Heroes of the Storm - WEDNESDAY RAGE THREAD | February 08 - February 14

WEDNESDAY RAGE THREAD | February 08 - February 14

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Can we get a circle around BW just like Lucio has?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:02 PM PST

It only makes sense. Having to mouse over my trait to see the radius is pretty clunky!

submitted by /u/SalvanusHOTS
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Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes - Feb 8, 2017

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:43 AM PST

Quickmatch system matches the same heroes on each team way too much.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:04 AM PST

There is obviously something in the matchmaking system in its effort to balance each team that ends up matching some of the same heroes on each team consistently.

In every quickmatch, there seems to be at least 2 of the same heroes on each team. This is understandable and expected with new heroes like Valeera, or with heroes with recent changes. But it will happen with not only old unchanged heroes, but rarely selected heroes as well. This basically proves that there is something in the matchmaking system that thinks it's finding fair matches by matching to the same heroes on the other team.

I realize we are able to draft in either unranked or HL to avoid this. But it's not just that duplicating heroes on each team is an issue in itself. That's just the nature of a quickmatch matchmaking and I think everyone is fine with that. The issue is that the system clearly weights heroes in such a way that it happens a lot more often than it should. It gets frustrating that the only time i play against a Tyrande, or Rexxar, or whomever is only when I am playing as one of them. Given hotslogs popularity of 6% and 7.4% for those two heroes respectively, I know it's not just coincidence. I played games as each of them last night, and the only enemy Tyrande and Rexxar I saw, was when I queued as them myself.

submitted by /u/immediatelyregret
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Why are minions so devote now? They will not stop following me.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:14 AM PST

I've had them walk out of a lane to chase me.

Before the Valeera patch they barely followed heroes half way up a lane, let alone all the way out of one.

Correct me if I'm wrong, or if it has already been addressed.

It feels like their tether and view range has increased by up to 100%.

The little gits do not leave me alone now. It's like I'm crack to these little fiends.

(Deleted and recreated post due to my loose tongue in the title. They are little bastards though.)

submitted by /u/VirgelFromage
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last season i fed 17 games in a row and i didn't get banned

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:51 PM PST


I honestly love this game, but this type of thing is getting way too common, and has me questioning if I want to keep on playing. The fact that you can be removed from ranked play in an instant for what you type, but can ruin games for days, weeks, months(?) without repercussions is out of control.

submitted by /u/CarpeBedlam
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Should tanks and healers get double xp and gold in QM?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:49 AM PST

Not many like to queue up as healers or tanks in QM. In 2017, the most popular healer in QM is Auriel (28th most played hero in QM) and the most popular tank is Diablo (19th most played hero in QM). Varian is 4th in popularity but only one out of three Varians pick Taunt at level 10 so he's more of a bruiser.

The lack of tanks and healers in QM causes the games to play poorly. Most damage sticks due to lack of healing and it gives heroes with self sustain a big edge over heroes without it. There isn't a lot of proper initiation since there are not enough tanks. Stealth heroes run rampant because most of the heroes with vision talents are supports and they aren't played very often.

Should Blizzard incentivize playing tank and support in QM by giving a xp and gold bonus? That would create more balanced teams, help the matchmaker avoid some of the worst team compositions and make it play more like it is in HL/TL. It might make the game more beginner friendly as well.

submitted by /u/Duerfian
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I hope that Blizzard ignores all the whining about stuns. I know that if I got stun-trained 100-0, I was MISPOSITIONED.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:57 AM PST

And I'm absolutely NOT looking forward to hypermobility characters like Tracer, Illidan and Li-Ming dominating the meta once again if reddit had their will.

I get that it's fashionable to whine about heroes that counter the extremely popular hypermobility characters such as Li-Ming, and it's also fashionable to whine whenever a stealth hero is released, but can we just tone it down a notch?

Tyrande and Raynor stun durations were nerfed because they're ranged and safe to use, putting the user at no risk. Tyrande's is also potentially an AoE stun and Raynor's is a self-peel with knockback. Muradin was too strong in every aspect back then and he could potentially stun 2 people with the same Q. Same with ETC, Powerslide usually stuns 2 or more people. Uther was an unfortunate kneejerk reaction.

You'll always have stun trains. It's part of every MOBA out there. Even if you nerf every hero's stun to 0.5 sec, they'll still find ways to chain CC you, CC is essential to every MOBA. And the more heroes release, the harder it is to prevent 100-0 chain CC without making the CC-heroes feel like absolute shit. All you're accomplishing is making the individual heroes' skills feel weak and bad. To make single-CC absolutely worthless.

Here's to all of you who complain about Varian:

  • His stun is bound to a CHARGE, that means he will be moving next to the target. There's no way around it. That puts him in a vulnerable position if your own team is positioned correctly. Learn to have your frontline in the front and your backline in the back. Stop overextending on your squishy Valla into Varian's range and then complaining that the enemy team capitalized on that and stunned and killed you. E.g. a Johanna doesn't give a crap about being charged by Varian.

Here's to all of you who complain about Valeera:

  • Her stun is only usable in MELEE, from STEALTH. There are metric tons of ways to reveal Valeera before she can close the gap to use her skill. Spot. the. shimmer. If you can't do that in the first place, you have no right to complain at all. Nova can give you instant slow + vulnerability + 1-2k damage from the edge of your screen, yet no one complains about her anymore because she's not Whine of the Month.

  • Next up: Move away from the shimmer if you have no way to reveal her. At +10% MS, it will take quite a few seconds and a lot of distance for her to close the gap if you're moving away from her. Your teammates should knock her out of stealth as she moves through your entire damn team to reach you. Valeera doesn't have range like Nova or blink like Zeratul.

  • "Oh but she can just use Vanish and then use the 1 sec unrevealable to use her stun" you say? What the hell kind of business does a Valeera have just *walking up* to your backline without getting blown up? This should never be happening ever, it's a sign of serious misplays. Did your tank sleep?

  • "Valeera bursts me 100-0 from stun all by herself all game! OP!" First off, this is straight up fabrication. Valeera can't 100-0 anyone before level 20 and Cold Blood, and even then only the squishiest of heroes like Tracer. Cheap shot does next to no damage for this exact reason. Valeera already has to choose between damage and CC with her opener, more so now that Garrote will be nerfed damage-wise. What more likely happened was that you were massively overextended, believing that you're about to 1v1 this other guy, and then Valeera came from behind and stunned you and the 2v1 got you killed.

Yes, I got blown up by Valeera myself a fair share of times. It was annoying. But I realized that every time it happened, it was because I was super overextended.

Now bring on the downvotes for speaking the uncomfortable truth.

EDIT: I apologize if this post came across as snarky, I was in a bad mood after reading nerf thread after nerf thread where people were stating completely false things to justify their anger at Varian/Valeera. Thank you kind anonymous redditor for the gold!

submitted by /u/phoenixfire2001
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Physical and Spell armor should be visibly added to the hero's stats page in-game.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:36 PM PST

If you're in game and press "C" it shows you stats like your HP regen, range, move speed, etc. but it doesn't show your armor or resistance in any way.

If you've just started playing(or taken a break, or forgotten) you don't know that certain heroes have bonuses to armor.

submitted by /u/Blonde_Keasbey
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What if the HotS HGC Twitch channel enabled subs and the proceeds went to the Blizzcon Prize Pool.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:33 AM PST

So we have all been hammering on about Community funded prize pools since forever now, and it's likely blizzard has heard our war cries and are working on something to enable us to throw more money at them/Tournaments.

But another great way to do this would be to allow people to sub to their twitch channel and the proceeds going directly into the Tournament prize pool, with the added extra benefit of us getting some amazing Emotes from the Hots art team. It might even help Viewership slightly.

I don't imagine it would be a huge amount at first but over time it would grow and grow, and we have 12 months between each Blizzcon.

I know i'd happily throw money at a HGC subscription.

submitted by /u/Maskimus
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"Play again with same team" button after match?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:51 AM PST

It will be nice to have "play again" button after match, to play next quick match/unranked with same team.

Currently that is not possible if players are already in party (and you are in party too).

Yes, you can whisper to someone in their party, then wait for them to leave their party (but first whispered guy need to ask his teammates will they move in other party), then invite one by one of them...

It will be much simpler and spontaneous with one button.

We will have full parties more often - now is just "not worth" to whisp and explain when you just want fast qm.

submitted by /u/echo_blu
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Blizz, if and when you rework Stitches, consider this Kirby Gorge buff.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:41 AM PST

Only while you have a hero consumed, you can use their untalented Q by pressing R.

Could be hilarious in a Team fight. Need that extra heal on someone? Have a little taste of Uther. Need a Powerside? Some beef is on the menu. It would be funny to see Stitches dodge a skill shot cuz he was chowing down on a tracer. If you eat aba you just get the stab. Cho'gall who knows?

Maybe it's a lvl 20 talent for Gorge called ????...

It's up to Blizz's balance team on how it should be implemented, but it would be interesting.

submitted by /u/BuckHunter17
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QM Stealth Overload

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:33 AM PST

Is anyone else getting fed up with having QM games with 3 to all four of the stealth characters? It is making it really unfun to QM

submitted by /u/emotionalpie
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Heroes of The Storm WTF Moments Ep.77

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:19 PM PST

What about Draenei Heroes?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:24 AM PST

Still waiting for a Spacegoat Hero. Hell I'd take the Eredar Twins at this point. I'm seriously starting to get waggle withdrawal.

submitted by /u/LilDiita
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Please make a brawl where all 10 players play Vikings: so there would be 30 vikings on the map!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:13 PM PST

Blizzard if you need an idea for next brawl: what about a battle of the Lost Vikings? All 10 players would get Vikings -> so 30 vikings total.

You could even experiment with a map with 4 lanes, or just a standard map.

Imagine the battles

submitted by /u/b4b
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Y'shaarj Hero Concept (Seven Heroes in One)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:12 PM PST

HGC Highlights - Week 3

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:13 AM PST

Add Valeera normal/stealth mode toggle button to the shop

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:54 AM PST

Greymane had a toggle button between man/worgen forms. Valeera has that button on her page in the Heroes site, why doesn't she have it in the shop as well? It's needed so we can see her stealth abilities and not have to go to try mode for that.

submitted by /u/LordGreenburger
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Black Pool needs to go

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:13 AM PST

Everyone has their own opinions of Azmodan but what everybody can agree on is that his basic kit is extremely weak and that an untalented globe hits like wet noodles. And can anyone guess what the reason for that is? Black. Pool.

Balancing a hero around the fact that he can buff all his damage output by 75% (!) is just ridiculous. Even the slightest of buffs to his skills are potentially multiplied by the Pool and the globe is definitely the worst offender here. His damage also needs to be scaled back regardless of which heroic is chosen. Black Pool is imo one of the worst designed skills in the game because the entire hero needs to be balanced around something that is not by any means central to the hero's fantasy, playstyle or even his basic kit!

What I suggest is that the skill is either removed from the game completely or reworked drastically. The damage buff needs lowered a lot - or preferably removed completely - and the skill needs additional functionality.

Interestingly the skill in its current iteration already buffs Azmo's demons and allied minions/mercs but nobody ever uses it for that. This could still be the way they the ultimate could be worked towards. What if they gave the pool a large increase in radius and duration and kept the +dmg% to winions intact? Or made the size increase gradually like in D3? The lvl 20 upgrade could slow the movement and attack speed of enemies in the pool like Fifth Circle already does (sort of) though definitely for much less than 40% (maybe 10-20%?). Or maybe even ditch the upgrades altogether and let him get both ultimates at lvl 20 akin to Alarak? It's not like anyone would miss Demonic Invasion's lvl 20 upgrade.

This would open up design space for buffs for the globe and additional changes. Azmodunking could take a slight hit but I feel like they have other means of letting him achieve globe-l superiority with a couple of new talents or such. Taste for Blood is definitely a prime candidate for a rework as the current iteration is something that also severely limits any baseline damage buffs to the globe.

submitted by /u/Ceacliod
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Anyone want more heroes to tag as Favorite in "hero select" ?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:34 PM PST

Anyone want the option to have more than 8 favorited heroes when on the hero selection screen.

submitted by /u/dealitwith
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Hey HotS Team!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:24 PM PST

Do you have any expertise at cards? Hearthstone needs some life and you guys are fantastic at giving quick updates that are both balanced and fun.

submitted by /u/CFPSmith
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Let's talk about Block

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:06 AM PST

Block is a generic talent that works pretty much the same way still since I started playing, which was at the time when Sylvanas came out. Since then the game has changed quite a bit.

Back then the only hero that had such a high attack speed to make your Block useless was Tychus, and back then nearly no one played Tychus for the auto attacks so there was not much wrong with Block. Nowadays however we see an ever increasing amount of heroes that make Block a really bad choice against them:

  • Tychus with 4 shots a second, who is now very likely to rely on his AA, and the heroes that can choose block will usually be prioritized by him
  • Tracer, who shoots 8 bullets a second
  • Tassadar, whose beam hits 4 times a second
  • Lucio, who attacks in a burst of 3 or 4 attacks (don't know exact number)
  • Zarya, 4 attacks a second

I don't know if this is a good development in regards to the Block talent. You will run more and more often into situations where your Block does not provide significant value even against comps that are AA based, as long as one hero that drains your Block charges is involved.

The spell damage equivalent, Dampen Magic, works in a different way, by giving you 1.5 seconds worth of protection every 8 seconds, rather than blocking individual damage hits like Block. This makes the talent useful against any kind of ability damage regardless of whether they come in multiple small attacks or as one big one. Shouldn't Block work in a similar way?

submitted by /u/gokkel
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Lucio's 16 Healing Boost talents

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:56 AM PST

So you've got 2 choices, ether a flat 40% increase in healing for the duration of Amp it up or bonus healing for 3% of a hero's MAX health.

After crunching some numbers in excel I came up with a simple formula for determining which one to use in any given situation.

Turns out, if the hero(es) you are healing have a base health of 1827 or more, it's always better to get the 3% MAX health boost. Thrall happens to have just about that amount (1859 base health) so for him, it won't be much of a difference, but for anyone with more it's quite better.

All my calculations assume that the hero's health, that you are healing, scales with 4% per lvl.

The formula, for anyone interested, is:


...(magic algebra)...


H represents the hero's health and the X is Lucio's Amp it up heal per second. Since both scale with 4% per lvl you can just plug in the base values at lvl 1. So, if the hero's health is exactly B*(1,4-1)/0,03 then both talent's will have the same effect, for any H larger than 1826,67 the 3% MAX health is better.

Hope this is useful information to someone :)

Edit: tl;dr: Pick the 3% MAX health healing boost if your teammates have heroes with a base health of 1859 or more (which is basically always).

submitted by /u/SLOBaron
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Show Reddit: Evolution Pit, a website to keep up with how win rates and "the meta" is changing over time; with graphs!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:04 PM PST

My coworker has been working on this site and is looking for some feedback. He is looking for feedback and suggestions!


Hope you like it!

submitted by /u/peregrine
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People who afk or troll after a teammate dies ONCE, do you not realize that makes you worse?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:08 PM PST

I really don't understand the mindset here. First teamfight in UNRANKED someone went Ham and died, uh oh LOL nice try. however then our Joh FLIPPED THE FUCK out at him. We all just tried to say it was unranked and 1 kill doesn't mean the game, but that didn't stop Joh from then on staying away from every teamfight or merc camp and just puhsing minions all game.

I don't get it. You were mad that we MAY lose, so now you're going to ensure it? Everyone else doesn't seem to care, but that ONE loss that doesn't matter out of... hundreds of games we play? THAT sticks it to us?

submitted by /u/TehPharaoh
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