Dota 2 - SL i-League StarSeries S3 Qualifiers Match Discussions - Jan 31

SL i-League StarSeries S3 Qualifiers Match Discussions - Jan 31

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 06:49 AM PST

SL i-League StarSeries Season 3 Qualifiers

Organized by StarLadder and ImbaTV



ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results Cntdwn PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT
- - - - - - - - - - - -
M1 vs. Horde 16:00 7:00 10:00 15:00 16:00 23:00 2:00
M2 vs. 18:15 9:15 12:15 17:15 18:15 1:15 4:15
M3 vs. 20:30 11:30 14:30 19:30 20:30 3:30 6:30



ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results Cntdwn PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT
- - - - - - - - - - - -
M1 vs. Infamous 16:00 13:00 16:00 21:0 22:00 5:00 8:00
M2 vs. Doo Wop 18:15 15:15 18:15 23:15 0:15 7:15 10:15
M3 vs. DileCom 20:30 11:30 14:30 19:30 20:30 3:30 6:30
submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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I miss the old Bulldog

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 02:47 AM PST

top of his game Bulldog

winning his lanes Bulldog

the rat machine Bulldog

he was obscene Bulldog

I hate the new Bulldog

the twitch chat famed Bulldog

his CS is lame Bulldog

now just a name Bulldog

I miss the pro Bulldog

makin mad dough Bulldog

the solo queue Bulldog

7k is due Bulldog

Now we got a tame Bulldog

In it for the fame Bulldog

It just ain't the same Bulldog

Ran outta steam Bulldog

Now just a meme Bulldog

submitted by /u/JesusFappedForMySins
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Pick Sequence on ranked games should be 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 -1 similar to CM not the currently 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 to even out the first pick/counter pick advantages.

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 03:43 AM PST

Compulsory required necessary text.

Also, maybe add more bans? 2 per player in which 50% goes through.

Edit* For those saying to just play CM:

  • In CM only 1 player on each team controls the pick and bans
  • I won't trust one random stranger to my hero choice specially cause that I usually don't go meta (I also play at SEA)
  • In CM you are guaranteed to have 5 bans
  • Nobody plays CM or RD at least in SEA
  • CM pick phase is too long
  • The more ban's part is also to maybe offset those AFK ones, I have games on which only 1 or 2 is nominated
submitted by /u/shing_europe
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Ctrl+F should allow you to search in the shop directly

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 03:22 AM PST

Is pretty annoying to click the textbox to search an item. If the shop is open we should be able to press a key or a combination of keys to search directly the item.

Also, we should be able to find items which may have various typo, like Maelstrom/Mjollnir (for example: malstorm, maelstorm, malstrom, mjolnir, mioln, etc..) or via shortened name (bkb, mkb, SeY, etc..)

edit: In the meantime Shop always uses hotkeys: ON and the V key will focus on the shop search. If you don't like shop hotkeys, you can disable them in dotakeys_personal.lst as /u/2slow4flo pointed out in this discussion.

submitted by /u/jkaos92
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We are a 2-man stack

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 04:01 AM PST

We both put our hero icon offlane.

We type in chat "let us offlane".

We say "please, we are on skype".

We contest enemy runes and fail.

"Enemy carry will not farm vs 2".

We dive under tower 2 minutes in.

First blood, Double kill. We tp back to lane.

We pressure enemy carry. No farm for him.

This time we can kill him. We davai under tower.

Killing spree. Dominating. Double kill.

Plan has failed. "GG mid, no gank."

Team flames but we have eachother's back.

"We can't do anything if mid no gank".

"Retard carry no farm".

We try to kill enemy carry but he's godlike because no gank.

"Ez mid ez carry no def".

Game over, enemy spectre 22-1, gg wp.

Our scores are 0-13 and 0-15 but we couldn't do anything because spectre was beyond godlike.

We report mid and carry then queue again.

submitted by /u/yessyussy
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Arteezy 9k mine bait

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 01:26 AM PST

The answer to your laning problems as a support

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 05:32 AM PST

Hi guys,

I had some spare time today and decided to write my thoughts on some basic principles concerning the laning stage of a support, outlining the numerous options in the hope of provoking different approaches to the laning phase. I wrote this originally for the Australian community, but also thought you guys might find it helpful.

The document can be found here:

Hope you enjoy the read!

MMR: 6297

My dotabuff for anyone interested (because I know someone will ask):

submitted by /u/NoPhaseNoKill
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ODPixel showing some real understanding of the game

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 03:48 AM PST

How to Climb to 6k MMR

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 07:51 AM PST

DotA has had several changes through the years, but in the end with the exception of tip tier games, pubs have remained the same throughout since the game's release I would assume since the old WC3 days. I can only speak for NA DotA but the easiest route to 6k is the next:

0-2.5k mmr

You pick heroes to split push, you focus on split pushing and rat DotA. You become an expert RAT and in the process you understand how rat works. To make this climb you need heroes that excel at structure dmg. Pick LD, Tiny, NP, Meepo, Lycan, BM. Other picks work like AM, Naga and Morph but at this level you probably don't understand how those heroes work so I would not pick them. Enemies below 2k don't know what TPs are so you need to exploit that you need to buy your own wards in order to push safely. If you geed good at split pushing not only will you climb to 2.5k mmr but you will also learn to defend against it in upper brackets.

2.5-3.8k mmr

You need to pick a strong core late game hero. In this bracket you can still use the Split Pushing Technique if you wait for last pick and they don't have anything good against split pushing it may still work. However at this level players are a little more intelligent and people understand the values of TPs. In order to go up in this bracket you will need to learn to CS. You cannot miss a single CS in this bracket, don't go for kills focus on farming and not dying. Buy your own wards if you have to as a core so you can keep farming and DO NOT DIE. Dying will just hurt your farming and item progression. People don't know how to team fight yet so don't join any team fights until the 40 min mark when you should have enough items create a huge impact if you didn't die and focused on not missing a single CS while your teammates and the enemy went around the map dint jack shit and dying.

3.8-4.5k mmr

This is the most CANCEROUS disgusting trench of them all so heed my warning. Be polite, do not try to teach teammates how to play they won't learn anything in 40 min, ANYTHING. You can play support or core here it doesn't matter the objective is to demoralize the enemy, people are so fucking toxic it's not even funny. look at the map, and have a TP ready for when the enemy decides to stupidly dive your teammates under tower, it works like a charm. If you are loosing say 10-0 or 15-0 even 20-0 you can still win, the enemy WILL THROW. Remember be polite, look for kills on cores, look at the freaking map stay alive. If you're winning you'll team WILL THROW, try to calm people down in chat and create a productive environment this trench is all about mentality.

4.5k - 5.4k mmr

Time to try hard, no other way around it. If you don't try HARD every single game no matter the role you chose you will simply not get above 4.7k. You need to TRY HARD every ranked game you need to do your best since minute 1 to the end of the game. Don't get upset, mute naysayers, and try your hardest. Another way is to SPAM a fucking hero every fucking game but I think that's boring and it won't help you in the long run.

5.4k - 6k mmr

Same as previous but with a microphone and a lot more strategy. Talk, make opinions, praise teammates for doing something well and create a friendly environment.

So yeah there you have it, I have no fucking clue how people get to 7k and above :c

submitted by /u/jmo_joker
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Weekly Battlepass quests still havent given points

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 07:03 AM PST

Daily post until Valve fixes it

submitted by /u/Mythrys
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Singsing VS Account buyer

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 07:21 AM PST

7.02 predictions

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 02:22 AM PST

Who's gonna get the hammer? Who's gonna be the new cancer? Is Ember a bit too strong? Is Leshrac a bit too shit? Will Windrunner get more boobs? Is QoP lvl 25 talent a bit ridiculous? Will dragon lance not be a must buy anymore and/or will sange&yasha finally become relevant again? Will doom get +1 armor? Is the LP system gonna be changed and how?

Lay down your craziest ideas so that we can have pocket Riki second edition.

submitted by /u/YouAreCompletelyFine
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Can arcanas get a fix?

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 04:07 AM PST

After blood moon update lina,lc and mk arcanas became broken and don't match their advertising.Because they are most featured items of the store,they definitely deserve a fix.

Edit:Also,another issue is that you can't unlock styles for pa and cm arcanas.

submitted by /u/Feed_or_Feed
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Strategy that works for Blood Moon

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 01:57 AM PST

So first of all, best heroes are: Underlord, Disruptor, PA, Sniper, Medusa.
* Underlord - is a best tank. He require GG boots, Vanguard, Vladimir, Crimson Guard, Heart of Tarasque, Solar Crest, Cuirass
* Disruptor - is a best hero for farm on wave 5. He needs Discord, Aghanim, Octarine, Desolator (yes, you need one for the team), Bloodthorn, Refresh if possible
* PA - is a best hero to damage tanky bosses. She needs BF, Mjolnir, Butterfly, Tarasque, Satanic.
* Sniper - is a best hero to kill creeps from far away with his ulti (like Lifestealers, Tidehunters and catapults). He needs Mjolnir, Hurricane (you can skip upgrade if you don't have money), phase boots, daedalus, satanic, butterfly
* Medusa - is a must have hero for wave 10. With her you can farm up to 1000 bags there. She needs Mjolnir, Manta or Skadi, Satanic, Bloodthorn, Butterfly
If you have money, buy bkb in a free slot. You need it on last invoker to ressurect people!


Lineup is Disruptor+Underlord on bot right lanes. Everyone else on left lanes. The trick is to pull creeps from bottom right to bottom middle wave and connect 2 waves into one. Then kill it with mass skills.


Gold bags are essential in this mode. If you loose more than 5 bags per round - it's bad and lower your chances to win.


Last wave is 3 invokers (QW, WE and QE). It's pretty easy to kill them but then last boss spawns and he is pretty hard. He spawns near bottom shop (to the left from it) and passive at first. You can use your time to heal and discuss tactic before attacking him.
For the last boss you need hex, solar crest and 2 bloodthorns. It should be under solar crest and bloodthorn at any time.
Last boss has 4 stages. Next stage begins when he loses 25% of his maximum hp.
* First stage - He just casts some shit and uses euls. Just fight him.
* Second stage - he will cast AA's stuff on you and disappear (not invisibility, just disappear). Just run and you will not be stunned. However it will not damage you too much. Just wait for it to end and proceed damaging him.
* Third stage - is where the fun begins. He will cast a lot of tornadoes and disappear again. Just run away from tornadoes and wait for it to end.
* Fourth stage - the hardest one. He will cast meteors and sun strikes and disappear again. Just run. You cannot have enough hp for it. Just run away and don't stay near the allies. If you die - buyback (you should save enough money for it).


Remember, you should be able to take 25% of his hp in 10-15 seconds with this heroes. Otherwise he can disappear again and repeat his casts from this stage, what you don't want.

submitted by /u/trololonya
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I'm sick of the Lone druid bullshit

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 09:08 AM PST

It's unbearable

submitted by /u/Life2Infidels
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Sing gets baited

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 07:22 AM PST

Why are people not playing "Captains Mode"

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 04:01 AM PST

Hi my fellow Dota players,

I've recently been playing a lot of captains mode, and I've found it way better than the all pick gamemode. However, I sometimes spend up to 30+ min in queue, before finding a game, which makes me wonder why there's so few that queues this gamemode. I mean, Valve kind of features Captains mode, by making it the only available gamemode in pro games and the Battle cup event.

Pros & cons of Captains mode.


  • Generally more serious players.
  • Almost always at least one support.
  • The highest MMR drafts (usually ends up giving better lineups).
  • People are more likely to take suggestions of picks to them.
  • Gives you a chance of talking to your team before the game starts.
  • Usually synergy with picks.
  • Gives you a chance queueing with friends in solo ranked (if your MMR is close(I've tried with 400-500 MMR difference.))
  • Overall less Russians and feeders (my experience).
  • If you consider yourself higher than your current MMR (like me), I find captains mode way easier to climb in, despite the sometimes long queueing times.


  • Long queue time.
  • Risk of a bad captain, such as; afk, troll, toxic, or just bad drafter.
  • Risk of getting that teammate that doesn't get a core hero, and therefore only support left, which he doesn't want and goes to feed.
  • Drafting phase takes extra time.

With this post I hope to reach more of you guys, and make you tick that captains mode when you queue next time.

I'm currently at 4560 MMR, so if you are within a 500 MMR range of me, you can hit me up so we can time our queues (I usually queue with +2 friends).

Also the usual time range with most queuers on EU W+E is 14:30-22:30 GMT+1

submitted by /u/Hashmouse
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To players who climbed more than 2k mmr after calibration, what did you change to your playstyle etc.?

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 05:20 AM PST

Doesn't matter 1k-3k or 5k-7k.

submitted by /u/SeventhConstellation
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