Smite - Super Chronos 64 Cosplay

Super Chronos 64 Cosplay

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:44 PM PDT

Voodoo Kuku skin concept [OC]

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:25 PM PDT

Got this idea in my head on my drive home the other day and couldn't resist sketching it out! Thought you might enjoy :)

Link to instagram if you're interested in progress shots:

submitted by /u/intarcuate
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Guys Today is Hindumans Birthday!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:50 AM PDT

Spam him on twitter so he doesn't flame us! -->


submitted by /u/Assassin2023
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Kumbha gets Cabrakan'd

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 04:31 PM PDT

Nemesis Combat Guide by DMBrandon

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:23 AM PDT

Why there is no investment in Smite's own lore?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:50 PM PDT

Before you guys say "Hey, Smite has a bunch of gods with their own myths, they already have lore", well, I'm not talking about the lore that led to the worship of these gods, but the lore that connects these gods to each other in this particular game. You know, if Smite represents a "Battleground of the Gods", where gods from all mythologies come to fight, how and why did they start mixing with each other to begin with?

I know that they made comics, but they don't promote those one bit, I don't even know if they still make those. The last time we got a promotion related to the comics was in an Odyssey where you would get a comic if you got X things from the Odyssey. The closest thing we got afterwards, which is pretty damn far, is an animation of Anubis fighting against Hades in a video (trailer, I think?) about Smite Rivals (a game which we haven't heard about for a long time as well, now). So, why did HiRez never touch it? If it was done, Smite could end up a franchise beyond just gaming and we would see it as more than just a loose compilation of myths.

submitted by /u/DunnoWhatever
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List of non-playable Gods that have been mentioned in lore

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:47 AM PDT

I thought it'd be interesting to put a list of the Gods, Goddesses, monsters, and important figures who aren't playable but have been mentioned in the lore of those who are. As well as this, I'll list the Gods that are mentioned in the pantheon lore, too. I'll be putting Greek and Romans together for listing purposes.


*The Dagda (mentioned in Celtic pantheon lore)

*Esus (mentioned in Celtic pantheon lore)

*Lug/Lugus (mentioned in Celtic pantheon lore)

*Brigit (mentioned in Celtic pantheon lore)

*Epona (mentioned in Celtic pantheon lore)


*The Jade Emperor/Yu Huang (mentioned in Chinese pantheon, Ao Kuang, Chang'e, Erlang Shen, Sun Wukong lore)

*Pangu (mentioned in Chinese pantheon lore)

*Ao Shun (mentioned in He Bo lore as Dragon King of the Northern Sea)

*Di Jun (mentioned in Hou Yi lore)

*Yan Di (mentioned in Jing Wei, Xing Tian lore as the Flame Emperor)

*Taiyi Zhenren (mentioned in Ne Zha lore)

*Ao Bing (mentioned in Ne Zha lore)

*Fu Xi (mentioned in Nu Wa lore)

*Xuanzang (mentioned in Sun Wukong lore)

*Huangdi (mentioned in Xing Tian lore as the Yellow Emperor)

*Yama (mentioned in Zhong Kui lore)


*Atum (mentioned in Egyptian pantheon lore)

*Hapi (mentioned in Egyptian pantheon lore)

*Horus (mentioned in Egyptian pantheon lore, Isis lore)

*Menhet (mentioned in Anhur lore)

*Nephthys (mentioned in Anubis lore)

*Set (mentioned in Anubis, Isis, Osiris, Thoth lore)

*Ma'at (mentioned in Anubis, Geb, Ra lore)

*Nut (mentioned in Geb lore)

*Shu (mentioned in Geb lore)

*Hathor (mentioned in Ra lore)


*Cronos/Saturn (mentioned in Greek pantheon Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, Terra lore)

*Hestia/Vesta (mentioned in Greek panethon lore)

*Pax/Eirene (mentioned in Roman pantheon lore)

*Hera/Juno (mentioned in Greek pantheon, Roman pantheon, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Zeus, Hercules, Vulcan lore)

*Leto/Latona (mentioned in Apollo, Artemis lore)

*Pan/Faunas (mentioned in Apollo lore)

*Phobos/Timor (mentioned in Ares lore)

*Deimos/Formido (mentioned in Ares lore)

*Adonis (mentioned in Artemis lore)

*Otos & Ephialtes (mentioned in Artemis lore)

*Actaeon (mentioned in Artemis lore)

*Perseus (mentioned in Chiron

*Achilles (mentioned in Chiron lore)

*Ananke/Necessitas (mentioned in Chronos lore)

*Rhea/Ops (mentioned in Hades, Zeus lore)

*Demeter/Ceres (mentioned in Hades lore)

*Persephone/Proserpina (mentioned in Hades lore)

*Narcissus (mentioned in Nemesis lore)

*Charybdis (mentioned in Scylla lore)

*Psyche (mentioned in Cupid lore)

*Uranus/Caelus (mentioned in Terra lore)

*Thetis (mentioned in Vulcan lore)


*Brahma (mentioned in Hindu pantheon, Kumbharkarna lore)

*Vishnu (mentioned in Hindu pantheon lore, Rama title, Ravana lore, Vamana lore)

*Shiva (mentioned in Hindu pantheon, Ganesha, Rama, Ravana lore)

*Manu (mentioned in Hindu pantheon lore)

*Shatarupa (mentioned in Hindu pantheon lore)

*Indra (mentioned in Agni, Kumbhakarna, Vamana lore)

*Bhima (mentioned in Bakasura lore)

*Parvati (mentioned in Ganesha, Kali (called Devi), lore)

*Durga (mentioned in Kali lore)

*Raktabija (mentioned in Kali lore)

*Laksharma (mentioned in Rama lore)

*Sita (mentioned in Rama lore)

*Hanuman (mentioned in Ravana lore as the Monkey King)

*Bali (mentioned in Vamana lore)


*Usume (mentioned in Amaterasu lore)

*Kagutsuchi (mentioned in Izanami lore as the God of Fire)

*Izanagi (mentioned in Izanami, Susano lore)

*Fujin (mentioned in Raijin lore)

*Kushinadahime (mentioned in Susano lore as the couple's young daughter).

*Orochi (mentioned in Susano lore)


*Huracan (mentioned in Mayan pantheon lore)

*Itzamna (mentioned in Mayan pantheon lore)

*Hun Hunapu (mentioned in Mayan pantheon, Hun Batz, Xbalanque lore)

*Hunahpu (mentioned in Mayan pantheon, Camazotz, Hun Batz, Xbalanque lore)

*Seven Macaw/Vucub Caquix (mentioned in Cabrakan, Xbalanque lore)

*Kinich Ahau (mentioned in Chaac lore as the God of the Sun)

*Hun Chouen (mentioned in Hun Batz lore)


*Audhumla (mentioned in Norse pantheon lore)

*Buri (mentioned in Norse pantheon lore)

*Borr (mentioned in Norse pantheon lore)

*Bestla (mentioned in Norse pantheon lore)

*Vili (mentioned in Norse pantheon, Odin lore)

*Ve (mentioned in Norse pantheon, Odin lore)

*Hreidmar (mentioned in Fafnir lore)

*Od (mentioned in Freya lore)

*Baldr (mentioned in Loki lore)

*Frigg (mentioned in Loki lore)

*Hodr (mentioned in Loki lore)

*Sigyn (mentioned in Loki lore)

*Sleipnir (mentioned in Odin lore)

*Nidhogg (mentioned in Ratatoskr lore)

*Thjazir (mentioned in Skadi lore)

*Niord (mentioned in Skadi lore)

*Mani (mentioned in Sol lore)

*Sif (mentioned in Thor lore)

*Brokk (mentioned in Thor lore)

This list took a lot longer and is a lot bigger than I expected. I didn't put down all the children of Nox and all the names mentioned in Guan Yu's lore since that would really bloat the list a lot more. I hope this helps people realise how many more Gods could be added to Smite in the coming years!

submitted by /u/AbyssOfTheAzure
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When things go bad..

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:54 PM PDT

Hirez should look at how Blizzard creates their adventure

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:30 PM PDT

For those who don't know what I'm talking about If you know what the uprising game mode is in Overwatch, you can go to the next paragraph

Overwatch has introduced its new game mode available for a couple of weeks only : Uprising.

It's basically a PVE experience that puts you in the middle of a fight directly directed to the lore. You can play as one of the 4 characters available (out of the 24 playable in the base game)and each of them have lines directly connected to it too, and the map is full of plenty of tiny details really interesting about the whole thing. It is a real coop experience that is genuinely funny. And all that in a map that was already implemented in the base game!

Just think about it

People want to know more about the lore of the gods, who they're fighting for, if they're good or evil, etc... People want to know more about all that.

People also want a new, unique experience. I think the last two modes are enough to prove that. We don't want a racing game. We don't want a capture the flag. We want something new.

What I think would be great

A lore related adventure directly in the conquest map (or siege, clash, etc...) with some visual tweaks that explains how the gods ended up fighting each others for example (kind of like how Smite Tactics does it) You'd roam in the map with your team, fighting gods or other entities one by one while discovering new things about the whole lore.

This is just an idea, but I believe these kind of adventures could be really unique and fun for everyone.

But if Hirez doesn't try that : atleastbringbackdomination

submitted by /u/Tokipudi
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Ummm, where did this Nox come from?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:09 PM PDT

How about more retro skins?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:24 AM PDT

I stumbled upon beta material (inb4 still beta) and I realized that there are some rather great Retro skins. Hi-Rez, you can actually capitalize of this!

Retro Loki with original Voicepack
And almost as good as that:
Party Monkey skin for Hun Batz


submitted by /u/Vaeldyn
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A Support's True Joy

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:03 AM PDT

I'm playing Guan Yu in Arena and my Kali went balls deep in the enemy's territory being chased by a Fenrir and Athena. These two enemies are very trigger happy when it comes to their movement skills so i body block the dash, turn and body block the jump whilst my back is to my enemies carrying my Kali to safety. Fortunately she makes it. I get a "Thanks!" to which i responded "No Problem!". She then says " Love you."

That simple gesture of appreciation made my entire morning. When a team works cohesively is the best thing ever. Just wanted to share this story with the community.

submitted by /u/mysticgamer007
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A small oversight with the implementation of Loading Backgrounds

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:41 PM PDT

Tips for Zhong!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:08 AM PDT

I'm a rank 10 Zhong and have been playing him way before the buffs he is mainly the only mage I play and I wanna just give some tips for anyone wanting to play him as he is getting some spl love!

1st. If you build defense, build it last and don't build hide. In the build I will show you, you will not have any cooldown and one of the cloaks with cooldown is amazing as a last item.

2nd. Build damage first and foremost. His protections early game are more then enough to survive any skirmish.

  1. Build lifesteal. Poly or Bancroft he can set up his own poly procs pretty well but the increased life steal on Bancroft when your in your ultimate is pretty damn nice.

  2. Spear of the magus. If they have a healer comp you have to get divine rune but otherwise this is an amazing item.

  3. His level 1 is OKAY a 4/5 second slow is nice but DO NOT INITIATE to hard but once you hit level 2 you can bully most other mid laners.

  4. Always try to throw autos in early the extra damage from his book hurts alot early..

  5. In solo fights use 1,3,2 in team fights unless your setting someone up is 1,2,3. This is because the stub on his 3 can setup him up for a free auto attack and if you have poly you will destroy them.

  6. Lastly, don't be afraid to use your ult. During it you get double protection and you may just kill anyone trying to chase you down. The REAL combo is 1,Ult...wait/chase/3 or 2. AA


This is the build I normally run and I have done amazingly well with it.

Start : Soulstone/Time t1 boots Mana chalice 2 health pots.

THEN ::: Power boots, Bancroft. At this point your 1,2 combo will half health someone and if they aren't positioned well you full clear the lane too.

NEXT :: Spear of magus, Gem of Iso...These two items are absolutely core on him. His slow on his 1 and his ult with gems is disgusting.

Lastly:: the last two items are a little weird you should go 2 of these three not matter what though. Voidstone,Mantle,Tahuti. Voidstone absolutely of your ahead, that is 70 protection shred from spear and void stone. As long as your in their face which guess what you are.

This build pumps out alot of damage and people actually run when you ult instead of trying to burn you down. Zhong if ahead is a nightmare to deal with cause he can take so much damage and heal almost to full.

Hope this helps if anyone has any suggestions lemme know, good luck!

submitted by /u/RoundedTikTak
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[Skin Concept] Hazmat Fafnir

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:53 PM PDT

Fafnir Design

Dragon Form Design


Passive: Glowing green smoke comes out from him

Cursed Strength: Throws a blob of glowing green sludge, splashing and releasing waves of radioactivity

Coerce: Affected Ally or himself will start having green steam coming from them and green electricity with a Nuclear Alarm Sound. They will have a small nuclear symbol above them

Underhanded Tactics: Leaps and releases waves of green electric radioactivity and black smoke

Dragonic Corruption: A Nuclear Power Plant alarm sound goes off and Fafnir begins to breath like Darth Vader while rising up into the air, mutating into a horrible mutant monster as seen in the design. He also releases radioactive liquid out upon changing, poisoning those in the radius as they turn glow green with green smoke and electricity


Cursed Strength: Spits a radioactive projectile of sludge. Hitting enemies will cause a small mushroom cloud with a radioactive wave

Coerce: The ground glows green and has a red biohazard symbol. Allies with this buff glow green and have a red biohazard symbol above them

Underhanded Tactics: Leaps and bites with an explosion of radioactive liquid

Dragonic Corruption Time Up: He goes back to his original form, continuing the darth vader breathing for a bit

submitted by /u/aGoodCabinet
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Checo Outplays myflin

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:06 PM PDT

Ward Count

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:29 PM PDT

I'm just here to say that I enjoy that Ward Count feature...
It makes easier to see who actually wards, and how much too. I don't get upset as much seeing someone go negative but at least he warded and tried to help the team.
Respect to the Warders!
Are there other features you guys would like to see in-game similar to this one?

submitted by /u/Xtinct7
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[God Concept] Arthur, The One True King

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:15 PM PDT

Hey Smite Redditors. Here's a concept for King Arthur as a Celtic God. I know he is not strictly a deity but his character seems to be based in Celtic Mythology so I thought it would be fun to give him a kit!


Pantheon - Celtic
Class - Warrior

Passive - Excalibur's Scabbard - Excalibur's Scabbard heals all mortal wounds. After Arthur takes damage from an enemy ability he will heal for 2% of his maximum health.

Bash and Slash - Arthur firstly bashes with his shield, damaging enemies in a short cone in front of him and causing them to be slowed. Arthur then follows up with a slash from excalibur, hitting enemies in a line.

Bash Damage - 50/70/90/110/130 (+25%)
Slash Damage - 90/140/190/240/290 (+65%)
Cooldown - 12s
Bash Range - 15 feet
Slash Range - 50 feet

The One True King - All must obey the command of the One True King. Enemies in a cone in front of Arthur are silenced and disarmed for a duration.

Silence/Disarm Duration - 1s/1.5/1.5/2s/2.5s
Cooldown - 13s
Range - 30 feet

Heroic Charge - Arthur holds his shield high and charges forward gaining damage reduction from the front. If he hits an enemy god he will stop in place, root them, and slash them twice.

Slash Damage - 50/80/110/150/190 (30%)
Damage Reduction - 30%
Cooldown - 17s
Range - 30 feet

EXCALIBUR! - Arthur roots himself in place, gaining damage reduction and CC immunity. Golden, glowing energy spins around Arthur in a vortex as he holds Excalibur above his head with both hands.. Arthur can then bring Excalibur down, causing a beam of light to cascade forward damaging all enemies in its path. Once this ability is activated Arthur has six seconds to swing Excalibur or the gathered energy will be lost and this ability will go on cooldown.

Damage - 320/440/560/680/800 (80%)
Damage Reduction - 50%
Cooldown - 90s
Range - 120 feet

PS - The ultimate was heavily inspired by the signature attack of the character Saber from the popular fate series.

submitted by /u/Kristofski
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Obey Alliance vs. ElevateGG | SCL Spring Finals Semis Post Match Discussion

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:26 PM PDT



SCL Spring Finals Semis



Obey Elevate
Skadi Susano
The Morrigan Cabrakan
Vulcan Medusa
He Bo Sylvanus

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A Obey elv K/D/A God
Xing Tian 1/1/9 IamDwurst delnyy 1/4/3 Bellona
Awilix 7/0/3 myflin DoctorL 2/5/2 Hun Batz
Zeus 3/3/12 DeltaMarine72 oBoronic 3/1/2 Ra
Odin 2/0/13 pbnjellly FlatKenshin 0/5/5 Khepri
Hou Yi 6/2/10 AirCougar72 MichaelCheco 0/4/3 Chronos
Gold: 83.7k Game Time: 32:12 Gold: 61.4k
Total Kills: 19 Winner: Obey Total Kills: 6


Obey Elevate
Susano Awilix
Skadi Odin
Chang'e Hun Batz
The Morrigan Terra

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A Obey elv K/D/A God
Xing Tian 2/3/0 IamDwurst delnyy 5/1/10 Bellona
Ratatoskr 1/3/3 myflin DoctorL 7/2/14 Cabrakan
Zeus 1/4/3 DeltaMarine72 oBoronic 3/1/12 Vulcan
Khepri 0/5/1 pbnjellly FlatKenshin 2/1/14 Ares
Medusa 3/6/1 AirCougar72 MichaelCheco 4/2/13 Hou Yi
Gold: 64.5k Game Time: 33:06 Gold: 85.8k
Total Kills: 7 Winner: Elevate Total Kills: 21


Obey Elevate
Skadi Awilix
Cabrakan Susano
Ares Zeus
Chang'e Vulcan

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A Obey elv K/D/A God
Xing Tian 4/2/13 IamDwurst delnyy 3/5/14 Bellona
Hun Batz 5/6/14 myflin DoctorL 5/7/15 The Morrigan
Scylla 6/7/12 DeltaMarine72 oBoronic 7/2/9 Neith
Odin 3/3/15 pbnjellly FlatKenshin 0/3/7 Khepri
Medusa 6/8/11 AirCougar72 MichaelCheco 11/7/4 Ao Kuang
Gold: 102.4k Game Time: 49:44 Gold: 102.1k
Total Kills: 24 Winner: Elevate Total Kills: 26


Obey Elevate
Skadi Awilix
The Morrigan Susano
Chang'e Scylla
Nemesis Hun Batz

Final Scoreboard

God K/D/A Obey elv K/D/A God
Cabrakan 1/6/2 IamDwurst delnyy 5/0/16 Bellona
Ao Kuang 1/4/3 myflin DoctorL 5/3/14 Serqet
Medusa 3/3/1 DeltaMarine72 oBoronic 6/2/9 Zeus
Sylvanus 1/7/1 pbnjellly FlatKenshin 1/0/14 Khepri
Neith 0/4/2 AirCougar72 MichaelCheco 7/1/7 Hou Yi
Gold: 55.5k Game Time: 29:00 Gold: 78.1k
Total Kills: 6 Winner: Elevate Total Kills: 24
submitted by /u/Srixis
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Did not receive emote for First Win of the Day

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:08 AM PDT

Title, did HiRez forgot or is it bugged

submitted by /u/zdenipeni
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Idea: Allowing jungle practice and custom between games.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:19 AM PDT

I think having this would make the long queues more bearable. In Rocket league you can choose training and go into it while you wait in queue for a game. If we could enter jungle practice or custom games it would give us something to do while we wait.

submitted by /u/Sol_Is_Bae
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QOL change for guan yu Grim skin

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Guan Yu's passive was changed and it would be helpful to see on His grim skin when his passive is active

submitted by /u/PM___ME___BOOTY
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[Idea] Co-Op vs AI should respect the "Calling" option, that way you can practice "off-the-wall" things.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:26 PM PDT

For example; maybe I want to take Cernunnos/Ymir into the Jungle, Ah Muzen Cab into solo, Support with Aphrodite/Hel/Chang'e, or Mid a Hunter or something.

I like to take Gods I haven't played yet into this mode and, if I can already play a God in the "proper" role, take Gods out of their role and see how they do.

However, I don't want to switch up a God role in an actual game and make others suffer for my wanting to learn.

This might also help cut down on trolls or dummies screwing up a game because they want to be Ymir ADC.

submitted by /u/ProN00bMan
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Whats wrong with Arachne and how to make her better then just a pub stomp god

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:04 AM PDT

Arachne is in a bad spot. If one just looks at her win rate it may not see it, but Arachne is only good at casual or low to mid ranked levels, and anything higher then that you need to be VERY good with arachne to do anything. I love arachne to death and I have to admit she's not in a good spot, and the only time she was recently was with pre 4.0 Heartseeker.

How is she in a bad spot, she just totaly wrecks my games, you may be asking. Allow me to go into detail. Arachne is the definition of a Pub stomp god. She has great 1v1 skills and can beat almost anyone 1v1 if she can get close. A lot of newer players or people who don;t know how to deal with arachne can easily feed her and once she is ahead she is very hard to stop. But that can be said for any character. However with Arachne if you know how to deal woth her, don't go on your own too often, and ward correctly, she will never be able to surprise gank you and you can easily get away.

Arachne is the only god in the game thats forced to build multiple movement speed items for her to be effective. with only her web has a means to catch people, she needs to be fast. Luckily the movement and Power tree works well with her kit but she prefered old heartseeker to the new one. She got more AS, and extra power with all her skills, that boosted her strong Auto damage and her 1 damage.

Arachne is also an early game god, but unlike other early game gods like Thanatos, Neith, Chaac, anhur, ect, Arachne does absolutly nothing late game. Thanatos can execute, stun, silence. Neith and Anhur are still ADC's that can outbut good damage from a distance, plus provide CC for the team. Chaac can slow and silence and be a front liner. All Arachne can do is throw a web, and hope to pick someone off that may stray out of line or but the mage in the middle of a team fight. Even loki can instant kill someone from a safe distance with his stealth and ult. Arachne has to walk up to someone to do it.

Arachne is very easily counter built by just 1 or 2 items. Winged blade, and more importantly, Midgaurdian mail. that First one is annoying since it makes your only way to chase a target obsolete, unless you get a ton of movement speed items, but the later just stop arachne from doing anything. Sure she make ignore the Movement slow if she is on her web but the AS slow just kills any chance she has at killing the person with it unless she is really ahead.

Her 2 is near useless. a 3 hit AS buff and a stun only if you hit the target 3 times. just 1 missed auto can screw it up. No other stun in the game is this hard to confirm. Kali gets an instant AoE stun that also gives her power, but arachne gets a 1 target stun that can fail if she hits a minion once, and an AS boost thats just for 3 hits is barely anything. Medusa only gets a 3 hit one but she also gains extra power and poison, plus its ranged.

Her spiders are useless late game, and she is the only god with pets that do not gain something from their master. Nu Wa minions gain HP from her. Kuzenbo's nene gets HP and protections. Kaldr gains Movement and AS. Erland's dog gains reduced on hit effects he has. Baka's Puke gains his penitration. Vulcan's canon gains his penitration and some of his power. Bastets cats gain some of her power.. Arachne's spiders gain absolutly nothing, not even any of her power, and she is the only god in the game like that with a damageing attack. Sure they hurt on their own but 1 ability tends to kill them even at level 1, leaving only the slow. The slow and webtrail is all arachne gains end game and when its much harder to just walk up to someone then its almost useless unless you catch someone alone in the jungle.

And speaking of her webs, they can easily get stopped by a wall even if the line targer showed it would go part it this is quite annoying when trying to web someone up for a kill and some part of the wall clips the web as it travels even it you aimed away from it.

So all in all, arachne may be kinda strong early but thats it. if she doesn't get fed or is only even she does little to nothing for your team. Even Bakasura can regurgitate and cause havok for a little while. Arachne can't even do that. She can at beast hope someone is dumb and walks out of position and she catches them.

So how does one fix this? Well without a major rework, which she already got once, I have a few ideas. She needs to have an even better 1v1 and also gain some team fight potional.

First off give her a little more base protections and health, since she is required to walk up to someone even in a team fight she should function how mages like Zhong work. That was give her more protections while leveling so she's not too strong at level 1 but strong end game protection wise.

Second, Add that her autos also gain bonus penitration as she attacks lower health targets. maybe 1% every 5% missing health of the target, so at 95% missing health she gains flat pen. Her current passive is nice but more penitration on just the autos would make it better but not game breaking. it just makes her job at picking off low targets easier.

Third, her 2 needs changes. Make it that the buff won't vanish after 3 hits. Make it that you can only stun 1 target, but you keep the AS the full 6 seconds, or if that is too strong make the AS reduced after a target is stunned by half.

Forth, her spiders need buffing. At least let them gain some of her power and health, so they actually do damage and can live a bit late game.

And Last, and this one would be the most extreme addition to her kit, I would suggest that her Webs have a longer range, can travel through walls, and Arachne can walk over walls if they have a web trail on it. This would give her a lot of things she is missing. A way to gank easier, a way to chace people who leap over walls, and an escape that doesn't require her ult. I know this may be a bit extreme but its something I have wanted for her since they were first teasing her rework

And there you have it. If she got all those changes she may get too strong, but even some of them would be nice and help her out. I Feel that these would mostly assist her at higher levels of play then lower levels, at least all the changes but that last one.

TLDR: what are you saying go read it :p J/K Arachne is bad outside of low levels and needs adjustments to be releivent in higher tiers of play, but not making her too OP at lower levels.

submitted by /u/zferolie
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