Elder Scrolls Online - Sunset, Love this game.

Sunset, Love this game.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:32 PM PDT

I guess she wasn't kidding about loving wood...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:28 AM PDT

Can't login

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:37 PM PDT

uh.. I can't login. Never had this problem before anyone else know a fix?

edit as a fix I suggest closing the Game/launcher (+ steam if you're using it) and reloading it until it fixes and you can get in, might take a few tries.

submitted by /u/jfish718
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[PS4] A ghost in ESO hit me and threw me outside the dungeon (Heimlyn Keep Reliquary) in the empty space

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:35 PM PDT

Why is leveling the Mages Guild so damn tedious compared to the Fighters? Doesn't seem right...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:27 PM PDT

Fighter Guild = Kill mobs

Mages Guild = Mindlessly collect books

Both guilds should get you to level 10 just by completing the quest line alone. Having to go around and collect books is not my idea of a fun time and makes the Mages Guild more of a chore.

Why can't we level the Mages Guild in the same manner as the Fighters? Just change the type of mobs we are fighting to earn the XP.

The further I get into this game the more little annoyances I find.

submitted by /u/KevinDL
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Alcast's Analysis of Champion System Changes - Starting to get hyped for Morrowind Balance Changes!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:07 AM PDT

Nirncrux Drop Rate

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:29 PM PDT

I've been an avid crafter since I started playing ESO a few months ago. I mainly collect materials to make money to afford houses/furniture/etc. So I started only harvesting in Craglorn for the added monetary bonus of Nirncrux, but as everyone knows, they're crafty little bastards.

So I decided to start gathering some experimental data on the Drop rates of both types, and from each type of node, and I'll post everything here!

If anyone has additional data to add to mine, I'd love to utilize it.

Total Nodes Harvested: 281 Total Nirncrux: 9 Potent: 4 Fortified: 5

Overall Chance of Nirncrux: 3.2% Overall Chance of Potent: 1.4% Overall Chance of Fortified: 1.8%

Blacksmithing total: 81 Potent: 1 Fortified: 2 Chance of Potent: 1.2% Chance of Fortified: 2.4% Total Chance: 3.7%

Clothing total: 102 Potent: 2 Fortified: 2 Chance of Potent: ~2% Chance of Fortified: ~2% Total Chance: 4%

Woodworking total: 98 Potent: 1 Fortified: 1 Chance of Potent: 1% Chance of Fortified: 1% Total Chance: 2%

Not the most exciting numbers ever, but I wanted some experiment data to show how abysmally low the rates were.

Please let me know if you have your own data to add, this was from about 6 hours of collective farming.

submitted by /u/TwelveAfterTwo
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Interesting lore inconsistency in Warden piece, possibly spellcrafting related

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:26 PM PDT

I noticed an interesting inconsistency in the recent Warden lore piece.

In layman's terms, something I think my colleague Phrastus may appreciate, the Spinners appear to employ a kind of illusionary magic, whereas the Wardens' abilities are more akin to what might traditionally be called alteration or conjuration.

According to their original plans for spellcrafting those schools of magic existed a long time prior to the time of ESO but had been forgotten.

This is supported by in game lore books which state that the schools of magic we know from the single-player games aren't in use at that time. Something similar to them is in use only in one place, Shad Astula.

This is - from a lore perspective - why we have classes instead of the magic schools we know and love from the single-player games. Because those schools aren't in use at this time. The original plans for spellcrafting had us rediscovering those schools for the Mage's Guild.

But here's Cinnabar talking about these long forgotten and yet to be adopted schools as 'traditional'. This is definitely an inconsistency but is it an error or a rewrite?

Matt Firor last year said that they didn't like their original plans for spellcrafting. I wonder if this is them rewriting lore to allow for a simpler implementation of it.

submitted by /u/ThirdTurnip
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Looks like servers are back up for NA!!

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:05 AM PDT

Finally can login! About time, new system build, download and access code nonsense finally paying off at 2am CST.

submitted by /u/CrashingOnward
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Leveling build advice, new player

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:22 PM PDT

I'm fairly new to the game and I have a level 35 stamdk. I try to keep,my gear up to date with my levels and run all medium armor sets with dual wield. But I'm finding the damage lackluster and can't handle multiple mobs. Would respecing to mag make leveling faster or do I need to praise the sun and git gud? Also, lack of self healing is an issue.

submitted by /u/Thuggrnautxb
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[Discussion] Press Q, hear sound, potion not consumed

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:58 PM PDT

Anyone else have this problem while in combat? you press Q, you hear the sound that would normally indicate that a consumable is used but nothing happens. It happens to me too often while in combat and it has caused more deaths than I can count.

submitted by /u/TheAlp
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Inventory management for low levels

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:54 AM PDT


Just a quick question: as a low level player who start to research traits, is it usefull to keep in my bank all the gear with unresearched traits ? It starts to take a lot of space, so I'm not sure if I should keep it or deconstruct it.

submitted by /u/jullebarge
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Spell damage

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:57 PM PDT

What are some ways to increase my spell damage?

submitted by /u/MidKnightKush
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DPS with Non-set gear?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:37 AM PDT

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to post their DPS parses (say on a target skeleton) while using non-set gear. I am curious how much is due to sets and how much is skill and my lack there of :[ Any build would be appreciated, but I am more interested in stam builds atm. I personally am only getting 12k on my stamblade and 11k on stam dk without any sets but with stam food (I need to git gud :) sometimes it seems like I can pull higher dps when I don't use rotations and just HA and Ani cancel with rapid strikes.

submitted by /u/noobdnoobboob
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Nightblade Stam Bow Build

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:33 PM PDT

I found a sweet guide for this sort of build that I want to do, only thing im wondering is where to my attribute points go? Is it pure stamina? or do i invest some in health as well? That was the only thing that wasn't mentioned in teh guide. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Itz_Boingo
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Dual wield advice

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:15 PM PDT

So i took every ones advice and switched to dual wield im doing alot better i feel unstoppable thank you guys for helping me out but anyway what abilties should i get for dual weild?

submitted by /u/poseies
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[Discussion] Are there any leg Motifs that look like the Drifting Sand and Tunic costume?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:44 AM PDT

Hey Guys, i'd love to have my leg wear look like the Drifting Sand and Tunic costume.. Are there any similar looking Motifs?

submitted by /u/4zure
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This seems like a supportive forum, noob trading advice politely requested!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:54 PM PDT

Hey guys,

I'm a reasonably experienced MMO player who only recently got into ESO (first time mmo on console, ps4 as it happens).

I'm slowly getting my head around this game's mechanics and really appreciate all the support i see on this subreddit!

One burning problem i have (among several) stems from trading. I think i understand how guild trading works though i'm seeking advice just incase.

I'm familiar with the 'Auction House' model from other mmos, and as a low level player, feel like i'm actually unable to afford the weekly cost of a trading guild. What am i supposed to do with loot? What's my most effective means of income?

I wish i could just check the old AH and trade items with ease aha. I'd really appreciate any discussion on this topic!

I feel like i'd be wasting things by just vendoring the things i choose not to deconstruct, and i'm often looking for low level gear to purchase for research, so i feel like there might be a market for that stuff!

submitted by /u/yashabo
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Magsorc or stamsorc pve?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:38 AM PDT

Yeah what the title says, what are the pro's and cons? Wich one do you recommend and why?

Sort of beginner player (have cp133 magtemp healer)

submitted by /u/naomipower
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Decide My Journey - Weapons & Armor

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:29 PM PDT

Hello Again!,


A few days ago I asked you all to vote on what kind of character I should make for my live streams and over 150 of you replied! Yesterday, "Community Durken" was made as a Dunmer Magicka Nightblade on the Ebonheart Pact faction. Now I'm looking for your feedback once again, this time on what weapons and armor to use!


If you could spare a moment of your time, please fill out the survey below then tune in live Tuesday (April 25) at 7 PM EDT to see the results!



Don't forget to follow me on Twitter (@TheDurken) and/or "Like" me on Facebook for future "Community Durken" updates!


A note on community allocation of skill points: there are a LOT of skills in ESO, I still intend to crowd-source my whole build, but am currently working on how that may work. Keep an eye out for updates from me in the future on how you can continue to help shape CD's (Community Durken's) build!

submitted by /u/TheDurken
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Any recommendations for levelling?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:31 AM PDT

So I'm rank 46, first character, and I've dropped and came back to the game several times, but honestly what am I supposed to do now? Quests are giving me 3k at minimum and 7k on a very rare basis. Obviously I know it depends on the quests but it's a lot of questing for one level, does anyone have any suggestions of what else I could do?

submitted by /u/ItsRowan
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Stam Blade questions [PC]

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:30 PM PDT

I just recently leveled a stam blade up to level 50 (Im cp 400) I know nothing about how builds go and wanted to ask a few generic questions. I wanted to make my stam blade pvp oriented and wondered what gear is best in slot and what is something craft able I can get that will also help me out until i get that gear. Also what is some PVE gear that I can wear to do my dailies. Any advice is well appreciated.

submitted by /u/mikethewats
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Whats will be bets race for stamsorc pvp

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:25 AM PDT

Guys im gonna change my mag sorc to stam and get a race change. I just fancy trying something new, whats the best race going to be ? will it be orc now as redguard is getting changed ?

submitted by /u/smallshuttle
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What are the most expensive items in ESO?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:15 AM PDT

Just wondering which items are pretty expensive ? Saw items already for 1.5mil and im not sure if some items are that expensive? Im playing since 3 weeks and i am sometimes afraid to sell items :D

submitted by /u/Maikiavelly
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Cradle of shadows

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:07 AM PDT

Hi all, so last night's pledge.... What a mare ran cradle on vet I'm 380cp, had others of a similar lvl and basically could not get passed dranos, quit,then another group with two 600s and a 575, couldn't beat velidreth. Jesus, is this dungeon known to be really tough or was I just unlucky? Trying to get helm for my stamsorc don't know whether to bother after last night :'(

submitted by /u/sherriffcleeton
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