Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: Team 8 vs Team Naventic :: Discussion Thread

HGC North America :: Team 8 vs Team Naventic :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:30 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Superstars vs B-Step :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match is planned to start at 16:30 PST / 1:30 CET, the same time as this post was posted.


Community challenges


Team 8 vs Team Naventic
Buds support - ranged bigempct
Glaurung flex - warrior bkid
Justing warrior - support Kenma
Prismaticism flex - flex Tomster
YoDa ranged - flex Zuna


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Game version

HGC matches this weekend are played on current live patch. Valeera is available for draft.

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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HGC North America - "Are you Kaelaris" ?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:28 PM PST

The ten commandments of HeroStorm

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:18 AM PST

and yea did Trikky Trik returne from Mount BlizzardHQ, clutching tablets of stone in each hand. Proclaimeth he "Look upon these works from on high! See what is written by our lords, so that thou might escape the bowels of MMR Hell!" and so were the ten commandments of HeroStorm bequeathed upon the mortal realm, and it was good."

  • Thou shalt look at thine minimap, provider of information, that thou may avoid 4 man rotations.

  • Thou shalt soak a lane until level 10. For at level ten, that most holiest of levels, thou shalt be gifted thine ultimate ability. Thou shalt ensure that all minions are soaked, that thine ultimate be received earlier than thine foes. Stray not from thine lanes, save to gather the blessings of objectives, and return posthaste. Every minion thou fail to soak is a victory for thine foes.

  • Thou shalt hit the core. When thou art presented with an opportunity from on high to end the game, thou shalt go directly to the core of thine foe, and focus all of thine damage upon it.

  • Thou shalt pick a tank and a healer. For thine eternal sin, many warriors shall lead thou astray, masking themselves as tanks. Likewise, several supports would have thou believe they are enough. Believe not the lies of the Lili and the Tassadar, and embrace the loving arms of Malfurion and Rehgar. Long may they heal.

  • Thou shalt not engage when thou ist lacking numbers. five is the holiest of numbers in team size, and shall smite all inferior numbers, 1, 2 , 3, and 4. Thou should'st know this well, and should thy team be lacking in bodies, thou shalt not hard engage until thy fallen comrade hast revived.

  • Thou shalt play the objective. Our lords have been kind, and gifted us with knowledge of exactly when these powerful blessing are to be given. Spurn not these gifts, and victory shall follow.

  • Thou shalt take cleanse, savior of the stun meta, destroyer of mosh pits, provider of life, that most holiest of buttons.

  • Thou shalt not first pick Valeera, or Illidan, or the lost vikings, or cho'gall, or any hero so pitifully easy to hard counter it isn't even funny.

  • Thou shalt not call GG after losing one teamfight at the 3 minute mark. This sin shall not be tolerated, for this game is not, as the false prophets would claim, a 6.5, that most evilest of numbers, and does indeed have comeback mechanics. Blessed unto us by our holy savior.

  • Thou shalt know the maps on which the game taketh place. The ground beneath thy feet is consecrated by our lords above, and should be treated with reverence. Ignorance of the map mechanics shall lead thee to MMR Hell the same as any sin.

And yea, it was spoken, and yea, it was good.

submitted by /u/Chocl8215
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With the incoming Murky rework, please change his 'death' sound to something distinct.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:33 AM PST

I hate hearing the sound of my team mates dying, it gets me tilted. When a Murky is on my team, it's ok if he dies (to an extent) and the sound should not be the same sound as a regular death sound. You could use the standard murloc sound, the sound of a bubble popping or slime...splooging? Whatever, just change it please!

-edit: apparently there is a sound, but to me it's the chime sound along with the unique sound that are the problem, just have the unique sound. Listening to them in try mode they sound similar, to me.

submitted by /u/n8dawgregul8
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DIG University | Bakery's Malfurion Moonfire Build

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:34 PM PST

Their Hero vs Our Hero

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:28 AM PST

I made an album of crappy versions of Their Hero vs Our Hero. Feel free to come up with any ideas you have as well.

Edit: I'll go ahead and link to individual heroes.

I am also continuing to make more.

Did alternate Rexxar and Murky ones, I think they're better.

submitted by /u/camclemons
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Alarak Buffs/Changes I'd like to see.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:40 AM PST


Made another blog post talking about changes I'd like to see to Alarak, I love playing him but he's pretty weak right now, especially with the current competitive metagame. I have a few ideas they could give to him, tell me what you think of them.

submitted by /u/-Cover
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Korean HGC caster situation

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:06 AM PST

I feel like it has to be addressed at this point. Twitch chat is hardly a reliable witness, but never have I seen the chat so united. Everyone has something to complain, sure, but when most people complain about the same things, it becomes suspect. Just a few points for consideration:

  • They miss obvious information that is actually interesting to talk about in favour of repeating things they've been saying the entire game. In game 2 of L5 vs. MVP Miracle, they (as of writing this post) have not once addressed the fact that Tyrael didn't take Holy Ground. It might make sense, it might not, but it's definitely worth talking about. Not a word.

  • They are far too extreme with their positive AND negative assessments. I know casting is not meant to be an objective view of the game at any point, but all the same I'm getting very tired of (especially Wolf) them harping on perceived weak points in a team, especially when that team is not favoured to begin with. Highlighting where things went wrong? Great! Constantly badgering and never letting up throughout a game? Extremely negative and unpleasant to listen to.

  • In accordance with point 2, it very often feels like they just don't have nearly as much sense or knowledge of the game as casters in other regions do. Caught up in just pushing their opinion on a particular hero, they will continue to force the idea that something is bad regardless of whether it is actually true. Potential merits are never considered, but worse, both casters have repeatedly made statements that just outright have no basis in anything we've seen. Repeated complaints about Artanis come to mind - I have no love for the hero myself, but they just harp on how Artanis is outright bad by default simply because "you can't hit swaps vs. these great Korean teams". That's a ridiculous and dumb argument; any hero in the game is bad if you can't hit their skillshots. This sort of logic should not be coming out from official casters.

All in all, I find the Korean HGC one of the hardest to watch. Interesting games, definitely different, but the casting is of such a substandard quality it almost feels like they have Amateur league casters in place of real ones. I'd love to see the above points addressed, perhaps by pairing them up with a "better" caster, or by giving them more active feedback sessions with other casters.

submitted by /u/Keden16
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With the introduction of HGC to HotS, why is team related ingame merchandise not a thing?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:45 PM PST

With HotS taking one closer step to serious eSports business, I feel like those who wish to support their favourite team are very limited in their options to do so (including me). I also do think that it's kind of easy to implement such ingame merchandise, e.g. through purchasable portraits with the team's logo on it.

Furthermore, revenue could be shared with the teams competing in HGC to open up one additional way of ensuring constant HotS eSport competition. I am quite sure Rito Games is doing this every other LCS season and they are getting amazing response from their community.

So why is this not a thing yet? I personally would love to support Fnatic in a financial way, even if it is through microtransactions!

Blizzard, make it happen!

Edit: formatting

submitted by /u/SquishHotS
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Medivh Cheats (Dreadnaught and Gillyweed)....HGC North America - Week 4 - Day 2

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:29 PM PST

[Suggestion] Make a picture or something to identify the map during draft especially because when spectating HGC Korea, the map name is in Korean and we have no idea what map they are drafting on

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:27 AM PST

[Suggestion] Make a picture or something to identify the map during draft especially because when spectating HGC Korea, the map name is in Korean and we have no idea what map they are drafting on

submitted by /u/AnatlusNayr
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I heard Stuns are a thing people are talking about, this is what 3 days of trying out a whole comp of it looks like

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:27 AM PST

#HGC North America Clash odds - 2 spots locked up

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:32 PM PST

Only one spot remains available as Tempo Storm and Team 8 have locked up bids to the first Western Clash:

50/50 Model - Assumes all remaining games have a 50% chance to go either way:

Rank Team Clash %
1 T8 100.0 %
2 TS 100.0 %
3 GF 68.6 %
4 BS 16.2 %
5 SS 7.1 %
6 TF 6.5 %
7 NV 0.0 %
8 NT 0.0 %

Sudden Death Chance ~1.6%

Adjusted Model - win% adjusted for each game (such as Gale Force being heavily favored against No Tomorrow)

Rank Team Clash %
Locked T8 100.0 %
Locked TS 100.0 %
3 GF 87.2 %
4 BS 7.7 %
5 TF 3.5 %
6 SS 0.4 %
7 NV 0.0 %
8 NT 0.0 %

Sudden Death Chance ~1.2%

submitted by /u/DBSmiley
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Lucio QoL suggestion: Add his boost icons to his aura indicator

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:46 PM PST

Here's a simple suggestion to help Lucio players ID the aura they're currently using: put the boost type icons right on the indicator.

As it so happens, the current indicator art includes 8 little Ribbit faces around the edge of the circle. The face is smiling for the speed boost and laughing for the heal boost; it's cute but not functional.

So, replace the faces with the same boost icons he has in his HUD in the lower left corner, and now you have a reminder of which aura is active where your eyes are during play, as you're checking your aura coverage (regardless of the color).

I've photoshopped some crude renditions to illustrate what I mean.

submitted by /u/dizzyMongoose
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HGC Korea - MVP Miracle vs L5 Wombo Combo

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:34 PM PST

Valerian Mengsk

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:12 PM PST

Gillyweed pointedly referred to the Valeera + Varian combo as Valerian during HGC today.

The fact that she said Valerian isn't enough in and of itself, but both her reaction along with Dread's makes me think she was referring to Valerian Mengsk from Starcraft. Dread's initial reaction was a pause and a look of almost disbelief. He asked her to repeat what she said as if he couldn't believe that she just said it.

If you watch her facial expression, she looks away from Dread to somebody off camera, perhaps to somebody telling her she shouldn't have said that? Or maybe she was given cues to intentionally say that. Dread follows this up by mentioning "...I don't know if we're allowed to keep dropping that."

Is Gilly just having a laugh, or is she dropping hints at who the next hero is?

submitted by /u/camclemons
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HGC Korea - Don't move Zeratul! Don't move!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:09 AM PST

"The player you are trying to whisper is not currently accepting messages from players not on their friends list"

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:09 AM PST

Why is this even a thing? I can't reply back to people who are PM'ing me after a match and its really just kind of a let down when you can't compliment them back or talk about the game with them when THEY MESSAGED ME FIRST!!

Sorry for the rant-post, but it's happened to me too many times today and I think it's just stupid. I feel like it shouldn't let them be able to whisper people not on their friends list either if I can't whisper them. I feel it just allows people a free avenue to flame after matches (which has also happened before). I realize it's probably a feature for more well known players accounts, but it feels like a slap in the face whenever I type out a sentence only to get that stupid message in return.

Edit: to keep from being entirely a rant post, any ideas on how to improve this aspect?

submitted by /u/SquattingDawg
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[KR Esports] Korea's Big 4 Family Tree Infographic

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:03 AM PST

There are zero reason to oppose a QM per team-stealth limit

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:42 PM PST

And I mean that No team in QM should have more than one of the following: Valeera, Nova, Samuro, Zeratul.

"But it's not OP!"

If your first reaction seeing this thread is to come and clarify that stealth is not OP and that it is easily counterable and L2P and nerfs shouldn't happen: Yeah definitely, I agree with that. That's actually a reason to want a stealth limit. Without modifying QM rules, the alternative fix would be to nerf these heroes and make them even less useful in the draft modes.

"What about QM queue lengths?"

In practice this change would only increase queue times for people who queue as stealth heroes. If you queue as stealth there will be less slots for you in a game, so the wait will be larger. If you queue as not stealth, more games will be waiting for you.

"But players should learn on their own"

Double stealth compos teach you nothing about the real game. Draft games are nothing like that. So this is a contributor to QM being a bad place to learn the game.

"What about technical limitations?" QM already has a rule like this. You can't (usually) have abathur and cho'gall in the same team, unless the team queued as a party in which case both teams are unconventional like that.

submitted by /u/vexorian2
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HGC North America :: Superstars vs B-Step :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:00 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Team expert vs Misfits :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match is planned to start at 14:00 PST / 23:00 CET, the same time as this post was posted.


Community challenges


Superstars vs B-Step
Faye ranged - support aPm
Goku melee - flex iDream
Hosty ranged - flex k1pro
iakona support - warrior KingCaffeine
Srey warrior - flex McIntyre


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Game version

HGC matches this weekend are played on current live patch. Valeera is available for draft.

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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[tutorial] How to train yourself to see stealth

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:39 AM PST

As you should know, stealth heroes are not completely invisible in HoTS. Their is a visual effect around them.

I got an idea on how to train yourself to see stealth. First, grab a friend. It's better if you can be on vocal, otherwise it will be boring! Go to custom game, and select Warhead junction. Their is lot of empty space in this map so I think it's a good training space. You will take Medivh, and he will take Zeratul. Don't add any other bot, only you too will play :)

Your goal as medivh is to stay above zeratul. You will never unmount, nor use abilities, nor taking his level 4 reveal talent. His goal will be to flee away without using anything but moving and blink! Valera is also a good substitute to Zerathul since she has a 1s "real" stealth and a dash.

Obviously, since the map is really big, you will first move to a common place (like the vision point) before playing hide and seek.

Learn to spot a stealth hero moving, even with blink/dash/unbreakable stealth. Learn also how to spot a stationary stealth hero, even if he is hiding in a bush.

You can also get another hero and follow your zerathul. Thus he will be able to use terrain to block your normal vision (in addition to stealth!).

Hope it will help some of you. The global idea is to train yourself in a stress free environment.

submitted by /u/aeshar
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Varying graphical settings does not dramatically increase stealth hero visibility. Disabling camera lock does - a tip for players struggling to see stealthed heroes.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:51 AM PST

It seems that a fair few people on this subreddit are struggling to spot stealthed Heroes or are being spotted easily when playing them. I have seen people suggest that perhaps different graphics settings would make stealthed heroes easier to see. I wanted to demonstrate to people that changing graphics settings has a limited effect on the visibility of stealthed heroes in the game.

Low settings.

Medium settings.

Extreme settings.

As you can see in these images, Zeratuls stationary visibility does not really change with the different graphics settings. Low settings with no shadows perhaps yields the best result. I do not believe this small difference would make a meaningful difference in game. The lower settings make the distortion seen when intersecting with 3D objects like the cobblestones a tad more visible but loses a lot of visibility on the flat textures of the path. However the higher setting makes it slightly easier to see on those flat ground textures but a bit harder on the 3D interactions.

The reason I do not think changing graphics settings for a small aid on stealth visibility is really necessary is because the gain is so small and motion is the easiest give away of stealthed heroes which doesn't improve with these graphical changes. The easiest way to see stealthed heroes is not graphics dependant.

The simplest and easiest way to spot a stealthed character is to have the camera lock disabled.

Camera locked.

Camera unlocked.

It is worth noting that in the act of taking screenshots and recording you lose some quality (a fair bit with windows 10's game recording that I used) so visual quality is higher in the game than all of these links.

I hope this helps players that are struggling.

TL;DR - There does not seem to be a simple magic way to spot stealth, it just takes practice and experience. However unlocking your camera and only moving it when you need to, will help to spot stealth heroes a little easier ♥

EDIT: I have also discovered a magic up-scaling mode on my monitor. It essentially sharpens every edge making stealth characters incredibly easy to see. I'm afraid I cannot demonstrate this as it's an effect of my monitor, not of the images I'd produce, such as screen shots. However it might clue people in to how certain people spot them very easily when they play stealth.

submitted by /u/VirgelFromage
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What changes does Stitches need to get back into the meta?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:07 AM PST

Recently I've started playing alot of Stitches and getting long range hooks post 16 is one of the most satisfying feelings in the game for me. However I've noticed he just isnt that good?

He has dampen magic and a crap ton of health for mage comps but Anub is better at this plus Anub is a massive CC bot. His Hook is overshadowed by Artanis and his swap plus our Templar does a ton of damage.

Also it seems the community kinda feels the same way about Stitches right now, coming up near the rear for our warriors.

If Stitches has no hard engage or bruser type damage i think his vile gas mechanic needs some love, maybe have it passively reduce ability power or armor of those affected by 3% every second they are effected. I seen a suggestion awhile back (cant remember who) in which Stitches should be able to gorge allies and maybe gain armor while that ally is gorged. The level 20 upgrade should be changed so that Stitches can launch allies or enemies a considerable distance, launching allies could save them and get them out of trouble, launching enemies cause them to become a projectile doing damage upon impact to anyone hit or just sending them deep into your back line for certain death.

My point is, if he is not going to follow along the lines of your standard Main Tank (which im fine with) He should be a force in other ways. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Apolloknight82
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Best baits in NA (Team 8 vs Naventic)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:19 PM PST

Who can qualify for the Western Clash (NA)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:58 PM PST

Tempo Storm (Max Wins: 7)

Team 8 (Max Wins: 6)

GFE (Max Wins: 5)

B Step (Max Wins: 4)

Superstars (Max Wins: 4)

Team Naventic (Max Wins: 2)

No Tomorrow (Max Wins: 2)

Only 3 teams can have 5+ wins, so Tempo Storm and Team 8 have punched their tickets to the Western Clash. Similarly, Team Naventic and No Tomorrow are eliminated as 5 teams already have 3 wins.

How Gale Force eSports makes the Western Clash

If Gale Force eSports wins both of their upcoming matches, they are in. If they win one match, they make it so long as Team Freedom doesn't win both of their matches. Gale Force eSports can even make the Western Clash without winning any of their matches, so long as B Step and Superstars both lose next week and Team Freedom loses one of their next two matches.

How B Step makes the Western Clash

B Step defeats Team Naventic & Gale Force eSports lose both of their upcoming matches.

How Superstars makes the Western Clash

Superstars defeats Tempo Storm next week while Gale Force eSports lose both of their upcoming matches & B Step loses to Team Naventic

How Team Freedom makes it to the Western Clash

Team Freedom makes it by winning at least one more match than Gale Force eSports before the Western Clash, and B Step and Superstars don't win their remaining match.

Note: This is basic analysis (haven't done 3+ way ties yet)

submitted by /u/Fenix2424
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