Star Conflict - More Synergy and Credits for Squads!

Pilots! It's time to fight shoulder to shoulder! UMC announces a week of squad battles. All pilots who participate in PvP battles in squads get more synergy and credits.

Increased synergy and credits gain for battles as part of a squad:

● +20% for 2-pilot squads
● +30% for 3-pilot squads
● +50% for 4-pilot squads

The special offer is valid for a limited time and will end at 6-00 UTC on February 13!
Playing in a squad or a wing offers additional tactical possibilities in battle. It adds entertainment, pilots get more impressions from the battlefield and use new and unexpected tactics. From now on forming a squad or a wing of pilots is going to be easier. You don't have to wait for a Squad invitation, and look for a suitable group yourself. And you can also open mass recruitment for your Squad or Wing.

The game interface now has a special button ‘Find group’. Clicking it opens a screen where you can see all available groups, select the appropriate group or create your own, accept / reject pilot applications.

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