Elder Scrolls Online - Screenshot Saturdays - Post your pics here

Screenshot Saturdays - Post your pics here

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 04:02 AM PDT

Hey folks,

Welcome to our new recurring post to help you show off the beauty of ESO and your characters!

To help you avoid "potato quality": How To Take Screenshots On PS4 - How To Take Screenshots On XB1

As always, be polite and respectful, and happy sharing!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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With group finder still broken, I lucked out with 1 dps.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:29 AM PDT

So I was running Vet Vault of Madness and as soon as we spawned and the 2 others left, Steel (Vanessa) just blazed thru leaving me behind, I honestly thought as soon as we get to 1st area that we will wipe numerous times.......i was wrong enemies melted and honestly it didn't matter if i was there, dude was wrecking everything and nothing was stopping him from getting that monster helm in divines. So bosses were no issue and we got up to where the video starts and finally we get a 3rd. Still, Steel rekt them 1 by one.........Last boss and yeah rekt as well we even read the scroll (im guessing for the lulz cuz it was hilarious). So after we got done we asked what we needed and me of course asked for divines worm set and got pants and i searched for the monster helm in divines but got "training" :(. Minutes later steel asks us if there was anything else that we needed and i replied "no im good ty" and then he approached my character and initiated a trade, then saw 50k in gold and was like . I was bummed that i had nothing to offer then he starts 2 more trades and gives me a Mazzatun motif and 2 celestial motifs I was blown away by Steel's generosity. What i thought was gonna be a bad dungeon run was in fact the opposite. This was the most fun i had with a pug. Thank you Steel

TL;DR: Was in a p.u.g with 1 dps and we actually blazed thru dungeon with no problems. Dps gifted me and another with 50k gold and some motifs. Faith in humanity is restored ......also my formatting sucks yes i know.

submitted by /u/s1ckmad3
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[PC] NA Servers going up and down?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:19 PM PDT

I logged in at some point in the afternoon, but now can't log on at all, even after multiple tries. The EU servers are working perfectly, but my main is on NA. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Oh_Mah_Lord
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I just dropped an Elk trophy. Any suggestions on it's price?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 06:31 PM PDT

[Discussion] How bad is the sustain nerf in Morrowind? A Breakdown

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:22 AM PDT

The following post is theory crafting in the purest sense, since it was written by someone with no access to the PTS, purely on the basis of a thorough analysis of the patch notes. My goals in sharing this post are twofold: 1) I want to create a resource quantifying the sustain nerf for other theorycrafters, and 2) I want to state my understanding of the nerf publicly so that I can be corrected if I've misunderstood anything. Since I haven't logged onto the PTS or signed any NDA, I don't believe this discussion will violate the NDA, especially since it's pretty clear that ZoS really isn't sure themselves what they want to keep under the NDA. ('You can talk about how your character performs in Battlegrounds but don't talk about Battlegrounds.') I also want to stress that, while I make a few jokes in the post, I'm not here to bitch about the nerf. My objective is to accurately quantify the nerf so that we can start working on builds that will excel in PvE Trials next patch!

  1. The first and most basic nerf to sustain is the elimination of the Magician CP tree. This amounts to a flat 16% increase to all spell costs.

  2. The second nerf to sustain is similarly straightforward: the total value of the Arcanist CP has been reduced from 25% to 15%. It should be noted that this is a reduction in a percentage-based increase to Magicka recovery, and not a nerf to the base Magicka Recovery stat itself. In other words, this nerf has no effect on other Magicka Recovery modifiers (like the Vampire's Supernatural Recovery passive or Minor Intellect) now that multiple sources of Magicka Recovery are additive.

  3. Minor Magickasteal now returns 100 less points of magicka per second (300 per second, down from 400). This is a nerf to sustain comparable to losing 200 magicka recovery.

  4. The Evocation passive in Light armor will now reduce Magicka costs by 10% instead of 15% for any magicka class wearing 5 pieces of light armor. This amounts to a 5% increase to all spell costs.

  5. The value of the Worm's Raiment 5-piece has been reduced from 5% to 4%.

  6. Luminous Shards now shares a cooldown with Energy Orbs, essentially eliminating from consideration as a separate sustain cooldown. This is a pretty inconsequential change for Magicka DPS; while I really like Luminous Shards and wish that they were used more, they never really made their way into the meta.

  7. The final nerf to sustain is the most ambiguous and the hardest to quantify. Necrotic Orbs (including both morphs, Mystic and Energy) now return Magicka or Stamina, whichever resource has a lower percentage value. This could be annoying in a fight light AA HM, where you have to block often, because a poorly timed synergy could return Stamina instead of Magicka while locking you out of the synergy for 20 seconds. However, several people have interpreted this change to mean that orbs no longer return Magicka to everyone around the person who uses the synergy. If that's the case, this is a massive nerf to sustain—and an extremely difficult one for me to quantify. In the following analysis, I'm going to assume that orbs still return Magicka to everyone around, because I don't want to break down in tears mid-post.

So overall, we've been hit with a 22% increase in spell costs, a 10% reduction in Magicka recovery, a nerf to Elemental Drain that translates to a 200 point reduction in Magicka recovery, the removal of a sustain synergy, and the possibility that the only remaining sustain synergy might give us Stamina instead of Magicka.

So how does this translate to DPS rotations? Let's take a meta Magicka Sorc running 5x BSW, 2x Ilambris, 4x Moondancer, and a vMA staff, and assume that we're not running a pet. In 8 seconds, we'll probably cast one Liquid Lightning (which will cost 809 more Magicka), one Blockade of Fire (+752 Magicka), one Haunting Curse (+684), one Crystal Frag (+466), and 4 Force Pulses (+622x4=2488). In that 8 seconds, we'll be spending a total of 4390 extra Magicka. Furthermore, we'll get 800 less magicka back from Elemental Drain. Finally, our regen will be about 51 points lower, so we'll regen 204 less magicka over those 8 seconds. This means that we'll be in the hole about 5394 Magicka every 8 seconds. When I did a test to emulate next patch's sustain, I went to the dummy without Ele or Worm or Orbs and I could sustain for about 24 seconds. Jokes were made about my sexual prowess. Laughs were had. Tears were cried.

To give you an idea of how drastic this sustain nerf is, let's talk about how to counteract it. Say I took off my 3 spell damage enchants (that's 522 spell damage) and I put on 3 Cost Reduction Glyphs. (Aside: Cost reduction glyphs are better whenever you're just stacking and burning, since they 'proc' about every one second and recovery glyphs proc every two). That's a flat 609 magicka cost reduction to all of my skills. That's still less than 16% of the cost for every single skill. Force Pulse will still cost 13 more, Blockade 143, Liquid 200, and Curse 75. Only Crystal Frags will cost less than it does on live, and only when it procs. That's still 470 extra Magicka I'm spending every 8 seconds, in addition to 1004 less Magicka returned that we discussed earlier.

The point of this discussion is to show that the sustain nerf coming in Morrowind is so severe that even if you sacrificed 522 spell damage for 3 cost reduction glyphs, you will still have less sustain that you have on live. That doesn't mean that you won't be able to sustain with 3 cost reduction glyphs; you might. But it does mean that sustain will be really, really aids next patch.

In order to fully counteract the sustain nerf, we would need to find a way to recover 5400 Magicka every 8 seconds. That would require another 1350 Magicka recovery on your character sheet. A sorcerer probably has a Magicka Recovery modifier of 98% (9% from High Elf, 15% from Arcanist, 10% from Vampire, 10% from Sorc passives, 30% Major and Minor Intellect, 20% from Light Armor, 4% from Mage's Guild), so we'd need to find a way to add about 677 Magicka recovery in order to approximate the level of sustain we have on live right now. To give you an idea of how severe this is, I would value 5x gold Lich at only 602, so still not quite enough to make up for the sustain nerf. Yes, the sustain nerf is so severe that replacing BSW with Lich will still leave you (a little bit) in the hole compared to live.

My initial response to the patch notes was 'Oh well, I'll just throw some sustain glyphs on my jewelry.' However, the sustain nerf is much more severe than that, and adding sustain glyphs to DPS gear is likely not going to be enough for most players, even if it ends up working in coordinated raid groups. I would like to remind everyone that there are named Sharpened Lich Staffs in both Fire and Lightning, and that running 5x Lich with 3 Spell Damage glyphs is more sustain* and roughly the same amount of DPS as running 5x Burning Spellweave with 3x Cost Reduction Glyphs.

Obviously, ZoS may make the decision to roll back some of these changes, so everything that I've said refers to the current PTS cycle and may change in the future.

*It's roughly the same amount of sustain on a dummy, but since it comes from Magicka Recovery, it will be 'better' sustain since it will tick while you're moving, blocking, dodging, etc. Also, if there are any magicka draining mechanics in the next trial, which is a trend for recent ZoS content (fuck you lady of lace), recovery will be superior to cost reduction.

Edit: There is one sustain nerf I didn't mention, and that is the possibility that we won't have the Arcane Well passive next patch, due to the Off Balance meta (probably) staying in place and the introduction of Master at Arms, which looks really worthwhile.

submitted by /u/raisetheglass1
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Help! Only pulling 20k DPS as a stamsorc.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:08 AM PDT

Tried a DPS test today with my stamsorc. Was quite disappointed and disheartened to find I'm only doing 20k DPS, with ultimate (flawless dawnbreaker).

I'm running, all medium:

  • 2 Velidreth (helm infused, shoulders divines, gold)
  • 5 Hundings (purple, all divines, all stam enchants except for legs which is tri-glyph)
  • 3 Agility (weapon damage enchants)
  • 2 NMG dagger and axe (gold, sharpened)
  • NMG bow (gold, sharpened)
  • Thief mundus stone (more crit)

My weapon damage sits at 4k with crit surge, I've seen it get up to 5.6k (in a dungeon though, with others). Crit chance is 70%. Around 33k max stam with food.

My rotation was not perfect. I can't animation cancel properly which resulted in a second or 2 where little to no damage was done. I was by myself so no ele drain to help, no reduced armour on the dummy either. I did have to cast dark deal to get some stam back. Was not using weapon power pots.

But even with all that, I doubt I could reach 25k, which is the minimum I need to reach.

Would TBS be a better choice? Maybe 5 NMG? I do have some VO pieces but they are in crappy traits. I have no twice-fanged snake stuff.

This is a bit of a shock to me because I thought I was pulling good DPS in dungeons/norm trials. I want to get into the vet trial scene but with 20k DPS that is not happening. :(

Maybe I should just be a magsorc.

submitted by /u/chaosgodloki
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[Discussion] Possible side quest spoiler ahead - Could this be a LOTR reference?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:35 PM PDT


The questline at Fullhelm Fort. A thane that is stubborn, with an evil worm-like assistant who is with the enemy.

Do you think this could be a LOTR reference? With Theoden and Wormtongue?

Edit: Just noticed the Thane also has a blonde grand-daughter who speaks against the assistant. Reference to Eowyn...? ;D

Edit 2: This HAS to be a LOTR reference! The assistant just proposed to the Thane's granddaughter (Wormtongue was in love with Eowyn), and the assistant was hiding the Thane's beloved sword (Wormtongue hid Theoden's sword in a chest)!

submitted by /u/yeonnie
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How do people have so much health?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:45 PM PDT

I've been following Deltia's Omega Templar build and in his videos he has around 20k health with it. I have it at CP 160 and barely break 10k health. Everything just destroys me. How do I fix this without dumping attribute points into health? Also with all the changes would it be worthwhile to create a magsorc? Are they hard to learn to play?

submitted by /u/SMF_Reaper
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Best healer sets to use in vDSA?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:32 AM PDT

I've never attempted DSA but I would love a Masters Resto Staff and was wondering what are the best sets to use in there.

should I go 5pc SPC 3pc Twilight and monster or no monster at all or run 7 light?

edit: should've mentioned I have all pieces of spc, worm, twilight, mending, sanctuary and a vMA resto staff

submitted by /u/kuyan21
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Server Issues

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:44 PM PDT

Anyone else still unable to log in? https://a.pomf.cat/xzplyg.jpg

submitted by /u/A_Neko
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NA PC Server just crash?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:47 PM PDT


submitted by /u/prowlinger
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Destro staff recharge/repair?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:15 PM PDT

Hi, new to this game and still trying to figure a lot of stuff out. My flame staff had 1000 something damage when i got it. Over time it's gone down to 900ish then i checked it again and its around 850. I don't seem to have the repair option at merchants (though I do for other items). and I don't see a recharge option when I right click it (I have a soul gem and I see the option for other staffs, but this one doesnt have an enchantment). Anyways how do I repair the staff? I really like the style, it's the one with like the goat skull at the top and I cant seem to find another one. So follow up question, does anyone know where to get another one of these ram skull staffs/what style it is? Thanks!! I'm ebonheart pact so somewhere close to there would be great.

submitted by /u/spork7426
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I'm not feeling any sense of progression :/

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:09 AM PDT

So today I was questing in Bal Foyen at level 8, then went off to do quite a bit of other stuff. In that time I gained 4 levels and also ran a dungeon netting me 4 pieces of blue gear. When I went back to Bal Foyen, fighting the exact same mobs it seemed I did absolutely no more damage than I did before gaining 4 levels and getting a bunch of blue gear. It was just the same rotation needed of my abilities and the same length of time needed to kill the mob. This is really disheartening and takes a lot of the fun out of gearing up for me. It feels like no matter what I'm not getting stronger - I guess because of the level scaling thing? Anyway, not sure what to do, feel unmotivated to continue currently.

submitted by /u/Serenityinaz12
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[PC] Problems with spinning camera, typing in chat then suddenly having to click to open chat again?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:03 AM PDT

I don't know what it is, it keeps coming and going in Bangkorai. My camera suddenly spins out of control until I click and it stops. Or, I'm typing in chat, and after every word my mouse appears and the chat window needs to be clicked again to continue typing.

What is going on?

submitted by /u/BCWallaroo
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Does anyone know if Morag Tong armor converter will be aviable in Crown Store too?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:44 AM PDT


Basically the title. I think I don't need the rest of bonuses from collectors edition of the game, but Morag Tong armor theme reminds me about Chitin Armor which was my favorite. Do you know if it will be aviable separately?

submitted by /u/Mallagar574
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The Khenarthi's Roost Challenge!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:38 AM PDT

First off, this Challenge is designed for players who have at least played the game to level 50 on one character. If you wish to take this challenge without doing so, you MUST complete the Tutorial at least once.


The Main Goal-

Make it to Level 50 without leaving the Island of Khenarthi's Roost!

Side Goals-

Save up 50000 Gold and Purchase Moonmirth House. ("A Friend In Need" must be completed on a previous character.)


  1. You MUST create a character aligned with the Aldmeri Dominion.

  2. You MUST skip the tutorial.

  3. You are NOT allowed to leave the Island of Khenarthi's Roost AT ALL. As soon as you step foot off the island you are IMMEDIATELY disqualified! No exceptions!

  4. You are NOT allowed to use the Bank or Trade with other players. As soon as you do so, you are IMMEDIATELY disqualified! No Exceptions!

  5. You are NOT allowed to use the Crown Store or open Crown Crates. As soon as you do so, you are IMMEDIATELY disqualified! No Exceptions!

  6. You are NOT allowed to use Assistants. As soon as you do so, you are IMMEDIATELY disqualified! No Exceptions!

  7. You are NOT allowed to access the Guild Traders. As soon as you do so, you are IMMEDIATELY disqualified! No Exceptions!

  8. If you own Moonmirth House during the time of the challenge you may use it. But you may not remove or change anything unless it is directly related to the Character taking the challenge.

Optional Rules. (Just in case you are an extra masochist.)

A. No Champion Points.

B. No Mounts.

C. No Hirelings.

D. No Fast Travel.

E. No Crafting. (This is a tricky one to put in since crafting gives you access to Materials in the Bank and Craft Bag.)


Q&A? Ask Away!

If you think I missed a crucial rule, please tell me. I will update the rules ASAP if necessary.

Break the Rules? To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis!

submitted by /u/T4silly
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Fat Guy!

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:12 AM PDT

Am I the only person who thinks it's hilarious to run around as a fat guy with male pattern baldness and beat the shit out of things? I think that's where this game really shines.

submitted by /u/Zuer9119
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I am positive about Morrowind

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:17 AM PDT

I know many people have been freaking out about the next huge update (Morrowind) with many changes. I think this sort of thing happened when they released the very first patch notes for the homestead. Ofcourse after courses of many weeks they change and update it according to constructive feedback. I am sure they will take our feedback and adjust it accordingly. I am sure things may be a mess right now but given sometime I am sure things will work out.

submitted by /u/WaiYanHlaing
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I Need BIG Beginners Tips!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:34 AM PDT

I've logged 30 hours in game but never fully understood how to play properly. It certainly isn't conventional. I'm gonna make a new character, but I need your guys help on how to git gud in:

*Levelling fast. *Earning gold fast. *Build-making (I wanna be a mage).

submitted by /u/Hat_Skelly
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[Discussion] Can we have more "combo" skills like Flame Lash

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:17 AM PDT

I feel like this game has a lot of room to add depth to combat. Look at Veiled Strike for example, who uses the stun from stealth? You can use way better skills like incap strike from stealth or a heavy attack. So Veiled Strike is just a spammable ability that is just so boring.

Then again look at Flame Lash that you can combo with talons for example to gain the secondary attack. Not only does it look cool but it rewards players for using two skills in tandem.

I just wanted to spark some conversation on the topic.

submitted by /u/TacticJ
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How do I level my vampire skill?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:43 PM PDT

I'm confused, I only can use Drain Essence and that hasn't leveled yet, am I doing something wrong? I want to get to vampire level 6 so I can bite people that want to become a vampire plus to unlock these other cool abilities

submitted by /u/RoseM20
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Quick question that's confusing me

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:06 AM PDT

As a vampire, you can sneak behind people and feed on them pressing triangle and circle on PS4. When you join the dark brotherhood, you can use the blade of woe by pressing triangle and circle as well on PS4. I haven't yet had a character who is both a vampire and in the dark brotherhood, but what happens if your character is both and you sneak behind someone? Which option will it show?

submitted by /u/Burntbreadhead
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Must have mods list?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 01:04 PM PDT

Can I get a link to the most updated essential mod list if there is one. Thanks x

submitted by /u/HHendy
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Questing/Power level

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:00 PM PDT

So I recently began to play this game again the highest character I had was a level 30 or so, I quit the 1st time due to friends quitting and it got boring. I decided to restart to try a new alliance. Is it worth doing all the quests on each island or should i ask some one to help power level me then come back and do the important ones?

submitted by /u/i_Snorlax
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Everyone doing good damage in a cave except for me

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:43 AM PDT

I haven't played since before the leveling overhaul (Gettingn rid of veteran rank) so this is pretty confusing. I'm a healer with a staff that does a little over 1k damage (I'm rank 30). I first noticed somethings weird when the pirate people on the beach near vulkhel guard shrine destroyed me. Instead of me usually 1-2 hitting them. Then I invited my level 5 friend to a group and we went into a cave. Everyone there was 1-5 shooting people, even my level 5 friend, where as me I needed about 30. My destruction staff does more or less the same damage. Brand new players were hopping in that cave and destroying. Then some level 200 players were one hitting. And me? I do fuck all damage. Can someone explain this to me? Also I would like to ask where the levels have gone on enemies. I noticed the pirate people weren't they're usual level 5. Instead they're doing thousands of damage to me. Thank you

submitted by /u/Srgtgunnr
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