True Dota 2 - Storm Spirit and the new regen rune

Storm Spirit and the new regen rune

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:22 AM PST

Played some games with storm after the regen buff, and holy s**t that was huge. While it makes easier to use it to fight with it without losing the regen, it is even better if you use it to just farm.

If you use it right you can farm 500-900 gold(farming a creep wave, 2-4 neutral camps and getting bounty runes) with it and still have full hp and mana after it ends, which is pretty huge for storm in early game, since if you are farming in jungle early most of the time you have no mana to fight if needed.

In short if you get regen rune as storm, try abuse it to farm as much you can.

submitted by /u/kinkosan
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Should i make boots on arc warden?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:12 AM PST

Does arc need boots? In my 3k trench i have almost 100 arc warden games and to me boots seem really bad item choice. Im just a 3k scrub so i would like to know your opinion on the subject. Usually (depending on the game) my build goes as follows: wraith band -> bottle -> aquila -> blink -> orchid/maelstorm/hex -> luxury.

Edit:due to popular demand few reasons why I tend to skip boots:

  1. As arc warden chasing enemies is not a problem - insane range on both q and e, slow on q and reach provided by blink - ulti - blink is enought to kill enemies that are alone, and if they aren't you shouldn't fight with them anyway (because both flux and spark wraith work well only if enemy is alone)

  2. Running away. Arc warden with boots is still slower than most other heroes with boots, so if you are being chased they won't save you, maybe buy some time. That's of course time for your team to help, but if you are being chased by 2+ heroes (otherwise you would just flux and walk away) that are close enough to be dangerous and your team is nowhere around to help, you were simply out of position. I would like only arc warden players to comment on this point, because it doesn't sound too good on paper, but works really well in reality

  3. Saving time while walking between camps and lanes. Blink helps, I don't have any other explanation. Let's be serious, wasting a precious item slot where you can put dust or raindrops for a bonus few seconds you would spend walking somewhere is not good idea. With tp + blink you can be exactly where you are needed

  4. Upgraded boots give slot efficient stats, but they cost around 1,5k and that's almost full blink, that gives you almost global reach (blink - ulti - blink), helps with positioning, disjoints and saves you in sticky situations. Later on you benefit more with early orchid (8s silence is massive) or slightly faster hex. You always need this gold for something else (maybe except BoT)

  5. Sorry if I'm not clear, I'm not native English speaker

submitted by /u/qazplmqazpl
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When is a good/bad time to buy Glimmer Cape?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:06 AM PST

It is worth buying glimmer cape when you already have other invis heroes on the team? What's the thought process that goes behind buying glimmer capes? Should I buy one if the enemy is buying lots of true sight?

I've always based my decision to buy glimmer based on whether my team has initiation-type invis (like nyx) or general purpose invis (like riki or bounty), and how much magic damage the enemy does.

submitted by /u/Heat__Death
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LoL player has questions.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:47 AM PST

Hi, I've been playing League of Legends for a long while now, and while I've got the general idea down, I've still got a few questions.

  • What in the world is a courier, and how does it work?
  • What are primary objectives?
  • What's with all the buildings in the bases?
  • Wards?
submitted by /u/InsertWitt
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What do people use to record dota for videos?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:51 AM PST

Hey I am not entirely sure if this question belongs in this sub, but it seems like the best one out there to post it (Dont want to deal with /r/dota2 flame). What is a good software to record Dota 2 gameplay for youtube videos?

submitted by /u/turglow1
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Octarine Core on Spirit Breaker?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:57 AM PST

Is that a worthy late-game consideration, especially considering Midas, Echo Sabre and BKB or Blademail are common SB items?
E cooldown would go down which would make the 17% lvl 25 talent quite good. Lower Q cooldown's never bad either.
With aghs you'd be able to pull off ultimate twice in a teamfight with it having 15 second cooldown.

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Why is pucks waning rift silence such a low duration?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:54 PM PST

Is there a reason why it's only 3 seconds? To me it's way too low late game especially compared to spells like gust. Does it need a buff or is it just me?

The only reason I can think of is that puck would be too impossible to kill, but silences are really easy to counter late game. Is there room for a talent or something?

submitted by /u/HowIsBuffakeeTaken
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So how strong is Leshrac this patch?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

After being awol since 6.8(4 or was 5?) he's come back. Why? Is he better as support or carry now and how to itemize, curious if it's worth practicing this hero a bit now that's he's at least viable.

Also skill build? What the fuck do I do here I always feel like I choose a sub-optimal path.

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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What are some "carries" you like to play as support?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:21 AM PST

Besides CK, MK. Morph and Gyro who are always everyones focus on when these threads come up.

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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is having 2 forged spirits more valuable than 30%+ xp?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:14 PM PST

I see a lot of pros go for the forge spirit talent over the XP one, the only main reason why I think they go for it is the split push potential of the forge spirits.

submitted by /u/ace-s
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How do i get anything out of a lane like this?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:42 AM PST

so long story short this is the lane type: slardar(or any weak non surviving offlaner) against a 3lane with a shit ton of CC

and you have a afk jungler on your team.

I can't hijack the creepwave because they'd kill me instantly.


slardar vs WK + CM + EBOLA

i can't leech exp because i'd die

only reason i stayed in lane is because i wanted to try to bait some spells out and ended up dying very badly

it's such an annoying lane, i can't get exp without dying nor can i leave to jungle because we already have one and that'd mean the enemy supports would rape my mid/safe.

does anyone have any ideas?

things i've tried overall so far:

  • hijacking the wave, won't work i'd die vs all their stuns

  • trying to leech exp, won't work any thing that lands a stun on me and im automatically dead if they find me so i can't get into exp range without dying.

  • gank mid, if i don't show up enemy supports will just walk to mid, i don't know how to get a good timing to gank mid because i can't get lvl 2.

i'd love only answers from 6k++ players(especially offlaners), lower mmr players are free to suggest anything but you've probably never had lanes hard like this so i probably know it

submitted by /u/circis1
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Requesting tips on a few heroes.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:59 AM PST

So here are some heroes I'd like to improve with, I'll list the heroes (in no particular order) and my experience level with them to give you some idea as to where to begin with your advice.

Puck. I've played puck like twice ever, looks really fun though.

Bounty hunter. I personally hate the hero but people request it be picked up a lot so I'd like to improve on it I guess.

Storm. I have a decent amount of storm games and almost a 5 or 6 KDA with him , but i struggle to win with him (I think my winrate is around 50% with him , just the wins are usually hard games )

Axe. No fucking idea what I'm doing. I played a lot of enigma and a lot of magnus so im use to more generous AOE on my blink initiation. Miss call all the time. Also my timings aren't great on him.

Brood. When do you pick this hero ? I have a general idea of what to do on the hero, rotating on and out of the enemy jungle and pushing , just seems bad into most line ups I guess.

Dazzle. I feel like I almost never use his ult effectively. I'm always too worried about "should I use it on us or on them" .

Chen, what creeps do you prioritize ? I never know what to pick up on him other than greaves and aghs.

Tiny. I usually do well with him early game and know what items to get over all but not really sure what order to get them / when to farm vs fight, etc.

Brew , I've had fun on the hero but not sure if it's better to ult to initiate a fight or ult when you're low so as to fight longer .

That's pretty much it for now. I've listed the issues I obviously have with some of the heroes when I play them. Others I just want advice in general. Skill builds / item progression is welcome as well as just "here's what you should be doing and when" or "always/never good vs..." kinda thing. Thanks in advance.

TLDR : seeking advice on puck , bounty, storm, axe, brood, dazzle, Chen, tiny, and brew for now.

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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What the actual fuck can you do about a pudge running at you?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:02 PM PST

I'll admit I'm completely tilted right now because that game was absolutely retarded. I went mid invoker and as soon as pudge hit 2, he walked up my high ground and rotted and I was dead before I could move the ten steps back to my tower. I died twice before two minutes and I felt there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop him. Like what the fuck?

EDIT: This has nothing to do with vision, I know how to avoid getting hooked, he just walked up the high ground and I was already running away from him but there was nothing I could do whatsoever.

submitted by /u/jimmahdean
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