Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - April 01, 2017

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - April 01, 2017

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:02 AM PDT

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Best MMORPG. If this gets enough upvotes it will be the first image to show up when searching "Best MMORPG"

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:59 AM PDT

Screw Kormir, if this post gets 1000 upvotes, this will become a Colin themed subreddit

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:52 AM PDT

Edit: They actually did it, THE ABSOLUTE MADLADS

Love you mods <3

submitted by /u/ItsTheSolo
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Think you've seen toxicity? Trolls like this guy is what's keeping me from recommending GW2 to my friends.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:34 AM PDT

Can we do this on /r/place? Top Pixels are (299,270) and (230,270)

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:09 PM PDT

Moving away from Guild Wars 2 and will cover Super Charrio Kart from now on!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:00 AM PDT

SAB Second Cat Finally Found!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:14 PM PDT

I discovered a thread yesterday that posed the question about another cat that can be found here.

So after many countless hours and sleepless nights I have finally found the second Super Bee Dog!

The whole theory was that there was one hidden in World 1 somewhere. Upon acquiring him, the cat would have the Red Bauble Infusion and have the title 'Distinction in Applied Jumping'.

He's located in the Hidden Maze on top of World 1 Zone 3.

To get there you have to start Zone 3 and get up to this point, which is usually accessed along the path in Tribulation Mode, but you can get there in any mode. You continue up and you'll find a cannon that you can enter to be blasted across the path. From there you run up the tree to see this. Jump down and jump quickly through the poison water and around two corners until you make it to a waterfall. Jump up the platform and jump to the next via the waterfall like this. From there continue jumping on the platforms till you get to the 1-UP and keep going till you reach the wall. Jump to the right downwards till you reach the end of the maze and there you will find the Bee Dog.

He requires a food that I haven't found yet, but I'm going to keep searching around and I'll update when I find out.

If you have any trouble following my mini guide, you can refer to this video to help you out:

Edit - I found what he needs! The Bee Dog wants a key!

This is best achieved in Infantile Mode, but you may be able to do it in Normal Mode.

Continue to the area after the next and kill enemies until you get a key. (Or you can use the shop and buy a key for 25 Baubles, which is easier in my opinion)

Then make your way backwards through the level and up the rainbow clouds , through the area you bombed and through the maze.

Congratulations on your new cat for your home instance with the Red Bauble Infusion and the title 'Distinction in Applied Jumping'. He hangs out right next to the other SAB cat.

Edit 2 - I forgot to mention that in the snake pit below, you must kill them all with bombs for the Bee Dog/Cat to appear!

Poor guy must have gotten lost from his pack below and been damaged by the poison somehow.

submitted by /u/S_K_Y
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To protect the smile we need to load the Colin Sohandsome up with precursors

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:16 PM PDT

Super Unlimited Gathering Tools!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:13 AM PDT

PvE got Raids, time for PvP to get Battlegrounds?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:29 AM PDT

So, what's a Battleground?

An instanced PvP match where two teams of players face each other. Just like conquest, only that with larger numbers (10, 20, 50), and additional mechanics, or instanced simplified WvW.

In GW2's case, these battlegrounds would offer endless possibilities. These are just examples for three potential game modes:

Loot the Vault

Deep inside the Mists, inside sealed cursed vaults, ancient and terrible creatures guard chambers full of gold, gemstones, and powerful artifacts. Many foolish looters have breached into them, never to return, slaughtered by monsters in the darkness, or stabbed in the back by their own comrades.

In this revision of the classic Capture the Flag mode, two teams compete against each other to be the first to hoard the biggest pile of stolen treasure.

  • Vaults can be represented by multiple locations, like crypts, lairs, dungeons, temples, mines, etc.
  • Treasure is represented by bundles of different values. A wooden chest full of gold pieces, an ancient tome of forbidden magic, a sack of glowing gemstones, an intricate diamond vase… Some can be heavier, slowing you down, and others can be cursed and injure you while you are carrying them.
  • Treasure can be acquired from treasure chambers, the enemy camp, or from the ground. Crowd control and death make you drop the treasure to the ground, where it can be taken by other players or even monsters. Delicate treasure can be broken when dropped.
  • Enemy monsters plague the vault, and you'll have to face them as often as the enemy team. There's also several powerful bosses as well, and defeating them unlocks new chambers, full of valuable treasures, or maybe nothing but more monsters.
  • The vault is full of traps, which you can deactivate and reactivate at will, trapping enemy monsters and players; or maybe your own team, if you're careless.
  • Victory is achieved by the team to hoard the maximum treasure before the timer runs out, or the team with the biggest pile of treasure when the timer ends.

Some unique mechanic ideas for each map:

  • Crypt: Coffins can be found across the entire map. They can be opened, spawning monsters, treasure, or nothing at all. Nearby damage can break and disturb the coffins too, so tread carefully.
  • Labyrinth: The layout of the map changes every few minutes, with walls moving, trapping players and opening new sections.
  • Temple: Two powerful invulnerable bosses patrol the map, killing players indiscriminately.
  • Lair: A powerful beast lies in the middle, guarding a pile of treasure. The beast can be killed, but it's too dangerous, so instead part of your team can distract it while the rest steals the treasure.

The charm of this game mode is to sabotage the enemy team as much as possible, stealing their hard-earned treasure from their base, setting up traps, killing them in the middle of a fight against a boss, and more.

War Hall

Some guilds have claimed their own territory inside the Mists, restoring ruined fortresses into majestic war halls. Stable staging points inside the Mists provide multiple advantages for the Mist War, but they also provide an easy target for rival guilds, which can at last take revenge on a more personal level.

In this mode, partially inspired by Tower Defense and Tug of War modes, the first team assaults a fortress defended by the second team, with the final goal of killing their lord and capturing the throne room before the timer runs out.

  • Supply plays a key role in this game mode. It's generated by Supply Generators, similar to those in the Edge of the Mists. Players need to take supply directly from them, and then spend it on repairs, siege weapons, or allied troops.
  • NPC troops will lead the front line, and both sides need to watch out and make sure their own troops aren't overwhelmed, else they are overwhelmed themselves later on.
  • General World vs World rules apply, with a major exception: Recapturing doesn't heal structural damages.
  • The attacking team achieves victory by slaying the enemy lord and capturing the throne room before the timer runs out. The defending team achieves victory by surviving until the timer ends.
  • Two different types of queues: Mercenary and Commander.
  • Mercenary queue has no predefined leaders, and each team has to improvise. Players can queue as parties or individually, and the matchmaking will group them together until the two teams are complete. Think of PvP hotjoin and solo queue.
  • Commander queue has a clear leader, and you join with an organized squad. Additional players can be recruited through LFG. This queue also has a league system, where guilds compete against each other, unlocking bonus upgrades for their guild halls, as well as unique decorations and trophies available only to the best. Think of PvP team queue.
  • Each guild can unlock its own war hall, for use in custom games and commander queue. Guild War Halls can be customized in multiple ways, including fortress layout, special effects, guard equipment, lord abilities, and more. The attacking force can be customized as well.

Types of objectives:

  • Supply Generator: Can not be captured, but can be destroyed, stopping the production of supply until the owning team repairs it. While destroyed, the enemy team can take supply from it too.
  • Building: Capture point inside. Has own gates and walls, and can provide access to upper sections of the war hall.
  • Plaza: Large capture point. Open space with barricades. The throne room is considered a plaza.
  • Hall Gate: Capture point in the inner side, automatically destroyed if captured by the attackers.
  • Hall Wall: Can not be captured.
  • All guards need to be killed before the objective is captured.

Usage of supply:

  • Both teams can spend supply on repairs and building siege weapons, similar to WvW. Supply can be spent on troops too, which work differently for each team.
  • The troops of the attacking team spawn endlessly from their base, from three different points with three different routes of attack. Spawning facilities can be upgraded to spawn more troops, like in a Tug of War game.
  • The troops of the defending team need to be spawned manually, placed above walls or inside controlled objectives, like a Tower Defense game. Once they die, they don't respawn.
  • Both teams start with a basic number of troops. Note that troops can't control siege, only players can.
  • Additionally, both teams have three long-range heavy cannons, that can reach any point in the battlefield except the spawning positions and the supply generators. Loading and firing them consumes supply.

This game mode works as a WvW-lite, with an additional layer of management, and the satisfaction of a long siege, including the joys of artillery fire for one side and slaughtering an endless stream of enemy troops for the other.


All across the Mists, timeless battlefields are still burning, frozen in place. Endless struggle with no end, waiting for brave heroes to rise victorious and break the cycle.

This mode combines Conquest elements with King of the Hill elements, with a special emphasis on fights. Two teams face each other in battle, competing to be the first to capture the entire map or to score the most kills.

  • The map has a total of five capture points. They take longer to capture than Conquest points, and require multiple players at once. Four have a normal size, and require at least 2 players, while the fifth is larger, and requires at least 5 players.
  • Maps take place in complex environments, like urban battlegrounds or dense forests. Specific locations across the map can give clear advantages to melee or ranged combat. The environment is highly destructible, and repairs are not enabled.
  • Specific siege weaponry is available and plays a key role for ranged combat. Siege bundles are limited in number, and can be picked at the starting location. Siege weapons are deadlier hidden or placed at vantage points.
  • Players can respawn at the starting location, or at any point they have captured, as long as it's not under attack. Respawn is wave-based, with all dead players respawning at the same time.
  • All deaths, by other players or by the environment, qualify for the score.
  • Victory is achieved by the first team to capture all five points or score the maximum kills before the timer runs out, or the team with the most kills when the timer ends.

Some environment ideas:

  • Burning City: An urban environment, where you can enter the ruined buildings. You can navigate the map through the streets, the roofs, or the sewers. The buildings can be further destroyed by siege weapons, and collapsing pieces damage nearby players. Burning debris can block routes as well.
  • Swamp Ruins: Hard to navigate, pools of stagnant water slow you down. Local creatures can attack lonely players, slowing them down even further. Climbing ruined towers and treehouses is mandatory to scout the nearby terrain.
  • Monastery Peak: Vertical map, with bridges and stairs linking the different buildings. Every few minutes, a snowstorm hits the exterior, impairing visibility and applying chill to unsheltered players. Falling down can be fatal.
  • Dark Mine: Some zones have natural light, but most of the mine is shrouded in darkness. You need to light fires to see properly, or hide in the shadows to ambush the enemy team. Mine equipment is active, and many of the tunnels have railways with moving carts, that can crash into your squad if you are careless. Drills can be activated to open new tunnels.

This game mode is similar in gameplay to some classic FPS games, and encourages ambushes and strategic approaches. Scouting and knowing the environment is very important as well. A melee fighter will perform better inside smaller spaces with close distances, while a ranged fighter will have an advantage at open spaces with ground obstacles.

So yeah, just three random ideas for some good battleground gameplay. I would say 10v10 is an ideal number of players, and would follow compositions similar to those of raids. The size of these maps should be roughly 1/3 of a normal WvW map, with multiple floors when needed.

These wouldn't replace World vs World, but provide an alternative gameplay to it. I feel like WvW has just too many things going on, and too many playstyles to cater, and adding new modes could give WvW more freedom for a clear direction. Also, one of the biggest disadvantages of WvW is that you can spend long times with no action, while battlegrounds would provide instant action easily, just like PvP, but with larger parties where teamplay combat really makes a difference.

Should battlegrounds make it into the game (dreaming is free) WvW could grow into a new direction. Alliances instead of servers? Guilds having bigger control over captured buildings? Shorter matches?

Looking forward your opinions! :D

(Same thread at the official forums)

submitted by /u/Lon-ami
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This is the true story about Kormir! Don't let the goddess of lies fool you!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:25 AM PDT

GW2 TacO markers for SAB Tribulation mode

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:09 PM PDT

Unzip this in your GW2 TacO folder and merge.

Last version : 2014-04-01

Protip : For w2z3, go in your video card's settings and turn your gamma to 2.

submitted by /u/Zaybiel
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The french wiki also got a new look for April Fools !

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:49 AM PDT

Could we get a HoT ascended material eater?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:30 PM PDT

Airship Oil, Auric Dust and Ley Line Sparks. These are used in fulgurite which is used for HoT ascended and legendaries, but also needs obs fragments to make. Not everyone will even attempt these but every zone in HoT floods you with the materials. Auric dust at least has the secondary use of being needed for auric weapons but the other two don't have that.

Could we get an eater that turns 25 of each into something?

submitted by /u/Better_MixMaster
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No ingame April Fool´s joke? :(

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 03:07 AM PDT

Do I see this correctly that we only got the funny Patch notes again? I was kinda fearing this would happen last year, but seeing this confirmed really is a downer; Anet always got SO creative with their jokes and I always looked forward to this day, seeing what they´d come up with! The prospect of just getting another festival each year with only a few patchnotes is honestly a little disheartening to me Or did I just miss a cleverly hidden joke?

submitted by /u/bradbury-girl
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Help me put Guild Wars 2 on /r/place!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:54 AM PDT

Collection with 5 years time gate

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:10 AM PDT

Looks like Anet added a collection with about 5 years time gate, since it takes roughly 5 SAB festival periods to aquire the 200 tokens for the collection. Why was a collection with such a long time gate added this late in the lifetime of the game? Who knows if the game even still gets regular updates 4 or 5 years from now. And worst of all people who saved their daily chests from last year get a headstart for this collection. Bad design!

submitted by /u/annoyedbySAB
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Final Tour of HoT; Last Train to Dragon Stand

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:26 AM PDT - all you need to know about the Tour.

It has been a joy to run these for you guys, I'm going to miss them but it's time. I've met a ton of great people and made a million memories. I can't count the number of HPs, Elite Specs, MPs, XP Moria and I have been a part of. Thank you fellow travelers of Tyria for running with us over months and I'm proud to have created something so many found of value and fun enough to spend your day with us.

Take care and I hope to see friends old and new tomorrow for the last show.

submitted by /u/Trixi_Morrigna
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Solo AC P2 | 10:32

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 04:02 PM PDT

hit 'em wit a blank face doh

Video: AC P2 Record

Dungoen: Ascalonian Catacombs P2

Restricted Time: 10:32

Build: 74,8724 (4/1/2017)

Guild: [EG] Ethereal Guardians

  • Used consumables (Stealth only)
  • Did not use gem store items
  • Did not use racials

Reclaiming record. Did utilize stealth consumables this time around to get a more competitive time. They are allowed in restricted solo's, so fuck it ya kno? just fuck it.


submitted by /u/morimuu
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I think that reddit broke on me :v

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 01:06 PM PDT

Super Charrio Kart - HARD - DPS Benchmarks

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:07 PM PDT

video clicky

Boss DPS
Ascalon 16.42
Kryta 16.27
Shiverpeaks 11.93
Southsun 10.42
Mists 11.42


I think the Mists time could definitely be improved.

submitted by /u/HiggsBosonHL
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Seeking visual artist for Hardcore Adventure Box: World 3

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:04 PM PDT

Today, I'm announcing that I have started production on Hardcore Adventure Box: World 3. The tracks from World 3, as you know, are some of the coolest yet (Cloudy Cove in particular has amazing music), and I'm more eager than ever to provide metal covers of the newest additions to the SAB soundtrack.

As always, I'm seeking a visual artist for the release. Things I'd ask for:

• Experience with creating typography, as every album's typography is different • Under the age of 20, older people are a little difficult for me to work with • Familiar with an anime-esque artstyle (W3 introduced a lot of anime aesthetic, and I'd love for that to be referenced in the album art) • At least 30 years experience doing graphic design/visual art • Someone who can make the album art look like it's underwater (because of all the underwater content for W3) • Willing to work for exposure

If this sounds like you, or feel it sounds like someone you know, drop a comment here, and keep an eye out for more news on the official release!

submitted by /u/ItStartsAtDusK
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How do we make veteran players who stopped playing go back to GW2? Also how we improve Black Lion store to improve sales?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:32 AM PDT

The steady decline in sales is alarming. Sales is not just game sales. I know it's already 4 years since its release, but a big part of the sales is from gem sales. How do we improve the items sold in Black Lion store? What items do you think players would buy in the BL store? Sales decline could also be attributed to player lose over time. It's a fact MMORPGs lose their player base over time, but is there any hope of bringing old players back? And if we do, like a new expansion, how could we keep them playing? They need more money to make new content, to get more players, to make even more content. We need to start this feedback loop, but which steps do we take?

submitted by /u/AetherlingRush
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Evergreen Philharmonic performs Guild Wars 2 Music [30+ minutes]

Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:47 PM PDT

Chak Egg Sac - Guarantied Drop Guide

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 12:06 AM PDT

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