Elder Scrolls Online - Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:02 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to Mages Guild Monday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread on the subreddit!

Mages Guild Monday is a thread aimed at sharing tips, tricks, knowledge and information about the game.

Know of a place that yields a particularly good reward? Got a tip about how to most efficiently accomplish quests? Have some good intel on good ways to serve your alliance in PvP? Let the community know!

In addition, if you're new to following the game, this thread is your chance to ask questions and get help from veteran players.

Please keep in mind the "no personal attacks" rule in our sidebar, disagree respectfully with others, and know that a repeated or seemingly obvious bit of knowledge may not be obvious to everyone.

We look forward to your contributions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I made a friend that doesn't speak English.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:23 AM PST

This is a tale of how ESO transcends the language barrier and is truly a gift to the human race. Well, not really, it's just a video game. But it probably is the most fun to play with people you can't understand.

I've been a player since beta. Yet ever since the only other person I played ESO with and I broke up, I've been a loner. Between my current SO not being much of a gamer, taking long breaks from ESO to play other games in my free time, and none of my IRL friends wanting to play, the most interaction I get with other players is when I get a random PUG for a dungeon from the activity finder. It's bleak, but I get by playing solo while I gently try to force my friends to play.

Typically when I make a new friend here on ESO it's kind of awkward, most of the time being a random invite after giving some advice or running around in a delve. Not knowing what to do or say, nothing ever comes of it and I remove them from my friends list after they go offline for a month straight. However, this day was a little different, despite starting off pretty typical.

I was running around my favorite zone Stonefalls searching for Heartwood and Bast when a player, level 35, runs past. He seems to do a double take and runs back to me. After a pause, he crouches and begins circling me, stopping and standing up randomly while circling as if he's inspecting me. I figured he was checking out my armor since I like to dress to impress, so I start emoting and wiggling around to goof off. I guess he thought it was funny so he sent me a group invite. Like I mentioned before, pretty typical. Expecting this to be yet another equivalent to a one night stand in video game format like with most players I meet, I figure why the heck not and accept. Once in the group I ask:

"What do you want to do?"

"Некоторые русские слова, я не был уверен."

Oh, well that's new. I was a little surprised and a lot of anxious since I don't know a lick of Russian, no matter how much reading road signs in DayZ 3 years ago made me think otherwise. I asked if he knew any English? I assume he was familiar with the look of the phrase, or at least the word English because he simply responded with "-", and then a tidal wave of even more Russian. No dice. Hoping he'd get what I meant I said "Sorry, I can't speak Russian.". Slightly to my amusement, he then decided to employ what was likely the only English word he knew. "Go" he said. At this point I would've just left the group and run off, but something clicked in my head. I decided to just roll with it. So I got out my map and started with something simple, a delve. I hopped on my horse and he hopped on his. Once at the delve, we cleared it out and I noticed that he collected the skyshard inside for the first time. Curious, I led him to another delve, again he collected the skyshard. Every single delve we went to, he collected the skyshard for the first time. I thought this was strange at the time but I later realized that this poor guy might've made it all the way to level 35 grinding solely on mobs In the wild and maybe whatever quests he managed to figure out. This was confirmed later when I found out he had never even been to Deshaan or Mournhold. I don't know how in-depth any fan made Russian translations are, but I do know Russian currently is not officially supported in ESO, so it could be possible that this guy had been playing blind, unable to read most dialogue. Now I became a little more determined to show this guy some more fun aspects of the game, but I knew I would need a way to chat with him.

I play with the steam overlay after adding a non-steam game so I pull up a steam browser and head to google translate. I flip it over to Russian and type in "Hi, I am using google translate to type in Russian." He responds with a flurry of Russian words. Unfortunately I had no way to copy the text from the chat box to the clipboard, I had to immediately back-peddle and let him know that I couldn't read what he was saying. Then I told him that I wanted to do what he wanted to do. His only response again was "Go". So after doing another delve I asked him to wait, I wanted to be able to read what he said. So after a quick google search I found an addon that allowed me to copy individual lines from the chat log to the clipboard. After reloading the ui, the chat log cleared, so I wrote "Say something." He wrote out a short response and I copied it into google. "Is working?" it said. "It works!" I wrote back. And in a moment that was extremely endearing, he wrote back with many exclamation points "Excellent!!!!" followed by )))), his equivalent to :). Immediately I asked him again what he wanted to do, excited that I could understand my foreign friend. "I want to follow you, I will be like slave." was what I got back. I don't know what I expected. But after that moment he became Russian Bro and I made it my mission to show him what Tamriel had to offer. I took him to more delves to hunt for skyshards, and even took him on his first dungeon run in Fungal Grotto. I gave him a bunch of gold, taught him how to craft medium armor, and showed him how to upgrade his horse at the stable. I showed him my new house which he thought was very cool and learned more about him. His name is Daniel and he's from Urals, Russia and he's probably the coolest friend I've made in ESO since I started playing.

Sorry for the long story, but I thought you guys might enjoy it. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/SabbothO
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Warden skills in ESO Morrowind

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:11 PM PST

Why Wardens will be OP

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:12 PM PST

Felt like showing off my Orc's new outfit

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:35 PM PST

When your allies don't understand Fashion..

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:38 PM PST

Welcome to Homestead!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:31 AM PST

Personal challenge - decorating with only items I have gathered with recipes I've found. Slow process.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:22 PM PST

Felt like showing off my Argonian Nightblade's newest outfit

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:39 AM PST

ESO HD Region Maps

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:38 PM PST

Hello all,

We have been trying to upgrade The ESO App with the new maps with the housing however we are having difficulty in getting some HD versions of the maps, currently we can only get 1200x1200 which isn't that great. We were wondering if anyone could help us out with getting some HD versions.

Thank you in advance.

Nexu Industries Team

submitted by /u/nexu_industries
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Music appreciation.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:13 PM PST

I know it's not something most people think about in video games, but the music in ESO is some of the best I've ever heard in a game. It's the kind of musical score that you normally hear in an epic movie. The rhythm, elegance and power absolutely fit this game. I don't know who wrote it, but whoever made it, thank you! And tell ZOS they need to pay you more, a lot more.

submitted by /u/Maxminutiae
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Why no secret rooms in homestead?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:12 AM PST

I was disappointed to find out that there are not any secret rooms or passages in any of the houses( well if you exclude the one in daggerfall outlook, but that is just a door to the ocean).

I wish there were at least some interactable doors or mechanics with some of the items we make so we could make one such room if we would like.

I would love to use a candle holder on the wall to reveal a secret trophy room or torture chamber.

submitted by /u/Draugnir
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[PC] Riding skill: Legendary

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:18 PM PST

I could use some advice on how to build a magicka dk for pvp for when homestead comes to console .

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:14 PM PST

Magicka dk is still sort of new to me. Seems really interesting though. I've asked about it a number of times already.

It seems like the build for magicka dk is changing all the time. I've seen Sypher change his magicka dk build ever since I've been interested in it and now I think he's changed it again !

But I've heard dks have certain areas they lack which push people to either go light armor for more sustain, or heavy for the resistances.

I've used the uesp website to theorycraft a build for the homestead patch ( I would call it my own build but I'm pretty sure this is what everyone in pvp is gonna run on their magicka dks upcoming console patch) and with grothdarr, burning spellweave , and black rose my Mac magicka was only 25k ( with all add magicka enchants) and my magicka recovery was only around 800 iirc.

So my main questions would be

  • why choose light armor over heavy armor or vice versa?

  • with desert rose and black rose got nerfed a little bit. Would both of these sets still be workable on a pvp magicka dk?

submitted by /u/ghost_sanctum
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After 1.5 years of playing I've only reached the halfway point. (this game has so much content)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:21 AM PST

Impromptu Skeleton Jam Sessions while Waiting for Content Spawns are my Favorite Part of This Game

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:50 PM PST

Found my escape and peace with this game

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:07 AM PST

So I was exploring Reaper's March a bit and came across a lake just outside the outlaws refuge in Rawl'kha and I found the most amazing view I've ever seen. Now I'm just sitting on a rock by the waterfall and enjoying the view. Completely oblivious to the world around me and just taking in everything from the game. It's amazing.

I don't know why I'm posting this. Thought I'd just share my experience of peace.

submitted by /u/Throw-away0080
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I'd love an npc companion in this game.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:07 AM PST

After 60 hrs so far of dragon age inquisition. The gameplay just being sooooo similar to ESO, it really make me wish I had a ton of banter triggering all the time in ESO. Give me Pacrooti or something, he's been everywhere it seems. Give him a bunch of banter triggers in all the zones and have him hang out. The companions in SWTOR were decent.:: I know it's a bioware thing but ESO and DAI feel like the same game sometimes.

submitted by /u/MobsDeep
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Im not sure I want it anymore...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:24 AM PST

It's been a while since a game made me feel a measure of remorse [CONTAINS SPOILERS]

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:09 PM PST

I've been "cleaning up" the Rift quests and, today, I got to the Shattered Hopes.

Caution Spoilers for the quest follow. Stop reading if you haven't played it yet and want to keep the experience as intact as possible.

All is going fairly standard as with any other quests. Then, Arcwind Point happens. I fight up to the mound where the Wormfather's is hiding to be told by Captain Hrosta that, to open it, it will need a life to be sacrificed. Dialogue progresses to then have her say that the alternative to her sacrificing herself is for me to find someone else who will do it for her and then comment on how there is a Reachman held in a cell. Since Wormfather is a Reachman, this dude must have rubbed them off the wrong way. I decide to take that alternative. Better to sacrifice this guy who belongs to the tribe that attacked than the captain who has held the line against them.

I should have seen it coming by then. I fight my way up to the cage and talk to the Reachman, Lesuin. He was caged because he refused to sacrifice a child in one of the Wormfather's rituals as it reminded him of his daughter. I promise him to guide him out (basically lie) and take him to the place of sacrifice (he just has to touch a crystal and him life will be sucked out of him). During the walk he starts saying how he's looking forward to being reunited with his children and how his daughter is now turning eight years old. Cue slight pangs of guilt. We get to the place and I actually had to think for a minute or two on who I was going to sacrifice. I finally choose the Reachman and he walks up to the crystal, absolutely convinced he is heading home (he comments on it). He touches the crystal, screams and that's it, he's dead. Remorse creeps up in my mind and heart. I know that, as part of the Reachman tribe under Wormfather's, he must have taken part in some pretty nasty sh*t but still, he seemed just like another person who got dealt a bad hand at life to then, on some critical event, change his ways, repent on what he's done, and be willing to just put it all behind and live the rest of his or her life. I, the Vestige, have just taken that away from him. Talking with the Captain afterwards does not help. She remarks on how it will take her a long time to forget those screams and just wishes that he be reunited with his family someday. Another added weight on my guilty conscience.

I know this is just a game and, being a collection of bits, Lesuin does not exist in our concept of real life but the whole situation was built in such a way as to trigger my empathy for him and for that I have to say, well played Zenimax, well played...

submitted by /u/toryu2001
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Question about ESO: Gold Edition and the upcoming Morrowind expansion as a returning casual player

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:15 PM PST

Hello fellow adventurers. I'm a long-time TES fan with Morrowind being my first major RPG. I had to drop out of the game due to work/deployment requirements over the last year, but noticing the upcoming Morrowind chapter announcement my interest has been peaked. I used to play on the PS4 as that was the platform that most of my friends played on but now that they are out of the game I wanted to start fresh and buy a new account on the PC.

So a few questions.

1) Is the Gold Edition with it? I can pick it up for 30$ on steam right now. I know the DLC comes with a sub but I'm not sure if I will maintain a constant subscription due to finances.

2) What will the Morrowind DLC entail? Is it an entire revamp with new zones, PvP, ECT as I notice it is retailing for 59.99$ at launch on top of what I will spend to get back into the game.

3) How is the community and end game currently. I mostly enjoyed the game as a way to sort of relax after a long day of work and explore but I remember on consoles it just felt completely empty and barren at times.

Thanks for your time!

submitted by /u/Kearion
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I really want a Mage personality

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:15 AM PST

Something similar to the Assassin or the Thief, perhaps even themes to choose like ice/fire/shock.

submitted by /u/Kappa_God
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TIL the couple in the Ebony Flask inn won't notice you when you sneak. They're too distracted.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:29 PM PST

Homestead feature requests: NPCs.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:55 AM PST

As I don't really know where to posit this - 2 closely related feature requests:

  • The ability to hire NPCs; chefs, guards, stewards, etc.
  • The ability to invite in game NPCs once you've finished all of their quests.
submitted by /u/asteconn
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It seems with the upcoming release of Morrowind they're beta testing levitation, something cut from the series since Oblivion.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:03 PM PST

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