Hearthstone - Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:07 PM PST

Do you enjoy watching streamers? Do you wish there was an easier way to find new up-and-coming streamers beyond the well-known, established Twitch goliaths?

Do you have a stream yourself? Are you looking to get exposure but not sure how given how Twitch displays streams and how one-shot stream promotion posts on Reddit tend to get ignored? Is anyone still reading these questions?

This thread is for you!

If you are a streamer or know of a cool, lesser-known (read: doesn't regularly pull in 1K+ viewers) streamer feel free to post the URL and a short, informative pitch about why you feel others would be interested to watch it. Why should someone watch your suggested stream rather than one of the hundreds of other streams out there?

The next great streamer might be just one comment away.


Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Spoiler HCT Europe Winter Playoffs] The official PlayHearthstone stream getting caught watching OBS tutorials in a stream break

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:43 AM PST

[HCT] Hey Blizzard, why is the Israeli country flag not shown under Glaser's portrait?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:17 AM PST

Everyone else are showing their respective country flag, but Israel's Glaser shows EU flag instead of the Israeli one: http://imgur.com/KUcLmtT

I don't want to assume Blizzard is discriminating but we have a pretty active community here in Israel and we are very proud that one of the admins of the community is currently sitting at 9th with a 5-1 score.

I hope this sub can help us get this through to Blizzard quickly before the last round and hopefully through the playoffs!

EDIT 1: He is off to the playoffs! won his last match vs Thijs he is 6-1

EDIT 2: I repeat, I'm not calling Blizzard antisemitic of something. It might be a simple mistake, and I definitely don't want to create a political debate. I'm just trying to get their attention to get our flag to show because we're very proud of him and we want people to know one of us is in the top 8! Makes sense doesn't it? I don't care if I come out as whiny, we believe this is the way to achieve it.

EDIT 3: The flag is now up! godspeed Glaser! GJ mods/admins/blizzard, now if you can fix the rest of the mess in this production that'll be cool mkay?

submitted by /u/yobababi
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[Animated] Facing face hunter; A different era in hearthstone, but it still made me laugh.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:06 AM PST

[Spoilers] HCT Prediction Comes True

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:23 AM PST

Seed #1 Pokrovac went 7-0 in swiss, and has now been eliminated by seed #8 GreenSheep in the one single elimination round that the swiss cut to.

RDU did predict this may happen as can be seen here. This means that pokrovac who had a 7-1 overall score this weekend won't go to the Bahamas, while GreenSheep, who went 6-2, will.

I just want to say that it's not any of the players' fault this happened, but I'll leave it up to you guys if you think this is a fair tournament format or not. What do you think?

submitted by /u/breloomz
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Yogg in 2k17

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:23 AM PST


Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:09 PM PST

Kripp get's simply outplayed

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:47 PM PST

So Blizzard insists rounds continue while venues are closed, so now swedes play from admins livingroom

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:14 PM PST

Amnesiac Twitter Rant on Pavel

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:39 AM PST

A Recent Opponent Would Like To Be Your Friend

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:59 AM PST

So just now i queued up at rank 17 standard as a mage. I haven't been playing standard this month because I don't feel like facing the crazy aggro. Been grinding for legend on wild. I face a hunter who instantly conceeds and adds me. I assume he's either (a) trash talking me for "cancer class" or (b) wants to spectate me for free gold

He PMs me quickly saying he has the 80G quest and needs a partner. Thanks buddy for the 80 Gold! I really appreciate it :). It's nice to have friendly people like you in the game

submitted by /u/ForteSP33
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By far my best yog ever

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:59 AM PST

Every Hearthstone Flavor Text Reference Explained

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:01 AM PST

[Global Games] Forsen appeals to the community concerning p4wnyhof

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:19 PM PST

Piranha Launcher is cool in design for mid-range hunter or control hunter

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:32 PM PST

I played mid-range Hunter and control Hunter a lot.

Recently, I find Piranha Launcher is in fact an interesting card. It is a new mechanism, making combos cards, like Starving Buzzard/Infest/Kill Command/Ram Wrangler/Houndmaster et. al easier to play. It is full of potential.

It is cool in design. But! It needs to be 4 mana as it should be! I can't find out any reason why Blizzard make such an interesting card with such a poor stat!

It remembers me of another card Acidmaw, it would have opened a new world for control hunter if it was 3-mana like Dreadscale. Sometimes designers are too conservative.

submitted by /u/GiggleLiu
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[Spoiler] Congrats to 4 European representatives to Bahamas

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:13 AM PST

4 European representatives are: Pavel, Greensheep, ShtanUdachi, Neirea.

submitted by /u/Liamsanity
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Why there is so few (viable) cards with downsides in their deathrattle? These cards are usually fun for everyone and promote interesting plays.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:14 PM PST

So, I was thinking, why there is so few cards where the Deathrattle is something negative? It is such a nice concept. Promotes your opponent trying to play around it and get its advantage, while you might try to silence or protect it. The only one that actually got any use was Deathlord, and sometimes is not a real downside (since can pull out a reno in your deck.

But what if your favorite 4 mana 7/7 was "Deathrattle: Restores X health to enemy hero" or "deals deals 2 damage to all friendly minions". Sure, this is a crappy example (making it inviable), but why Blizzards does not even try to make this concept work?

submitted by /u/Mr_Ivysaur
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This has to be in the top 10 worst evolves ever

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:10 AM PST


That double Nat Pagle against CW.

submitted by /u/Chucrobillyman
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What problems do you think, exists in basic/classic sets?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:33 AM PST

If we take away expansion cards from Shaman, what do we get? Steaming pile of shit. Overload: (3) And a shitty hero power, that can't be used after we place all HP totems on board. Not to mention, it's only HP that is RNG affected.

On the other Mage or Warrior got cards that are making certain decks almost always viable. Control Warrior, Freeze Mage, they existed since the dawn of time, with some tweaks and additions from expansions, but core was still the same, Frost Nova nor Shield Slam aren't going anywhere.

There is a Hunter, which is Face Oriented, thanks to his hero power. And only class, where you can have two copies of the same legendary card in your deck. There are some beast synergy cards and even an Explosive Shot, but why play those cards, while you can just Huffer into Huffer into face? They gave him Steamwheedle Sniper, to let him use his Hero Power to control the board, but it was not enough.

And since Team 5 is not reallly into buffing any cards, rather nerfing them, can we expect to get all classes nuked down to the power level of classic shaman?

submitted by /u/Murll
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HCT Europe Winter Playoffs bloopers (Lifecoach vs Iner Game 5)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:13 AM PST

I managed to pull off the dream in the Tavern Brawl.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:47 AM PST

I mocked up a UI addition for added content to hearthstone

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:21 AM PST

Hearthstone ladder in a nutshell

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:27 PM PST

http://imgur.com/a/XT7zS sorry guys i couldn't resist

submitted by /u/shadowgen
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