Guild Wars 2 - Returning after a 12 hour pause, bought a BL chest key.

Returning after a 12 hour pause, bought a BL chest key.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:38 AM PDT

Changed 46 gold to purchase 121 Gems (I had 4) Purchased a BL key.

I got the following items:

1 BL ticket scrap. 1 TP Express From the ecto glob:

1 Glob of Ectoplasm 1 Glob of Goo

This was my last BL key purchase.

submitted by /u/Fallen_Healer
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Yet another salad cosplay [Cosplay]

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:41 PM PDT

Sup, it's me again.

The costume was worn at a gaming event in Tallinn called MängudeÖÖ or Games' Night.

This is a mix of Leystone and Ascalonian catacombs light armor. I wanted to make the leystone top look like a real rock, that's why all the thickness. Also, it's the most comfortable armor piece I have so far! Feels very nice being able to sit, lol.

Mouth of Mordremoth from the year before had a bit of toning and now has more details and wrinkles. Old age, I guess.

Photos by Harry Tiits, MängudeÖÖ photographers. Bits of editing done by me.

All the progress and other fun stuff can be found on my art and cosplay page

submitted by /u/HasegawaVega
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Legendary armor concept art (medium)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:29 PM PDT

New legendary armor icons inspired to do some concept art. So I did some armor sketching. (in-combat version) Body armor part is incorrect. Can't really make it accurate, but it may give idea what we will going get.

submitted by /u/Muckust
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Infinity IV the Sylvari-Bot

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Guess how the new LW episode will be called

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:18 PM PDT

Anyone else having login/client crash problems?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:12 AM PDT

Top image: happens when swapping maps or swapping characters. Bottom image: straight after when trying to log back into the client.

Been happening for hours now.

submitted by /u/SaltyOrphanChild
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Speculation: Will the new living world trailer drop tomorrow?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:20 AM PDT

What do you people think? will we have a new trailer tomorrow?

submitted by /u/Raxzor
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[WP] The Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Review | The Revenant

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:33 PM PDT

German Interview with Horia Duciu states Anet has grown to nearly 400 employees

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:44 AM PDT

it is mentioned in the very last paragraph.

contrary to the believe of some ppl, that many devs at anet are leaving the "sinking ship", they actually have grown.

submitted by /u/kalamari__
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Turning Desert BL into guild tournament wvw map? Share your thought

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:04 PM PDT

It's just some addition to what Chaba said about making wvw more guild centric


I wonder if it is good idea to make the desert borderland and its massive size & potential as competitive guild wvw map in tournament format. Referring to what Chaba was saying in his forum topic, I am thinking if making 20v20v20, 30v30v30 or even 40v40v40 per side with 2 or 3 days of mini-tournament with rewards for winning guilds. Also, we should allow big guilds paying (some kind of wvw related item or token) small guilds (mostly roaming guild) as "mercenary" or "alliance" to fill the gaps among offline members. Also, since it should be competitive, it might be good idea to add leaderboard system. Well this is my improvised thought on using desert borderland after reading Chaba's thoughtful forum topic about making wvw more guild centric.

*Sorry for bad engrish & appreciate for reading this stupid idea of mine

submitted by /u/ahnlok
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PSA- Kurzick Dual Axe Skin Available

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:11 AM PDT

600 gems, available for 3 days

submitted by /u/MochilaBB
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Home Instance Concepts [What would you like to see?]

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:42 PM PDT

I understand this may have been brought up a few times before but I would like to get some ideas from people on Home Instances.

I would like to see more customization in the game, especially decoration and possibly some stuff around nodes.

a. decoration

b. a custom player house?

c. farming? Maybe we could plant special nodes (trees, herbs) the more rare take longer to grow and then we harvest, cycle goes over . ...

It would be nice to have some stuff that can contribute to ascended / legendary weapons without having to specifically run into the world and different maps.

Please share any ideas, I would like to see what people come up with.

submitted by /u/Avatar_of_Dwayna
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Anyone else has login issues?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:23 AM PDT

I keep getting connection errors when trying to login. Is it just me or server problems?

submitted by /u/Ivalia
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[WP] The Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Review | Scribing and Decorating

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:27 AM PDT

[Spoiler] Guild Wars 2 is savage

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:47 AM PDT

should Anet consider increasing the DR limit or remove it altogether?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:09 PM PDT

As title say. Most loot routes require a lot of time to be of some use ( leather farm in lake doric, events in frostgorge and some other places, or the map rewards which is also pretty short) but the actual timer is pretty ridiculous.

Being as we already discuss, the solution about swapping characters makes this solution more a feature to annoy the users more than to avoid bots (as is pretty easy to automatize the character swapping for those after x hours)

Would it be better for Anet to just remove the DR limit? Or at least to increase it to begin after 8 hours so a normal player even in a grinding spree doesn't need to suffer the annoyance of swapping characters? (because it is an annoyance after all)

What do you think? Are you fine with the DR as it is?

submitted by /u/wildyarlequin
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[WP] The Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Review | Guild Halls

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:26 AM PDT

Looking for some help rebinding keys with ICM

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:12 PM PDT

Hello, everyone,

It's been some time since my last post around here looking for advice on how to, well, play the game properly. I'm glad to say that the community has largely been outstanding and helpful, and I'm quite enjoying the game. I have my issues with it, but I'm still playing, so that's something.

In any case, one of my biggest issues with the game is that... the game simply will not let me customize the controls the way I want to. I'm coming from TERA as my most recent MMO (and recently went back to it for the new Valkyrie class launch festivities) and it only highlights just how lacking in this area GW2 is. (The combat itself I also have issues with, but is for another time and discussion.)

The main problem I have is that, not only will the game not let me move my skills around (if I am spamming 2, 3 and 5, let me make them 1, 2, and 3?) but it also won't let me even touch M1 and M2 (Left and Right mouse buttons.)

I've gotten used to a control scheme in most other mmos where my primary attacks are bound to M1, M2, and then Shift+M1, Control+M1, etc. This game won't let me do that. As a result, my combat ability suffers heavily to the point where I'm actively putting off raiding because I can't get used to GW2's strict control schemes.

After some complaints, I was referred to try out ICM - Immersive Combat Mode. From some research, it seems it was meant to be an 'action camera' before the action camera was introduced into the game. This makes it largely redundant, except that it appears to also allow one to remap keys as needed.

My initial plan was going to be to use AutoHotKey to do this (make AHK send "2" if I did Shift+M1, for example) but there were a number of technical challenges, such as when to convey that I was in combat and such. ICM appears to solve that for me, as it seems like it should naturally detect when combat has begun and 'enable' the key remaps appropriately. This is almost the entire reason I'm now looking at ICM.

I have a few questions stemming from this:

  1. Are there any other alternatives to ICM for my need to be able to remap buttons as combat begins?

  2. The web site and documentation that comes with ICM, as far as I can tell, is incredibly light, and I can't tell what Syntax its key remapping requires -- is it the same syntax as what is used by AutoHotKey? (I'm not sure if these things are standardized across applications or not.)

  3. The only default remapping examples in the Config file is to remap LButton to 1. Due to my not being able to find the syntax, how do I attach modifiers to that, such that "Shift+LButton = 2" can be mapped?

  4. Is there any way to configure the remaps in such a way (perhaps if the config file allows you to declare your own variables) that one particular button's mapped key changes as a result of another key press? (Specifically, I'm really annoyed that there is no dedicated "Overload current attunement" button for Ele, and was trying to make one. Obviously this button would need to trigger whatever attunement I last entered.)

I'm somewhat annoyed that I have to resort to these methods simply to play the game how I want, but it seems I don't really have a choice. Thanks in advance for any help.

submitted by /u/Koizuki
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Non-Combat Skills + Greater RP experience?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:55 PM PDT

So for a while I've been thinking about how the RP quality of GW2 is and to be fair I haven't seen much of it I feel the majority of the game is all about 'the next grind'

I can't just sit and chill by a lake fishing or start up a tavern and pull brews for bypassing travellers and here their tales or even just be a humble baker! for me I don't see the RP in this MMORPG and its a shame as more non-combat skills could really push that greater sense of atmosphere in such a great and diverse world

I spend so much time in this game and to me and yet I don't feel a person of Tyria but a game character, it'd be nice to just exist and contribute to the society and live contently there...

I know those who do RP please let me know of any tips or any other games that'll let me do this sort of thing :-)

may out outrun many centaurs x

submitted by /u/Drink1ntea
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If ANET could do a rework of one skin of your choice, what would it be?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:41 AM PDT

I would pick the Witch's hat. There is so much potential for cosplay with the item if it only allowed for hair to be seen. In particular, I have wanted to do a Megumin and a witch Mercy but the lack of hair has been holding me back.

//Edit:// I would also add the mist trails to the Fractal scepter, staff, warhorn, and focus since they are missing them.

submitted by /u/acorico
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Gear progression after exotic?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:56 PM PDT

Greetings! I am a returning player after like a 3 year hiatus from the game. I am currently in exotic gear with the rampages rune set. I am a condition Necromancer. Just completed the first part of the Heart Of thorns story to get the gliding mastery.

So I read the returning player guide from this subreddit but wasn't able to find an answer to my question. What gear should I be pursuing now that there are those ascended gear. I got some but the stats aren't for my specialization.

Basically what content specifically should I be doing to progress in terms of my current gear?

submitted by /u/Durmyun
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Raid S/W Temp Benchmarks.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:19 PM PDT

Hello reddit! I'm a s/w temp for raids and I was just curious (since the advent of dps meters) about how good does an actually good tempest do on some of the bosses (VG, Gors, Sab, Sloth, KC, etc). I'm simply looking to improve my game and perfect my performance :). Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help me out :D

submitted by /u/FacetsofZero
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Elementalist, New Player

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:08 PM PDT

The elementalist class is something I am interested in. I like to sometimes just melt faces. I have played mage type classes in other games. How easy is it to learn? Am I viable in the end game (don't need to be #1, but don't want to be useless)? How is DPS? The other class that interested me was warrior, completely different I know. If I play melee I prefer heavy armor type classes.

submitted by /u/h0sti1e17
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PSA: [Recipe: Superior Sigil of Malice] (+10% condition duration.) available today through PSNA merchant.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:51 PM PDT

[Superior Sigil of Malice] (Account-bound)

Recipes of the sigil is sold by merchant Verma Giftrender at Haymal Gore [&BA8CAAA=] (or Temperus Point Waypoint [&BIMBAAA=] after 08:00UTC), only for today.

For new players: the Pact Supply Network Merchants (PSNA) are available for players with "Pact Commander" mastery level 3. More info can be found in the link below.

submitted by /u/PallasLandan
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