Elder Scrolls Online - I had no idea we could see active Dolmens from another zone... Thats incredible. Do you think thats actually a dolmen in progress? Or just part of the game's graphics?

I had no idea we could see active Dolmens from another zone... Thats incredible. Do you think thats actually a dolmen in progress? Or just part of the game's graphics?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:58 PM PST

PSA: Read this before you buy a house on Monday (major bug)

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

With the second PTS patch (2.7.2), ZOS introduced a bug which broke the lighting inside most of the homes (and possibly all of them as of the latest patch). Basically, none of the lights in the house will emanate light, whether from windows or from candles/fires. They will only glow once you are standing right next to them. This causes the houses to appear pitch black inside. You can see screenhots of the bug in this thread.


Standing far from a light source

Standing near a light source

They've repeatedly ignored threads on the topic on the PTS forum and made no acknowledgement of the bug in the "known issues" section of the PTS notes.

This leads me to believe they might launch without fixing it.

So, as a warning to those who aren't on the PTS, make sure to preview a furnished house before you buy it (this will show you if the lights are glowing).

Not all homes are affected, and not everyone experienced the bug in the same homes, so make sure to closely preview the one you want!

Best case scenario is they actually fix it for Monday, but in case they don't, you've been warned.

submitted by /u/chlamydia1
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Well that's not a good sign... this is how my vestige came in from Coldharbour

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:05 PM PST

There's beauty to be found in the darkest holes...

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:42 PM PST

As a person that has never played an MMO before, would I like ESO.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:06 AM PST

I really love the Elder Scrolls series but I am not sure if I would like ESO, having never played an MMO before, with the exception of no more than two hours of LotR Online. Is it worth it money and (especially) time wise? Is the main story good? The expansions? The side quest? How much time would it take up? What is its combat like compared to Skyrim? How important/intrusive are other players? Would I be able to play much of it as a singleplayer game, and would I even want to? What else should I consider?

submitted by /u/CHzilla117
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[Media] Sometimes I just stop and marvel at how beautiful this game is.

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:14 PM PST

[Article] Homestead: Master Crafting Writs An Intro

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 03:08 PM PST

Everybody is so nice in the game lately, thank you all =)

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 03:02 PM PST

I play on the ps4 eu server and I'm noticing that people are extra nice lately. I had someone make me a full set of c160 armour for free a couple of days ago. Never met this person before, randomly grouped up, and at the end they just offered to make it for me for free. So many c500+ players who are basically carrying me through harder vet dungeons as well

So, thank you guys =) I try to do the same for anyone that needs help in the game so don't be afraid to ask everyone, there are great people playing this game

submitted by /u/vodoun
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Did this game get harder?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 10:15 PM PST

I just logged in for the first time in probably 8-10 months and am having issues with surviving. I can't put my finger on it, but something feels different.

submitted by /u/nsw8148
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How close to this fantasy archetype can I get?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:54 AM PST

Hey guys

I played ESO briefly at release but it never quite pulled me in. I'm sure the game has been polished and improved a lot since then, and with the expansion announced I figured it might be a good time to give it another shot.

One of the cooler things about ESO in my opinion was the ability to really create your own class/archetype, and in wondering how close I could get to my preferred character with the options available in game these days.

I've always liked to play Cleric type characters who use mail armor and a war hammer along with a combination of light &a dark magic. Is this an archetype I could create in ESO? I don't really remember there being dark/shadow magic, but maybe it's been added since launch.

submitted by /u/Jarsyll
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Compiled Elder Scrolls In-Game Books - Ebook Formats [Media]

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:12 PM PST

I put together a collection of all the in-game books, Daggerfall to Online (kudos to the Imperial Library). You can get them as an EPUB, AZ3, PDF (or you can read them straight from the site).




Please note the files are fairly large, 5000 pages will do that, so it may take a bit longer to download.

submitted by /u/Druisaur
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DK Tank leveling

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:40 PM PST

First off, I know it's not optimal, this post isn't about that, it's about dungeon runs.

Okay so, I'm just curious how I should be building my DK for tanking dungeons while leveling. I currently have an equal amount of magicka and stamina so I can keep spamming spells while being able to constantly block.

I currently have the Ransack, Burning Talons, Fiery Breath, Volatile Armor, Obsidian Shield, Magma Shell.

My question is, how can I optimize myself? What skills should I look to replace (and what to replace it with) as I level? Currently level 19.

I ask because the damage I take is pretty spikey, most of the time I take next to none, then all of a sudden I'm almost dead. Is this normal in this game? I try to block all yellow and dodge all red attacks while moving out of stuff.

submitted by /u/JoshHamil
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[Media] ESO: Morrowind Official TV Spot (Super Bowl Ad?)

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:29 PM PST

Shiny red dyes are finally in the crown store

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:43 PM PST

[PC] Struggle to understand value

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:44 AM PST

I have only one real problem with the game and thats understanding the value of items, I don't mean what they sell for to NPC I mean what they could be valued at for other players.

I have installed MM but im not in a trading guild, so they're isn't really any stats on the items.

I find trading guilds a little difficult as they tend to require you to make a certain amount of sales etc, I don't have the time to grind out sales all day. I come on during the week for a couple of hours after work.

There must be an easier way to find out a rough value without having to search forums every time you pick something up that you think might have value?

I don't in anyway want this to be a rant as I love the game even though i've only been playing it for 2 months. I'm just one of those people that always holds on to something thinking it might be worth something.

submitted by /u/MrParano
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Lost 135k gold?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:56 PM PST

I recently deposited 135,000 gold into a guild bank, but the gold didn't go through into the bank, so it basically disappeared. I'm 99% sure I didn't deposit it into another guild bank. I've submitted a ticket, but has anyone experienced this before and had it resolved? Do ZoS do anything about it?

submitted by /u/AlphaAbsol
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Why am I losing HP?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:53 AM PST

The Morrowind symbol inspired me

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 07:22 PM PST

[PC]What version of the game do i need to play with friends from level 1?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:26 AM PST

Hey guys, is it necessary to own the imperial or the gold edition of tamriel unlimited to play with my friends in any starting area from level 1? I am sort of lost about this fact. It seems that in the past you could only start in any area with the Imperial pack. Is this still the case? TL:DR Is the Imperial Upgrade worth it at the current state of the game? (are the armors eyecandy or simply a gimmic, Is the class "overpowered" as stated years back in forums)

submitted by /u/Ukantos
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Interesting Morrowind Armor Motif Analysis from the official forums

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:38 PM PST

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