Destiny - Weekly Reset Thread [2017-04-25]

Weekly Reset Thread [2017-04-25]

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Nightfall: Fallen S.A.B.E.R.

Old Russia, Earth Rush to the aid of the AI Warmind Rasputin as he broadcasts a plea for help across the system.


  • Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Ironclad - More enemies have shields.
  • Airborne - Players deal more damage while in the air.
  • Exposure - Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.
  • Daybreak - The Darkness grows stronger, and so do you. Form a fireteam of three and unleash your Light with greatly increased ability recharge.

Heroic Strike Playlist


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Arc Burn - Arc Damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Specialist - Special Weapon damage is favored.
  • Juggler - No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.

Vendor Planetary Material Exchange

Featured Weekly Raid: Crota's End

Weekly Story: The Iron Lords


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Ironclad - More enemies have shields.
  • Airborne - Players deal more damage while in the air.

Crucible Playlists:

  • Mayhem Rumble
  • Pending Data from Tower...

Challenge of Elders


  • Airborne - Players deal more damage while in the air.
  • Fresh Troops - Some enemy squads have been fortified with additional reinforcements.
  • Grenade Kill Bonus - Grenade kills are worth more points.
Round Boss Enemy Race
1 Seditious Mind Vex
2 Noru'usk, Servant of Oryx Cabal
3 Sylok, the Defiled Hive


Name Description
Heavy Hitter Use a Heavy weapon to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Kill Them Back Kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Dead Shot Kill enemies with precision shots in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.

Iron Lord Artifacts

Name Primary Talent
Memory of Silimar In the Crucible, resistance to damage-over-time attacks is greatly increased.
Memory of Timur Melee attacks on minor minions of the Darkness have the chance to temporarily turn the target against its allies.
Memory of Jolder Removes sprint cooldown penalty.

Shiro-4 Vanguard Scout Bounties

Name Description
Archon's Forge: Vandals Complete Vandal encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Crushing Blows Use the Iron Battle Axe or powerful enemy weapons to decimate hostile threats.
Archon's Forge: Shanks Complete Shank encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Pull the Plug Kill Fallen Majors and Ultras.

Titan Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Strike Elite Earn Gold Tier Achieved, Silver Tier Achieved, or Bronze Tier Achieved Medals.
Sunrise Earn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
Merciless Get 9 rapid enemy kills to earn Rampage Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.

Lord Shaxx Bounties

Name Description
A Hunt for Glory Exercise your skills in the Supremacy match type.
Taking Control Exercise your skills in the Control match type.

Crucible Quartermaster Bounties

Name Description
Burst of Victory Use Pulse Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Eye on Victory Use Scout Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
They'll Never See It Coming Use Sniper Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Trusty Sidearm Use Sidearms to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Choose Your Moment Use Heavy Weapons to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.


Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Arms Day Foundry Orders

Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Daily Thread - Team Up Tuesday!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:00 AM PDT

Welcome to Team Up Tuesday!

This is your one-stop shop for finding clans, friends, raid buddies, patrol buddies, Tower dance party buddies, and whatever other kind of buddies you want.

Rule 6 is turned off for this thread. Clan requests, raid requests, and general friend requests are all welcome in this thread. Also feel free to advertise your clan if you would like.

Friend Requests

If you are looking for some new friends, we suggest you leave a comment with some or all of the following info:

  • Platform(s)
  • Timezone/Region
  • Character level(s)
  • Preferred game modes or what you would like help with
  • Mic: Yes/No
  • Username or Gamertag
  • Optional: comment about yourself, link to profile, favorite color, etc.

Other Resources

If you need some additional resources, we also recommend /r/fireteams, /r/DestinySherpa, or Have fun!

Don't forget to sort comments by 'new' if you are looking for people in the immediate future.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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with all the nerfs in the name of PvP, The state of PvP still sucks and PvE has paid the price

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:25 AM PDT

Guess I will start this off with the obvious. PvE and PvP should be 100% separate in Destiny 2. PvE should not have to pay the sins of PvP.

This post was born from running a few raids these past few weeks when I suddenly realized that my Sleep Simulant had more rounds than my sniper did. For those who are wondering. My sleeper has 12 round thanks to more heavy and my sniper was a longbow that capped out at 11. I remember in Y1 I would use a supremecy in VoG or Crota and have 24 rounds in my mag.

But patch after patch, nerf after nerf. things that were fun and interesting in PvE begin to wilt away. I remember when the new and improved Super good advice was introduced in TTK. With heavy armor you could get over 300 rounds total and now you can barely get into the low 200s. The gun was nerfed cause everyone was using Quilliums in PvP. An awesome exotic was neutered cause of another weapon in a game mode where super good advice isn't even used.

I can say the same thing about the recent HC nerf. The fatebringer is a shell of its former self, because we Esayluna and Palindrome with Rifled (a perk fatebringer does not have) was the best in pvp.

Are we destined for the same thing to happen to stickies and Icebreaker (current pvp meta)? Is Icebreaker destined to become a former shell of itself in PvE to satisfy PvP? How about stickies, should they be nerfed so that people will stop complaining?

I hope that Bungie has learned that pve and pvp being tied together is a bad idea. Because it has continued to ruin guns for half of the population.

submitted by /u/wallie123321
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In Destiny 2 every time you get a new exotic it should be introduced with a short cut scene

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:58 AM PDT

Each time you get an exotic for the first time a cut scene relevant to the flavor text should pop up.This is will make exotic weapons feel even more unique and introduce us to more lore and story.

submitted by /u/OnDrugx
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If Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Bloom, Relic Iron and Wormspore Stacked like Motes of Light I'd save about 30 spaces of inventory.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:52 AM PDT

It'd just make things a little neater. Just checking now it would save me personally about 30 inventory spaces if they stacked like motes. Also armour and weapon parts already stack this way. Then I can see exactly how much I have at a time and save me about 30 inventory spaces. I wouldn't mind telemetries working in a folder option either (like Apple uses with app folders). But most people don't even have the leftover telemetries and it doesn't really matter. But as a small Quality of Life fix it'd be appreciated going ahead. It'd just save space and make my inventory less cluttered.

EDIT: Front page! Thanks!

submitted by /u/davewhiffen
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Hey Bungie, Since Fusion Nades Are The New Primary Weapons, Let's Do Some Un-Nerfing To The Hunter?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:08 AM PDT

Since everyone and their mom wants to run fusion nades for the cheapest and easiest way to get a kill in the Crucible, I think it's time to un-nerf the Hunters throwing knife damage, and make tripmines able to stick people again. I mean...fair is fair right? They don't have the ridiculous aim assist that fusion nades have, so what's the problem here?

Yea, we have a flux nade, but Titans have magnetic and fusion nades in their arsenal. Not to mention, it's really wonderful how fusion nades regen Titans health too, thanks for that, as if their supers weren't long enough. They are by far the most OP class again in this game, but that's besides the point. Un-f**k our Hunters please.

Simply throw this in the next Hotfix without a word and we'll thank you.

(Let's be realistic here as well...this game is 3 years old and D2 beta is right around the corner. Don't think we have a good chance of any of this becoming reality.)

submitted by /u/HotCupofNasty
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(Tower Thought) Our characters have aged by 72 years.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:09 AM PDT

Just sort of pondered how much time has hypothetically passed in the Destiny universe since the game first launched. Now, I'm only calculating this based on the Earth day/night cycle.

Additionally, I won't count the beta (or alpha), but the first playable day of Destiny was September 9, 2014, while the first playable day of Destiny 2 will be September 8, 2017.

That's a range of 1095 days. And with a one-hour day/night cycle on Earth in Destiny, that means that every IRL day is 24 days in game. Extrapolating that, 1095 IRL days equates to 26,280 day/night cycles on Earth. Doing the math, that means that day one players have been around for exactly 72 years (if only dividing by 365). Adding in the leap day muddies that math a little bit. But I like the whole number for this purpose.

That's all.

submitted by /u/APartyInMyPants
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Since Gary took our weapons, Bungie should blame the Vex for Vanilla's fragmented and incomprehensible story.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:25 AM PDT

I think Bungie should run with this. Since they're saying it's Gary's fault our weapons won't carry.

They should blame the Vex who altered our timeline until Vanilla Destiny was all fragmented and incomprehensible.

They didn't want guardians to get into the Black Garden or the Vault.

That's why nothing made sense and you had no idea what was going on. They were trying to make guardians give up.

It's a little easier to get over the story missions that way. Playing these Story Playlists does highlight some great story moments.

EDIT: Thanks for the front page!!

submitted by /u/davewhiffen
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A Comic About How Great I Am At The Aksis Challenge

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:19 AM PDT

Friends invited me to do the Aksis challenge last night, and boy oh boy, were they glad I was there!

Imgur link

(Truthfully, they were very patient with me as I learned the ropes, we completed it, and I can't wait to go again!)

submitted by /u/ArtStudentCasual
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Bungie, this Red Bar Warrior bullshit has to end, especially in Trials. If you are lagging you should sit in black screen, or, at the very least, you should be the one to experience players skipping around your screen.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:02 PM PDT

Yes. This has been said a ton. But seriously it can't be said enough. Players with good connections shouldn't suffer because of someone else's garbage connection. Not only should this issue be fixed in the current game but it absolutely cannot carry over to Destiny 2. And FYI Bungie, "Damage Referee" does NOT work in trials. Still think Destiny is a great game! But damn it sucks to lose in trials when some d-bag is a red bar warrior

submitted by /u/Mbcf14
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2 Years ago today The Community Came together to do an Amazing thing

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:50 AM PDT

2 years ago Nepal had a huge earthquake. We as a community raised $1,000,000 in aid through the Bungie Foundation to aid Nepal's Recovery. Just another reminder of how awesome this community is :)

submitted by /u/robot_camel87
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[Tower Thought] There has been a weapon with 'Dragon' in the name introduced in every DLC except House of Wolves.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:54 AM PDT

Cryptic Dragon - Legendary Scout - Vanilla
Dragon's Breath - Exotic Rocket - Dark Below
Choleric Dragon SRT-49 - Legendary Rocket - Taken King
Clever Dragon - Legendary Pulse - Rise of Iron.

One other thing - House of Wolves was the only DLC with another animal in the title, hence no Dragons. /s

Just a random factoid that may interest only me.

submitted by /u/razobak09
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Monthly Encouragement for those who aren't comfortable using Crota's Sword

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:02 AM PDT

TL;DR: Crota DOES NOT instantly slam you when he gets up anymore, which makes sword bearing about 900% safer, and gives you all the time in the world to deal 3 slams of damage and get the hell away from him. Give it a go, and results may surprise you ;)

It's that time of the month again, folks. With Crota's Challenge mode back in business, swordbearers are in high demand, and your raid team needs YOU to help out.

For those who don't know, Crota's Challenge is for no-one to pick up the sword more than once (dropping it is FINE [e.g. if you die], just don't pick it up again). If in doubt, he has a handy-dandy little "Challenge Failed" notification in the kill-feed.

Now onto the main event: you, yes you, who have never borne the sword before, or you who have tried and failed many times (i was one of you myself but a mere month ago) - I have fantastic news! Among several changes to Crota's End is the fact that Crota summons the oversoul after EVERY down (slight exception notwithstanding, but that's not the point here - what i'm about to tell you will ALWAYS hold true).

"How is this GOOD news?" I hear you ask. This one change means he is PHYSICALLY UNABLE to insta-slam you when he gets up, providing you with several seconds of warning to get the hell away from him. Swordbearing has never been easier!

No more worrying about that third slam keeping you around too long, no more breath of death chasing you down the alleyway. Most importantly: no reason not to try running the sword.

Even if you stumble, even if you only get in 2 hits per down, a more experienced swordbearer or two can make up for it, and all the while, you get the satisfaction of knowing it was YOU and YOUR BRAVERY that made it possible for the whole team to get that sweet, sweet Adept primary and challenge mode emblem.

All it takes is standing on a rock, calling out to your team, charging a second later, then mashing R2/RT like your Light depends on it (because it does)! When you see him shimmer orange, turn tail, and run back to your safety rock, then repeat the process. After that second down, you run straight back into the crystal room.

((EDIT: Thanks to u/thecawk22 for reminding me here: don't wait for crota to be kneeling before you run up to him. wait a split second after calling out, then go. with proper timing, the rockets/etc should hit him as you arrive, and you can start slamming immediately.))

A few whole-hearted attempts, and a tweak or two to timing later, and you'll be killing Hive Gods like it's your JOB (because it is)!

Now get out there and kill that son-of-a-bat-mutant-thing yourself!

submitted by /u/thyrandomninja
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Final T12 Capable Armor - Weekly Reset (25APR2017) Post

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:31 AM PDT

This will be my final T12 Capability Post since the Weekly Vendor Post will have T12 % starting next week. I would like to thank everyone that has helped with this post and read it every week.

Here is the link to my T12 Capable Items that I update everyweek for my website. This is a static link and will always remain the same.

Here are screenshots of different views:
1. Mobile
2. Desktop

This is an easy way to bookmark the rolls for quick and easy reference. Let me know what you think.

T12 Capable Gear

Weekly Reset Armor


Titan Weekly Armor

Vendor Name Type % Int Disc Str Perk 1 Perk 2
Vanguard Towerwatch Shell Ghost Shell 96% 24/34 24/34 - Spinmetal Sensor/Spinmetal Extractor Reclamation
Eris Morn Mark of the Dustborn Class Item 98% 25/35 24/34 - Pulse Rifle/Fusion Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion
Future War Cult Eon Tracer Greaves Leg Armor 97% 53/78 56/81 - Shotgun/Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down
Future War Cult Eon Tracer Plate Chest Armor 96% 61/86 - 56/81 Scout Rifle/Sidearm Ammo Solar Recovery/Solar Armor
Dead Orbit Endling Mark Class Item 98% - 24/34 25/35 Hand Cannon/Sniper Rifle Focus Crucible Champion
New Monarchy High Command Mark Class Item 98% 24/34 - 25/35 Hand Cannon/Rocket Launcher Focus Crucible Champion
Speaker Striker's Mark Class Item 98% 25/35 24/34 - Pulse Rifle/Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion


Warlock Weekly Armor

Vendor Name Type % Int Disc Str Perk 1 Perk 2
Vanguard Temporis Floe IV Chest Armor 96% 43/62 44/63 - Pulse Rifle/Sniper Rifle Ammo Solar Burn Defense/Solar Armor
Eris Morn Curse of the Hidden Class Item 96% 25/35 23/33 - Pulse Rifle/Rocket Launcher Focus Vanguard Champion
House of Judgment Devils' Bond Class Item 96% 23/33 25/35 - Hand Cannon/Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion
Dead Orbit Endling Hood Helmet 96% 45/64 43/62 - Hands-On/Second Thoughts Invigoration
Crucible One is All Bond Class Item 98% 24/34 - 25/35 Hand Cannon/Shotgun Focus Crucible Champion
Speaker Spirit of the Vulture Class Item 96% - 24/34 24/34 Hand Cannon/Shotgun Focus Vanguard Champion
Speaker Sunsinger's Bond Class Item 100% - 25/35 25/35 Scout Rifle/Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion


Hunter Weekly Armor

Vendor Name Type % Int Disc Str Perk 1 Perk 2
Vanguard Novgorod Cloak Class Item 98% - 25/35 24/34 Auto Rifle/Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion
Vanguard KD Bogatyr 2.0 Helmet 96% - 45/64 43/62 Hands-On/Heavy Lifting Invigoration
House of Judgment Devils' Disguise Class Item 96% - 23/33 25/35 Auto Rifle/Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion
Future War Cult Eon Tracer Cloak Class Item 96% 24/34 24/34 - Auto Rifle/Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion
New Monarchy High Command Cloak Class Item 96% 24/34 24/34 - Auto Rifle/Machine Gun Focus Crucible Champion
Crucible Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Gauntlets 99% - 41/58 40/57 Switchblade/Momentum Transfer Sniper Rifle Loader
Crucible Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Leg Armor 96% 52/77 - 56/81 Fusion Rifle/Machine Gun Ammo Solar Double-Down/Capture King
Speaker Gunslinger's Cloak Class Item 96% 24/34 24/34 - Auto Rifle/Fusion Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion
Speaker Nightstalker's Cloak Class Item 96% 23/33 - 25/35 Pulse Rifle/Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion


All Classes

Vendor Name Type % Int Disc Str Perk 1 Perk 2
Future War Cult Bellicose Shell Ghost Shell 98% 25/35 - 24/34 Relic Iron Sensor/Relic Iron Extractor Blue Polyphage
Future War Cult Bellicose Shell Ghost Shell 96% - 23/33 25/35 Relic Iron Sensor/Relic Iron Extractor Blue Polyphage
New Monarchy Senator Shell Ghost Shell 96% 24/34 24/34 - Wormspore Sensor/Wormspore Extractor Blue Polyphage


Iron Lord Artifacts

Vendor Name Type % Int Disc Str Perk 1 Perk 2
Tyra Memory of Perun Artifact 105% 31/73 49/91 - Enemy Guardians with full supers and all enemies with low health are highlighted Void Catalyst/Fallen Piercer

What is Tier 12?


Tier 12 is is any combination of 2 maxed stats (Tier 5) (Intellect/Discipline/Strength) and 1 stat that is Tier 2. (Also you can have all stats at Tier 4 and this still classifies as Tier 12).

  1. Each Stat (Int, Disc, Str) has a possible total number of 300. Anything over that is a waste of stats.
  2. The max points you can have total is 743 (All stats added together from Helmets, Chest Armor etc...).
  3. The max we can use right now is 720 (Tier 12).
  4. With this being said, the actual minimum % for Tier 12 is 96.9% (720/743). I list 96% and above because you can still obtain Tier 12 with 96% because of stat distribution. In order to figure out what you actually need, use this to figure it out. (Just download and only fill out the gray areas.

Tier Cooldowns

Type Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Super A 5:00 4:46 4:31 4:15 3:58 3:40
Super B 5:30 5:14 4:57 4:39 4:20 4:00
Grenade 1:00 0:55 0:49 0:42 0:34 0:25
Standard Melee 1:00 0:55 0:49 0:42 0:34 0:25
Slow Melee 1:10 1:04 0:57 0:49 0:40 0:29


Intellect (Super cooldown time)

Subclasses with Super A:

  • Defender
  • Nightstalker
  • Striker
  • Sunsinger


All other subclasses use the Super B cooldown times.


Discipline (Grenade cooldown time)

All subclasses share the same Standard cooldown time for grenades.


Strength (Melee cooldown time)

All subclasses share the same Standard cooldown time for their melee.

For the exception of the following classes, that use the Slow Melee cooldown time:

  • Nightstalker
  • Gunslinger

How to get the %:


First what are the numbers you are looking for?

Type Max Roll Node Active Total
Helmet 46 65 111
Gauntlets 41 58 99
Chest Armor 61 86 147
Leg Armor 56 79 135
Class Item 25 35 60
Ghost 25 35 60
Artifact 38 81 119
Artifact (Int/Disc)1 38 94 132



  1. Int/Disc Artifacts gain a boost to Disc Stats (up to 13 extra points)


How to get the info:

Let's use this for an example:


Vendor Name Type % Int Disc Str Perk 1 Perk 2
Crucible Raku Gwener Type 1 Chest Armor 96% 60/85 57/82 - Pulse Rifle/Sniper Rifle Ammo Solar Recovery/Solar Armor


  1. We will add these two to get the total: 60/85 + 57/82 or 85+57=142. Pick the highest number on one stat (85) and add the lowest number on the other stat (57).
  2. Since the max for Chest Armor is 147, we will use this equation 142/147=96.59 or 96% (round down to use the low end to be safe stat wise for T12 builds).
submitted by /u/ebolaxb
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Using Trespasser in heroic strikes this week is a great way to work on sidearm kills grimoire progress.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:18 AM PDT

With both Specialist and Arc Burn, you will be melting the adds. Enjoy! Weeks like these taught me to love sidearms.

Edit: As pointed out, any Arc sidearm will work. All that is important is that you have fun and push back the darkness, guardians.


submitted by /u/PalOfKalEl
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All Sunsinger Warlocks, enjoy your grenade spam in NF

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Choose "Radiant Will" and "Gift of the Sun" perks on Sunsinger and wear "Heart of the Praxic Fire", activate your super every 20 seconds and enjoy spamming 20+ grenades in this week's Nightfall.

This is the easiest Nightfall I've ever played.

submitted by /u/orkhanahmadov
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Weekly Vendor Reset Megathread [2017-04-25]

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:04 AM PDT


Dead Orbit

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Endling Grasps Hunter Gauntlets Switchblade // Momentum Transfer Auto Rifle Loader 34 Int // 39 Str
Endling Strides Hunter Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Void Double-Down 52 Dis // 52 Str
Endling Cloak Hunter Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Sidearm Focus Crucible Champion 21 Int // 22 Str
Endling Gloves Warlock Gauntlets Energy Projection // Impact Induction Fusion Rifle Loader 38 Int // 39 Dis
Endling Steps Warlock Leg Armor Sniper Rifle Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Solar Double-Down 48 Int // 52 Str
Endling Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Hand Cannon Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 24 Int // 23 Dis
Endling Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Pulse Rifle Loader 39 Int // 34 Dis
Endling Greaves Titan Leg Armor Sidearm Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down 49 Int // 55 Str
Endling Mark Titan Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 24 Dis // 25 Str

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Endling Mask Hunter Helmet Inverse Shadow // Second Thoughts Innervation 45 Int // 38 Str
Endling Vest Hunter Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Fusion Rifle Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 55 Dis // 59 Str
Endling Hood Warlock Helmet Hands-On // Second Thoughts Invigoration 45 Int // 43 Dis
Endling Robes Warlock Chest Armor Auto Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 56 Dis // 52 Str
Endling Helm Titan Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Invigoration 39 Int // 39 Str
Endling Plate Titan Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Fusion Rifle Ammo Solar Recovery // Solar Armor 56 Dis // 53 Str

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats
Extremophile 011 Auto Rifle Snapshot // Armor Piercing Rounds Perfect Balance // Third Eye Persistence
Keystone 01 Scout Rifle Crowd Control Outlaw // Perfect Balance Explosive Rounds // Lightweight
Worlds to Come 001 Fusion Rifle Hot Swap Spray and Play // Perfect Balance Accelerated Coils // Lightweight
Last-Ditch 001 Shotgun Rangefinder Cascade // Smallbore Hip Fire // Extended Mag
Bitter Edge 010 Sniper Rifle Clown Cartridge // Hammer Forged Firefly High Caliber Rounds // Quickdraw
Unto Dust 00 Rocket Launcher Grenades and Horseshoes Flared Magwell // Quickdraw Javelin // Third Eye
Diaspora Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Network Tap 24 Dis // 21 Str

New Monarchy

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
High Command Grips Hunter Gauntlets Fastball // Impact Induction Sniper Rifle Loader 39 Int // 35 Dis
High Command Boots Hunter Leg Armor Sniper Rifle Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Void Double-Down 49 Dis // 51 Str
High Command Cloak Hunter Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Crucible Champion 24 Int // 24 Dis
High Command Gloves Warlock Gauntlets Energy Projection // Impact Induction Shotgun Loader 35 Dis // 41 Str
High Command Steps Warlock Leg Armor Sidearm Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Arc Double-Down 55 Int // 47 Str
High Command Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Scout Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 22 Dis // 22 Str
High Command Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets Paramuscle Armature // Impact Induction Sniper Rifle Loader 40 Int // 35 Str
High Command Greaves Titan Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Solar Double-Down 50 Dis // 52 Str
High Command Mark Titan Titan Mark Hand Cannon Focus // Rocket Launcher Focus Crucible Champion 25 Int // 24 Str

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
High Command Mask Hunter Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Better Already 43 Int // 42 Dis
High Command Vest Hunter Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Sidearm Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 52 Dis // 58 Str
High Command Hood Warlock Helmet Ashes to Assets // Heavy Lifting Infusion 42 Int // 39 Dis
High Command Robes Warlock Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 52 Int // 54 Str
High Command Helm Titan Helmet Inverse Shadow // Second Thoughts Infusion 44 Int // 43 Dis
High Command Plate Titan Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Fusion Rifle Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 54 Dis // 60 Str

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats
Assembly II Auto Rifle Quickdraw // Armor Piercing Rounds Perfect Balance // Spray and Play Hidden Hand
Free Will III Hand Cannon Rangefinder Outlaw // Perfect Balance Armor Piercing Rounds // Hip Fire
Impeacher V Sidearm Rangefinder Relentless Tracker // Hand Loaded Armor Piercing Rounds // Quickdraw
Bad Counsel IV Shotgun Rangefinder Close and/or Personal // Perfect Balance Quickdraw // Flared Magwell
Deposition VII Sniper Rifle Triple Tap // Perfect Balance Unflinching Armor Piercing Rounds // Quickdraw
First Citizen IX Machine Gun Persistence Crowd Control // Perfect Balance Hip Fire // Armor Piercing Rounds
Senator Shell Ghost Shell Spinmetal Sensor // Spinmetal Extractor Reclamation 23 Int // 23 Dis

Future War Cult

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Eon Tracer Gloves Hunter Gauntlets Switchblade // Momentum Transfer Sniper Rifle Loader 38 Int // 37 Dis
Eon Tracer Boots Hunter Leg Armor Shotgun Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down 48 Int // 54 Str
Eon Tracer Cloak Hunter Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 24 Int // 24 Dis
Eon Tracer Sleeves Warlock Gauntlets Snap Discharge // Momentum Transfer Sidearm Loader 35 Dis // 34 Str
Eon Tracer Legs Warlock Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Arc Double-Down 53 Int // 50 Dis
Eon Tracer Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Auto Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 22 Dis // 23 Str
Eon Tracer Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Sniper Rifle Loader 39 Int // 37 Dis
Eon Tracer Greaves Titan Leg Armor Shotgun Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down 53 Int // 56 Dis
Eon Tracer Mark Titan Titan Mark Auto Rifle Focus // Rocket Launcher Focus Crucible Champion 22 Dis // 22 Str

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Eon Tracer Mask Hunter Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Better Already 41 Dis // 44 Str
Eon Tracer Vest Hunter Chest Armor Scout Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Arc Recovery // Arc Armor 61 Int // 51 Str
Eon Tracer Hood Warlock Helmet Hands-On // Heavy Lifting Better Already 42 Int // 39 Dis
Eon Tracer Robes Warlock Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Sniper Rifle Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 52 Int // 54 Str
Eon Tracer Helm Titan Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Invigoration 42 Int // 40 Dis
Eon Tracer Plate Titan Chest Armor Scout Rifle Ammo // Sidearm Ammo Solar Recovery // Solar Armor 61 Int // 56 Str

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats
The Wail Hand Cannon Reactive Reload Relentless Tracker // Perfect Balance Explosive Rounds // Quickdraw
The Waltz Pulse Rifle Rodeo Eye of the Storm // Perfect Balance Quickdraw // Flared Magwell
The Waiting Fusion Rifle Rangefinder Spray and Play // Hammer Forged Accelerated Coils // Quickdraw
The Wounded Scout Rifle Crowd Control Unflinching // Hammer Forged Explosive Rounds // Full Auto
The Wormwood Sidearm Hot Swap Cascade // Fitted Stock High Caliber Rounds // Quickdraw
The Warpath Rocket Launcher Grenades and Horseshoes Flared Magwell // Snapshot Heavy Payload // Battle Runner
Bellicose Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Blue Polyphage 23 Dis // 23 Str

Titan Vanguard

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Sniper Rifle Loader 38 Int // 40 Dis
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Leg Armor Shotgun Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Void Double-Down 48 Int // 47 Str
Vitruvius Mark Titan Titan Mark Pulse Rifle Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Int // 23 Dis

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Void Burn Defense // Void Armor 52 Int // 57 Str
Towerwatch Shell Ghost Shell Spinmetal Sensor // Spinmetal Extractor Reclamation 24 Int // 24 Dis

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Mangonel Type 2 Titan Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Better Already 39 Dis // 42 Str

Hunter Vanguard

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Gauntlets Fastball // Impact Induction Shotgun Loader 40 Dis // 37 Str
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Leg Armor Sidearm Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Void Double-Down 50 Int // 49 Dis
Novgorod Cloak Hunter Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 25 Dis // 24 Str

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Solar Burn Defense // Solar Armor 56 Int // 57 Dis
Towerwatch Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Cleansing Ritual 25 Dis // 22 Str

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
KD Bogatyr 2.0 Hunter Helmet Hands-On // Heavy Lifting Invigoration 45 Dis // 43 Str

Warlock Vanguard

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Gauntlets Energy Projection // Impact Induction Shotgun Loader 34 Int // 40 Dis
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Leg Armor Shotgun Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down 52 Dis // 51 Str
Ice Age Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Pulse Rifle Focus // Rocket Launcher Focus Vanguard Champion 21 Int // 22 Str

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Chest Armor Pulse Rifle Ammo // Sniper Rifle Ammo Solar Burn Defense // Solar Armor 57 Int // 60 Dis
Towerwatch Shell Ghost Shell Relic Iron Sensor // Relic Iron Extractor Blue Polyphage 21 Int // 24 Str

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Temporis Floe IV Warlock Helmet Inverse Shadow // Heavy Lifting Innervation 43 Int // 44 Dis

Crucible Handler

Rank 1

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Gauntlets Switchblade // Momentum Transfer Sniper Rifle Loader 41 Dis // 40 Str
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Solar Double-Down // Capture King 52 Int // 56 Str
Cloak of Fast Resolve Hunter Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Crucible Champion 21 Dis // 22 Str
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Gauntlets Snap Discharge // Momentum Transfer Scout Rifle Loader 38 Int // 38 Dis
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Machine Gun Ammo Solar Double-Down // Capture King 47 Dis // 54 Str
One is All Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Hand Cannon Focus // Shotgun Focus Crucible Champion 24 Int // 25 Str
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Gauntlets Rain Blows // Momentum Transfer Auto Rifle Loader 37 Int // 35 Dis
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Leg Armor Fusion Rifle Ammo // Rocket Launcher Ammo Arc Double-Down // Capture King 47 Dis // 50 Str
Toward the Sky Mark Titan Titan Mark Pulse Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Crucible Champion 23 Int // 24 Dis

Rank 2

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Fusion Rifle Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 57 Int // 55 Str
Crucible Shell Ghost Shell Helium Filament Sensor // Helium Extractor Warlock Bounty 24 Int // 23 Str
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Fusion Rifle Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 52 Dis // 57 Str
Raku Izumi IV Warlock Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Innervation 44 Int // 40 Str
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Chest Armor Hand Cannon Ammo // Shotgun Ammo Void Recovery // Void Armor 53 Dis // 51 Str

Rank 3

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 Hunter Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Innervation 40 Int // 45 Dis
Raku Gwener Type 1 Titan Helmet Ashes to Assets // Second Thoughts Better Already 44 Int // 43 Str

Crucible Quartermaster

Crucible Weapons

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats
Zero-Day Dilemma Auto Rifle Danger Close // Spray and Play Braced Frame // Appended Magazine Persistence
B-29 Party Favor Pulse Rifle Headseeker Eye of the Storm // Life Support Braced Frame // Feather Mag
The Hero Formula Scout Rifle Life Support // Take a Knee Armor Piercing Rounds // Braced Frame Reactive Reload
The Palindrome Hand Cannon Reactive Reload Relentless Tracker // Spray and Play Reinforced Barrel // Lightweight
Each New Day Fusion Rifle Hot Swap Battle Runner // Last Resort Enhanced Battery // Hand-laid Stock
44 Curtain Call Shotgun Full Auto Cascade // Battle Runner Quickdraw // Rifled Barrel
Anton's Rule Sidearm Hot Swap Outlaw // Feeding Frenzy Casket Mag // Hand Loaded
Event Horizon Sniper Rifle Armor Piercing Rounds // Casket Mag Army of One // Mulligan Unflinching
Chaotic Neutral Machine Gun Life Support // Spray and Play Persistence Perfect Balance // Rifled Barrel
Something Wicked Rocket Launcher Cluster Bomb Grenadier // Army of One Perfect Balance // Heavy Payload

The Speaker


Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Winter Sky Shell Ghost Shell 10 Dis // 11 Str
Turquoise Shell Ghost Shell 10 Dis // 10 Str
Frontier Shell Ghost Shell Spirit Bloom Sensor // Spirit Bloom Extractor Cleansing Ritual
Venom of Ikaheka Hunter Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 25 Dis
Quantum-Phoenix Blue Hunter Hunter Cloak Hand Cannon Focus // Shotgun Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 24 Str
Moctezuma-Polyphonic Titan Titan Mark Scout Rifle Focus // Sidearm Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 24 Dis
Thalor's Golden Maul Titan Titan Mark Pulse Rifle Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Dis // 22 Str
Ulan-Tan's Burial Ring Warlock Warlock Bond Hand Cannon Focus // Shotgun Focus Vanguard Champion 22 Int // 23 Dis
Spirit of the Vulture Warlock Warlock Bond Hand Cannon Focus // Shotgun Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Dis // 24 Str


Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Stats
Gunslinger's Cloak Hunter Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Fusion Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 24 Int // 24 Dis
Bladedancer's Cloak Hunter Hunter Cloak Auto Rifle Focus // Rocket Launcher Focus Vanguard Champion 21 Int // 21 Dis
Nightstalker's Cloak Hunter Hunter Cloak Pulse Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Int // 25 Str
Voidwalker's Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Pulse Rifle Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Int // 21 Str
Sunsinger's Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Scout Rifle Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 25 Dis // 25 Str
Stormcaller's Bond Warlock Warlock Bond Scout Rifle Focus // Sniper Rifle Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Int // 24 Str
Striker's Mark Titan Titan Mark Pulse Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion 25 Int // 24 Dis
Defender's Mark Titan Titan Mark Pulse Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion 23 Int // 23 Str
Sunbreaker's Mark Titan Titan Mark Pulse Rifle Focus // Machine Gun Focus Vanguard Champion 25 Dis // 22 Str

Vanguard Quartermaster

Vanguard Armory

Name Type Perks 1 Stats
Longespée-A Auto Rifle Hot Swap
Hawkwood-A Sidearm Surrounded
Hotspur-A Pulse Rifle Zen Moment
SUROS PRR-11 Auto Rifle Hand Loaded
SUROS BNS-13 Pulse Rifle Snapshot
SUROS WSC-17 Scout Rifle Explosive Rounds

Vanguard Weapons

Name Type Perks 1 Perks 2 Perks 3 Stats
The Continental Auto Rifle Grenadier // Spray and Play Hand-laid Stock // Rifled Barrel Third Eye
Parthian Shot Pulse Rifle Headseeker Eye of the Storm // Take a Knee Smallbore // Lightweight
Angel's Advocate Scout Rifle Rodeo // Take a Knee High Caliber Rounds // Smallbore Return to Sender
How Dare You Hand Cannon Hidden Hand Mulligan // Last Resort Reinforced Barrel // Lightweight
Ex Astris Fusion Rifle Hidden Hand Unflinching // Replenish Accelerated Coils // Perfect Balance
Teacup Tempest Sidearm Hot Swap Zen Moment // Feeding Frenzy High Caliber Rounds // Snapshot
Occam's Razor Shotgun Rangefinder Performance Bonus // Army of One Lightweight // Reinforced Barrel
Seventh Sense Sniper Rifle Armor Piercing Rounds // Smallbore Underdog // Life Support Unflinching
Bonekruscher Machine Gun Eye of the Storm // Guerilla Fighter Rangefinder Smallbore // Appended Magazine
Disassembly Required Rocket Launcher Cluster Bomb Vacuum // Life Support Perfect Balance // Heavy Payload

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Age of Triumph - Deathsinger Challenge Guide

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:18 AM PDT

Good Morning Guardians,

Put this together as a quick guide to hopefully help anyone become succesful in taking on the Deathsingers Challenge

This is what I consider to be the easiest way around it although because of it's nature (More killing enemies than mechanics) it can be completed in various ways. Points listed are to accomplish the Challenge completion as smoothly and fast as possible

As ever, any Feedback or alternative methods welcome

The Challenge

The Deathsinger Challenge Mode is completed by killing Ir Yut (The Deathsinger) with the Swordbearers Sword before her Liturgy of Ruin song wipes the team. To get the swordbearer to come out you will need to kill everything in the room and adds that Spawn once the Chamber is cleared

This encounter is on a Timer, you have a maximum of 2 minutes and 14 seconds to complete it (Challenge or not) on the 2 minutes 15 seconds her song will finish and you will be wiped

There is also a node within the Age of Triumph Record book to complete this encounter under 2 minutes

Recommended Weapons

  • Raze Lighter / Dark Drinker

  • Gjallarhorn

  • Sleeper Simulant

  • High Impact Sniper

The Method

It is best to split the team into 2, Team Left & Team Right - Both sides are identical in what action to take to progress this encounter:

  • Designate 1 or 2 Guardians to clear the Knight which Spawns in the tower (Towers are front left corner and front right corner) whilst the remaining Guardian(s) clear the Knights / Adds of which are found on the Stairs / Door way to the Chamber. When Tower Knight is down, Guardians can ALL pay attention to Enemy clearing and moving into the room

  • Once all Adds are cleared, if you enter the first section of the Room a Wizard will Spawn and come towards you, defeating it will prompt the Shriker (Just in above and in front of the Crystal Room where Ir Yut floats) will open. Defeating the Shrieker will cause the effect protecting the Crystal Room to 'Shatter'. You can either run away from the Shrieker blast to stay safe OR Absord it into your Sword block just to make it easier / a bit safer

  • Designate 1 Guardian from left and 1 from right to move into the room (Preferably with Raze Lighters) and defeat the remaining Knights - the other 4 Guardians (Still 2 left and 2 right) can stand outside and get in position for the next section

  • When the Knights go down, a prompt and horrific noise will sound - 'The Deathsinger Shrieks in fear' and this will cause 4 Orges to spawn (2 left and 2 right) from UNDERNEATH the far left / right towers. In the Towers themselves 2 Knights will spawn (It can be good practise to have someone with Raze Lighter / Dark Drinker to jump up there immediately after the Shriekers have gone down in preparation to take them down fast and then help with overall Add clearance) Pop Weapons Bubbles / Tethers to help clear the adds and defeat the Ogres.

  • Here, Raze lighters / Dark Drinkers can stagger the Ogres making your life easier. Tether stops them in their tracks too so they won't attack whilst hooked in. Once the Ogres are down, check your radar and clear any remaining as soon as possible

  • As soon as everything is cleared out, the Swordbearer should come out of the door below where Crota spawns. (Behind the rectangular shaped pedastal in front of you when you enter the chamber and go up the first set of stairs)

  • Kill him and then use his sword to kill Ir Yut. Wait for the Swordbearer to fully emerge from the doorway and attack him from the SIDE. This will prevent you from knocking him back inside his doorway where you cannot damage him, wasting time.

  • Anyone can pick the Sword up, run back towards the middle Crystal room where Ir Yut resides and she will die within 1 hit of the Sword. Challenge Complete

The Video Guide

For those of you who prefer Video Guides, I've got you covered - Deathsinger Challenge Video Guide - Disclaimer - Guide is not my own creation, please follow the link to give Feedback to its creator u/esoterickk

The Rewards


  • Word of Crota Adept version from Challenge Mode completion
  • Fang of Ir Yut Adept version from Challenge Mode completion
  • Abyss Defiant Adept version from Challenge Mode completion
  • Oversoul Edict Adept version from Challenge Mode completion

Please note - When completing Challenge Mode you are guaranteed one of the above Primary Adept Weapons. Some players have reported double Adept Drops also. Happy Hunting Guardians


Guaranteed 1 Age of Triumph Ornament for Challenge Mode Completion

Emblem for First ever Challenge Mode Completion


  • The whole challenge is surrounding Ir Yut being killed with the Sword, that said, if a Sunsinger has the Sword and dies, you can Self Rez, kill her with the Sword and it will STILL count for the Challenge. If you Self Rez and the Sword vanishes, Challenge Failed

  • If the Challenge is Failed for any reason a prompt will appear to advise you saying 'Challenge Failed'

  • You can use GoldenGun with Keyhole to kill the shrikers before they open. Make sure you kill the Wizard FIRST before taking down the Shrieker


Honestly this Challenge is really fun, it's not as urgent as it all sounds but it's a grower in the sense of as you go through you can keep building up the method leading to your success. Definitley the more you do it the easier it gets type encounter

Good Luck, Guardians

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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The Ballad of Rezyl Azzir

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:32 AM PDT

The Ballad of Rezyl Azzir


Long ago, in ages past,

Before both walls and City bright,

There lived a man, mountain-strong,

Who burned with unmatched inner light.


Proud he was, and passing brave,

His doughtiness no lie,

But as a Risen, reckless, too -

The curse of those who never die.


Rezyl Azzir, the man was called,

His strength known far across the land,

For he was of the chosen few,

Who held great power in their hands.


In time his kind would find a name -

Titans, they'd be called -

But in that age of long-lost tales,

It mattered not at all.


Rezyl watched his people swell,

Watched factions rise and threaten hope,

Then watched his people march to hang

On conflict's many-braided rope.


Rezyl watched as war began,

Watched war threaten all they'd built,

War would bring the sorry fall

Of a rose that was now doomed to wilt.


Perhaps the Fallen brought relief,

For Rezyl now could fight,

Not against his common man,

But against the coming night.


He welcomed hope, reborn anew,

Welcomed purpose shared by all,

But deep within his ancient bones,

He knew that every age must fall.


He strove for hope as best he could,

Never ceased his valiant fight,

But he thought oft upon their safety,

And on the nearness of the night.


Every eve, as Luna rose,

Rezyl sat alone and stared,

He'd think on writhing Darkness,

And wonder what lurked there.


His legend grew, as legends may,

While Rezyl battled on and on,

With his rifle he slew the foes

Of the City's new-come dawn.


Inferno, he named his mighty gun,

And it was near as known as he,

For it dealt death to Rezyl's foes

And kept his people free.


Once, he thought to hunt a Kell,

To his wary Ghost's dismay,

So he hatched a daring plan

Unheard of, to this day.


He let himself be captured,

Even let himself be slain!

When his killers marveled at their trophy,

Rezyl rose again.


The Kell had him in its four-armed grip,

Raised Rezyl's conquered body high,

Then Rezyl's Ghost revived him,

And the Kell's plans went awry.


Rezyl's cannon coughed but once,

Sent ether pouring from its throat,

And when the gathered Fallen charged him,

Arc-light washed away their hope.


He often led the pilgrim trains

That sought the City's hopeful glow,

He saved as many as he could

Saved more than we shall ever know.


He grew weary nonetheless,

Of such small victories,

And often wondered what it would take

To bring the Darkness to its knees.


He never looked but far ahead,

Never dwelt on what he'd done,

For despite the pilgrims' brave resolve,

He knew that death would someday come.


For strange things lingered in long-lost tales;

Horrors that refused to fade,

Nightmares that he'd never seen,

Monsters that lacked even a name.


And so it was, when Luna rose,

That Rezyl could not help but stare,

Perhaps he gazed upon its scars,

And saw himself reflected there.


At last, Rezyl sought the truth

Of tales he hoped were lies -

Luna called, and Rezyl went

To see the moon with his own eyes.


What he found there left him shaken,

Shafts and burrows gnawed in stone,

He worried that those whispered fears

Now called Luna home.


His Ghost alight, he traveled deep,

Ran past worms and moths and spores

Until he came upon a place

Barred by ancient, curving doors.


Deep within his aged bones,

He felt a presence drawing near,

And heard a whisper - not of glory,

But the keening trill of fear.


Metal screeched, and Rezyl spun,

He saw the ancient doors yawn wide,

A shape resolved within the air,

For something dwelt inside.


From the pit a woman rose,

Tattered rags about her face,

Around her wound a mantle dark,

Wove of cursed lace.


She floated there, beyond the gate,

And fixed him with her stare,

Then she turned and disappeared,

As though offering a dare.


His Ghost was wary, for they'd delved deep,

And now were far from Light,

But Rezyl, as was always true,

Would not give up the fight.


"Stay here," he told his wary Ghost,

"And should I fall then flee,

For I am but a single man,

And our cause has need of thee.


"Warn the City of what we've found,

Tell them Pirates aren't the worst,

For deep within our moon's torn flesh,

We've found an even darker curse."


The Titan stood, embraced the night,

Valiantly he crossed the gate,

All around him, Darkness thickened,

As he strode onwards to his fate.


Time stopped - or rather, it stretched on

While Rezyl sought his foe;

That wicked woman, wrapped in night,

That harbinger of woe.


In that place of endless night,

He could but sense the witch,

With bullet-spark he chased her down,

Through caves as black as pitch.


She choked him with her magics dark,

Rezyl shuddered at her call,

He found he could not move an inch -

The demon had him in her thrall.


Inferno was his answer, then,

His mighty rifle roared and spat,

Illuminated with hot lead

That fiend the Dark itself begat.


Up she loomed, that wicked thing,

As though she'd won herself a bet,

As though she'd brought the Titan there,

And now her trap was set.


She laughed, and laughed, and Rezyl flinched,

For every writhing word brought pain,

He felt her screams saw at his bones,

And burrow towards his brain.


She whispered words in Rezyl's ear,

In the way a lover might;

But promised pain and endless sorrow,

Promised ever-falling night.


"I am Xyor," hissed the witch,

"She who'll show you to your grave,

Betrothed, Blessed; my dear, sweet thing,

I'm the storm that you must brave."


His ears bled crimson at her voice,

As all around him terrors woke,

Fiends that hid beyond the light

And hungered for his hope.


Rezyl tensed, his rifle close,

He'd heard the torture on her tongue,

Felt pain embrace his ancient bones -

And knew he could not run.


From deep within that hellish pit,

A flood of horrors now arose,

Birthed from sorrowed, shadowed night

They chittered as they closed.


Rezyl stood, a wall of might,

Against him crashed the snarling wave,

Inferno broke their crushing strength,

Left countless dead in dusty graves.


Then at last, the trigger clicked,

Inferno gave its final gasp,

And Rezyl fought with fists alone,

And skulls cracked in his grasp.


Around his body talons closed,

So Rezyl spun, then drew -

From his hip he pulled his Rose -

His cannon always saw him through.


He killed and killed, his Rose ablaze,

Around him demons wailed and fell,

All the while the witch did watch,

As though she wove a silent spell.


Then she shrieked, and the flood let up,

At once the chittering was done,

Rezyl stood and caught his breath

For he knew he'd not yet won.


Steps rang out against the night,

A shape approached him from the deep,

A mass of ornate, armored bone,

A nightmare woken from its sleep.


Even doughty Rezyl paused

As it lumbered into view

It carried in its massive claw

A wicked sword to run him through.


Perhaps it had been valiant once,

A hero to its kind,

Perhaps, like Rezyl, it was old,

And to combat was resigned.


He faced the monster, head held high,

And could not stop his grin,

He'd come to find the dark unknown -

Instead it had found him.


Perhaps within, he himself

Had heard a whispered voice

A buried cry that howled 'good!'

And reveled in his choice.


The creature roared, and Rezyl shot,

His Rose kicked in his palm,

He fanned the hammer, fast and sure,

As the demon witch looked on.


A shield it conjured, black as night,

Blocked the bullets from his Rose,

They fell, harmless, to the stones

That paved the catacomb.


Its magic faltered, the black shield waned,

His foe lifted its sword apace,

Rezyl growled at the sight

Of the doom he'd been reborn to face.


The battle-cry of demon spawn

Echoed in immortal ears,

Rezyl's challenge rang out bright,

And he charged to meet his fears.


We know not what happened then,

'Til Rezyl found his wary Ghost,

For of his mortal battle,

Rezyl would not boast.


Rezyl lived, that much is sure,

Survived both witch and wicked knight,

But unknowingly brought with him

The witch's clawing blight.


He never spoke of her demise,

Never claimed he'd torn her down,

Perhaps within that ancient pit,

Rezyl's fate was caught and bound.


Inferno's end remains unknown,

The mighty rifle Darkness stole,

Perhaps the witch still holds it,

And through her pit it now patrols.


It matters not, for we know this:

In that place of grim repose,

Rezyl sat, and without a thought

He tended to his Rose.


Taking spoils from his test,

Rezyl grafted bones to steel,

Until chiton crowned his Rose

And its flower was concealed.


You know just how this story ends,

With a mighty hero left unmourned,

With whispered nightmares brought to life,

With the jagged kiss of thorns.

  • END
submitted by /u/Child_of_Scorn
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Do you even Titan bro?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:57 AM PDT

Please enjoy a 50 second unedited clip showing precisely how NOT to Titan.

submitted by /u/Freemo12
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Thralls Abyss Chest Location 25/04/17 [Spoiler]

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:07 AM PDT

Hey guys, hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready for this fresh week. :)

I've put "[Spoiler]" in the title as requested by a few last week.

This weeks Chest is a little easier to get to than last weeks, and I've put my brightness to the max so hopefully that'll help some people see it better.

To all the knew people coming to this thread, the Thralls Abyss Chest in the Crota's End Raid moves upon each weekly reset and remains static until the next.

What does it drop? This chest drops a guaranteed Legendary Engram as well as a chance of dropping an Exotic Weapon/Piece of Armor AND/OR an Artifact.

Here's the video for the location.

For those wondering, I do in fact go and complete the bridge beforehand to get rid of the adds to make this a lot easier.


Edit: Sorry, forgot about adding text for location lol. The Chest is in DOOR 3. Please see this picture for reference.

Edit 2: stuff

submitted by /u/glaivs
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The Library - Destiny/Halo Crossover Artwork

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:00 AM PDT

Greetings fellow guardians, I have returned once again with more Destiny based artwork.

This time I finally finished a Destiny/Halo crossover artwork that I've been working on for the past few months on and off. A change in renderer to Octane made this considerably better.

Our intrepid Titan has somehow found himself in the forerunner structure known as the library and some friendly sentinels have come to to say hello.

Behance Link

Imgur Link

I'm thinking of rendering this out at wallpaper sizes so if people would like a desktop version let me know.

I also now have an instagram if anyone would like to follow my work. Instagram Link


submitted by /u/Kaizion
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Artifact Stat Rolls from Tyra Karn (Weekly Reset 2017-04-25)

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:11 AM PDT

Memory of Perun: 31 Intellect, 49 Discipline.

  • 105% overall. Elemental Perk: Orbs on precise void kills

Memory of Skorri: 61 Intellect, (hidden Disciplin Bonus).

  • 86% overall. Elemental Perk: Orbs on precise arc kills. (read Fatebringer kills)

Memory of Felwinter: 120 Discipline, 118 Strength.

  • 313% overall. Elemental Perk: Orbs on solar grenade kills.

Personal Opinion: That Perun and Felwinter roll is pretty good.

Recommended Picks: Maybe consider to pick up Perun & Felwinter.

A perfect roll would look like this:

  • A Int/Dis Artifact: 38/51.

  • A Int/Str or Dis/Str Artifact: 38/38.

submitted by /u/Ch40ssp4rt4n
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If you didn't already know Destiny Item Manager has a Web App!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:23 AM PDT

Which means you can now have all that DIM goodness on a mobile phone!

I am currently running it in Chrome on a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and I can't see anything wrong except a few positional glitches. All the sections work well even the create a load out feature which is exceptional if you want to create those tier 12 builds.

I'll it out on Firefox to see how it does.

Thanks to the DIM team for this wonderful work.

Please support them, if you can.


UPDATE: While it works on mobile Firefox, I think for now Chrome is the much better option.

submitted by /u/lordreed
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Worst thing they could do in Destiny 2?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:05 AM PDT

Everybody has ideas about how to make Destiny 2 even better than Destiny. But what could Bungie do to make Destiny 2 absolutely horrible?

submitted by /u/brockweaver75
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Bungie if you're going to keep raid armor drop rates low, please introduce a way of re-rolling them.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 02:54 PM PDT

The WOTM armor is the only set that has this feature so why not create a standard raid currency similar to SIVA shards and have it drop from every raid chest and encounter so we can reroll the 2 pieces of armor we get each week?

Edit: Also no one likes Sidearm reloader or sidearm anything

submitted by /u/MasterOfReaIity
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When things get too salty and try-hardy in the Crucible, load up a custom game and have some fun.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:05 AM PDT

After playing some sweaty, campy Clash all night we decided to make up our own game...with blackjack...and hookers!

Originally we wanted to make Light level enabled but we ended up with this. One shoulder charging Titan and the rest of us with sword hilts trying to take him down. Also we have no HUD. We called it, Crush the Carrier

submitted by /u/JerrysaurusRex
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