Heroes of the Storm - We completed the logo!

We completed the logo!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:38 PM PDT

We managed to mostly complete the logo over at /r/place!
I wonder how long it will hold

submitted by /u/Alili1996
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Still disappointed Big Head Mode isn't an annual April 1st event

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:13 AM PDT

It's coming along! Heroes Logo on /r/place.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:05 PM PDT

If epic skins are being upgraded to legendary tier, can they at least have recolored abilities?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:43 AM PDT

A lot of the epic skins turning legendary all use the default skin's VFX tints, if they're going to cost as much as one, they should at least have colored VFX like most legendary skins

submitted by /u/Axilerater
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Blizzard announces free Blizzcon attendance!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:22 PM PDT

Found the gender of the 2 upcoming heroes !

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:54 AM PDT

While we indeed know the next hero to be unveiled is Genji, we had close to no information about the one to be announced on may 4th. Well, on the french page, the first "new hero" to be announced is written in the masculine form while the other one set on may 4th is written in the feminine form. Not much, but hey it's somthing ! Here's the pictures :http://imgur.com/a/UwWDk

submitted by /u/Malstrym
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The Spider Queen is a terrible mom.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:31 PM PDT

The Spider Queen refers to the Webweavers as her "daughters", then sends three of them to their inevitable deaths several times a game. What type of mother DOES that!?

submitted by /u/SAVMikado
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Idea: Since everyone wants a master skin unlocked with progression, give a Nexus Master Tint instead

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:35 AM PDT

Why not make a master "tint" unlocked through progression? Smite does something similar with their diamond skins.

I am thinking similar to the Nexus Charger and Nexus Tiger. The nexus-themed standard texture. Unlocking colors like that to be applied to literally any skin with that hero at level, say, 50. Or 100.

Those colors are not visually invasive and still easy enough to see/notice, and they fit the theme of the Nexus without screwing with the lore of any specific heroes (Illidan and his beetle helmet).


submitted by /u/-BlueOSO-
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Got a hero specific chest in the PTR for reaching level 10. Wanted to demonstrate that it only guarantees 1 reward of any quality specific to that hero. {Screenshots}

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:33 AM PDT


Got to level 10 with Dehaka on the PTR. The hero specific chests are not as great as they sound. Still a free chest I suppose.

submitted by /u/38dedo
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CavalierGuest's Understanding the Draft Part 1 - On Gale Force eSports

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:50 PM PDT

Why is Greymane's angry emoji not in his worgen form?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:37 PM PDT

I think it's weird how chromie's angry emoji is her in her dragon form, but Greymane can't have one in his worgen form, WHICH IS ACTUALLY A HUGE PART OF HIS PLAYSTYLE.

I would love a worgen emoji though! :)

submitted by /u/Mistykat
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Let's put Heroes on the r/place map

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:14 AM PDT

Reddit is doing it's annual 'experiment'. This year it is r/place, a 1000x1000 pixel canvas that anyone can paint on. The catch? You can only paint 1 pixel every 10 minutes, so to make anything meaningful, you need help. So let's work together to create a Heroes of the Storm logo on this canvas.

There is a patch of blue at 159;104 that is in a low activity area, we could use this as our starting point to create the logo

Location of Logo

Reference Picture (Please note the reference picture has changed slightly, make sure you are using the most recent version)

EDIT: It's starting to become recognizable. Thanks to everyone helping!

EDIT 2: The 'O' is complete! Amazing work everyone!

EDIT 3: People are woried about cutting into established pictures to the right(notably Isaac). So I propose we work our way left first. We will deal with Isaac afterwards

EDIT 4: Thank you for the gold!!

EDIT 5: Isaac stays! We will complete as much of our logo as we can around him. Anything else goes. We are nearing completion!! EDIT 5.1: Euler's Identity (The r/math guys) will be moving above our logo. If you have a pixel to spare, throw it up there to help them out

EDIT 6: The bigger we get the harder it is to maintain. We need all the help we can get. If you do Twitter, tweet, if you Facebook, share, if you Twitch stream, show the world our project and let's get as many people as we can on this. We can do it!

EDIT 7: I am off to bed. Did not think when I started this it would be looking this good 13 hours later. I look forward to seeing it (Or pics of it if we get overrun) in the morning. Good luck, and thank you to all the builders who have, are and will be helping to get Heroes of the Storm noticed

submitted by /u/HargrimZA
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List of heroes sorted by quality in 2.0

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:32 PM PDT

There's no way to find anything related to heroes by their quality in-game so the list below is the result of the common effort of the community by opening loot boxes.

  • Legendary heroes (give 400 shards for duplicate): Abathur, Auriel, Chromie, Gul'dan, Kael'thas, Li-Ming, Medivh, Morales, Probius, TLV, Valeera, Varian, Xul, Zul'jin

  • Epic heroes (give 100 shards for duplicate): Brightwing, Illidan, Jaina, Kerrigan, Kharazim, Murky, Nova, Sonya, Tassadar, Thrall, Tychus, Tyrael, Tyrande, Zagara

  • Rare heroes (give 20 shards for duplicate): Azmodan, Diablo, Gazlowe, Li Li, Malfurion, Raynor, Valla

Protip: In case you're hoarding gold and you still do not have all heroes, it is wise to buy heroes so when it will drop next time from a lootbox, you will receive a massive amount of shards, especially for legendary heroes as shards will be more valuable than gold in 2.0. Edit: protip is more towards people who don't own as many heroes and should focus on buying the 7k heroes from the legendary pool and 4k heroes from the epic pool.

If you have additional findings, let me know so I'll update accordingly.

submitted by /u/umcs_cubrick
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Thank you devs for bringing back the "onfire" graphic!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:19 PM PDT

I always loved seeing the on fire since the start of HOTS and it was removed due to visual clutter, while sadden I am happy to see its return in better form not adding any visual noise but still giving that bad-ass lighting feeling!

submitted by /u/Tunafish01
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Bakery - What Heroes 2.0 can do for Esports

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:29 PM PDT

We did it reddit! we finally got an EU merch store!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:54 AM PDT

Happy april fools ;-; non Americans want your shiny stuff too blizz </3

submitted by /u/Sircrowls
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Help maintain HotS on r/Place with this Master Image!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:23 PM PDT

Hey All,

Been working on this all day, and if I say so myself, we've all done an awesome job! It seems folks are flying a little blind over the past couple hours, so I wanted to get this information back to the top if possible.

Here is the image we have been using, please reference it often:


Here is the link to our location:


Please pay great attention to detail if you're doing more than cleaning up the obvious red pixel. :) I don't know how long this is going on, but we need help to keep this looking clean and accurate. Thanks!

Edit: Vandals are really starting to take a toll on things, if we want to keep this up it will take more clickers. Hope to see it in the morning still!

submitted by /u/Shaihalud222
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Blackheart's Bay is a broken snowball map

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:24 AM PDT

hi, a few months ago I was watching a popular streamer on twitch and he mentioned that BHB needs rework, and that made me think, because it also had become one of my least favorite maps. Since then I started to pay more attention to what is actually happening on that map.

I used to like this map a lot when HotS was still new, when I was mostly playing qm with friends, when everyone was still making a lot of mistakes and people had to figure out strategies, tactics and how to play their heroes and how to play on this map.

But now that everyone plays so well, this map has just become brutal in drafted modes (HL,TL,Unranked). I play on high Diamond level in HL and Master and with GM's in TL on EU.

Literally every single game is a complete snowball. One team is totally winning, and the other team is absolutely losing. Due to the size of the map, and the time it takes to collect enough coins and bring them to the pirate, the games take longer than some other maps, and this gives the illusion that it is a not a complete rape. However if you look at the hero levels and how helpless the losing team is, you will see that it is in fact a completely one sided game.

Usually the losing team never manages to turn in more than 1 time or 2 times at best during the whole match, and there is just nothing you can really do when you're behind.

The pirate shots targets both of the top forts, and once they're down...

  • the losing team pretty much loses the very important watchtower vision forever

  • therefor the solo laner of the losing team will have a very hard time, as he can get ganked from all sides - the enemy team can even come from behind by using the way through the middle by the pirate, and once he gets attacked he has a huge way to run into the next towers to save himself

  • so the solo laner cannot soak safely, not catch up in xp or he will get ganked a lot

  • the solo laner cannot contest the top treasure chest without taking a huge risk to get ganked and most likely he has to clear the waves before he gets there, so 5 coins are almost automatically reserved for the winning team

  • because of that the winning team gets a huge XP advantage ... it will most likely be lvl 8 vs 10 soon, and on this map this is much more critical than on other maps because you cannot just quickly and safely soak lvl10 on 3 lanes. the enemy team will just gank you top because the towers and forts are down so you cannot save yourself and also they have full vision, while your team is completely blind

  • all of this allows the winning team to get an even further xp advantage frequently 3 lvls or more ... lvl17 vs 20 lategame

There is really nothing the losing team can do to come back - soak lanes to catch up in lvl? - get ganked or even all killed

  • gank their solo laner? - nope, the enemy team has vision from minions on 2 lanes+ watchtower

  • sneak in and kill the boss? - nope, the enemy team has vision from minions on 2 lanes+ watchtower

  • push through the bottom lane? - well you can get the first fort, but then you can no longer push further or the enemy team will force a teamfight that you will lose because you're behind in level

  • try to gank the enemy when they take camps? - the enemy team can safely get all the top camps and coins. for the middle area by the ship you need vision from a stealth hero or something like scouting drone or you might run into a 4v4 which you will lose for being 2-3 lvl behind or even 4v5 fight because losing team solo laner has no vision. And if your team has no stealth hero or vision from scouting drone or similar then good luck

  • the most obvious thing: do the quest, turn in. but the odds that you win any teamfights or battles for camps and coins are very low and require the enemy team to fail hard


Well this is my personal analysis of why this map is so badly onesided. I just checked hotslogs and over 2 years among all game modes this is actually my 3rd best map mostly because of playing QM in groups with friends, and even in HL and TL it's not my worst map - so it's not that I hate the map because of winrate, but I still think that it's the most broken map right now, the most frustrating to play in the losing team and that it absolutely needs a rework.

I mean haunted mines was mostly a snowball but was reworked. Braxis is still quite snowbally but after it was patched I had a couple comeback games... but Blackhearts is just on another level and absolutely no fun to play anymore.

So what do you guys think? Do you agree that his map is broken and needs some rework, big rework or even need to just be removed completely? If so, then what do you think could be changed to make it more balanced and less of a snowball?

Or do you actually still have good balanced and exciting matches in HL/TL with good chances to comeback when you're behind on this map? If so then I accept it, then maybe something with my playstyle or decision making is wrong on that map and maybe you can give some advice.

submitted by /u/AlarakAkbar
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What is gonna happen to Brawls in 2.0?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:23 PM PDT

Right now you gain Account experience for playing brawls and no hero experience.

However, Account exp will cease to exist as it is now so how will brawls handle it?

Will we finally have hero exp from brawls?

OR worst case we'll get no xp at all?

Has there been any clarification regarding this?

submitted by /u/The_General_General
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Allow Cho'Gall friendless Queue

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:35 PM PDT

I don't see why we can't queue in as Cho and find a QM Gall.

Sure, D/Cs, trolls, but my satisfaction with having this sucker sit on my owned list would go up if I could queue in and choose on my own to randomly get selected with my better (or worse, or synergistic equal) half.

Would add new meaning to QM teamwork, positioning, etc. it gets annoying trying to ask friends to group for it always when I'd be better off just queuing up and spending more time playing the game.

submitted by /u/FAM0USL0SER
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#1 GM Apex | Support main | AMA!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:24 PM PDT

Hi! My name is Apex. I am currently #1 GM in the beautiful continent, North America. Proof: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/leaderboards/hero/4/americas

Ask me anything all day! I'll be answering questions in between queues. Feel free to ask my anything about Heroes of the Storm, food, or anything that's on your mind! I'm an open book!

Background: I started my MOBA experience in season 3 in League of Legends and moved to Heroes of the Storm recently. I peaked in Challenger ~700 LP (top 25) seasons 3-6 in League of Legends, and I decided to pursue eSports in a different scene!

We're all on this journey together; we all never stop learning. Let's remove the animosity in the scene and grow together to become one of the best MOBA games out there. I'd like to help improve the scene in anyway, and in turn, learn a few things from all of you as well! Thanks for stopping by!

submitted by /u/Apex_Hots
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In representation of r/homestuck I beg for mercy on our r/place Dave.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:06 PM PDT

We can skip the red outline over you logo if you let him keep his head. :(

submitted by /u/joaoperfig
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Titles as Mastery Flavor.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:37 PM PDT

On topic of Mastery Taunts. As someone who does not want to "rub it in" someones face that i have high level hero. How about more neutral way of showing proficiency?

Titles are more authentic to blizzard games. For Diablo heroes they can use titles for clearing game on Normal/Nightmare/Hell difficulty, names reminiscent of Affixes/Prefixes. Wow could use some achievement/pvp titles. So if you have level 50 Uther: Grand Marshal sweBubledin, Valeera 30lvl: Deathstalker IrogueXx, Abby 50lvl: Overmind AbbyIZLoveLive,

As for flair/sigils: During draft when you pick hero you are "proficient" with on the corners of Hexagon left and right fades in that taunt symbol with cool lightning effect. They can be varied based on blizz IP rather then be generic diamonds in gold. Horde/Ally, general WoW, Diablo 2/3, or so on.

Rehgar as someone who is known for arena could have:

  • Tier1: Challenger
  • Tier2: Rival
  • Tier3: Duelist
  • Tier4: Gladiator
  • Tier5: Arena Master

Titles are tied to that specific hero not your account. They will show up only if you pick this hero in a match.

In game sigils can be displayed like pvp titles medals on TAB/Stats window to the right of your hero portrait.

submitted by /u/geodonna
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More april fools? Brazilian website noticed a leak from germany HoTS page yesterday

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:38 AM PDT

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