Diablo - Opinion: Primal gating and not necessarily the items themselves are what I think like most about them.

Opinion: Primal gating and not necessarily the items themselves are what I think like most about them.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:35 AM PDT

When they were announced the hate surrounding them was palpable on this subreddit, the official forums, basically anywhere you looked... but as a casual I gotta say, unpopular opinion or not, I think their addition has pushed me to aim higher than I have before and given me an interest in seasonal pushing I didn't have before.

Just knowing that some perfectly rolled super ancients were waiting for me behind a challenging task was the real factor, I think. A just reward for a moderately difficult task (personally). Before this season, I never bothered to go higher than a GR65 because it was enough to easily farm T13 and I could typically still get my extra stash tab without too much effort. But knowing that there were EXTRA goodies waiting for me that I wasn't allowed to have (a chance at) until a GR70 clear was what pushed me to aim higher. Even though I have yet to get one, I'm actually enjoying the push now and up to GR79 on my Impale build, a class combo I hadn't tried before. I guess we'll see how long that interest lasts now that nothing is locked to me, but it's still a personal achievement and cool to experience something like that 5+ years into the game.

TL;DR – I think gating certain rewards behind challenging tasks is a good thing, and would like to see a more of it. Also, I'm looking forward to the personal achieve of breaking GR80!

submitted by /u/EverMoar
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8 Facts about early Diablo III you may (or may not) have forgotten

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:10 PM PDT

8 Facts about early Diablo III you may (or may not) have forgotten and seem unbelievable from todays perspective:

  1. You had to identify every single legendary item one by one. And also the YELLOW ones! No book of cain. (Introduced with Patch 1.0.8) Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4M0KFb4rew
  2. There were only 4 levels of difficulty: Normal, Nightmare, Hell and Inferno. Inferno was basically impossible to play with insanely high levels of damage. (With the 1 year anniversary of D3, only 6% of players cleared Inferno, https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/game/anniversary-infographic/) The new „Monster Powers" later changed to „Torment Levels"
  3. Gold could be traded und was often purchased from so called „china farmers". Some people farmed it with bots or by hand, because it was valuable to buy good items in the auction house or craft expensive gems (Patch 2.0.1 ended Gold trading). Avg. Gold per Character in the first year: 9.7 million
  4. There were only 100 paragon levels available. Paragon levels were not shared between characters. Until Patch 2.0.1 introduced Paragon 2.0 and removed the upper bound.
  5. There was no waypoint map of all areas, instead a (not so great) waypoint list: https://www.diablowiki.net/images/thumb/6/6b/Waypoints-beta-list..jpg/350px-Waypoints-beta-list..jpg
  6. There were 19 (!) gem levels before Patch 2.3.0; you had to pay the jeweler for unsocketing. Today there are 10 gem levels.
  7. You were forced to do bounties to get 5 key stone fragments to enter a Nephalem Rift to get a Greater Rift Keystone to enter a Greater Rift. That is the reason for the existence of many communities like „Rift it Forward". Upon completion of a Greater Rift, you had to „upgrade" it to a higher level so higher Greater Rifts were available. With Patch 2.3.0 normal Nephalem Rifts could be accessed for free.
  8. Everyone wanted to have a really high „magic find" which was a stat, that could roll on items, could be socketed into helmets and increased with higher paragon levels and which would increase the probability of legendary items to drop. Magic find was removed with Patch 2.4.2 and replaced by „resource cost reduction"
  9. Bonus: Things added that were not available at start: Kanai's Cube (2.3.0), Season Journey (2.3.0), Legendary gems (2.1), Kadala, Ancient Items (2.1.2), Crusader class & Act 5 (RoS)

Many of these things are small of big Quality of Life changes, but others changed the way we play Diablo 3 utterly; e.g. Greater Rifts or Kanai's Cube.

What do you remember from these days? What was the most important change to you since then?

Sources: - https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/game/patch-notes/ - http://diablo.wikia.com/

(sorry, not a native speaker)

submitted by /u/disser2
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PSA: If you find a yellow elite cultist that is channeling to become an Unholy Thrall, let him finish the channel... It will kill it and drop progressing globes.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:51 AM PDT

Was doing some solo grifting when I stumbled upon this. (Made some good time from it)

submitted by /u/killersinger
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How big of a difference are augments?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:15 PM PDT

I'm currently in the process of filling out my DH with +300 Dex augments... and I'm wondering...

How big is it, really?

For example, if you can do a T13 in 6 minutes without any, what would having a full set of em bring you down to?

submitted by /u/Perkinz
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Any info on todays Xbox One patch?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:19 PM PDT

I couldn't find any, anyone have some information?

submitted by /u/TheGhostGG
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[Diablo 2] The Most Perfect Drop Rolls I've Ever Had

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:42 PM PDT

Need help getting from gr64 to gr70 - Impale DH

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:22 PM PDT


Hey guys,

It's my first char after taking a break for a few years. After farming for my impale build I've managed to finish gr64 with a few seconds to spare. I've seemed to hit a wall at gr65 - my main problem is when I get overrun with trash monsters I'm having trouble focusing my impale on elites/champions.

Looking for any advice to get me to that gr70 and any suggestions on how to focus fire on elites and champions when there's 50 other monsters swarming my screen.

Thanks for any info!

submitted by /u/svtr4ptor
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First time d3 hardcore mode - Need tips (monk)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:08 PM PDT

After playing through d2 hardcore, I am now working on d3. Admittedly, I'm way less knowledgeable about d3 and haven't played since reaper of souls launch and lack the hours/experience. If anyone has any pro tips for hardcore mode in general, things to watch out for, or monk tips that would be helpful to me. I'm currently a 56 monk and really don't want to die. I've looked through a few builds and have a long Diablo 1&2 history but not so much 3, so any pointers would be great. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Lambcakez
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117 Greater Rift 4 man clear

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:51 PM PDT

Shout out to all you wonderfull people

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:03 AM PDT

So i follow a couple of games on Reddit and i can honestly say that this is one of the best ones I follow. Everyone is always so helpful and so many of yall do to the best of your abilities as much as you can to answer questions and give tips and what not. Love you all.

submitted by /u/Fackintank
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Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:00 AM PDT




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Crusader in groups?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 07:39 AM PDT

So having played monk every season I wanted to try something new. I went for crusader and have pretty much played solo in GR. I wondered id crusader is viable at all if I want to do high tier GR in groups. Im almost paragon 900 and have mainly played as hammerdin which I also have great gear for. I looked through a few pages of 4man leaderboards and dident see any crusader. So is there a viable build for crusader in groups?

submitted by /u/Chillypill
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Consider Sprinter/Speed Racer as one of your Season Journey Conquests

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:56 AM PDT

Bit of a "Hey, look what I did!" post, but after completing Speed Racer solo (complete the campaign in under 1 hour on hardcore), I just wanted other players who really don't know what conquests they can work towards to consider this one or it's non-hardcore equivalent. I also wanted to discuss the positives of the conquest and my experience in completing it.

It takes probably 10,000 - 20,000 blood shards and 400-700 DBs to gear a infinite dash Monk almost entirely for it, and is technically possible solo with minimal changes to a Wiz, DH, WD, and Crusader as well.

My experience with it was very positive. The infinite dash monk is absolute madness to play, and trying to finish the campaign in an hour actually feels rewarding, rather than grinding out GR55s on 6 sets, or mastering 8 set dungeons. This is just my opinion, but I feel like those conquests are boring and you're just going through the motions (on at least two characters) to complete them.

I followed Roph's build: http://www.diablofans.com/builds/87818-infinite-dash-monk-guide-we-dont-need-no

You absolutely do not need perfect gear or perfect rolls. Pretty much as soon as you get a piece that has one of either CDR or Resource Cost Reduction, you roll the other one on it and it is good to use. I would recommend watching the video Roph does where he goes over the pieces, as many slots do not need specific legendaries, just the right stats. To the people who have geared up an Archon Wiz or zMonk (or probably many other builds), it is pretty much like gearing up for that at the start of a season. Just trying to get those essential stats and worrying about damage and numbers later.

As for how long it took once geared? I did one full run to refresh my memory as like many other player's who don't consider this, I hadn't played through the campaign in what must be a couple of years (whenever you didn't have to do it at the start of a season is when I stopped). I did try to go as quickly as possible anyway and simply due to how insane the build was it was already sub 70 minutes. I watched a video on YouTube about parts I wasn't sure on (the catapults in Act III mostly). The next run I broke the scripting in Act II when escaping Caldeum and had to quit the run as it didn't fix itself. The following I semi-broke the scripting somewhere in Act V, but warping out and back in fixed it, finishing that run in about 63 minutes. The next run I successfully did it in 59:10 or so, finishing my first ever season journey!

TL;DR If you really can't bear to bring yourself to get 6 or 8 sets of gear for boring conquests, gear a speed build to do the 1 hour campaign conquest - it really isn't that scary.

submitted by /u/Deldari
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Discuss: Could D3 stay viable without an expansion?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:13 AM PDT

WW or Leapquake Barb to start?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:51 AM PDT

My impale DH is super fun but looking to make a 2nd char this season. What are your thoughts on these two builds? Which is easier to gear for?


submitted by /u/matsunoshin
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Help with Barbarian...

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:57 AM PDT

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the noob questions but i need some guidance. I am curious about my barbarian progression...

For example, i am level 70 with the full set of Raekor set items and i am not sure where to go from here.

For example, the build that i am using is from this site:


But now where do i go from here? What items should I be looking for? And if i swap in the new items, what is the new build i should be going with?

There are a lot of questions...so i am definitely looking for some guidance here in terms of 'What is Next'...

submitted by /u/lemi69
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3D Print of Diablo, based off of his design in Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:43 AM PDT

So... any chance the Necro can be a buy it for PC and console as one package?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:37 PM PDT

Yeah.. didn't think so.

But I really don't want to have to buy it twice. I don't think we should have to buy it at all to be honest. But yeah. Sad times.

submitted by /u/silverscreemer
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Gear check Manald Wizard

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 08:26 AM PDT

Hey guys, so last night I found out I am a bit of a noob because I didn't realise that you can augment ancient items...I thought you could only augment primals...anyways I've done GR75 and maybe GR76 (I can't remember), but when I tried anything higher, my DPS is insufficient. And I can't spot anything major that I'm missing. I mean, my gear is not bad, but I feel like I die too easily and also don't have enough DPS.

I'm following this manald build

I was also wondering if I screwed up this Swami. I was tired and rerolled the APOC to CHC...have I screwed it up? Any advice?

Thanks in advance for any advice. And I'll post this to the wizard subreddit as well.

submitted by /u/Luskus
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How long do you guys think until Diablo 4 is announced?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:06 PM PDT

Hey guys. I'm on mobile and don't have a lot of data left and surfing my internet browser eats it up, so thought I should ask here!

submitted by /u/stormithy
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Ancients vs Throwing Portions!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:19 PM PDT

Message To battle.net Spammers

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 12:00 PM PDT

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