DayZ - Guarding The Castle Wall

Guarding The Castle Wall

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:31 AM PDT

"Do it! You won't." [02:40]

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:12 PM PDT

Is DayZ a good game for 2 people to play online together?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:02 PM PDT

My brother and I live on seperate sides of the world but both have good gaming rigs. Looking at gameplay vids and other posts on here it looks like something we'd really get into together.

So can this be played with 2 people working together?

Does it need a lot of time to get into? We are stuck playing the odd hour here and there after work/weekends etc..

Is it insanely hard to play or can you relax and have fun with it?

Where and what do I download? I see talk of different version/mods of Arma and as a complete noob to it all I have no idea what's what.

Maybe if someone could explain how the game works, the history of the game and what's great about it and what's bad about it (I see it gets pretty bad reviews on steam)

Go easy on me, I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.

Thanks in advance people!

submitted by /u/jockspringer
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Regarding chickens

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:12 AM PDT

Are they ever going to sleep in trees?

submitted by /u/Datcoder
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Gone Hunting

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 09:53 AM PDT

New Trello List : In Stable

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 03:35 PM PDT

Mexican Standoff

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:46 AM PDT

What's the longest you've survived?

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:57 AM PDT

How did you do it and what are your tips? Also, how do you gauge the passage of time in game? Are the servers on a 24 hour clock?

submitted by /u/ChipFromTheShow
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Had some cool PvP moments past few days feel free to watch.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:48 AM PDT

So I've just come out of a firefight in Novy, I won, but I was hit a lot and passed out at one point. BUT, I ate most of their food and I am bright green hydrated and energized, how long will it take to regen to full health from a grey screen

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:02 PM PDT

sorry for the longwinded title, I don't know much about the health system in this game

submitted by /u/I_am_Bourke
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Turning an ambush around

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:46 AM PDT

Complete d-sync when I come into contact with other players. Please help.

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:56 PM PDT

So I've noticed that when i get within about 20m of another player I basically can not do anything. Can't interact with items, Can't speak over voip, I will be running around on my screen but on there's I'll be running on the spot. This happens 100% of the time i run into other players.

Playing on a server with under 60 ping.

Anyone know how to fix this?

submitted by /u/thedinosaurseesaw
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My most evil moment in Dayz

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:38 AM PDT

Posted this on gaming but its about dayz so I think yall might enjoy.

I'll start. So in the early days of dayz mod me and my brother had joined a server and were in search of a fabled "car". To see a car in dayz was unheard of at the time and I had only heard of them as rumors. So me and my brother went on a search for one. We started north towards Stary Sobor because we had heard that cars might spawn there. We were working our way up there when we ran into two other players. Now this was the early days as I said, so players might actually be friendly to each other. So I yelled to them in direct that we were friendly and they responded they were as well. So we got to talking and told them about our hunt for a car. They were interested and decided to accompany us on our quest for the fabled car. Their names were Igor and (I think Ron). So we kept heading towards stary sobor and we went through some hick town I think it was called rogava or something I don't remember the map anymore, some place south of stary. Upon going through the town there it was AH! a grey GAZ. We could not believe our eyes. A rusted out Grey GAZ sitting there. No, engine,wheels,exterior,gas. It was beautiful. So we started out our quest to find all the parts so we could get the car up and running. We ran all over the map looking for wheels and other parts returning to the car once our inventory was full, putting it together piece by piece. It took us hours to find everything. Finally we got everything working and turned it on. It was amazing. I drove that thing with the most care a person could. Btw we had joined teamspeak at this time with Igor and Ron and were talking to them. So we began our tour across Chernaurous reking noobs, killing zombies, looting places.

Here it where it turns sour: So it was nearing the end of the day. My brother and Ron were out somewhere looting. Me and Igor were on a loot run to a hospital for some blood bags. Me and my brother had to get off soon because school was the next day. So we were thinking about who would retain ownership over the car. Would it be us or Igor/ron? They were logging out after so I guess them, maaan. Anyway so we were driving down the road headed back from the hospital with our loot. I was in the driver seat. Driving down the road when suddenly out of nowhere a road blockage spawns in front of us. BOOM. We crash into it going like 40. My legs break and Igor is knocked unconscious. I get out and jab a stick of morphine into my leg fixing it and use a blood bag. I look over and see Igors body lying there unconccious and bleeding. "Im out cold man could you heal me?" he asks over teamspeak. This is when the evil thought enters my mind. It was like that scene from ATLA where sozin sees a sick Roku and says "Without you all my plans work" and just leaves him to die. If I just leave then I get to keep the car. Store it in the woods somewhere and have it for tomorow when I get on. if Igor keeps it he will probably crash it/lose it to some other players by the time I get on again. So I say "Sure" my heart racing. I go over to his body and open his backpack. "What you doing?" he asks. "Just getting some stuff to heal you I say". Really I was stealing all the shit we had just looted from the hospital. I don't remember if I bandaged him but I think I did so at least I have that small act of kindness lol. So I go back to the car, get in and pull out. "What are you doing?" he asks. I begin to pull of down the road. "I" "cant" "you" "voice breaking" I fake over the teamspeak pretending to fake connection problems. I then close the teamspeak. I drive to meet my brother on the other side of the map leaving Igors unconcious body on the side of the road. At this point I'm feeling pretty guilty. I begin to question my morality. I see on the side chat Ron asking for a pickup. I feel so guilty I decide to pick him up. (I know stupid) so I tell him I'll meet him somewhere. I pull up in his town in the car and get out. He comes up to me and says hi. I look towards the GAZ and look into the inventory. I see him aim his rifle towards my head. I think "he is going to shoot me" I look anyway. I feel too much guilt to go on. Like jesse james letting robert ford shoot him while he hangs a painting. He fires his DMR into my head killing me. As I sit in the YOU ARE DEAD screen I hear him say "That's for Igor". I feel a small weight off my shoulders. I have paid for my crimes. (Later my brother kills him and reclaims the car but I was over it by then) To Igor, I am so sorry. You were a great guy who just wanted to realize the car dream. Remember me as I was not who I became.

submitted by /u/CoolGasPumper
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Wild life??

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:33 PM PDT

I'm about 60 hours in and I haven't seen any wild life yet. I really want to try hunting but chicken are the only animal i've seen around. Is there any bug at the moment? Or i'm just very unlucky?

submitted by /u/DogZoss
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Ghillie items advice

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 06:39 PM PDT

I've never had a ghillie item. Can someone give me tips?

Firstly: best locations to find the netting and burlap sack?

Secondly: should I prioritise a hood, gun wrap, or full suit? If a player is wearing full camo, including back pack, is it perhaps better to have the hood and gun wrap together, to break the silhouette, rather than just having the ghillie suit?

I'm thinking if you have the suit only, you lose your back pack, but your head and gun still protrude obviously.

Let me know what you guys think, thanks!

submitted by /u/TheKettlebellBlack
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What have I missed?

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 04:19 PM PDT

Hi, I know this is a pretty basic post, but I've been looking for answers and unable to find them to the extent I was hoping for, and sometimes reading through the status reports can get old. I've been gone from the game since about June of last year, after putting in just shy of 400 hours in SA, and 430 in the mod. I decided to give the game another shot because it's been so long, and I'm missing a game with the atmosphere of DayZ. What has been "game-changing" in the past several months? Looking for more of a community/gameplay change rather than new items, I'll find those along the way. Is it easier to live off of the land now? Are cars and bases becoming a thing that people use? Last I played, the first car had been added (besides the truck) and barrels had just started being used. Are there camps to raid now, are the zombies harder? TL;DR: What major things have changed about the game in the past 10 months?

submitted by /u/_Dulan
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DOPEST DAYZ RAP EVER? (found randomly on YouTube with 300 views)

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:42 PM PDT

With the Beta announced we decided to take a closer look at the current state of Dayz (~ 6 mins) [reupload]

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:25 PM PDT


Posted: 24 Apr 2017 01:06 PM PDT

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