before me. In turn, they insisted that I have at least one shot. So I did. It produced a pleasant burn in my belly. But, alcohol being a depressant after all, it only made me think of my family (whose fate was -and still is- unknown to me), and my fiancée. But the other two were laughing and joking in Russian and having a grand old time. I guess vodka was just what the doctor ordered for them. A short time later they offered to stand watch while I relaxed, but I waved them off. I was tired, but I dreaded the nightmares I'd suffered the previous evening. My stomach rumbled insistently. We'd have to find some food in the morning. Soon enough it was dark, they were snoring, and the remains of the fire cast a dull glow in the barn.


Late that night, the rain storm sputtered out, and the pops of gunfire began in the distance once again. The Berezino party was coming back to life. I shook my head. A waste of perfectly good ammo. But I also felt a pang of fear. Sooner or later they would find us.


Above, the clouds parted, and a brilliant blanket of stars revealed itself. The Milky Way was clearly visible; it was amazing how the night sky looked with no light pollution. I remembered reading that there were 2 trillion galaxies in the known universe, each with an estimated average of 100 million stars. If we were small and insignificant before, we were even more so now. If there were aliens observing us, I reflected they must have been watching all of this with grim amusement. After all we had accomplished as a civilization over thousands of years, our greatest skill turned out to be killing each other. I sighed and shook my head, and looked back at my two passed-out compatriots. At least there were still some good people left in this world. For the moment.

submitted by /u/boof_bonser
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How To WolfZ in 3 Steps

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:49 PM PDT

Dayz SA, ultra 2560x1440p

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:37 PM PDT

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