True Dota 2 - 2 months in and I'm still lost on playing pos 5 support.

2 months in and I'm still lost on playing pos 5 support.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:52 PM PST

I got to 5K playing position 5 support mostly. I felt very confident in my ability to give my team a higher chance of winning in previous patches. This time around? Not so much.

What I was good at before: Securing the safelane. My standard set-up was not to have a tri-lane. That has been rare for several patches now. I typically am the safelane support and my other support is a dedicated roamer (Pudge, Mirana, Riki, Bounty, etc). I think the big issue now is that where in the past I COULD secure the safelane more or less by myself as a support, it's incredibly difficult to accomplish that now (I think offlane shrines are the biggest problem here, as it heavily tilts the trading war in the favor of the offlaner. But stack-pulls are less frequently available and more easily contested. Not to mention enemy heroes get more XP from sapping your pulls than they did before). As a result, I am down 400 MMR (RIP), and have no clue how to course-correct.

What are you guys doing on position five at the moment that is successful for you. Before you say it: I do pick up bounty runes. Yes it's nice. But it's not in the same stratosphere of impact as what I was able to do in previous patches.

I'm not limited by hero pool on support. I've played everything and am confident on more or less everything. My main stable of heroes this patch is Skywrath, Shadow Demon, Rubick, Jakiro, Undying (for dual offlanes, when I have a partner who's willing to do it), Winter Wyvern (one of my favorite heroes, so she's a comfort. I know she's considered bad by many, but I have a positive win rate with her this patch), CM, and Disruptor. Most successful of those is Shadow Demon (not surprising, as I typically just instapick him when my Luna ban isn't successful). Least successful is Jakiro (I've had quite a few unlucky games where a lane or two loses so hard that I can't really leverage what Liquid Fire brings to the team).

My focus here is mostly on the first 8-10 minutes, since that's where I feel like I had the most impact before but am really feeling the negative effects of the 7.00 changes now. What are you guys doing in this time frame, and is it successful for you?

submitted by /u/SerFluffywuffles
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Making use of Lich's +150 dmg talent as a support?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:47 AM PST

Should you choose the +150 dmg as a support Lich over the +120 GPM? And if you do, should you buy some attack speed items to make use of it? I'm thinking of Glimmer Cape but we might throw in something like a casual maelstrom if a support lich somehow managed to get the gold or selling your current boots for treads.

submitted by /u/dragon-knoght
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The best way to play Gyro this patch

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:03 AM PST

Roaming support Gyrocopter. Its not a new idea, but its definitely one that suits this patch over his usual carry role.

I like Gyro a lot and seeing that he can no longer hold a candle to other meta carries this patch, I decided to do several matches as a roaming support to high success, especially against mobile heroes. You take advantage of the fog by letting the missile go from the trees, and if they blink/escape, the missile will both give you vision + most likely guarantee a long enough stun. If they decide to mitigate the damage by getting closer to the missile, they have you + your other lane hero to deal with. Its truly a disgusting ability when leveled early. The threat of missiles makes so much space, and clarities is all you need to keep going early.

My usual build was smoke/wards/clarities/tangos for mid. Build this into Arcane boots, dismantle into Aether lens (safe missile deployment, damage for Call Down/Missile in conjunction with lvl 10 talent) and complete boots into tranqs (or turn into Greaves if your team needs it). This is pretty much all you need. I usually built utility support items like force staves and/or glimmer capes.

Early game is your time to shine. You need to make as much space as possible with the threat of missile, and Call Down gives you team fight ability with an absurdly low cooldown. Shoot a rocket from the trees, and just tell your carry/other lane hero to follow. By the time opponents notices it, it is already too late and either reaction they have is going to end horribly for them. It is very rare if someone is actually able to destroy a rocket before it hits them, and if they run back to their tower then you have created space (most likely will still hit them). When mid game rolls around, your job is to Call Down and stay a safe distance away. If you can let at least two rockets out during a team fight, you are golden. No one pays attention to rockets during team fights. Bonus if you get it off on a fleeing hero.

So why choose roaming Gyro over other roamers? The god damn missile is a much more reliable nuisance. Rocket Barrage also does very well early, and Call Down will always be an above average area denial/slow. The only problem is that Flak Cannon doesn't do much for you outside of farming, and Rocket Barrage is useless during team fights later because you are trying to stay in the back of fights rather than in the middle. Regardless, I highly suggest giving a roaming Gyro a try. He doesn't need much to be relevant.

Pro Tip #1: If you are ganking mid lane, SMOKE UP. You will NOT break smoke if you are at maximum range to deploy missile. Missile deployment range is 1050, smoke break range is 1025.

Pro Tip #2: Invoker is your best friend. Any missile that lands is a guaranteed sunstrike, and missile hits very often. At max level, that is 500 damage + a sunstrike. Not very many heroes can survive that early.

Pro Tip #3: Any hero that uses invisibility as their escape mechanism is in for a rude awakening. You CANNOT outrun rocket, and that only increases its damage. I've blown up multiple Clinkz this way.

Pro Tip #4: Level 20 reduces cooldown to 8.8 seconds. If you ever get to Level 25, I find it best to spread the missiles around rather than going for a 2k+ nuke on one hero. You can also keep someone stun locked if need be.

TL;DR: Carry Gyro is dead this patch. Go Roaming Gyro and be an ass.

submitted by /u/Sunbro6131
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QWE Invoker

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:23 PM PST

I've seen both Waga and Arise play this recently. I'm not sure how often it shows up in pro games.

Skill build: E W E Q E Q Q W W or something like that, up to 4 4 4 in Q W E.

Item build: Phase, Urn, Aghs, extension. Maybe a Eul's or BoTs before Aghs. Midas works too, but I think Waga was offlane and didn't want to be greedy.

Anyway, I think it's a cool and perhaps more viable way to play Invoker right now. Early Alacrity in lane is super nice. Access to Meteor early pushes waves. Any other higher level thoughts you guys have for this?

submitted by /u/reddit409
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Stupid question from a nood: why does nobody ever build a farming item on CK?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:35 PM PST

CK is one of my favorite heroes, at this point I've played ~100 games with him and have a 70% winrate and a 4.25 KDA. He is a great hero and can really start to snowball with as little as treads, wand, and an armlet. But it seems to me like the traditional CK build is incredibly reliant upon being aggressive, pushing hard and early, basically farming heroes, and getting off to a very fast start. If you have a team that has a slow start or straight up gets outplayed early game it seems like thats the end of things with CK. At least at my level. Maybe at 6 or 7k when everybody is incredibly efficient at farming and people understand the amount of farm their hero gets it isnt a big deal, but at 3k everybody is wanting to farm and frankly nobody (including myself) is efficient enough at farming to have Pos 1 items without some help from a farming item.

What I want to know is why nobody ever builds a farming item for him and also why it is considered taboo to do so. Damn near every other hard carry in the game utilizes a farming item of some sort, and it seems kind of strange (to me) to expect CK to be played as a Pos. 1 or hard carry when he doesnt have the means to farm quickly. I understand the CK build right now with wand, treads, armlet and echo is geared toward mid game fighting, but he just seems to progress so slowly with his farm.

Perhaps it's simply because Im at a low tier where the teamwork and skill required to make CK effective all the time lacks, I'm not sure. And dont get me wrong, CK is an incredibly strong hero, even with just those midgame items. But I often find if I'm playing against a Spec or Jugg or some other hardcarry who often uses a farming item, I find myself underfarmed and way behind. What would realistically be the most viable items to get on him to help him farm more quickly?

submitted by /u/EsotericPotato
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Does Tinker's Rearm skip the activation delay of items that were transferred from the backpack?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:19 AM PST

Title. Because I've looked for a while and got no answer. And I also don't wanna get caught with my pants down in-game.

submitted by /u/SpriteFan3
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How does Wraith King fit into the Meta?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:11 AM PST

Why isn't this hero played much? Is it just that early his cooldown on ult is long or that he's kite-able?

I feel this hero has some potential as an offlaner (since he can move to jungle when zoned and iniate and die slowing the enemy) before coming back and his aura is like a free vlads (minus a few perks) for his team.

Not to mention in late-game scenarios a 50% Lifesteal Aura is pretty strong if you have another core who can benefit.

How do you guys build him? I go the old Armlet->Blink and then go situational with things like Echo, Deso, Radiance, BladeMail depending on the game with almost always an AC later.

Final question what do you guys take at level 20: +40 Attack Speed or +20 Strength?

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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A Case for Quas-Exort Invoker in 7.00

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:50 PM PST

Long time lurker, first post. Pretty much a wall of text. Apologies.

People have been talking about how 7.00 nerfed quas-exort invoker quite a lot. The talent nerf to forge spirits, the lack of intelligence gain from exort, and the like. The opinion shifted towards the renewal of quas-wex.

But I think that quas-wex invoker does not offer enough, even in this meta of team fighting. Quas-wex invoker contributes to teamfights primarily through emp-tornado/coldsnap combo, with icewall, and alacrity after a value point in exort.


The low point of a quas-wex invoker is his lack of sustained damage. After the two (at most three) spell combo, through his early to mid game, he becomes a big creep. Quas-exort still maintains respectable, to high levels of damage, through right clicks.


I believe that midas is actually quite valuable, even in 7.00, if not moreso, on invoker. The choice of level 15 talents is between +1 forge spirit, and 25% exp gain. An early midas allows one to effectively gain both talents, through the exp gain from midas, and choosing the forge spirit talent. The midas kicks in much faster than the 25% exp gain talent, and the 2nd spirit is extremely helpful to pushing out lanes, while you teamfight somewhere else on the map. Quas-wex cannot translate a won teamfight into a solid push on its own.


Quas-exort based sunstrike allows a level of global teamfight presence which quas-wex cannot provide. Quas-wex has to devolve into a roaming ganker playstyle to provide its benefits, and that hurts Invoker's progression in farm and exp.


Invoker's very-early laning stage did receive a buff, through his increased exort damage (even after accounting for lost int), and I think this is more helpful than people make it out to be. Invoker has very high int gain, but very low base damage, so he benefits from early damage boosts, while his int takes the levels to naturally take over. The early levels are also when your forge spirits are the least potent, and with least summon duration. Additionally, infused raindrops does wonders to combat the lost int mana regen, and is an excellent pickup.


In keeping with the theme of the early midas, acquiring that item on a quas-wex invoker inevitably leads to a slower orchid, which hugely decreases that item's potential, as teams start to group up, or heroes get more defensive options. Also, Eul's Scepter is one of the definitive items on Invoker, and even a wex build can take advantage of that, but a wex build without orchid has very low kill/pickoff potential, and getting both delays Blink/Aghs a bit too much, in my opinion.


All in all, I think that Quas-Exort invoker is still a better choice than quas-wex on its own merits, before we look at team synergies, and enemy weaknesses.

What do you people think of it?

EDIT : Formatting

submitted by /u/SohanNimbus
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Luna vs Drow Ranger vs Vengeful Spirit questions

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:28 AM PST

3 of them are known to be pushing carries that can participate in teamfights well early on. Some of my questions are:

  1. Other than her global aura and range, is Drow straight inferior to the other 2 at this point seeing her pick rate has plummeted so much since 7.00?

  2. In what situation would you pick Venge over Luna? (Suggest the heroes that counter them and are countered by them as well)

submitted by /u/Hyeri_0609
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Why don't pros buy HotD more often?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

I'm a 1k scrub, and Helm is my favorite item in the game now. The consensus online seems to be that Helm is OP as hell, but that doesn't seem to be reflected in large parts of the pro scene. It gets picked up, but not nearly as often as I would think given what I've read about it.

For example yesterday's, C9 v Alliance, game 2:

This seemed to me to be a game where C9 should have picked up a Helm, and Alliance should have picked up theirs much earlier, but then again, I'm a 1k scrub. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/RandyColins
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When do you buy Blink over SB as Slark?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:10 AM PST

Title. I personally do it against Bloodseeker but am watching Cloud9 vs Bears and see Bear's Slark (unfamiliar with player names) went Echo -> Blink over SB.

Thoughts or opinions on when to buy it?

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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What should I do when the enemy team has better supports?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:31 AM PST

I've recently encountered few problems playing against very good supports. I have watch those replays. They ward our jungle, gank mid frequently, smoke kill our courier, always have a tp, and stay together and hide behind the enemy carry. This makes me quite hard to do any ganks as a mid/offlaner because they have wards around me (but we don't). Also they will smoke gank me when I am a late game carry. When we are in disadvantage, our support doesn't seems have any concept of what to do besides defensively sitting behind one random teammate.

Should I buy my own wards/sentries? Should I also buy wards for my teammates?(I cannot really afford so many sentries, and sometimes my ward will instant got dewarded because due to the laziness of our supports, the enemy put down observer wards earlier)

Should I be extremely careful just farm the only camp that closest to our tower?

When 2~3 enemy has been missing for 2 minutes, what should I do? It's hard to not farm/ or stay as 5 for such long period of time, and as long as my team shows up on the map, someone just will get caught by the enemy team.

It's just the enemy team are more organized because either they are in party or they have better early ganking lineup or their support provides better earlier map control, and I really don't know what can I do about that as a non-support position.

What should I do in those situations?


submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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How to build AM?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:53 PM PST

Is going Battle fury still the best build for him? What about getting perseverance into malstorm? Then getting a linken's sphere?

submitted by /u/bgi123
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Haven't played Dota 2 for about a year and a half

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:33 PM PST

Anything i should know before i dive in again? I played like 750 hours of this game and then i took a long break from it, now i am willing to go back! So i know things have changed alot since then but i wanna know what changed. Would be helpful if someone linked an article explaining the changes or something. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Omarhero11
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