Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: Team Naventic (2-10) vs Team 8 (8-4) :: Discussion Thread

HGC North America :: Team Naventic (2-10) vs Team 8 (8-4) :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:00 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: No Tomorrow (3-9) vs Team Freedom (4-8) :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match was planned to start at 16:30 PT / 1:30 CET, 30 minutes before this post was posted, so it should be starting very soon.


Community challenges


Team Naventic vs Team 8
bigempct ranged - support Buds
bkid warrior - flex Glaurung
Kenma support - warrior Justing
Tomster flex - flex Prismaticism
Zuna flex - flex YoDa


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Initial map bans:

Team Naventic Team 8
? ?

Game version

HGC EU/NA week 9 is played on the live patch (Heroes 2.0 launch patch + two hotfix patches), but Genji is not allowed.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch -

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Recently my girlfriend made pretty good (?) Murky wallpaper. Any opinions/thoughts?

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:55 AM PDT

http://i.imgur.com/hpzLDl4.jpg. So here it is. I guess she was too excited about my stories of hots 2.0, that she decided to draw my favorite character. Enjoy :D

submitted by /u/TeemawMyLove
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[Suggestion] VS IA game should not be taken into account in the average Winrate

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:43 AM PDT

Pretty much title, I played a lot of IA game back in the day, before finding friends and playing a lot of game with them, but my winrate is still very high because I have almost 100% winrate in VS AI game. I dopn't think they mean anything and they shouldn't be taken into account in the average winrate.

submitted by /u/Griinty
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ALL the hero trailers!

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:54 AM PDT

Here's a compiled list of all the hero trailers so far, in case you've missed some of them ;) And yeah long list is looong.

Also don't forget to re-check our cinematic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ecv0bT9DEo (It's awesome!)

submitted by /u/AwesomeTet
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Can we please get a Tracer announcer?

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:55 AM PDT

Tracer always has an awesome attitude, fun accent and is a ton of fun! Would love to have her as an announcer!

Do you agree? Or is there some other announcer that you're really looking forward to?

submitted by /u/Errond
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[Suggestion] Please keep the Mega Bundles around.

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:15 PM PDT

I hopefully shouldn't need to explain why, but they're such a wonderful addition to the Nexus that it boggles my mind why they're taking them away. It's a huge boon to new players trying to get into the game, many of my friends who have tried the game are grateful to have so many heroes to pick from right from the start. Obviously I'd much prefer if heroes were just free, but I think that ship sailed a long time ago.

You can even bump them up to 1000 gems to "force" new players to buy one with the 1000 gems you get early on. Please, Blizzard. It's still so difficult to earn heroes in 2.0, but the Mega Bundles go a long long way to mitigating that. I know some of my friends would not have given this game a try at all before because the heroes are not free, but this helped convince them.

submitted by /u/Poultron
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[Spoiler] It's all about the top tier play with top tier caster

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:08 PM PDT

I found a way to make HOTS run on dual core instead of single core.

Posted: 06 May 2017 12:22 PM PDT

Dear redditors,

I been playing HOTS from March 2016 to present. I am running on dual core system with 4GB RAM on Windows 7. A modest or low end system. The issue I have with HOTS is that its running on single core at full load in game, while the other core barely does anything. I accidentally found a way to make it run on dual core equally. 1. Turn on the game HOTS. 2. While in game, Alt Tab into windows. 3. Open Task Manager, go to Heroesofthestorm.exe in the process tab, right click on it and set Affinity to a single core. 4. Alt tab or left click on HOTS to get back in the game. 5. Alt tab back out of the game and set affinity back to all cores for the game at the process tab.

Voila. Game's running on both cores for my system and in game experience is much much smoother. That heavy feeling is gone and the character move much more responsive.

Please try it you guys if you have the same single core problem regardless of your cpu having multiple cores and see if it works.

Yes, you have to re-apply it everytime you start the game. But what the heck, it only takes 5 seconds to do it and it improves the game experience so much for me. I dont mind at all. What about you guys? Do you have this problem? Does it work for you? Note: May be able to skip step 4. I dont know.

submitted by /u/FerryAce
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Tempo cattlepillar - In depth Zarya guide

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:10 PM PDT

HGC Professional Malfurion Bolt of the Storm Play

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:33 PM PDT

When are we getting the full map rotation back?

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:14 AM PDT

Sorry if this has been asked or whatever, but just wondering if we know when we'll be seeing the full map rotation again. One of the things I love most about this game compared to other moba's is map diversity and I'm getting kind of bored of getting Hanamura every second match.

I know Hanamura has only just been released, but it'd still be nice to know when the old maps will be back.

submitted by /u/Shunnedxo
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"Trust." (feat Grubby)

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:20 PM PDT

Blizzard really hammering how bad brightwing is in this Meta...

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:42 AM PDT

Now that we have Police Hovercycles...

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:53 AM PDT

We need some hero skins that go with them. Riot police Johanna would be my first choice. Cadet Tracer, K-9 unit Greymane and Captain Raynor would also be acceptable.

submitted by /u/ArdentGamer
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Describe a Hero Using Only Emojis

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:41 PM PDT

Stolen from some other subreddit.

Easy: 🐼☕🐉

Medium: 😠💯💯🎂

Hard: 💬🏥

Here's some extra text so AutoModerator doesn't delete this topic. Apparently it was too short last time. Let's hope I don't trip any of Automod's banned words.

submitted by /u/Skandranonsg
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As a League player HOTS has been a blast to play with it's diversity in Hero mechanics!

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:21 AM PDT

In League a lot of champions stay similar due to balance reasons, but being able to do so many different things in HOTS has been really fun and reminds me of some of the first days when i played a MOBA.
Heroes like Abathur, Sgt. Hammer, Medivh and Valeera have been a completely different experience. I can't wait to try out more Heroes!

submitted by /u/kajsawesome
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Blizzard should add more Challenges in Hots =D

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:25 AM PDT

I just played the Veteran Challenge and I really think there is a big opportunity here for Blizzard to expand on. It would be a lot of fun to have a game mode designed around a list of challenges that Blizzard could continually put out.

This would allow Blizzard to really highlight specific heroes, maps, and skill sets in the game by creating mini scenarios like expanded versions of the Veterans Challenge. This could be flavorful content that would be beneficial towards new players trying to get into the game as a learning process as well as towards more hard core fans as a way to practice certain mechanics.

This would also be a great addition for the fans who enjoy a more single player focused experience and who get stressed out from the competitive scene, as well as an extra avenue to gain additional rewards or loot boxes.

The Challenges could certainly be manageable to produce in the games current engine and possibly if it does well could open up community challenges which would be a great opportunity for Blizzard fans to show off their talents and creativity.

So what are your thoughts reddit?

submitted by /u/Meeqs
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When their team is thirsty but you've got the jam. [Azmodunk]

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:53 PM PDT

Which heroes are canonically dead in their universe?

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:20 PM PDT

Sylvannas and other undead or resurrected folks don't count.

Spoilers below, obviously.

Here are a few quick ones I can confirm. Uther, killed by Arthas. Ragnaros, killed by the Centarion Circle and adventurers. Arthas, killed by adventurers. Varian, killed by Gul'Dan.

Is Gul'Dan dead? I haven't been following Legion story too closely, but I know he's a final boss.

Medivh and Kael'Thas? I dunno about these two, but maybe?

Tychus, killed by Raynor. I don't know much about Starcraft or Diablo lore, so someone else will have to fill in the rest.

submitted by /u/thixotrofic
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Genji + Braxis Boss interaction ends with an instant 1v5 teamwipe. (GIF)

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:20 PM PDT


My friend made this play today and I thought it was worth sharing. The super high RPM from the boss causes genji to remove 4 enemies from the game in an instant.

submitted by /u/REASER0
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Can we get a quality filter for the skins?

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:53 AM PDT

It would be nice to filter by legendary/epic/rare/common items. The main point is already people perceive the value of their items by rarety even if some commons are more appealing than rares in my opinion so why not just let us sort it without clicking on each hero to see which skins we have.

submitted by /u/F1relord
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I just ruined Sylvanas for myself

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:20 PM PDT

If you're borderline OCD like myself, don't keep reading.

This has been bothering me way more than it should for the past few days but look at Sylvanas' quiver. It's way too small! She wouldn't even be able to draw her bow with arrows that small!

End rant.

submitted by /u/reiqwer
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Making the Nexus challenge not being completed vs AI was a mistake

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:26 AM PDT

I love Hots, and I play this game since the end of the open beta, but my brother never played Heroes, but he play overwatch. So since DVa is his main, he really wanted the new skin. So we play together (he choose Zarya), and we start to play. We aren't 5 minutes into the game, and the enemy Zeratul kill my brother, who was kind of scared after. Then the flaming started. Everytime my brother wasn't with the team, one player pinged him 3 to 5 times. One other said "wtf zarya" after he died again vs Zeratul. I said nicely in the chat that he his a new player, and that he doesn't know how to play well, then 2 minutes later, someone afk to the base and said "fuck this, I'm out" and leaved the game. Then the two other player, everytime my brother died, said "Zarya uninstall". In the end, my bother had 6 death, and the other two players 4 and 5. I know he didn't played well, but at least he tried. I reported those two players, that's the best I can do, but he as 3 games left, and I fear that thoses games will have the same problems.

I think that it was a mistake to make the nexus challenge QM, Unraked or raked only because players who only want the skin throw games, and the new players who try the game get people making fun of them, insulting their lack of knowledge in the game, and they have bad experience.

submitted by /u/Griinty
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Insane genji play!

Posted: 05 May 2017 09:39 PM PDT

Pros talk about Genji + hero analysis

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:08 AM PDT

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