Overwatch - My Proudest Ana Moment

My Proudest Ana Moment

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:09 PM PDT

My team left the game, I asked them kindly for the lucio achievement, they delivered.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:04 AM PDT

Some ideas I have for the next Overwatch patch.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:49 AM PDT

  • When Genji says "I need healing," 50/50 chance his health bar maxes out or he dies instantly.

  • When D.Va uses sit emote on payload, she can steer it like a car.

  • Hitscan Hanzo.

  • Double symmetra beam distance on her gun and turrets.

  • Every Winston "hello" voice line removed except "Hi there!" because that's all we ever want.

  • Pharah jump jet height increased, but she can no longer come down.

  • Bastion tank configuration three times larger and he can now run over people.

  • Basketballs and hoops inside the god damn Oasis spawn rooms.

  • Mercy still invincible after rez unless she is on the red team.

  • Ana sometimes nanoboosts enemy Lucio instead.

  • Ulting McCree now has objective marker and large red arrow above head.

  • Reaper speed increased 5x during ult for nostalgia.

  • Mei has been removed.

  • Zarya ult pulls every hero from both teams into sphere, regardless of hero distance from ult.

  • New McCree voice line: "it's high noon" just to freak everybody out.

  • Junkrat grenades only hurt himself.

  • Hook 3.0: can now pull heroes out of their own spawn room.

  • Playing 6 Symmetras or Torbjorns on defence in No Limits is now a reportable offense.

  • Orisa was too well balanced out of the gate; now has sleep dart and self-heal. 600HP.

  • Hacked health packs now harm nearby enemies for that extra "fuck you."

  • Athena announces "Single Kill!" every time you get an elimination.

submitted by /u/test_batch
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Oh look, a nice barrier to block the D.va bomb

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:55 AM PDT

POTG has been BROKEN for the past month

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:09 AM PDT

There is a competitive only POTG glitch that seems to have been in the game for a month now. The POTG can only be taken from the very last round of the game. This glitch doesn't seem to happen on KOTH maps, but it consistently happens on at least the 2 CP maps.

Here is a video of me getting a quad kill (not on the last round): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/132316654

This is what got the POTG (A double kill): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/132232625?t=01h09m24s (1h 9m 25s)

Many people have tried to get this seen over the past month, but none have succeeded: http://imgur.com/bKE1Emx (link shows a bunch of posts about this glitch)

The old post was removed by a moderator, so this is a slightly edited version to comply with the rules. This is the Battle.net forums bug post:


submitted by /u/Reilouko
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Jeff please fix Sombrero

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:58 AM PDT

I'm Just Gonna Go Ahead And Ignore That Moving Bar In The Bottom Left.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 06:31 AM PDT

This happened in a 1v1.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 09:35 AM PDT

Hey team, great jo— oh...

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:43 AM PDT

The Only Hook That Matters

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:21 AM PDT

As a rein player, it is a primal instinct to win the shield war

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:25 AM PDT

When you've accepted your fate, but the grav says no

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:33 AM PDT

New April Fools Overbuff Stats!

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:45 PM PDT

I was checking my overbuff stats when I came across this https://gyazo.com/95d69b0023825a085830ca5d40dbb767 in my feed.

submitted by /u/lAmThatDuck
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Just when all hope seemed lost, I remembered reddit strats.

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:27 AM PDT

EU Servers down?

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:49 AM PDT

Suddenly 13 left in my 3v3 and then i left as well

submitted by /u/john3298
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Response to Low Mercy SR Gains

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:14 AM PDT

Overwatch Hero Meta Report: Something Strange is Afoot in Korea

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:18 AM PDT

Hey Reddit, CaptainPlanet here! I sometimes write about Overwatch. Here's some pre-report housekeeping --


First, here's a 5 second summary of my conclusions:

There's a noticeable, regional difference in Overwatch metas, at least for the moment. Koreans value McCree much more than NA and EU players, and value Soldier 76 less than NA players. NamedHwi, coach for BK Stars, speculates that this is in part due to the nature of Korean competitive ladder.




The data presented isn't meant to represent overall ranked play trends, or Console trends, or anything but maybe the very top levels of Ranked Play, so please stop asking me why Junkrat is in Tier 5.


Here's a link to this week's blogpost, where my full Report resides

check it out you'll love it

The Tiers

S Tier (>=95% Usage Rate): Lucio (97%)


Tier 1 (>80% Usage Rate): No one!


Tier 2 (>50% Usage Rate): Ana (74%), Reinhardt (53%),Tracer (53%)


Tier 3 (>20% Usage Rate): Soldier 76 (48%), Genji (48%), Winston (47%), D.Va (42%), Roadhog (39%), Zarya (38%)


Tier 4 (>5% Usage Rate): Pharah (19%), Zenyatta (16%), Mercy (11%), McCree (8%)


Tier 5 (<5% Usage Rate): Widowmaker (4.5%), Torbjorn (3%), Reaper (2%), Mei (2%), Sombra (1%), Symmetra (1%), Junkrat (0%), Bastion (0%), Hanzo (0%)

Caution: take Tier 5 with a grain of salt ... it only represents the usage from a pro tournaments. It is not meant to tell you that your favorite Hero is garbage nor is it meant for you to use as ammo to flame people in ranked play. Let's be nice to each other.

Additionally: I do not chose the placement of heroes in a tier, only the range which defines the tier. By determining usage directly from hero time played in tournament matches, my data is objectively determined, and not subjective. I call these ranges "tiers" for SEO reasons, not because I enjoy making tier lists... Google just really loves the word "tier" for some reason

Tiers/Usage Discussion

In a surprising turn of events, hero usage looks pretty balanced in the post-Orisa world. Besides the soon-to-be-changed Lucio perched atop his usual mountain-top of hero usage, half of the heroes in Overwatch fell into the usage range stretching from 8% to 53%. Since I tend to be a glass half-full kind of person, I view this as a positive. In a game with heroes designed to be niche at best in their optimal usage, there's always going to be heroes that fall by the wayside. This is especially true given the source of this data: competitive tournaments where professionals optimize team comps at Overwatch's highest level of play. Other things to note are that every healing* support class had 11% or greater usage this week, and that every tank but one exceeded 38%. Unfortunately for those who were banking on a major meta-shakeup, that one tank was Orisa.

* Sorry Symmetra

Where do I begin with Orisa? First, the Korean matches (~19% of the total match count in this week's set) did not even have the chance to play her, but I doubt they would have anyway. Orisa was actually only played three times in the matches that comprise this dataset, and one of those was a joke pick at the end of a match as to entertain viewers who wanted to see some of the new hero. The other two times she made an appearance -- once from LG Evil Jake and once from Immortals' Hyped -- the results were mixed. Jake used her on Nepal Sanctum, where Liquid defeated them in a close 100%-90% match. Hyped had a bit more success with her on Nepal Village, demonstrating what I'll call an "ideal" Orisa ultimate play: hiding her drum behind multiple physical barriers -- the building wall and the Reinhardt shield. Grimreality was more than happy to use the 50% damage boost to combo with Tactical Visor, mowing down LG Evil in the process.

Pros -- and casuals -- seem less than impressed with Orisa as she currently stands. Common sentiments that I've seen from the community at large include complaints that her head hitbox is too large and thus too easy to hit criticals on, that her shield is too immobile, and that her movement is too slow while dealing damage. On the flip side, she does seem to be a strong hero for fixed-in-place defense turtle-ing, or for specific strategies like Immortals' usage of her on Nepal Village. She's also the next in what's becoming a trend for the Overwatch dev team: releasing heroes that are under-powered at first rather than over-powered. We can see Orisa's potential trajectory relative to the overall Overwatch cast by looking to Sombra, whose release was met with a similar sentiment: too under-powered for much play on the professional level besides some crazy Complexity Gaming antics. The devs have been gradually buffing Sombra ever since, and she's started to pop up in more varied map positions and lineups as of late. Again keeping to the glass half-full mentality, I don't expect Orisa to remain in her present state for very long.

Something Strange is Afoot in Korea

Many of my readers are often curious about regional meta differences -- I am too! This week, thanks to a lucky temporal convergence of regional tournaments, I was able to collect data from the professional meta of all three major regions at once: NA, EU, and KR. My usual summary graphic at the top of the report breaks out out overall, offense, defense, and king of the hill game mode usage, but this week I'm presenting a different look by splitting out hero usage into regions:

Direct Link


As a disclaimer, as I said above the data from Korean matches only compromises ~19% of matches played in this dataset, so we can expect higher variance in summary results from that region. Note that you can hover over the region squares to highlight each one individually as well. With that in mind, there a couple differences that stood out to me. First, Korean players played much more Ana overall than their NA counterparts -- although less...more...than the EU region. There's actually a pretty simple explanation for this: Korea is playing on the pre-Orisa patch, and the Orisa patch itself nerfed Ana's damage from 80 to 60. NA players have since soured a bit on the elderly sniper relative to their EU and KR counterparts, now that they're no longer able to three-shot Pharahs and other 200HP heroes. Moving along, Koreans really seem to dislike Soldier 76 relative to their regional peers. Why could this be? To help answer some of the questions I had about the Korean scene, I reached out to NamedHwi, a Korean Overwatch caster and coach for BK Stars. His team's main DPS, Carpe, apparently doesn't play Soldier 76 in comp games at all -- he only takes him out in scrims. Since we know from western pros returning from Korea that their region's players take competitive mode much more seriously, this is actually a pretty significant statement. NamedHwi went on to explain that Soldier is sometimes "boring to play", and that Nano-Visor is difficult to combo in a competitive setting, due to the prevalence of D.Va in high level Korean play which we also see in the chart above. NamedHwi also mentioned that McCree was much more popular with Korean players thanks to the high amount of Genjis in ranked ladder, who are all just one good Flashbang combo from being dealt with. On a lighter note, according to NamedHwi Koreans prefer McCree because, and I quote:

"Koreans prefer McCree than Soldier, cuz McCree is gorgeous. Ting ting, head by head. Koreans like that"

A bit may have been lost in translation, but you get the idea. Perhaps in their estimation of the overall strength of Soldier 76 vs. McCree, Korean hitscan pros found the gap to be close enough to stick with the hero they play the most in ranked ladder and bring him to actual tournaments. Given how good Korean D.Va players are at recognizing and countering NanoVisors and also given that McCree has better tools to deal with Genji than Soldier 76, the cross-regional difference makes a lot of sense. This has had some other ripple effects like a heavy reduction in Korean Pharah play relative their western counterparts -- seems like Korean McCrees are so feared that the skies remain more-or-less clear for the moment.

Koreans were also seen playing Widowmaker and Sombra more than twice the overall average time, and nearly three times the average time for Mei. Since the overall time played is significantly lower than the heroes previously mentioned we're straying into individual-variance-land, but that doesn't mean that specific examples exist where Koreans are making these heroes work. Meta Athena has famously used Mei in what seems to be a brand new way every week they play, and this week was no exception. Seriously, watch that clip. Also from Meta Athena, Sayaplaya has risen the ranks of Korea's best hitscan players, and was responsible for some of the week's Widowmaker play along with Kongdoo Panthera's Wakawaka. Sayaplaya sticks out to me as one of the few Korean players that Taimou ever complimented for having good aim. Meta Athena just missed out on making the finals for Apex, but we'll get to see Sayaplaya and the rest of the team compete one last time for third place six hours from this post. Or, in the VODs after the fact, since they're playing on Korean time and no one in NA will be awake.

If you'd like to also see a breakout of the same chart above with Offense/Defense/KotH splits, you can check out

This Link

Make sure you click on the region you wish to view, because the chart will otherwise not be readable.

Finally, if you'd like to perform your own Hero Usage Deep Dives, I've created my usual Hero Usage Summary chart



On the surface, you can see each hero and where they were used. The size of the squares correlates to how many matches they were picked in, and the color correlates to the winrate of the hero on that map + side. You can then mouse-over each square for more information, click on each square to filter the "Who played this hero?" menu, and select or de-select regions in the top right. Enjoy!

Final Thoughts and Shoutouts

Shoutout to Apex for finally moving onto a more-recent patch and giving me some actual Korean data to talk about this week! The grand finals are only a week away: will you root for will you root for Lunatic Hai, home of several World Cup winners, attempting to take home their first championship? Or will you root for RunAway, the team that wasn't even supposed to make it out of groups, lead by the most excitable team captain in Runner and anchored by Kaiser, the Sultan of (Reinhardt) Swing? Also thanks to NamedHwi for answering my silly questions about Korea and McCree, and giving me equally silly answers back. As always, don't forget to tune in to Around the Watch, where we have LG Evil's Jake on this week. Also, Join our Discord!! Pesto, Harsha, and I will usually be hanging out to discuss the topics from Around the Watch and the scene at large, and we'll also be using the Discord to record our podcasts live! Listen to and contribute to every podcast live, via the chat!


Until next time,



submitted by /u/Falcon_Kick
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How close I am to losing my shit

Posted: 30 Mar 2017 09:03 PM PDT

Suggestion: Mercy should see a radius around possible rez targets

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 08:10 AM PDT

Too often I've flown into a situation and struggled to find a midpoint between two to four corpses to get every one before the inevitable Roadhog hook / headshot combo finds me.

Lucio now has a visible radius around himself for his heals and boosts, Mercy should be able to see a visible radius around corpses so she can have an exact idea of the range of her Resurrection.

If nothing else, it'd give me one less thing to rage impotently about as I ride the death hook to my demise.

submitted by /u/the_singular_anyone
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I'm thinking about becoming a Sombra main

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 10:53 AM PDT

When you get your patch notes just in time...

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 11:17 AM PDT

When it's crazy ult time and mei falls asleep in front of you

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 04:30 AM PDT

Overwatch Android interface available now! [ZooperWidgetPro Required]

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 12:12 PM PDT

No you dont

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 01:04 PM PDT

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