Learn Dota 2 - What is the role of Bristleback and similar heroes in a team?

What is the role of Bristleback and similar heroes in a team?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:49 PM PST

I've tried out Bristleback in the dark moon event and I've been meaning to try him out.

What i can't wrap my head around however, is what utility does he bring to a team? I understand that he is a solid offlaner because of his passive, but why would you want a Bristleback? In my games (low 1k) whenever I see him the only thing that he does to impact the game is that he becomes reaaally tanky, but not much else.

I've never been solokilled by a Bristle and in teamfights all he really does is stand around and maybe slow someone.

And why would you get a Bristle (in pro games) when you could get a centaur which fills the same role in being a solid offlaner and becomes really tanky. Thank you for answers :)

submitted by /u/mumintrollenfarts
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60hz vs 144hz monitor for Dota2?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:50 PM PST

I heard once you try 144hz, you can't go back to 60hz

is there a significant advantage of using 144hz monitor?

submitted by /u/ifeelum8
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Chen is almost making me give up on All Hero Challenge

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:49 AM PST

I've been playing the All Hero Challenge and generally having a blast with it; it's fun to try out all heroes and I feel that I'm improving as a player because of that too.

But my current hero is Chen and it's making me almost give up. I'm kinda just praying for a game where the entire enemy team DC for some reason so that I might move on from him already.

I've tried playing him as a jungler that uses his creeps to gank early game, but it feels extremely clunky and unreliable. And even when I do manage to get a few early kills this way, I still feel completely useless late game.

I've tried playing him as a lane support, and I found it a bit better, I actually felt that I had more early game presence by quickly maxing my nuke and my damage amp than by ganking with creeps. Still, after a certain point in the game, I feel that I'm about as useful as a ranged lane creep.

I've even tried playing as a damage core, trying to transition his early game jungle farm into some good attack items. Felt like a complete liability to my team.

So, I'd love some tips on how to try to learn Chen. It's so hard to find up to date text guides, so any help would be appreciated.

I do am decently able to micro the creeps; I mostly use the "Select All Other Units" hotkey and tab through them. But my main issue with creeps is just that they are so slow and die so easily.

Edit: Managed to get a win! Mostly by pushing a lot early/mid game with Mekansm and them getting a Dagon later on. Thanks all.

submitted by /u/Jellye
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Mjollnir on PA?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:24 AM PST

I have to do the mjollnir quest for the battle pass so I checked dotabuff, and PA has the highest winrate with the item. i guess im just wondering if it's legit lmao

submitted by /u/thesammanila
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Core Venge & itemization woes - Are auras the answer?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:06 PM PST

Around 200~ games and 4.6k and spamming Venge core, I believe Core Venge's issues are the following:

  • Insufficent farming speed, making her unable to compete with hard carries in safelane
  • Insufficent AoE & solo game impact to compete with mid laners
  • Highly focused in teamfights due to her aura's over-time impact, making every item ever on her to really have to provide a means of defense(Silver Edge, Pike, Satanic, Skadi, Manta Style, Butterfly, no full damage items par Mjollnir are really smart to pick up)
    On the other hand:
  • She is not very item dependent to achieve her purpose(push fast, be an aura/debuff presence), meaning the moment her aura is maxed she can go deathball around the map, assuming the game does not stall out
  • Her talents are insane, she scales very well off levels

I'm starting to feel that, instead of artificially inflating her GPM skills by using her time to stack ancients or compensate with items like Maelstrom/Mjollnir(Perhaps Midas? I haven't explored that option admittedly as she can't comfortably farm most of the time), it would be perhaps wiser to make the best of the natural hand you're given and go for mid-tier aura items? Something like Helm, Vlad's, Cuirass, Greaves and a flexible item would probably be the strongest Aghanim setup; keeping 5 auras alive through your death would make you disgusting presence.

In contrast, the usual core build requires either kills(requiring good roaming presence from your team, you work best in a 2v1) or pushing(requiring good teamfight to contest them). If you don't have one or the other, your net worth is naturally 1-3k behind the enemy mid laner or safe laner depending on your lane. If you do get to level 25 it all cashes in and you become a monster(think Pike Helm Butterfly Skadi Satanic, beefy AND stupid DPS), however until then it takes a while; there's this big gap between level 16 and 24 as well as pre-Pike where you utterly suck and rely on your team and can be taken advantage of by aoe/blink farmers in GPM and being focused down in teamfights.

What are your thoughts? Should Venge core build differently than the Aquila Pike Helm Treads core? Would an a'la Underlord itemization style be more efficient with her options? Or perhaps, you believe there's another way to go around core Venge people are missing?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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What does a Morphling do when against an AM?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:13 PM PST

Can you build anything to prevent him from ruining your day?

submitted by /u/ZeZapasta
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How do i lane an offlane legion commander?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:51 PM PST


if anyone could take a look at the the first 10 minutes of that game then that would be fantastic.

I was up against a silencer wk lane. the silencer started auto attacking me to try to zone me out so i decided to get a little aggressive and trade with the silencer. the wk stunned me and i died (kinda overestimated my tankiness). From then on i was scared and ended up getting zoned and got level 6 at like 8 mins or so.

i tried harassing them with oo but it didnt really do enough damage to matter and just ended up pushing the lane so i couldnt get safe farm.

submitted by /u/ligga4nife
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How to pick a carry hero to get a draft advantage in 2k-ish games?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:37 PM PST

So I'm in a difficult position here. I am extremely thrash tier player, and all experienced players I spoke to were telling me to play carry, because on support I am completely useless (have absolutely no understanding of the game, how to move around the map, how to gank, where to put wards to not get them dewarded, how to be useful, etc). While on carry at least I farm items and sometimes join the fight (at the same time being unable to farm even remotely decent, not knowing what to do in a fights, when to push and when to fight, how to split-push, how to win lanes, how to farm efficiently, etc) This is what my 5.5k pal told me, who sees a mistake in my actions every second and usually saying that a lane is lost when I supporting him 10 seconds into the game (when I aggro creeps on me => ruin equilibrium => pushing the lane => letting offlaner get any experience)

When I try to get a good carry that counters enemy's draft, waiting for enemies to pick something, my team usually already got 4 hard carries, so I just obligated to pick support and pretty much loose the game since I am useless.

When I first pick a hero that I am not complete thrash on, enemy very often pick some terrible counters, like fat heroes vs luna or slark+pudge who just destroy the team and I cant do anything. When you see an enemy team's carry as first pick, you have complete freedom to pick accordingly.

I cant even remotely 1v9, do a lot of mistakes, so I'd love to get some advice on how to be more useful for a team.

submitted by /u/jstq
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best mid/carry for "taking bullets"

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:46 PM PST


So i've come across this problem lately where the enemy team is dumping all their crap on me and only me which is normally a free win cause the team is basically 4 now but the enemy team is completely rekt wasting all resources on 1 guy...these days tho my team seems to a lot of time not use the insane space i give...so they see 3-4 in 1 lane and they go to farm the jungle...or i get to solo safelane in 1v2 matchup (sometimes without any rotations for like 11mins)...so i wanted to learn more heroes that do well as carries/midlaners even tho the odds are heavily stacked against them aka have room for outplaying without being sitting ducks in lane..any thoughts?

submitted by /u/coolramez
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Dealing with invis/shadow blade

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:54 PM PST

I've reached 3.5K recently on the australian servers spamming LD and after studying my losses I can see that most are due to some hero like tony slark, shadow friend, or troll insta-killing me with a shadowblade. What is the best way to deal with this. I'm trying to get my team to push as a group so we don't get picked off and drop one sentry in front of the tower we are pushing. You can't cover the map in sentries so it seems like you just have to force fights at towers where you have placed a sentry. Any advice?

submitted by /u/Alonedruid
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How to predict the match before start?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:50 AM PST

Hi guys, I want to set the assured victory shout, so i can predict match beforehand if i know i can win it. So how to set it up. I couldn't find it in the global loadout. Where should i set it up? Thanks

submitted by /u/gamerkrsna
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How do I play Tinker against Storm Spirit?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:44 PM PST

I spam Tinker, but Storm just seems like too hard of a counter. Do I rush Eul's? Hex? Manta? Should I blink in strange places so he misses his ulti?

Edit: Good Clockwerks are a problem, as well. I can't Rearm > Blink because of his Battery Assault, nor can I Hex > BoT.

submitted by /u/NoteworthyPotato
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Am I wrong in not building mek/greaves on enigma.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:26 AM PST

I maybe wrong I feel that item is not that great. Good for early game. But the mana cost is too high. Might as well make blink,bkb,agha, refresher.

Am I wrong in my approach but I see many enigma even pro's make mek on him, I wanted to hear some counter arguments.

submitted by /u/xpsdeset
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Please help me win with Weaver!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:15 AM PST

So I decided to pick up Weaver, having seen him as a strong hero in more recent patches. I expected it to be not too hard to be decent at him, having played other elusive / high burst heroes like Templar or Puck etc. but to my utter disapointment I lost game after game after game!

It's clear I'm doing something very wrong because on average I do well with core heroes, however with Weaver on average I just end up failing miserably or not winning even with a decent game.

I am now 2 - 8 with him and decided not to play any more games until I had asked for some advice so here's my Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/131696333

Feel free to give heavy criticism, I'm looking for any advice at all on how to play Weaver, how to get better at him, when his power spikes are, how to snowball with him anything!

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/VinuJ
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Shiva's Guard on Spectre?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:47 AM PST

I once had a game as Spectre where they had Slardar and a decent amount of physical damage. Our DK said he was building Assault Cuirass, and at that point I had a blademail, vanguard and manta. Would it have been worth it to get a Shiva's Guard?

Match Link: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2968274909

submitted by /u/KawaiiKurwa
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What could I have done in this in the first 5-10 minutes?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:28 AM PST


I was disruptor, and had a hard time zoning nyx. I shouldn't have died but other than that it felt like he was getting a free lane and I couldn't have done anything about it.

submitted by /u/The_Godlike_Zeus
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How to stop Luna farming?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:27 AM PST

I've had a couple of games where we destroy her in lane, get like 3/4 kills on her and make her leave the lane. But 10 minutes later it's as if nothing happened because she farms the jungle so quick.

We've pressured her even in the jungle but it's tough with other cores in the game that we have to deal with.

Is there any hero counter to her and what else could we have done?

submitted by /u/TrustnThrust
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question to the invoker spammers out there

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:17 PM PST

how do you come back from a shit early game? like

this game or that game

i feel like i'm the target of all the ennemy team hatred in the laning stage, and i almost never manage to come back from it.

any advice is wanted

submitted by /u/Chad_magician
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What is the most useful playstyle and build Sven can use in 7.01?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:22 AM PST

Since they removed HotD's lifesteal purposes, I've been relying heavily on Armlet but do I still have to get HotD? Especially in Radiant, I don't know what the second mark of pulling the hard camp is. If I try 53 it's too early. If I try 54, it works but not for long. And I've been making terrible mistakes in my games, dying more than I should

Such as this match 2967571565

And I would need help on this one too 2975839962

submitted by /u/Phenothetype
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Coming From League - Want A Little Advice

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:32 AM PST

Hey everyone! Long term League of Legends player here (started in 2012) and not a complete noob when it comes to Dota. I spent about 6-8 months playing Dota before. I am mostly wanting to check out what the meta is and ask the core builds of a couple of my favorite heroes.

  • Question #1) Who are the current strongest heroes? Mostly 1-2-3 Positions

  • Question #2) What's the current core Alchemist build? Is it still early Radiance?

  • Question #3) Any other newer players want to play sometime? :)

Thank you ahead of time!

submitted by /u/AeS_Disgrace
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Why /r/learndota2 is not appearing in my subreddit list? :/

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

Hello guys,

Sorry for the stupid question, but I cannot get /r/learndota2 shown in the "my subreddits" dropdown list. Also tried to add it to one of my multis, but no luck.

Any idea? Sorry for asking it here, but I don't really have an idea what can it be.

submitted by /u/fleetcommand
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Are there any legitimate 7.00 techies guides out there?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:24 AM PST

I know this hero is a bit of a joke, but recently I've started to enjoy playing him. Are there any recent guides for techies out there?

submitted by /u/pyroman11
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Tips for Lycan?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:23 AM PST

I want to get good with Lycan. Right now I play him safelane carry as I am not comfortable being a dedicated jungler with him. Is that alright or is it totally screwing over my team?

Please let me know every tip and trick I should know and common lines of play for carrying as Lycan.

Edit: I would especially like to know more about Necronomicon and Helm of the Dominator as I am really unfamiliar with it and feel reticent to buy it. Such as when are times to buy it, and how to use it alongside your wolves. Right now I just use it identically to my wolves. (Using them to scout, push waves, or tank Roshan.) Only difference is I put creeps with skills/Necro Archer in his own command group for their activated abilities, which is usually a liability because trying to use their skill results in me not controlling Lycan effectively and dying for the weak mana burn arrow. I have average micro skills and I feel supremely competent with just the wolves but balk at the meta calling me to assemble an army of minions with worthless-yet-vital skills.

All tips are welcome though. :)

submitted by /u/765Bro
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Core Shadow Demon mid?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:53 AM PST

Would that be viable?
He's got not bad combat stats, 500 range and above average lasthit damage, can proc Disruption off himself with items, set up ganks for roamers with it as well. He has aoe waveclear with 4+ stacks of E and builds well into a Veil or an Orchid. Ultimate of course always valid. With Octarine and lvl 25 talent his E has only 1.125 sec cooldown.
How would you go around building it? More rightclick, more Shadow Poison oriented? More instant burst with W?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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How do I build and skill Shadow Fiend?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:38 AM PST

Hi everyone, as a midlaner I like to check on my occasional pro mid players like Miracle, Sumail, and Dendi. However I notice that they have Sf in their top 3 or 4 heroes. It made me wonder why, and maybe it's something you must do in order to fully understand the midlane? I am not sure. But recently I did a 1v1 against a player I thought I'd beat, it was a SF vs. SF and surely I lost without even taking a life. Being flustered after this I decided I needed to do one thing: learn shadow fiend.

I want to know how to properly build and skill this hero. And perhaps some tips can come a long way. I dont want to hear that "he's not good" or anything. I'd like all of your advice, thanks.

submitted by /u/StivoDivo
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