Guild Wars 2 - Changes to buying ascended gear from vendors

Changes to buying ascended gear from vendors

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:13 PM PST

Skill Balance Coming [Wed, Feb 22]

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:39 PM PST

"This currently does nothing"

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:53 PM PST

Found a real-life Black Lion Trader not far from Anet's HQ (Redmond, WA)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:46 AM PST

[Fluff] Wednesday Balance Predictions.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:58 PM PST

Matthew Medina talks shortly about his first 14 years at ArenaNet

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:52 AM PST

Gw2 Launchbuddy V1.4 Release! - But will it blend?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:40 AM PST

Hello reddit it has been a while!

Today I want to release the new 1.4 Beta version of Gw2 Launchbuddy.

What is GuildWars 2 Launchbuddy? :

Gw2 Launchbuddy is an open source application which lets you gain full control of all possible launchoptions of the Guild Wars 2 gameclient. Most of this options are a real pain to handle manually and therefore Launchbuddy reduces the work to a few simple clicks. For a full list of features please have a look at the list below. All included features are completly legal as they dont break the Tos of arenanet. (also no memory reading included)

Still no idea what this is all about? Here is an outdated video from WoodenPotatoes which covered the basics of an older version!

Gw2 Launchbuddy 1.4 features:

  • Easy startparameter/argument management, see a full list here.

  • Fully animated cinematic mode (you even can bring back the old betalauncher)

  • Simplified Accountmanagement

  • Autlogin single/multiple accounts at once

  • Authentication server selection (choose your prefered login server manualy. Avoid login errors!)

  • Assets server selection (download patches from the server you want and avoid slow downloadspeeds!)

  • Multiboxing (launch multiple instances of Guild Wars 2 on one pc)

  • AddonManager (launch additional software automatically with Guild wars 2)

  • Gfx selection (create custom graphic presets for gw2, and/or link a specific graphic config to an account)

  • Automated clientfix (gw2 is crashing constantly? fix it here by the press of a button)

  • Simple Multiboxing management (label game instances and easily switch between multiple gw2 game instances)

  • ...







SUPPORT the project!


Whats new in 1.4:

1.4's new features are the GUI Management of multiple game instances, the GFX configurator (graphic settings), and automated errorreporter and an auto update function for Launchbuddy itself, so you never miss a future release. Apart from that many quality of live changes have been made to simplify the usage of LB.


GUI Game Instance Management:

Multiboxing is a pain if you dont know which Guild Wars 2 instance is which character. This new feature gives your character a specific customizeable icon in a totaly new GUI. With this UI you can simply switch between characters on the fly by simply clicking on their icon.


GFX Configurator:

Ever wanted to save your ingame graphic settings to a config file? This is exactly what the GFX configurator does. Create presets of your favorite Gw2 graphic settings! Export them, import them, share them.


GFX Account Binding:

Not everyone has a NASA computer at their home, so multiboxing can be pretty heavy on cpu and gpu load. With this feature you can use saved GFX presets from the GFX configurator and bind them to a character! Let's say that you want to run your main account on full ultra.,while all of your alts run on the lowest graphic settings on your second monitor!


QoL Accountmanager:

The old accountmanager was a real pain in the ass to edit. -> Now you can reorder existing accounts with simple button clicks and edit existing onces! (don't worry there is a security mechanism to prevent stealing data via editing)


Errorfixing and Error reporting:

In version 1.3 an error reporter was introduced to Launchbuddy. Therefore I got many mails about which parts of Launchbuddy where broken and needed additional work. Over the past 3 months I fixed over 24 of the most common bugs! To extend the report functionality I also added a 'report bug' button to version 1.4. Keep the reports comming guys!


Autoupdate Launchbuddy:

The days of checking reddit/github to see if there is a new version of launchbuddy are gone. Launchbuddy now automatically searches for updates and even offers you a versionswitcher to down/upgrade to specific versions. With this you can choose whatever version of Launchbuddy you would like to use by 2 clicks!



I really don't want to copy pasta the whole list of FAQs here. So this time I actually link older threads where we allready answered many questions.

Old Thread

Also check out the ReadMe on the Launchbuddy Github page!


About the project:

Version 1.4 was made sadly made solo by me. KairuByte is really busy with his private life atm and we also don't know how long it will stay this way. I personally also have far less time to work on Launchbuddy, thats also why the jump from version 1.3 -> 1.4 took that long. As Launchbuddy donations also were very limited (one is more than nothing right? xP) I wasn't able to use this project as an gapfiller for offtimes, to earn a little bit extra money. (nobody to blame, just would have been really nice to combine hobby with a "free" coffee per day as a student) So overall the speed of development has decreased drastically. Gw2 Launchbuddy ist far from canceled, updates just wont be as frequent.


Any questions, additional ideas for future features? Do you like quaggans? Post them here and I am happy to answer them! Or contact me ingame @ TheCheatsrichter.6547

submitted by /u/TheCheatsrichter
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My GF was watching me leveling my Norn and decided to draw a animal

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:07 AM PST

Commander squad merge needs a confirm

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:58 PM PST

I'm leading a group of people through meta content. My squad is on lfg so that others who want can join. Suddenly I have a squadmerge and my 15men squad went to 50men squad. 90% of the new people aren't even on the same map as me. So I wait and see if they join. Naturally they don't.

At that point I have 3 options.

  1. Accepting that I only have 25% of my squad in my map.

  2. Make a new squad and lose half the people who are already in my squad because most can't be bothered to change.

  3. Kick the others.

I checked the maps they were on. Was all random. So I took "kick the others". I felt bad about this, genuinly did. This wasn't my fault a squad got merged or the fault of the people from the merged squad. 1 person managed to create so much trouble and I don't find that fair to my squad or to the other squad. So I'd like to request -if possible- to add confirmation before joining squads, because having to make a choice like that isn't fun and makes u feel pretty damn bad.

submitted by /u/Ameona
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Mini tonic in Lake Doric shallows allows you to see under the ground.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:19 PM PST

So I randomly wandered across this interesting little bug in Lake Doric, while using the mini tonic on my Charr and walking into the shallows it forces your camera underground, I found some displaced crabs, a second sewer gate (Behind the first) and an entire ship all under ground.

Haven't checked other spots on the map yet, but we might find other interesting displaced goodies!

submitted by /u/SwitchtheChangeling
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Ping issues in EU

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:51 AM PST

Anyone else in EU having problems with spiking ping in the last few hours? It only occurs in GW2, my connection is fine, tested at pingtest and various other games. Proof:

submitted by /u/Edentrail
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Some reasons why profession locking shouldn't be implemented.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:25 AM PST

  1. Toxicity will skyrocket.
  2. Unfavorable matchups will be more common. (No more adjusting team comp)
  3. Profession stacking will still be common but unlike previous seasons won't be fixable in the loading period (2+ thieves, 2 dh with no support into condo heavy team, glass v bunker, etc)
  4. System will be abusable (high rank players queueing at the same time as friends using their preferred roles to not overlap??? Come the fuck on anet). I mean I can literally snipe any streamer by queueing within a minute of them, so it's a no brainer this will be happening.
  5. Unable to go support/bunker/DPS if needed, literally punishing your team for getting the short straw during matchmaking.
  6. No way for matchmaking to determine build variation (Bunker guard? Burn guard? Condi mes? Power Shatter?? Fresh air ele?? Support ele????)
  7. No build templates to switch builds on the fly, no instant way to see teammate loadouts.
  8. No clarity on whether or not we will be able to CHANGE builds after being put into match.
  9. Potentially longer queue times in an already small community.
  10. What if the balance patch makes another unanswerable monster and wins revolve around who has more until the season ends and it gets patched out? (Cele ele, bunker mes, turret engi)

Personal question: How would this whole class MMR idea work? Does this mean I can play a class I'm mediocre with to a certain level, and then progressively swap to classes I'm more proficient in to get easier matchups at higher ranks until I'm at a top MMR with the class I main at an untouched rating? Match manipulation anyone???

Benefits of this change:


Overall, this is a change that is unnecessary, especially when we have been waiting patiently for several other QoL changes.

Things I would rather see votes on:

  • Build templates
  • Solo queue (only)/team queue w separate MMR
  • Matchmaking fixes (why should I have random players between the top 20 to low gold fill my queue after 5 minutes? I'd rather wait 10 to have a fair game than to either get carried or have teammates that are clearly outclassed)
  • How about multiple balance patches to fix what's broken from the most recent one BEFORE the season starts instead of dealing with it later?
  • Weekly automated tournaments

The reward changes were cool and all, and it introduced a ton of new players into pvp. Awesome. Great job.

But there's also that group who have been spamming games since day 1 for the sake of pvp and "gitting gud", and are still spamming games off season because they enjoy it that much. If you really need to poll for your changes, atleast limit it to those who have put in the time to understand what is and isn't a terrible idea. Even if this means limiting it to the top 50, or the top 10; I highly doubt that your average low-mid tier player will understand the impact a change like this would have on matchmaking in general, let alone the balance issues that will come with it.

I know anet employees read these threads daily, so having a response to how they plan to handle these valid concerns would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/_Gurpy_
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noticed the sylvari danced synced up nicely with some music

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:39 PM PST

[PvE][Solo][Mesmer] DPS comparison of Sword, Greatsword, and Scepter when using different specializations

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:54 AM PST

It's been about two years since I adopted mesmer as my second main class. A lot has changed about mesmer since HoT and through the various balance patches; but its fundamental identity and playstyle has persevered, as has its potential to make many things trivial in solo play, particularly bosses. Recently I decided to attempt to quantify a number of builds in order to see how each trait combination and weapon set performs. I have a lot of information to share and only 40,000 characters, so I'll jump right into it.

For the entire post, please assume whenever I make a statement that it applies to solo PvE Power-based mesmer and chronomancer builds only.


Here are a few things I will state about the builds I've tested:

  • Full Assassin gear with Precision infusions tends to produce the highest DPS, as much as 20% greater than full Berserker with Power infusions.
  • Generating and maintaining Might has priority over adding damage modifiers, because Might on the mesmer affects their phantasms, while damage modifiers don't.
  • Superior Sigil of Air is a higher self-DPS increase than Superior Sigil of Force under most circumstances.
  • Illusionary Swordsman (Sword) is the highest DPS phantasm, followed by Illusionary Berserker (Greatsword), then Illusionary Warden (Focus) and Illusionary Duelist (Pistol).
  • Due to the new player-controlled AI mechanics, ranged phantasms no longer have a niche advantage over melee phantasms, because bosses can no longer effectively cleave melee phantasms to death.
  • It is always best to begin a fight with three phantasms if possible.
  • Mantras aren't a significant DPS increase, but provide important utility for soloing.
  • Wells are a significant DPS increase, even if the caster doesn't stand in them. Alacrity and Quickness apply to phantasms, increasing their DPS and thus the mesmer's total DPS.


Sword is the standard melee mainhand option. It offers Blurred Frenzy, a long channeled evade that roots the mesmer while dealing high cleaving damage in front of them. The DPS of sword builds will vary depending on whether Blurred Frenzy is cast on cooldown, or saved for mechanics to avoid them while continuing to deal damage. Sword synergizes best with the Dueling and Illusions specializations taken together.

Greatsword is the standard ranged option. It produces its highest DPS when it stands more than 900 range away from its target. Through its Domination trait, in addition to other sources, it allows the mesmer to sustain 25 Might. Greatsword builds rely on phantasms to take aggro, so its damage varies depending on which types of phantasms are active. Greatsword is somewhat dependent on the trait Imagined Burden in the Domination specialization.

Scepter is a midrange weapon with a hybrid damage setup. It competes with Greatsword for the ranged role, allowing more flexibility with offhand choices, but produces much less Might, and relies even more on its phantasms to do the work. Still, Scepter builds can easily replace their Sword phantasms, so their DPS variance is much smaller compared to Greatsword. Scepter/Sword contains two blocks, but they should only be used in extreme cases, as they spawn clones, and thus replace a phantasm. Scepter is largely dependent on the trait Malicious Sorcery in the Illusions specialization.


The names of each build below link to YouTube videos of me performing the rotations. The videos are a single take, divided up by trait combination. Annotations on screen should provide quick access to each rotation. I chose not to make any cuts because it is known that I am personally invested in the results of this test, so I wanted to take steps to create trust and demonstrate that every rotation was made with the same equipment, traits, and food. As each video is a single take, there are a few minor mistakes in a few rotations throughout the tests; I am confident these errors have little impact on the results due to the length of each test, as well as the normal expected variance threshold.


The damage range of Sword builds are determined by how often they use Blurred Frenzy. Since it is not always ideal to cast Blurred Frenzy on cooldown, due to being able to use it as a defensive skill, I ran two separate tests, one with a rotation that casts Blurred Frenzy on cooldown, and another which never casts Blurred Frenzy. This gives the build a defined DPS range within which it falls somewhere, depending on the encounter.

The damage range of Greatsword builds are determined by which phantasms it has active. In solo play, phantasms get targeted and killed by bosses, and Greatsword builds cannot easily replace their Sword phantasms without taking the DPS loss of switching to Scepter attacks. It is often better to simply continue DPSing using Greatsword phantasms, which are easier to replace. To determine Greatsword's DPS range, I ran two separate tests, one with a rotation that uses Sword phantasms, and another that uses Greatsword phantasms.

I've included percentile DPS rankings for each build within its trait section, as well as overall, in order to make it easier to interpret where each build stands in relation to one another.

Please keep in mind that these numbers reflect DPS in solo settings only. This is not the DPS the builds would deal to world bosses, especially Domination builds, which scale very well with Vulnerability.


Maximum Damage

These builds combine all three trait lines that directly buff phantasm damage. It is assumed that the mesmer equips Signet of Inspiration for Swiftness uptime and additional active defense, as well as a mantra or two to provide stunbreaks, CC, or condition cleansing. However, the damage bonus from mantras that are used for active defense will of course be situational, and Signet of Inspiration pulses Quickness randomly, which interferes with measuring each build's expected DPS. None of these skills are equipped for the tests; instead, racial skills are used as placeholders, indicating flexible slots for the player's choice in utility.

Weapon DPS % in Category % Overall Build
Sword 7322-7825 94-100 90-96 Link
Greatsword 7005-7651 90-98 86-94 Link
Scepter 6838 87 84 Link

100% Swiftness

These builds are similar to the builds above, but they incorporate a Focus in order to reach 100% Swiftness duration, a desirable asset in open world. This significantly affects the Greatsword build, no longer giving it access to Sword phantasms. As such, Greatsword has a single damage level, always preferring to summon Greatsword phantasms.

Weapon DPS % in Category % Overall Build
Sword 7354-8000 92-100 90-98 Link
Greatsword 6852 86 84 Link
Scepter 6799 85 84 Link


Powerful Phantasms

These builds introduce four wells as a DPS increase, as well as giving access to the superior utility and support of the elite spec, allowing an encounter to begin with three of any phantasm of choice. All Chronomancer builds from here cast Well of Calamity, Action, Recall, and Gravity on cooldown, such that they pulse to their phantasms while damaging their target; otherwise, taking Chronomancer in place of one of the three core specializations is a significant DPS loss.

Weapon DPS % in Category % Overall Build
Sword 6748-7300 92-100 83-90 Link
Greatsword 6204-6873 85-94 76-85 Link
Scepter 5900 81 73 Link

Versatile Phantasms

These two trait lines offer the greatest active defense uptime by reducing the cooldown of blocking skills that produce illusions, as well as signets that grant Distortion. Reduced shatter cooldown is highly desirable all around.

Weapon DPS % in Category % Overall Build
Sword 6875-7344 94-100 85-90 Link
Greatsword 5825-7263 80-99 72-89 Link
Scepter 6409 87 79 Link

Furious Phantasms

The benefits of reduced cooldowns come together with Dueling to buff Sword phantasms to some of their highest potential DPS, especially when affected by wells.

Weapon DPS % in Category % Overall Build
Sword 7593-8127 93-100 93-100 Link
Greatsword 6144-7176 76-88 76-88 Link
Scepter 7089 87 87 Link

Finally, I decided to see how my personal build squared up against these...

Personal Build

This build focuses on flexibility in and out of combat, supporting Greatsword and its phantasms as its source of damage, while offering Sword/Shield as a strong defensive set. The traits help reduce cooldowns across the build. Due to Greatsword phantasms moving around a lot, this build doesn't make use of wells when it is alone, which is most of the reason why its DPS is the lowest.

Weapon DPS % Overall Build
Greatsword 5576 69 Link


It is difficult to draw general conclusions from this data, especially due to the nature of the content in which the builds are played, and the variance of each build and utility skill choice. Each test's DPS has the potential to vary by hundreds, which skews the result when comparing builds. Due to the desire to establish trust with this data, it would be quite a large project to test each build several times and take the average, while recording each one in its entirety in a seamless cut.

However, here are some guidelines that are useful when preparing a build:

  • Sword/Sword pairs well with Greatsword, allowing the mesmer to retreat to range when necessary, but return to melee when it is safe. Even without Imagined Burden, Greatsword sustains greater Might than Sword, helping to eliminate some of the DPS loss of the autoattack while supporting the Sword phantasms.
  • Sword/Sword would pair better with Scepter if an encounter needs range sometimes and phantasms are killed very often.
  • Sometimes, camping Scepter/Sword with Sword phantasms is better than camping Greatsword with Greatsword phantasms. This means Greatsword pairs well with Scepter/Sword, both for the initial summons, and later when phantasms are being replaced. Malicious Sorcery is important for this build.
  • Greatsword has by far the highest burst damage for random trash mobs. The mesmer walks into near-melee range, summons Illusionary Berserker, throws Mirror Blade, and casts Mind Wrack after the bouncing is complete.
  • As long as the mesmer can maintain three Sword phantasms, Greatsword is a better ranged weapon than Scepter.
  • Scepter 2 and Sword 4 are blocks, but they also spawn clones, which would replace a phantasm if the caster has three out.
  • Taking Chronomancer and not using wells is probably a DPS loss in most cases. However, it does allow the mesmer to begin a fight with three of any one type of phantasm.

Finally, it is important to state that playing solo mesmer is not all about its DPS. Mesmer is a class with access to a great number of defensive skills, which are important when taking on challenges meant for groups. Ultimately, the goal is to secure completion - not with speed, but with safety. The DPS difference between ranged and melee under normal circumstances is small enough that melee mesmer is best suited for only the least punishing content.

TL;DR Solo power mesmer/chronomancer DPS is complicated. Wear Assassin everything, Strength runes and sigils. Use your best judgment when choosing weapons, but try to work in some way to summon Sword phantasms. Melee is of course the best DPS, but not by so much that ranged is unplayable.

submitted by /u/Gayest_Charr_Ever
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Items with Secret/Unknown features:

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:45 AM PST

The only one I know off the top of my head [because I own the skin myself] is the Toxic Spore back item, the floaty wing bits grow as you idle/play. It's not listed on the wiki as far as I can tell and I don't know if it's really mentioned anywhere, but yeah, it totally grows and it's super cool/interesting.

Toxic Spore Skin wiki page:

Here you can see the growth at pretty much maximum.

But what about the other ones? Surely it can't be the only one with a sort of hidden thing like that, what are some of the ones you know of? It can be super tiny details people might not notice or it could be noticeable things that people just don't seem to notice, like the waterfalls on the Bough of Melandru. If you have a skin and you've noticed it doing things not mentioned anywhere on the wiki please mention it, I love finding those secretive details.

Maybe even a few of these will inspire really neat looks for other players.~

submitted by /u/Boa_Noah
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WP: Lake Doric Exploration and Details

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:00 AM PST

What's a good class to play for a one-handed guy?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:39 PM PST

Hi all!

I'm a one-handed dude lacking a left hand. I've been looking at Guild Wars 2 and feel like giving it a try but I'm unsure of what to class to play that doesn't require too many buttons to press. I don't feel like finding out at the end-game stage that I've chosen a class that requires more than I can manage.

I'm using a mouse with six extra thumb buttons and I can use my left hand but only for one button(or two if they are next to each other) at the time.

From this alone are you able to recommend some classes to play? Otherwise AMA.


submitted by /u/amodia_x
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Another reason why Asuras are the master race = Chairs

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:54 PM PST

So whilst collecting wiki data, my fellow editor discovered that apparently you can, in fact sit in chairs! Well some norn chairs anyway. However, unless you're an asura... it doesn't work out too well. His sylvari could in fact sit in that chair, but all the other chairs he fell through.

So confirmed, asuras are the master race of sitting in chairs. 8D

submitted by /u/Doodleplex
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Challenge mode Deimos, my take on Revenant as a ranged tank.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:48 AM PST

For our first kill we used a Druid as a ranged tank on Deimos but very quickly figured it wasn't working out that well. The Druid was barely able to help the raid due to being out of range so often so we came with the idea of using a Revenant for the ease of staying alive, having plenty of blocks and being able to periodically heal the raid. Druids also had a different issue which I won't go over in this topic. The way we saw it was that the ranged tank is not going to really contribute much to the fight so you may as well go all in and be as safe as possible. Fast forward a few days and a topic popped up with a similar idea. After reading the topic I saw a couple of things I didn't quite agree with and a few other things that actually helped me refine my build very slightly. Now we got challenge mode down I figured I may as well throw the build up in case anyone else wants to give it a go.

So before I begin explaining my reasoning behind the choices I have to get a little disclaimer out of the way. For starters we had already assumed the person doing the ranged tanking (kiting?) was more or less going to be out of the fight. I do believe it's completely fine doing it on a proper ranged class who is able to deal damage while doing the job eventually, but we were playing it safe. Another point I want to bring up is that we were going to use a main tank with 1900-ish toughness so I had to stay below that. My build was adjusted to fit our needs and may not work for your situation. And lastly this is our first kill, mistakes will and were made.

About the build

Click here for the Build

So one issue I had with the other build posted on reddit was one very simple but very important oversight. Revenants work differently from other healers in that they have large healing modifiers when healing other people but heal for relatively small amounts. They also seem to have somewhat low amounts of healing power and a low rate of healing. It's important you pick up as many different sources of healing and high healthbars instead of damage reduction and toughness. Reducing damage you take isn't as effective if you can't heal it back up effectively afterwards. More on that later.

I was running the following traits: Salvation 1-3-2 - Invocation 2-2-3 - Herald 2-1-2

Salvation is probably your most important set of traits. It gives you some free increased healing to allies and personal healing. Nourishing Roots is a safety net in case the Glint Heal had to be used before I could upkeep any regeneration with it. Invoking Harmony is mostly taken because there is no alternative but the extra healing to allies it provides does add up. Natural Abundance is one of the better and more interesting traits. Every Ventari skill you use will drop a fragment near the tablet. Walking over the fragment gives you a chunk of healing.

Invocation is a very safe pick. It comes with a build in stunbreak on legend swap which may come in use, although I personally never got to make use of it. I can see it being very strong in the final phase if you happen to mistime a block or dodge. Invigorating Flow is a free heal every 5 seconds. There are no strings attached other than having to spend energy, but you tend to use something every 5-5.5 seconds so it will just always go off. Shrouding Mist was perfect for the way I played. I tend to pool energy while healing the raid until the big explosion goes off, at that point I need to heal myself for a period of time. At that point the damage reduction kicks in.

Herald gives you the ability to use Glint (surprise!) and allows you to maintain protection, regeneration, swiftness and other boons at the start of the fight for your team. Radiant Revival is more of an emergency trait. If someone goes down, you can res them while standing in the red hands and get a heal to boot. You barely upkeep anything so Hardening Persistence wouldn't do you much good anyway. Bolster Fortifications gives you infinite protection. You can definitely maintain it without this trait, but there is no reason not to take it. Soothing Bastion might be the controversial trait here. As much as I hate the trait and wished there was a better option, it does allow you to make a mistake and not instantly die for it. You are rooted in place during the activation but you have enough time to dodge out and avoid damage from the inevitable growing pool of hands under you afterwards.

As for the armor, weapon, rune and sigil choices, bear in mind I had to stay under 1900 toughness. Sure full Nomads would have worked just as well if not better, but it's really not necessary. I started with full Magi and swapped in 2 Minstrels rings and a backpiece for the boon duration. You need a tiny bit along with the runes to reach the point where Nourishing Roots and Bolster Fortifications gives you 100% uptime on regeneration and protection in Ventari. After that I simply slotted in Nomads weapons because I could get away with it. Superior Rune of Water was one of the 3 options I was thinking about using. I needed a little chunk of boon duration and you really don't want to skip on healing power when you can help it. More importantly, every 10 seconds you will trigger an AoE heal when you use a healing skill. Like I mentioned previously, you want as many sources of healing as possible. With the amount it heals for, the low c0oldown it has, and the other bonuses of the rune being exactly what I needed this rune just gave me all I wanted. Sigil of Renewal is again a low cooldown chunk of healing you will trigger almost on cooldown but Sigil of Energy turned out to be completely worthless. I took it just in case I lacked endurance to dodge an attack that would knock me off the platform, but I never got in a situation like that. Sigil of Water might be a good alternative because you can hit the hands themselves. The food simply gave me the most healing power.

The weapons I used were Staff which I mainly stayed on, and Sword/Sword. Offhand Shield would have been nice to fit in somewhere but the chill from offhand sword along with the super low cooldown block worked out much better. Staff I would not even consider replacing. It has a low cooldown very cheap block, a heal, an evade/movement ability and Bifrost finished my dorky non-serious look off much better than any fabulous shield ever would. Crystal Hibernation (shield 5) tends to not work out that nicely because of the whole rooting in place thing. Besides, low cooldown blocks are an absolute lifesaver on the final phase.

How I played the build is relatively simple. During the kiting you don't need that much healing because of all the passive procs and heals going off combined with the low damage you take. You can use Ventari's Will on cooldown to maintain protection and keep you and your raid nicely topped off. While you are kiting you are mostly pooling energy and make sure you get a nice fat bar to work with. Not to spoil the fight on challenge mode but you pool up the energy for a certain attack. After the attack goes off, you empty your bar of energy with Ventari's Will and Natural Harmony. From there on you are free to swap to Glint and upkeep swiftness, protection, regeneration and Naturalistic Resonance. When running low on energy you can stand on a bunch of hands, activate Infuse Light, swap back to Ventari and start all over again. There is not a whole lot else to go over. It's a very safe, but still quite fun build to play. Don't forget to pick up the energy fragments lying around like a starved Pacman!

Lastly I don't have a video or PoV of myself doing this. Which to be fair, is probably for the best because it really doesn't look all that interesting. But I can share a video of my fellow colleague Anarii on his Chronomancer where I happen to be using the build in.

Anarii's video of his Chronomancer PoV here

p.s. Apparently I suck at formatting on reddit.

submitted by /u/Bovan_from_the_Mists
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Is gw2 currently almost unplayable for anyone else?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:40 PM PST

We're talking about lag here, i'm in EU by the way. And it is everywhere, not just in very populated places.

submitted by /u/Faoroth
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Renaming a guild caused by server bug

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:23 AM PST


I'm an officer in a guild that has a pretty large community around it that spans over many games as well, and has been active ever since 2004. I created the guild on GW2 launch day at 6AM but just minutes after we all got booted out of the game due to login server failures (i guess everyone and their grandmother wanted to log in back then).

After we logged back in - none of us were actually in the guild. I thought the game just made a rollback and i tried to create the guild again but the game told me it's already in use. So basically - there's a guild out there with 0 people in it.

The name we use is the name we had ever since GW1. We tried contacting Anet multiple times but we never got a response except once a few years back telling us that they don't have the "necessary tools to rename guilds" at that time.

Is anyone aware of having a guild name changed (to the name my character already made a guild for). Our current guild is fully upgraded and kicking everyone / losing upgrades is not an option.

I've seen a lot of anet people posting here so I'm kinda hoping someone will see it and give a final answer to this.

Thnx in advance

submitted by /u/SkippDoe
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[Warning/PSA] Using a seraph inscription to change the stats of a weapon in the Mystic Forge does not yield the correct item.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:24 PM PST

Was trying to play around a bit with the new Seraph stat set, so dropped a spare warhorn into the MF to convert the stats, just standard stuff. MF spat out a Laranthir's Herald instead of a Thackery's.

Zommoros, y u troll?

E: Thanks to /u/drgsef "Laranthir is Vigilant (POW/TGH/conc/exp), if others were as baffled as I was."

E2: support is aware of the big and they say it's being worked on, FWIW.

submitted by /u/Dasque
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[TIL] Mordremoth fight allies/opponents

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:11 AM PST

Actually some days ago I leanred that you have to fight Trahearne instead of your order mentor (Tybalt, Sieran, Forgal) as forth opponent in the 'Hearts and Minds' boss fight if you haven't yet joined an order.

He shouts: "This won't end well — for you!"

...that little dork :3

EDIT: I know I'm late to that party but I didn't have any characters with unfinished personal story till I recently played though HoT with my second account.

submitted by /u/Sagiso511
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